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● A man’s attractiveness is inversely proportional to how needy he is. The
less needy he is, the more attractive he will be to women on average.
● Neediness is when a man places a higher priority on other’s perceptions of
him than his own perception of himself.
● Neediness is a feeling, intuited by women. It is instinctual.
● Narcissistic men, who only care about themselves, will end up in
relationships sometimes, but only with narcissistic and shallow women.
● Developing non-neediness requires one to move their yardstick for success
from external goals (more dates, more sex) to internal goals (better
relationships, more emotional fulfillment, overall happiness).
The Seduction Process
● Status is based on behavior and not simply assets.
● Seduction is the process by which a man induces a woman to become as
invested in him as he is in her.
o There are two ways for seduction to occur, either a man creates the
perception that he is far less invested in a woman than he actually
is (neediness disguised as non-neediness), or a man is actually less
invested in a woman (genuine non-neediness).
o The first method is “performance”. The second method is a passive
process that permeates every aspect of his behavior in the long
● Learning techniques and pick-up lines without doing genuine, identity-
level work in order to permanently decrease your neediness ends up only
being a band-aid solution.
● Take a moment to consider… that before meeting a woman, instead of
worrying whether or not she will like you, you could wonder if you will
like her. That instead of feeling the need to impress her, you could wonder
if she impresses you. That instead of sitting there silently wondering what
to say next to make her like you, you could sit there silently wondering
what she will say to make you like her. That instead of waiting around for
her to call, you could find something else to do while she waits for your
call. That instead of worrying if you’re tall enough or good-looking
enough or skinny enough, you could decide whether they’re too
superficial to recognize your great qualities. That instead of trying to come
up with the perfect date, you could decide that a woman who really likes
you for you doesn’t need a perfect date. That instead of looking for a
conversation she’ll enjoy, you could talk about something you enjoy and
see if she takes interest. That instead of looking for her approval, you
could decide whether or not to give yours. That instead of getting upset
about why she doesn’t want to be with you, you could decide that it means
you probably wouldn’t want to be with her.
● Change yourself to become what you want to be, not what you think
women want you to be.
Narcissism and Overcompensation
● Narcissism in a relationship is built on the idea of always being dominant
and in control. It is a nebulous mixture of selfishness, assertiveness, and
domination that is achieved not by investing more in oneself, but by
minimizing the importance of others.
● Narcissism is focusing on your own wants and desires to the point of
imposing them onto others.

