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I. TRUE OR FALSE. Read each item carefully. Indicate if each statement is TRUE or FALSE.
1. Solutions to problems can be based on beliefs, guesses or theories.
2. Experience is a familiar and well-used source of knowledge.
3. Research is closely connected with development.
4. Economic research aims to better understand the causes of medical conditions.
5. Being analytical as a characteristic of research means that research is unbiased.
6. Qualitative research sees the researcher as the primary instrument for gathering and analyzing data.
7. By identifying the problem, the researcher is able to learn more about the topic being studied.
8. Qualitative research also means studying the meaning of people’s lives.
9. The focus of quantitative research is on a specific topic.
10. The aim of qualitative research is to test hypotheses, look as cause and effect and make predictions.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following describes inquiry?
A. It is systematic investigation and study.
B. Information is sought through inquiry.
C. It is an act of studying something carefully in order to attain deep knowledge.

2. Which field or area of research which when undertaken leads to an increased knowledge of people and
their interactions with one another?
A. Economic Research B. Cultural Research C. Social Research

3. What characteristics of research means that research is based on observations and experimentation of
A. Objective B. Systematic C. Empirical

4. Respect for intellectual property is an important ethical principle in research. What is being meant by
A. The researcher must give proper acknowledgement or credit for all contribution to research.
B. The researcher must not fabricate, falsify or misrepresent data.
C. The researcher m must know and obey relevant laws and institutional and governmental policies.

5. What is TRUE about the research process?

I. It begins with the first step of reviewing the literature
II. It is used by the researcher to approach the area of study to produce knowledge
III. Steps are interlinked with each other
IV. The process is systematic.

A. I, II & III B. II, III & IV C. I, II & IV

6.Why is the review of literature important in the research process?
A. To gather relevant data that can answer to the question
B. To learn more about the topic under investigation
C. To delimit the area of research

7. What is the purpose of qualitative research?

A. To understand and interpret social interactions
B. To test hypotheses
C. To make predictions

8. Which of the following describes the group being studied in a qualitative research?
A. Small & random B. Large & not rando C. Small & not random

9. Determine which research is qualitative?

A. Effect of organic fertilizers in the growth of Pechay
B. The Lived Experiences of Trauma & Post-traumatic Growth of Women with History of Social Abuse
C. The Socio-Psychological Effects of the Soap Opera Rubi on Selected College Women in the Mendiola

10. Given the qualitative research title: “Listening to Farmers: Qualitative Impact Assessments in
Unfavorable Rice Environments”. In which area of interest does this research belong?
A. Fisheries B. Agriculture C. Social Science

Romans 8:28

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called
according to his purpose."

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