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CELL - Fundamental Unit of Life

The cell is the structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
A cell is the smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living
organisms and the tissues of the body. To see cells clearly we need a
microscope. The cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665, which can
be found to be described in his book Micrographia. Cell size varies greatly in
various plants and animals. There is no typical shape of a cell. Cells may be
spherical, rectangular, flattened, polygonal, oval, triangular, conical, columnar,
All Living organisms are grouped into two main categories: the Prokaryotes
and Eukaryotes. The prokaryotes have simple cellular organization while
eukaryotes have a high degree of organization. Eukaryotic cells have a well
defined nucleus with a definite nuclear membrane. These cells also have
various membrane bound cell organelles. E.g. Cells of Plants, Animals and
Fungi. Prokaryotic cells do not have well-defined nucleus and other membrane
bound cell organelles. Their nuclear material is not enclosed by a nuclear
membrane and is in direct contact with the cytoplasm. E.g. Bacteria, Blue
green algae

Structure of a cell:
Part of cell/
Cell organelle Main characteristics Functions

1) Cell wall ● It is semi rigid and freely ● It gives strength, rigidity and
permeable. structure to the cell
● It is a nonliving part of the
● It is made of cellulose.
● It is present in plant cells
and some bacterial cells
(absent in animal cells).

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2) Cell membrane ● Also called plasma ● Provides mechanical support
membrane. and gives external form to
● It is a living part of a cell. protoplasm
● It is very thin, delicate and ● Has pores that allow only
flexible. certain molecules to move in
● It is semi-permeable or or out of the cell
selectively permeable
3) Cytoplasm ● It is a transparent ● It contains different cell
homogeneous semi-fluid organelles which perform
substance that contains the different functions

4) Nucleus ● It is called the controlling ● Regulates all metabolic and

centre of the cell hereditary activities of the
● It has a delicate nuclear cell
● Inside the nucleus is dense
nucleoplasm which contains
a small dark body called the
nucleolus and a network of
thread-like structures called
chromatin fibres containing
the DNA
5) Plastids ● They occur only in plant ● Leucoplast stores starch.
cells and are absent in ● Chromoplast imparts colour
animal cells. to flowers and fruits due to
● They are of three types as the coloured pigments
follows: present.
● Leucoplasts are colourless ● Chloroplasts trap solar
plastids. energy for photosynthesis.
● Chromoplasts contain
coloured pigments
● Chloroplast contains green
pigment called chlorophyll.
6) Vacuoles ● They are clear spaces ● It stores water, other food
present in the cell enclosed substances, and waste
by a membrane products
● They contain cell sap which ● It gives turgidity to plant
has water soluble cells
● In Plants, vacuoles are large

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and permanent.
● In animals, vacuoles are
generally absent, if present
are small
7) Lysosomes ● Present only in animal cells ● Break down/digest excess or
● Present in some plants cells worn-out cell parts
● They are tiny spherical sacs
distributed in the cytoplasm
● Contain digestive enzymes
8) Centrosomes ● Present only in animal cells ● Centrioles initiates cell
and absent in plant cells division in animal cells
● It is located near the
● They are composed of two
centrioles arranged at right
angles to each other
9) Mitochondria ● Tiny bodies of varying ● Sites of cellular respiration -
shapes distributed in the releases energy
cytoplasm ● Known as the powerhouse of
● Each has a double the cell.
membrane envelope
● Inner membrane has folds
called cristae
10)` Endoplasmic ● Complex tubular membrane ● Forms supporting skeletal
reticulum system framework of the cell
● One end connected to the ● Provides pathway for
outer membrane of the distribution of nuclear
nucleus other to the plasma material from one cell to
membrane. another
● Some tubes studded with
ribosomes they are called
rough ER
11) Ribosomes ● Dense, spherical granular ● Sites for protein synthesis
● Occur freely in the matrix or
remain attached to the
endoplasmic reticulum
12) Golgi bodies ● It is present in the ● It helps in packaging
cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells proteins, etc into membrane
● It consists of stacks of bound structures to be

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folded and flattened membrane transported outside the cell.

Plant and Animal cell:

A - Cell Membrane G - Endoplasmic reticulum

B - Cell wall H - Vacuole
C - Cytoplasm I - Centrosome
D - Nucleus J - Chloroplasts
E - Mitochondria K - Golgi Bodies
F - Lysosomes

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