Power in Vulnerability
● Vulnerability can mean putting yourself in a position where you could be
● Connecting to women by being vulnerable, as opposed to performance or
narcissism, will result in some of the best interactions and relationships of
your life.
● Show your rough edges. Stop trying to be perfect. Expose yourself and
share yourself without inhibition. Take the rejections and lumps and move
on because you’re a bigger and stronger man.
The Pain Period
● When starting a new habit, there is always a “pain period”, the period of
greatest resistance and discomfort. You can’t skip it; the only way out is
through it.
● A non-needy man is comfortable showing his flaws because he’s more
comfortable with how he feels about himself than how others feel about
● Everything you say must be as authentic as possible. You say it because
you mean it and you mean it because you say it. The more nervous it
makes you the better, because it means you’re being authentic and making
yourself vulnerable.
The Gift of Truth
● Regardless of what you say to a woman, the intention and implications of
why you were saying it are far more powerful than the words themselves.
The Truth is Always Shining Through
● Women are quite intuitive when it comes to emotions, motivations, and
social cues.
● Vulnerability requires honesty, and honesty only works if it’s given
unconditionally, with no strings attached. Everything you say and do must
be done without ulterior motive. You are simply expressing your thoughts
and feelings as they come to you, without inhibition, without shame.
● A man with an attractive and interesting lifestyle, a man with high
standards for himself and the relationships in his life, will take the time to
get to know an attractive woman before soliciting her with gifts. He will
wait until he feels strongly enough to give her a compliment. And if he
talks to her and discovers that there is little that is interesting about her
beyond her looks, then he will lose interest.
● The truth is only the truth when it is given as a gift – when nothing is
expected in return. When you tell a girl she is beautiful, you should say it
without expecting anything in return. Whether she rejects, or falls in love
with you, is not important in that moment. What’s important is expressing
your feelings to her in that moment.
● When a compliment comes from a man seeking nothing in return, it’s a
gift of truth, a piece of his vulnerability and infinitely more powerful as a
● Beautiful women are complimented often and 99% of these complements
are out of neediness. When a compliment is an honest gift, she recognizes
and appreciates a man who genuinely appreciates her.
● Your intentions are speaking 10 times louder than your actual words.
What are your intentions saying?
Setting Boundaries
● When you’re willing to cut a woman off and tell her when you feel that
she’s out of line, when you’re willing to a tell a woman what you will and
will not tolerate in your life, this sub-communicates the most powerful
elements of attraction to her.
● If a beautiful woman says something that a needy man finds offensive,
he’ll ignore it, change the subject, or withhold his true feelings. A non-
needy man will tell her what she just said was offensive. He will simply
draw a line in the sand and she will choose to step across it or not.
● If you make it clear from the beginning that you are unwilling to put up
with games, then not only will women you attract stop playing games, but
you’ll stop attracting women who do.
● Your ability and willingness to establish boundaries is inversely
proportional to how needy you are.
● In order to form strong boundaries, you need to be particularly aware of
your own desires and emotions.
Finding Your Truth
● It’s important to look at the reasons you’re over-invested around women
and have an honest discussion with yourself about it to try and resolve it.
● Seeking the truth within yourself is a long-term process.
Friction and Projection
● There are two main reasons that prevent attracted women from being with
you, and they are both quite common: friction and projection.
● Friction is when a woman finds you to be an attractive man, but there are
value differences or external circumstances that prevent her from acting on
that attraction or being interested in you. Friction can be religious,
cultural, or simply due to poor logistics. There is typically at least a little
bit of friction in any interaction. You’re never going to like 100% of any
woman, and no woman is going to like 100% of you.
● Whether friction prevents a sexual relationship from occurring will depend
on the strength of your boundaries and what your expectations are.
● Projection is when women are untrusting of you and lash out in response.
Take the rejection and move on.
● Due to friction or projection, you are going to be incompatible with most
women in the world, and to hold hopes of being highly compatible with
most women is an illusion of grandeur and a figment of your own
narcissistic tendency.
● Our job is not to attract every woman, but to screen for women with a high
potential of being attracted to who we really are.


● Rejection exists for a reason – it’s a means to keep people apart who are
not good for each other.
The Three Categories of Women
● All the women you’re attracted to can be divided into three categories:
Receptive, neutral, and unreceptive.
● Women who are unreceptive are unavailable or uninterested in having a
sexual/romantic relationship with you. Spotting this is as simple as not
reciprocating your signs of interest or showing signs of disinterest. Men
waste a lot of time convincing themselves that unreceptive women may
actually like them. If you really aren’t sure, just ask her out.
● Women who are neutral do not stay in this category. They eventually do
polarize to receptive or unreceptive. If you never advance, they will
polarize towards unreceptive (friend zone).
● With neutral women, the jury is still out. The goal is to polarize them with
your words and behaviors. This means flirting or teasing. It may mean
asking her on a date. It may be as simple as smiling from across the room.
The goal is to take an action that forces her to decide how she feels about
● Women who are receptive are women who are sexually/romantically
attracted to you. You can recognize this with the following two ways:
o 1) They initiate with you.
o 2) They reciprocate your actions enthusiastically.
● There is a subtle difference between a woman who reciprocates your
advances and a woman who is neutral towards your advances. A woman
who is neutral will not respond at all. A woman who is reciprocating will
respond positively. Most interested women will reciprocate on small
signals to show that they’re interested in you.
Strategies for Each Category
● The goal with unreceptive women is to identify them and move on as
quickly as possible. They’re time sinks.
● Strongly believe in the idea of “fuck yes” or “fuck no”.
● You must express sexual interest, or you will end up in the friend zone.
● The goal with neutral is get them to stop being neutral as soon as possible.
You need to express your vulnerability and identity freely. If you
demonstrate that you’re not only non-needy, but also frictionless for her,
then she will become receptive.
● Many men think they need to behave in a way that makes every single
woman like them – as if women were all the same. This is
counterproductive because by altering your behavior to fit whatever she
wants, it means you are not being vulnerable and, therefore, you are being
needy and unattractive.
● Receptive women are the best because they are the most rewarding
interactions with the smallest amount of effort. The goal is simple – to
● Women who are receptive to begin with will often stay receptive almost
● The percentage of women who are receptive will increase proportionally
to the quality of your lifestyle, your social status, and your looks. The
percentage of people you move from neutral to receptive will depend on
how good your “game” is, or how well you’re able to communicate and
express yourself with women. And your ability to sort through each type
of woman and meet as many as possible will be determined by how
fearless and bold you are when it comes to meeting women.
● Polarizing women into rejecting the real us, the vulnerable and unabashed
us – does us a favor by sorting out which women are going to make us
● You cannot be an attractive and life-changing presence to some women
without being a joke or an embarrassment to others.
Polarizing to Attract
● The simple act of polarization demonstrates non-neediness and will inspire
neutral women to become receptive than other strategies or tactics.
● Surprisingly, a lot of women respond positively to polarization.

