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Fashion designers need to have Civil engineers need to have

Being a firefighter can be dangerous.

artistic skills. management and technical skills.

Hotel receptionists usually need Tour guides have to be able to work

Bus drivers need a lot of training.
to know foreign languages. with people.

My first job UN T 1
In India, people usually eat with their bare hands. In the Middle East, women usually wear a hijab.

In Asia, people usually use chopsticks. In Japan, tipping is not part of the culture.

Customs and Traditions All Over the World UN T 2

Your bodyweight may affect your health. Weightlifting can improve your muscle tone.

You should keep active. Try taking a “digital detox” from time to time.

Health and Modern life UN T 3

If we do volunteer
work, we will help
improve people’s lives.

Entrepreneurs are
people who set up a
business for profit,
but also to improve
people’s lives.

Volunteer work and entrepreneurs UN T 4


Right to education Right to life and liberty


Right to Freedom of Speech Right to Freedom of Religion

Youth rights and responsibilities UN T 5

Drones are used to take aerial photographs. Solar power can supply clean energy.

Biomass Energy is being used to replace Fossil Fuels. Hydropower is a good alternative to produce electricity.

Discoveries and Creations UN T 6

If I were an adult today, I would be a professional
If I were an adult today, I would open my own restaurant.
soccer player.

If I were an adult today, I would be a chemist. If I were an adult today, I would be a car designer.

Dreams and Longings UN T 7

We went camping last summer. We stayed at the camp site for a week.

I saved money for travelling. They donated food to a charity organization last year.

Past experiences UN T 8

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