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Good 3airy

Micro bioloqy/ **
reservation methods)
dor sooos


8Sc 111 C

(BT/MB /c)

tood prsevvalion
Food presevvotion, any of number of methods by which
4ood is Kept hom
om spoilage adter harve st ov 6laughter.||
Such pracices date to prehistoric times. Among the
olde st methods ot preser vation ae drying, Yehigeva
on, and fermentation. Modern methods incude

Canning pasteurization, fee zing, ivTadiation and


-the addition of chemicals. Advances in packaging ma-

Herials have played an important Tole in modern food


Importance of food preservation

Reservation methode help inhibit bactevial qrowth

and other types f spoi laqe , meaninq the ood is sae

and satetying to eat In he future

three yeasons why food preservation is

There are

To minimize path ogenic bacteriai food in long-tevm

at serious visk of spoi loge due to bac-

6tpraqe is

teria Sueh as coli, Salmonella, and olher pathoqens

Bacte via only need warmth,moisture, and me o

Tapidy muttiply in food, but food presevvation inhibits

one or more et hese condi tions and stops theiv qrout

8 To keep food at its best quality: food deteriorates

over time due to spoilage I n many cases,mild spoil

aqe doesn't make food unsafe to eat, but it signiti
canty afecte its taste ,tezure and appearance frop-
retain 6ome ot hese
ex food preservaton can help
qualities , as well as the nutitonal value ot Certain

is costly both at home
money: Waste

3. To Save

commercial setting Ideally, you

should av-
and in a

but various pT
oid m
buying moTe
than you can use,

eservatton melhods -
it done sately- help you Keep
fruits , meat ete. well past their usual
Veqetables ,

so there's no need to bin them.

Cer toin ood preservauon melhods can be tricky buel|

veal sense of satistaction

chances are you'l gain a

when you succesStully apply them. Also,

and pride

methods require precision and

as marny preservau on

Care to maintain tood satfety, yoult 6rengthen your

ot Hood hygiene isks and qood Practi

Common methode of Food pveservaition:
Food prsevauon methods Tange 4rom 4he simple p -

cess of chilling to move complex proce dures such as


|Athough vefrigevaion i« a

basic storage methods houw-a

days, it was once a uauy &t-

oving ood at low teroperaure
and often sasest
is 4he simplest ,

way to store many types
ood, as the foocd you plan
minimal preparaton. ridges pre
chill usually vequires
and satety of food because the cold
6erve the quality
bacterial qrowth and minimises 6poilage
on dhe
of fo od, it c a n lact betwee
Depending type
in the tridge betore
a feuw days and a e weeks
taste detoriate
he miure te+ure and

b satey vetrigerate food, yon should

Set your fridge to a temperature béuoeen fc and
4C The lauo require you to sto ye food tor commerci
a useunder s
+Use separate retiqeratoYS , wher possible , tor raw
high visk of ready- to- eat 4oocl to minimize cxoss-cont
amination If it s unpractical fov you to use oeparate

idges. you shpuld be aware of which fvidqe shelves

you shouuld stove food on. for example mady- to
ood should sit above aw food at all times.
Ensure you label tood with lbest betoe and use by
nsure you
t you ve the
oviginal poackaqing
in ront
Avoi overloading the fridge or placing food
unit nsure theve's plersty of
of the esekine cooling
Toom betwween foods to allow aiv circulation

Sepavate Container betore. you

*Put canned 4ood in a

reiqerate it. When you netriqerate

open can
ransters to the food which,
emall amo unt ometal
not harmtul to consumpuo n, qives food an
unappetisi ng taste.

FIfO food sto vage system o ensure

you use
Use a

the nearest best betore by dates

those with or u s e

oetore others. Proper 5tock votation minimises waste

ond saves you money

stoved properly, foqen food can last 4or morths.In
fact, because bacteria cannot
qrow when frozen,food
you Keep in the treezer can emain sate to eat for

anost indelinite periods time However,it will ev

entually deteriovate in qualiby and betome unapfe

4ising, s0
you should use most frozen food within
a teuw months or ayear

To sately freeze food ,you should

Set the fheeer to a temperature bzuween -I6c

Place ood in air-tiqht cotainers or freener

befove freezing Proper waching wrapping is cspecialy
important fov meat, otherwise t may qet heeqer
burn and become ecdlible.
Only free ze items betore heir best before oorr uuse

by date
*Never tetreeqe deforested food, as it qives betore
baeteria an oppovunity to qrow betuween thawing.

You should either use it viqht away or store it in

he Fridge for up to 24 hours.

to Keep i ee of an
*Defrost the freeger requlary
ice buil-up. ou should lbe able to keep rozn food
he fov couple of hours maximum while
in ridqe a

he freeyer defmsts
i . You refer
4Labelfood with date you treeze Can

back to the date to see whether you ehould useh

|food betore it deteriorates

Preserving food in a hiqh-6ugar envivonment stops|
baderial qrouwth by educing the food's waler con
tent. t works particulary well for frut. You can
make jam and mamalade that lasts Jor a longtime
and you can use
canning to store it
A Sorts of sugary substances wo r well to preser
ve food incuding suqa qvanules, suqar sTP
or honey ome sugarinq Tecipes even use alcoho

sugar to preseve cextain -foocls.

alonq side
You may use sugaring to prtserving foods Such as

&Fuit apples, peaches, plums, apricots,cherries

and more P pre seTve well when sugared.