Rejection and Success
● Your ability to deal with failure will determine how much you get to deal
with success.
● Being rejected by a woman is polarization, and polarizing women is more
important than being pleasant to them.
It’s Usually Not About You
● There is a lot to be said about “the right person at the wrong time.”
● Approach women to see if they fit your values, and not the other way
● Instead of thinking “I wonder if she’ll like me?”, think “I wonder what
she’s like?”. Instead of thinking “I hope she doesn’t reject me”, think “I
hope I’ll find out if she’s right for me.”
● You either want a “Fuck yes!”, or a no. It’s better to have a no than a
“Meh, ok”.
Redefining Success
● Define success in a qualitative way: maximizing happiness with
whichever woman/women you prefer to be with.
● Find relationships that will maximize your happiness.
● There are three ways in which we are honest.
1. Living based on our values (lifestyle)
2. Becoming comfortable with our intentions (boldness)
3. Expressing our sexuality freely (communication)
● Lifestyle, Courage, and Communication are the three fundamentals.

The Three Fundamentals
● The three fundamentals all make a man less needy. Improving each one
will improve results, sometimes drastically. They can be worked on
independently, but improving one often benefits the other two indirectly.
● The three fundamentals once again are
1. Creating an attractive and enriching lifestyle.
2. Overcoming your fears and anxiety around socializing, intimacy,
and sexuality.
3. Mastering the expression of your emotions and communicating
● The three fundamentals can be referred to as Honest Living, Honest
Action, and Honest Communication.
● Honest Living correlates directly with the quality of women that you will
● Honest Action is overcoming your fear and anxiety around women. If you
see a beautiful woman and want to meet her, to not take action to meet her
is a form of being dishonest with yourself. Honest Action correlates
directly to the quantity of women you meet and attract.
● Honest Communication is learning to express yourself freely and
effectively. It is communicating your emotions and intentions freely. This
will determine the efficiency with which you are able to attract women
who are compatible to you.
Natural Advantages/Disadvantages
● People tend to have natural strengths/weaknesses in the three
● Identifying the fundamental(s) you need to work on most will the quickest
approach to improving your love life.
Two Types of Men
● Almost all of men who struggle with relationships fall into one of two
categories: socially anxious, or socially disconnected.
● Socially anxious men are too aware of what other people are
thinking/feeling and therefore, have a lot of social anxiety.
● Socially disconnected men are oblivious to what others think/feel.


