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Argumentative Essay

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Writing III in English Language Teaching
Taught by Eko Suhartoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Nurus Sa’adah
(NPM. 21901073082)


January 2020

Pattern : Point-by-point
Topic : Despite the early vaccine distribution, people should maintain
the new normal life style

Author’s view: Pro / Contra

Despite the early vaccine distribution, people should maintain the

new normal life style

I. Introduction (explanation of the issue)

Thesis statement:
Although some people agree to live a new, normal lifestyle, there are several
reasons people doubt the work of vaccines.

II. Body
A. Opposing argument 1
78 percent of people said their biggest concern at this time was that the
vaccine process was so fast without fully establishing its safety and
Rebuttal to argument 1
1. The researchers show conflicting results.
a. Researchers say that the vaccine is or will undergo phase 3 clinical
trials, it can be assumed that the vaccine is proven safe.
b. Also, if those who got the covid-19 vaccine got far less sick than
those who got the blank vaccine and the difference is statistically
significant, then the vaccine is effective in the study situation.
B. Opposing argument 2
Vaccines are not the solution to stop the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rebuttal to argument 2
1. That argument is not completely accepted.
2. Although vaccines are not a solution to stop Covid-19,
a. Vaccines are a solution that can reduce the increase in people
infected with Covid-19
b. Vaccines can also help provide immunity to the body.
C. Opposing argument 3
Vaccines do not directly build immunity.
Rebuttal to argument 3
1. Not everyone who is vaccinated takes a long time, the time for the
formation of covid-19 antibodies in the body can vary for each brand
of vaccine.
III. Conclusion (may include a summary of your point of view)
In conclusion, many people are reluctant to be vaccinated because of the
safety and effectiveness of vaccines, vaccines are also not the only solution to
stop a pandemic, and vaccines do not directly build immunity. Conversely,
many people think that vaccines are clear in terms of safety and effectiveness.
Vaccines are not a solution to stop Covid-19 but vaccines are a solution to
reduce the number of people infected with Covid-19. In addition, vaccines
also increase people's immunity not long after the vaccine is injected.

Pattern : Block
Topic :
Author’s view: Pro / Contra

Your Argumentative Essay Title

I. Introduction (explanation of the issue)

Thesis statement:
II. Body
A. Summary of other side’s arguments
B. Rebuttal to the first argument
C. Rebuttal to the second argument
D. Rebuttal to the third argument

E. Your first argument
F. Your second argument
G. Your third argument
III. Conclusion (may include a summary of your point of view)
Despite the early vaccine distribution, people should maintain the new normal
life style

At the end of 2019, there was a pandemic originating in China to be

precise in the city of Wuhan. This pandemic is known as covid-19 1. WHO has
designated Covid-19 as a global health emergency. Seeing a situation like this,
one of the very possible ways to prevent the spread of this pandemic from
spreading is to develop a vaccine. Vaccines are biological agents that have an
immune response to specific antigens from pathogens that cause infectious
diseases2. Vaccines are considered to be one of the greatest victories in medical
history. Although many companies have announced that a Covid-19 vaccine will
be ready soon, this is still up for debate. Researchers debate whether the covid-19
vaccine candidate designed can prevent illnesses as small as a sore throat or
cough. Vaccines that prevent minor illness usually also prevent serious disease,
but some researchers say a vaccine that prevents only mild cases is not enough
and may not justify the risks associated with vaccination. Although some people
agree to live a new, normal lifestyle, there are several reasons people doubt the
work of vaccines.3