Vegetable - qinger
s and carot are
commonly eguga-
condi mests
ed and used 4or elishes or

combine sugar
Certain ish and meat you can
abrine that
with salt ov another liquid to make
reduce saltiness.
meat and
helps pre 6erve
omes with
exCessive amount ot sugar
Using an

of sugar
it you reduce the amount
health risks , but
wharl is neces Sany , you maY
to louoer -than
tood to spoil. Make sure you follow
in books to qet
Sugaring Tecipes shared online

he iqht armount ,and

be bure to Consume sugared
|4oods in moderauon.

Similay to emqarinq, salt draws wter out of food and
eleop bactevial qrowth In high concentrations , it can even
the food is
destoy bactevia cells,although by this point
key unappetising
There ae two torms of salting:

salt to the sood, Such as meat,and

Dy cuing: You apply
leave it to drauo out he water
Salt with
*Wet Curing: Better Known as brine, you mi

woter and add food to -the liquid to pres e r v e it,us ually|

toqether with canning.

salt consumplion
can harm he
|-As with sugar, eicessive

a th, s o yeu sh

ettend ts tteepan- but
Keep food canned signiicantly
Only d o n e correctly. The Canning process
seal andl
vemoving oygen thadugh an
Food by
tood in an acidi C, Sugary DY
salty envionm
e here bacteia cannot thive.
You should 4ollou a sate, proper Canning PYocess

Select good quality -food 4hat is still within ts loest

loetpve or use by date. Handleit hygienically.
RArchas e suitable jars and self -seaing lide epeciically
designed for canninq. You cannot reuse old peanut buett
er jars and jam pots they won't ensure an airtught seal.

*Purchase a canninq rack

*ollow tested pesevaion qeipes. You must follow ever

Step Caretuly o make sure your cannedfoods preserve


follow these canning step

water (not
hand in simmering wwater
Heat the jars betove

beiling to the preserváluon ecipe

Prepare the ood accordi ng
food to boi ung
You sualy need to heat

rom the water and loosely fill them with

Rernove jars
he tood

* Dependinq on he recip e, you may

Hthe jar enrey
to add
with he food (E-g jom) or
you may heed an

bine, which you') looil loeforehand.

a.cidic iquid ov
deav Ya inch headspace and apply the sealing td Adj
st the lid until the f4 is -Pingertip tight.

Submerqe the joars In boiking water using your canning

tack for 4he period of time that the recipe stales

long as stated.
Remove and set aside to cool or as

Tt'seritital that ypu follow bested canninq process


to intreose he longevily and safey ot food. timpi

containing C.
Botulinum may prod-
may prDd-
Dperly canned, food
rare buct
cause botuis m poisoninq, a
c e toins that
Condiion. C botuinum
Temains inacuve
ife- e tening
environments so make Sue you 4ollow
in high-acid ,

any seps hat equre adding

Simi lar to canning, vaccum packing deprives baderie

hJhile food
oogen by cveaünq
an ainght atmosphere.
as canned qoo ds vacuming
moy not last foY
as lonq ,

tor much longer than

et etends sstorage lihe

keeping ood in the fvidge or a Cupboard.
Va.ccum packinq also has vauue as a preseration nethod

quality without the need toy

because it presewes the

lunlike canninq). 4 usually maintains the

other ingvediests
tentuve which is
colour, taste and

Hood's 8mell,
intend to cook ra
porticularly desirable or meat you
packed tood aso
ako t
In the absence of air, vaccum

its moistuYe, which
ensures opumum tood quality
also worke wel
beyond preservaion,
vaceum pacting
fo tood prepavation. Many chets vaccum pack specitic
ingredienu and cook
it at a precise temperaluve to

pYoduce uniqme
To satey vaceum pack tood , you should
the tood hy qien cally . ulash fnuit and veqeta-
Frepa ve
bles and trim unwanted ckin,fat and
bone fom meat
Place h e food inside a 6uitable vaccum packinq
plasuc ooq
Feed the plastie baq iro a vac un packing machine.
Allow 4he vaceum packing machine to run.
*Stove In the hridqe or a cool, dry place.

You Can ollow Certain methods that don't vequir a

machine to vaccum pack food you uke , lbut they

usuallySacritice tood Safety and produce vanying

esults Remember to prevent

botuli sm , aiviqht packad
must be spot on ln a comnmercial settinq,aluways
ust sutable eauipment to vaceum pack. You'l prese-
eat at laler
and make it safe lo a

Tvevod satey

is -the oldest
method of food prepara preserva
wodter acdlvity which preve
ion. This method ed uces
so foods
its bacterial qvowth Drying redutes weig
Sun and wind are both
Con be cowried out easily
as well as modern applcottions uke
used tor ding
Bed dryevs ,fluidigers bed dayers, ee7ing ding
shelf dyers , Spray drying and Commercial tood dehyt
Meac and huits uke
olvators and Household oven.
apples, oapricotc and
grapes are Some eamplks of
dnying with this methocl

Smo king is the pocess that coo ke ,tlavours and prese

wes ood exposing it to the smoke from burning woo

and antiitidant and most often
|Smoke ls arsumicrobial

meatt and ish are smoked. Vavious methods of smoking

smokinq, SmoKe was-

are used ike Hot Smoking, cold
a preservauve
baking. SemoEing
and Smoke
enhances the visk of Cancer.

ses foods ins ide a ves sel by
method that pres
Itis a
+0,000 pounds per square
inch or more
dicables micoorganisms and prevesk
but food retains its appearance
and lovour

+t is the process o heatng mil belouw boiing poii

o iauid br a tood) to kill pathoqenic batteria
make the food safe to eat
stops fevmentation.
Named after eteur who intoduced the technique

are a methodls:
for 3omins at low temperat
aHolding method:Milk kept
called low temperatiure holding method
u 62, 6C Also

MilK Kept tor 4S sec at high temperaun
LFlash method
short time method
41c.Also called high termperatuve

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