● Like attracts like. You attract what you are.
● When demographics don’t match up, it causes friction.
● Demographics explain why sometimes you meet women you just “click”
with, and why, and more often than not, you meet those women in
situations where you’re having fun and doing what you love.
Lifestyle Choices
● Focus your time and energy on meeting women in situations where they
are likely to share your values, interests, and needs.
● Sit down and decide what you value in a woman. What do you value
most? Prioritizing will help you decide where to look.
● If there is a large demographic mismatch between you and a woman,
friction will be incredibly high, and no matter how attractive you are, she
will not be able to connect with you.
Beliefs and Self-Selection
● Our beliefs are reflected in our behavior, and behavior determines which
(and how many) women are attracted to us.
● The only thing that all the women you date have in common is you.
● Being a non-needy man requires a high level of honesty with yourself.
● People tend to conform to what we expect of them.
Age, Money, and Looks
● Age, money, and looks matter – in some cases a lot, and in some cases not
a lot, but they do matter. Typically, they don’t matter as much as most
men think.
● Studies have shown that women judge a man’s status far less on actual
physical dimensions, and more on style, grooming, and how men present
● Money/success matters more depending on your age. The older you are,
the more successful you’ll be expected to be.
● You should be as good looking and financially successful as possible for
● The more money/looks/success you have, the less attractive behavior you
need. The less money/looks/success you have, the more attractive
behavior you need.
● Status is all relative. The key is to:
1. Recognize your personal interests and strengths.
2. Build upon those personal interests and strengths to quickly attract
women in your preferred demographic.
Social Proof
● When we see many other people valuing something, we will
unconsciously value it ourselves.
● If you are that man who walks into a room and everybody stops what they
are doing to talk to you, then the women in the room are more likely to
perceive you as high status and be attracted to you.
● Social proof only works within a demographic itself, so you want to
cultivate your connections and put yourself into as big of a leadership
position as possible.
● Don’t just pursue your interests, become a leader in your interests. Don’t
just choose a demographic of women to meet, dominate the demographic.
Being Something Versus Saying Something
● You can say the most attractive sentence in the world, but if it isn’t backed
up by who you are, then it’s not going to have any meaning.
● If you are something amazing, then anything you say will be attractive
because it will be coming from a genuinely attractive man.

Lifestyle and Presentation
● Not everybody is born good-looking. But any man, with some time and
effort, can become attractive. And in the end, what women want is a man
who is attractive.
● Your outward appearance reflects your self-investment (or lack thereof).
And your level of self-investment will make you less needy towards
others, therefore making your behavior more attractive. If you don’t put a
lot of time and effort into how you look and how you present yourself to
the world, women look at that and make unconscious assumptions about
your status as a man.
● The first and obvious step involves grooming and general maintenance.
Fashion and Fitness
● Being in decent shape and dressing well will make every phase of the
process easier and smoother, from meeting women, to attracting them, to
getting physical with them, to dating them, to staying in a relationship
with them.
● There are a few rules to dressing well:
1. Wear clothes that fit.
2. Wear clothes that match.
3. Dress to your personality.
● Exercise is non-negotiable. It makes you look good, boosts your energy,
raises testosterone, relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety, and
generally makes you feel better about yourself.
● Improve your diet, cut out sodas, fast food, desserts, and candy.
● Nutrition goes beyond making you look sexy. It makes you feel better,
gives you higher energy, makes your sex better, increases your moods, and
can even save you a lot of money.
Body Language
● Remember: shoulders back, chin up, eyes straight, feet straight, shoulders
swagger, arms swing. Always look straight ahead. Don’t ever look down
at the ground unless you think you’re about to trip. Look people in the eye
as they walk by — particularly attractive girls.
● Always make other people break eye contact with you before you break it
with them.
Vocal Tonality
● It’s not just having a sexy voice that’s important; it’s having an expressive
and a loud voice.
● If people are constantly asking you to repeat yourself, and it’s not loud in
the room, you may speak too quickly.
● Not only do better body language and vocal projection engage other
people more effectively, but good body language has also been shown to
affect your moods positively.
Developing Character
● An attractive man with depth and character is a man who has opinions and
openly expresses those opinions.
● When it comes to deciding what one likes and doesn’t like, most men have
very lukewarm reactions one way or the other.
● Here are some concepts to keep in mind as you go through your life
experiencing art and media:
1. Assume everything has a form of value; it’s your job to find it.
2. When expanding your horizons; start with what’s generally
considered the best.
● Being a well-rounded individual with opinions will expand your
demographics by quite a bit.
● “You read literature because you can never meet enough people.”
Bringing It All Together
● Poor lifestyle choices reflect a lack of investment in yourself, which in
turn causes you to be less confident around others for validation.
● Get your life taken care of. Get healthy. Find a happy group of friends.
Find a few hobbies that you love. Develop opinions. Start caring about
what you spend your time doing. This increases your self-investment and
will make you less needy around others. This, in turn, will give you the
courage to take the correct action and the wherewithal to communicate
effectively. This is honest living.


