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San Agustin, San Simon, Pampanga



Imagine yourself looking in front of the mirror what do you see your actual self or ideal self ?
Explain your answer.

I see myself looking in the mirror as my ideal self, because someday I

want to be a successful basketball player to help my parents and pay back
their sacrifices for me. When I look in the mirror I am thinking if I will be
successful someday and how I will face the trials and strengthen myself.
Sometimes I also think of myself as my idol someday to motivate myself
and think positive. When I look in the mirror sometimes I also look at
myself to see if I am improving and what I am supposed to do to be a
successful basketball player and achieve my dreams. But what I have to do
to achieve my dream to be a successful basketball player is to be patient,
hard working and persistent.

But sometimes when I am down and frustrated I look at myself in the

mirror and think that I cannot be a successful basketball player and I cannot
achieve my dream. What I am going to do when in this situation is to pray to
God and I will ask for courage and I will ask him to help me be more
confident in myself and read or watch some motivating videos. And after
that I think about what I need to do to become stronger and how I will get
more improvements as I look in the mirror. I also ask him to guide and
strengthen my families, parents and loved ones so that even if I achieve my
dream they will still be with me and I also want them to be proud of me
when I achieve my dream.

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