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Bio Data

Name F.M

Age 22

No. of siblings 4

Birth order 4th

Gender female

Marital status single

Education M.A (Urdu)

Religion Islam

Infornant other participant

Reason for referral

The subject was brought to the Departments of applied psychology for the

administration of Thematic Apperception test (TAT) for academic purposes.

Background information

Personal history

The subject birth eas normal.She was healthy at birth and had normal body weight.

The participant was very fat in childhood.When she became adult she gradually increase her

Weight because of on apparent reason.She is no satisfied being own her weight.She achieved

All the develpmental milestone as the proper age. She also like to write poetry and strories.The

subject was very socialtalkative, attractive, and intelligant in her childhood. Her moral values

are high so she behaves that everyone should follow rules and ethics. The subject has no any
mental or physical illness.

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