What Are Your Stories?
● We all have our own weak spots, and those weaknesses each have their
own form of resistance to the change we want.
● What stories do you tell yourself? Because until you’re aware of your
stories, you’re not going to be able to change your behavior.
● The only important "skill" in dating is learning how to stop buying into
your own bullshit, to stop believing your own stories. You’ll have to flex
your mental and emotional muscles, and build up your body of self-
awareness, but here’s the good news: those are the muscles chicks actually
Defense Mechanisms
● Many of us have fear and shame bundled up in our sexuality. These
anxieties are manifestations of neediness and an unwillingness to be
● The sad fact about anxiety is that once you have it, it’s there and figuring
out why it’s there doesn’t help you much. You can either avoid it the rest
of your life, or do something about it.
● When we are confronted with our fears or anxieties, we have a pattern or
strategy that we usually use to deal with them. Here are some of the
common patterns:
o Blame Game: When confronted with something he fears, a man
blames something/someone else for his fear. This often comes with
anger and frustration. The anger can pile up and lead to some bitter
and irrational beliefs about women.
o Apathy/Avoidance: A man convinces himself that he doesn’t care,
and that it doesn’t matter if the girls he likes don’t find him
o Intellectualizing: Instead of doing something, you look up an
answer that you can study. There comes a certain point where
learning more about a subject is no longer beneficial and on the
contrary, is just going to get you more mixed up and confused,
since you have no experience to actually apply your knowledge to.
● These patterns aim to avoid the fear and they usually do it by convincing
themselves of something that’s not necessarily true.
You Are Not a Victim
● “If it’s a question of me being screwed up or masses of people being
screwed up in the same way, then it’s far more likely that it’s just me
being screwed up.”
● Men make negative assumptions and stereotypes about millions of women
for no other reason than to shirk responsibility for their own shortcomings.
This is a victim mentality.
● I believe strongly in taking responsibility for everything that happens to
you in your life. Our minds are always looking for ways to avoid pain and
failure and rejection, and so they constantly churn out rationalizations to
keep us impeccable; it’s them who fucked up, not us. We're fine. We did
everything right. It's that fucked up world's fault we're not happy. Blame is
yet another form of neediness. As long as it’s their fault you don’t have to
make yourself vulnerable.
● Challenge yourself to find the good and beautiful thing inside of everyone.
It’s there. It’s your job to find it. Not their job to show you.
Sexual Motivation
● Porn harms your motivation to pursue women in real life. End all
pornography immediately. Starting today. Delete everything from your
● Limit masturbation to once a week. Schedule it. When you masturbate,
you’re only allowed to fantasize about women you’ve met and have not
had sex with.
● When you masturbate, use lotion or lube. Do it slower than usual. Drag it
out longer than 10 minutes if you can.