First, 78 percent of people said their biggest concern at this time was that
the vaccine process was so fast without fully establishing its safety and
effectiveness4. Concerns about side effects and uncertainty around the vaccine's
effectiveness are broad reasons why they say they will not get a Covid-19 vaccine
if it is available today. They also said they would not get a vaccine because they
wanted to know more about how well it would work to provide protection against
the disease triggered by the virulent virus. They are worried that the vaccine will
have an impact on the body because the body is not good at dealing with the
vaccine, which will strike back at the person who was injected with the vaccine,
causing illness and death5. Despite people's concerns about the vaccine's
effectiveness, the researchers show conflicting results. Researchers say that the
vaccine is or will undergo phase 3 clinical trials, it can be assumed that the
vaccine is proven safe. Also, if those who got the covid-19 vaccine got far less
sick than those who got the blank vaccine and the difference is statistically
significant, then the vaccine is effective in the study situation6.
Sari, IP, dkk. 2020. Perkembangan teknologi terkini dalam mempercepat produksi vaksin covid-19. Majalah
farmasetika. 5(5) : 204-217
Sari, IP, dkk. 2020. Perkembangan teknologi terkini dalam mempercepat produksi vaksin covid-19. Majalah
farmasetika. 5(5) : 204-217
covid-19-ada-apa-gerangan (accessed Januari 25,2021)
covid-19-ada-apa-gerangan (accessed Januari 24,2021)

5 (accessed Januari 24,2021)
6 (accessed Januari 24, 2021)
Second, vaccines are not the solution to stop the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dicky Budiman reminded that vaccines are not the solution in ending the Covid-
19 pandemic. He says no vaccine is perfect for protection. A small proportion of
vaccine recipients are still likely to contract Covid-19, but it is hoped that the
impact will not be too severe 7. The Covid-19 Task Force also said that vaccines
are not a deadly drug for Covid-19. However, that argument is not completely
accepted. Although vaccines are not a solution to stop Covid-19, vaccines are a
solution that can reduce the increase in people infected with Covid-19, vaccines
can also help provide immunity to the body8.

Third, vaccines do not directly build immunity. The United States Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that it can take weeks for a
person's body to build up immunity after vaccination 9. The average person takes
10 to 14 days to build up a number of protective antibodies, but everyone is
different. And a professor of family medicine and public health at the University
of Pittsburgh says it can take several weeks for a person to build up the desired
immunity after a second dose. Even reaching that threshold doesn't mean someone
is 100 percent immune to the coronavirus. It is difficult to determine the time of
exposure. A person can catch the virus before being vaccinated and develop
symptoms afterward. But not everyone who is vaccinated takes a long time, the
time for the formation of covid-19 antibodies in the body can vary for each brand
of vaccine10. This depends on the research that vaccine carriers are doing on the
immunity of people being vaccinated. The impact of impaired immunity when
getting vaccinated can affect the effectiveness of the vaccine against the virus.

In conclusion, many people are reluctant to be vaccinated because of the

safety and effectiveness of vaccines, vaccines are also not the only solution to stop
a pandemic, and vaccines do not directly build immunity. Conversely, many
people think that vaccines are clear in terms of safety and effectiveness. Vaccines
are not a solution to stop Covid-19 but vaccines are a solution to reduce the
number of people infected with Covid-19. In addition, vaccines also increase
people's immunity not long after the vaccine is injected.

atasi-pandemi-covid-19 (accessed Januari 24, 2021)

bisa-langsung-kebal-ini-kata-guru-besar-fkui (accessed Januari 24, 2021)
setelah-suntik-vaksin-covid-19 (accessed Januari 24, 2021)

ajaib-atasi-pandemi-covid-19 (accessed Januari 24, 2021)
Identifications of the essay

A. Sentences
1. Simple sentences = numbers of sentence
2. Compound sentences = numbers of sentence
3. Complex sentences = numbers of sentence
4. Compound complex = numbers of sentence

B. Toulmins’ Model of Argumentation

1. Claim = Researchers debate whether the covid-19 vaccine
candidate designed can prevent illnesses as small as a sore throat or
2. Grounds = Vaccines that prevent minor illness usually also prevent
serious disease, but some researchers say a vaccine that prevents only
mild cases is not enough and may not justify the risks associated with
3. Warrant = People said their biggest concern at this time was that
the vaccine process was so fast without fully establishing its safety and
4. Backing = They would not get a vaccine because they wanted to
know more about how well it would work to provide protection against
the disease triggered by the virulent virus.
5. Qualifier = Researchers say that the vaccine is or will undergo phase
3 clinical trials, it can be assumed that the vaccine is proven safe.
6. Rebuttal = Although those who got the covid-19 vaccine got far less
sick than those who got the blank vaccine and the difference is
statistically significant, then the vaccine is effective in the study situation.

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