How to Overcome Anxiety
● Extremely few people in this world enjoy being an asshole or hurting
someone else’s feelings.
● Why do women spend so much time and effort on their appearance? Why
do they go to singles’ bars and join dating sites and give blind dates a try?
They don’t do it so that they can revel in rejecting a bunch of guys.
They’re just as lonely and frustrated as we are. They want to meet a man.
But not just any man, a great man. A man who is confident, charming, fun,
and interesting. A man who is non-needy, who is vulnerable, and who will
honestly express himself to her.
● She wants you to be that man. She’s secretly rooting for you. She doesn’t
want to reject you.
● The next time you make your move, when she sees you coming — and
trust me, she usually sees you coming — know that she’s already rooting
for you.
The Guide to Overcoming Your Anxiety
● Fear is normal. Everyone has it in some form, and it's not going away
anytime soon. The trick isn't to eliminate it; it's simply to train yourself to
behave despite it.
● The proper way to handle your fear and your anxiety is to accept it,
recognize that it’s normal and a part of who you are, and to not even try to
hide it from the woman you’re meeting.
● If you can have a conversation with a friend or family member, then you
already possess the only “skill-set” required in attracting a woman.
There’s nothing to learn, only things to do. And the fear doesn’t go away,
you learn to hone it to help you.
● A lot of people assume non-neediness means being fearless. But non-
neediness simply means to feel the fear and not let it define you. Non-
neediness is feeling the fear and deciding that something else is more
● The way to attack anxieties is through incremental, consistent exposure.
Not single, extreme exposure.
Courage and Boldness
● Feeling fear and acting despite it builds courage.
● The more courage you build, the more you’ll be capable of bold actions.
Bold actions require a lot of vulnerability and build non-neediness.
● You must know that you’re interrupting social norms. You must
acknowledge that what you are doing is unusual. If you don’t, you’ll be
seen as someone who is out of touch and oblivious, which is not attractive.
● Greater boldness leads to greater polarization. Always err on the side of


Your Intentions
● What is your intention? Are you trying to impress her (needy) and
therefore bragging? Or are you sharing yourself (vulnerability) and
therefore polarizing her?
● Women are more in-tune to intentions than men.
● A man who is extremely needy will have intentions dominated by seeking
validation and approval and will therefore be unattractive regardless of
just about anything he says. A man who is non-needy will have intentions
dominated by vulnerability and will therefore be attractive regardless of
what he says.
● Remember, women don’t see your features, they see how you present
yourself. They don’t hear your words, they hear your intentions.
● There’s no such thing as a man who is adored by women who isn’t also
creepy some of the time.
● Creepiness is behaving in a way that makes a woman feel insecure
● The more comfortable you are with women finding you creepy, and the
more uninhibited and vulnerable your actions and words are around
women, and the more aware and respectful you are of their interests and
desires, the less likely they will be to find you creepy.
Sexual Tension
● Flirting is expressing your sexuality to a woman in a way that makes her
feel secure expressing her sexuality back towards you.
● Two methods of flirting: teasing and boldness.
● If a man begins to flirt with a woman by teasing her, then suddenly he
adds a new dimension by creating uncertainty: Does he like me or not?
Why is he flirting with me? But if a man goes the bold and vulnerable
route, and is willing to risk rejection, he is rewarded by creating massive
amounts of sexual tension, because in a single stroke you have transported
the context away from, “What do we talk about next?” to “What will he
say or do with me next?” This is extremely powerful.
Developing an Emotional Connection
● Your ability to connect with a woman emotionally is proportional to how
self-aware you are of your own emotional processes and motivations.
● The blueprint of seduction: a strong, high status, attractive exterior
(lifestyle and looks), fearless, and able to open up and share your
vulnerable side with her.
● When you connect with women emotionally, they really open up to you in
ways that you can’t imagine, your interactions and relationships with them
become these rich and unique experiences that can never be replicated, the
sex is far better, and all mind games, flakes and ambivalence goes out the
● Feeling slutty is about sleeping with a man who doesn't care about her or
who hasn’t connected with her. If she doesn't trust you or isn't 100%
convinced that you really like her and care about her, then she's not going
to do it. And if she does, then she’ll regret it and feel dirty.
● Basic pattern for making stronger emotional connections.
o Becoming aware of your own emotions, motivations, and life
o Taking the lead by sharing those emotions, motivations, and life
story first.
o Sharing first creates trust and encourages her to open up and share
herself in return.
o Ideally, the more this goes on, the more personal the stories
become and the deeper the emotions are by which you connect.
● The most important rule of emotional connection is to relate to feelings,
not facts. Seduction is about feelings, not facts.
Building and Breaking Habits
● Your communication skills are a series of overlapping habits.
● Habits are hard to break. They take time. And you have to do them
repeatedly to break/build them.

How to Improve Your Flirting
● Communication is always up for interpretation.
● Misunderstandings and miscommunications are unavoidable. No matter
how clear and how charming you are there are always going to be women
who misinterpret what you say to them as well as your intentions.
● The better our communication skills, the more clearly we can express
ourselves and show sexual interest. The more clearly we express ourselves
and show sexual interest, the more likely we’ll be able to connect with
women in a sexual and emotional way.
First Impressions
● First impressions are crucial.
● The biggest misconception about first impressions is being overly
concerned with what to say to a woman when you meet her.
● The exact words you say are far less important than your intentions and
level of anxiety.
● Do not startle or scare her when you approach her.
● When in doubt on how to approach a woman, simply walk up and
introduce yourself and explain to her that you wanted to meet her.
● The fancier and more creative guys try to get with their opening lines, the
more likely they are to a) say something weird and b) come off as needy.
● Don’t linger. If you linger and hover around her, it’s almost guaranteed to
make the approach feel awkward and forced. Imagine a straight line
between you and her, and when you’re ready to go, follow that straight
line until you’re standing right in front of her.
● Smile. Always smile. A comfortable smile. Lean back. Stand up tall.
Speak loudly yet clearly. Make strong eye contact. Introduce yourself and
stick out your hand. Give a firm handshake. This is called being a
confident human being.
● Some reasons you might getting quick rejections on initial approaches:
o You’re presenting yourself poorly — i.e., you dress poorly, bad
looks, bad style, bad body language.
o Your intentions are off.
o You’re not following one of the guidelines above. You’re startling
her. You’re trying too hard to be clever or interesting. Or you’re
doing something technically wrong (not looking her in the eye, not
smiling, etc.)
Conversation Skills
● Use effective language. Say what you mean with the fewest words
possible while still maintaining your meaning and intent.
● Remove “um,” “uh,” “ah,” “like,” “you know,” and other fillers from your
everyday speaking.
● Create conversation threads through statements rather than questions.
● It’s better to be random and interesting than predictable and boring. Don’t
be afraid to just blurt something out.
● This works because unlike questions, statements require no investment
from the other person. You can say whatever you want and there’s no
implicit expectation for her to generate conversation as well.
● Use conversation threading to have endless conversation topics.
● Conversations end when one person says something and the other person
has no jump-off points. Teach yourself to recognize jump-off points.
● Combine this skill with the ability to cold read and create conversational
threads out of thin air by making statements, and you will literally develop
the skill to begin and control any conversation with anybody for any
length of time.
● Work on storytelling by focusing on set-up, conflict, and resolution.
● There are only two real subjects of conversation: her and you. Everything
you speak about should be, in some way, revealing your identity to her or
her identity to you.
● This uncovering of identity is what creates the sense of a “connection.”
The greater the connection you create, the more she’ll want to spend time
with you and vice-versa. Making a connection requires three steps:
o 1) being open about yourself.
o 2) getting her to be open about herself.
o 3) relating to each other’s experiences.
● Be willing to share any part of yourself to anyone at any time and on any
level. You have nothing to lose by sharing yourself. At the worst, she’ll
reject you and, well, she’s going to reject you if all you do is talk about
sports and your job anyway, so what’s the problem?
● What you’ll find is when you share something deeper and personal about
yourself, it will be genuine, and she’ll immediately respond to that by
being genuine herself.
● A man who can laugh easily at the world and who isn’t afraid to laugh at
himself conveys a sense of non-neediness. He also makes women feel
good around him and, therefore, more secure.
● Humor is not a cure-all for your problems with attracting and seducing
women. Some naturally funny men overly rely on their ability to make a
girl laugh and actually overdo it. Instead of being attractive and strong
men, they become entertainers constantly seeking attention and validation.
The worst part about this habit is that it all happens while making the
woman laugh and making her enjoy your company. So a lot of men get
confused and actually think that they’re seducing her.
● Humor is only useful if used in conjunction with leading her in a dominant
manner and pushing things physically with her.

The Dating Process
● The dating process usually follows the order of: trading of contact details,
talking through text or phone conversations, going on dates, sex, and
figuring out what kind of relationship (if any) will result.
Phone Numbers
● The way to prevent flakes is to meet and attract women who are so
interested in you that they would never consider flaking.
● Men spend way too much time obsessing over unimportant details like
how many times to text each day, how soon to call her, when to ask her
out, etc.
● Setting rigid rules such as “wait three days to ask her out” or “never text
her twice in a row,” greatly limits you and will hinder the unique
connection you spent your time developing with the woman.
● Only ask a woman for her phone number if she seems genuinely attracted
and interested in you. Only ask for her number if you can see yourself
wanting to hang out with her again or having time to hang out with her
● Just ask her for her number. If you’re attracted to her, you shouldn’t be
afraid to hide it. If she’s attracted to you, she’ll be more than excited to
give it to you.
● Flakes happen to everybody. Get used to it. There are simply too many
things going on in most attractive women’s lives to figure out why each
one flakes.
The Perfect Date
● Save dates for the nighttime. It builds a greater sense of expectation.
There’s more flexibility to spend more time together. It’s more of a
commitment. And neither of you are in a rush to be anywhere in an hour.
It also leaves the option open for you or her sleeping over.
● Avoid movie dates and dinner dates. Good date locations are locations that
are active, participatory, and allow for touching and flirting. Alcohol can
be helpful as well if that’s your style.
● The underlying concept to have on a date is that you should try to
constantly be leading. Every decision should be yours and she should be
expected to follow it.
● Your conversations should be getting deeper and more personal. There
should be less teasing and playful banter and more conversations about
your lives and what’s important to you. Learn about her past, her passions,
her dreams, what her favorite things are.

Physicality and Sex
● Women are turned on by being wanted, by being desired.
● Sexuality, in the end, is all about movement and our bodies entwining
themselves. Everything else is kind of just a means to reach that point.
● Getting physical with women, and getting physical quickly and
comfortably, is ultimately the difference between having a lot of female
friends, and having a lot of girlfriends and dates.
● Being physical with women is by far the most integral piece of seduction
and dating women. If you have it, you will constantly have options. If you
don’t, you will spend a lot of time alone.
● As you having a conversation with her, assuming she is Receptive, just
lightly touch her on the arm, near the elbow.
● The best way to touch is to integrate physicality into your conversation.
Signals Women Give
● In courtship, it’s always the man’s responsibility to take action and make
the moves, and the woman’s responsibility to give him signals.
● Pre-approach, some common signals are:
o Non-accidental eye contact. If she is looking at you 10% more than
the average stranger.
o Smiling at you.
o She approaches you. Even if it is just to ask for the time/directions.
o Proximity. A woman places herself subtly near you on purpose.
● Conversational Signals:
o Excessive smiling/laughing/eye contact.
o Flipping or playing with her hair.
o Her eyes dilate.
o She stands closer to you than normal.
o Prioritizes you. She subtly shows that she prioritizes interacting
with you over interacting with others.
● Escalation Signals:
o She isolates herself with you, or ditches her friends for you.
o She touches you.

When To Go For the Kiss

● In general it is safe to assume that any time you think you can kiss her you
probably can. It’s much better to try and kiss her and get rejected than to
go the whole night without making a move and never knowing what
would have been.
● Many women don’t like to kiss in public, so it is better to be alone.

What If It Was a Gift?
● Whatever happens to you, no matter how bad, no matter how bleak you
feel, ask yourself, “What if it was a gift?” and then try to rationalize a way
it could be so.

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