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Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Inference Outcome Nursing Rationale Evaluation

Diarrhea related to Diarrhea or frequent After 8 hours of -Observe and record -It could help After 8 hours of
“My stomach ingestion of passing of loose, nursing care, the frequency, determine the nursing care, the
cramps and I had to suspected watery stool is not client will be able amount, time, and causative factor goal is partially
go to the rest room contaminated food. really a disease but a to re-establish characteristics of and the need for met as evidenced
for several times.” – condition due to and maintain stool and for any additional by reduction in
verbatim of client. underlying factors or normal bowel presence of hydration frequency of
diseases. One risk functioning. precipitating factors. replacement. passing of stool to
Objective: factor is the 3 from previous of
ingestion food with -Restrict foods as 6.
Passed loose watery the presence of indicated like foods - These foods can
stools for 5 times microorganisms like containing caffeine, add more irritation
already V. cholera, too much oil, fiber, to the stomach.
Frequent flatulence Salmonella typhi and milk, and fruits.
as claimed others. These
Presence of organisms could
abdominal cramps adhere to the gut -Provide a quite and -Stress can trigger
Ate “isaw” (grilled wall, alter the non stimulating frequent passing of
chicken intestine) acidity, and irritate environment and stools; with these
day prior to onset of the gastrointestinal teach client of measures, stress
symptoms tract. relaxation could be avoided
BP= 110/60mmHg techniques to or relieved.
PR= 87bpm decrease stress.
Skin warm and
Good skin turgor -Hydrating the
and capillary refill - Start venoclysis client helps replace
and intravenous the fluid and
replacement as electrolyte he loose
indicated. from diarrhea.

- These agents
-Administer anti- could help halt
diarrheal agents/ diarrhea and the
antibiotics as progression of this
indicated. condition to

-Emphasize to - Rehydration is
increase fluid intake the top priority in
especially those diarrhea.
containing with
electrolytes, i.e. ORS.

- Educate on how to -This could prevent

prepare food outbreaks and
properly and the spread of
importance of good infectious diseases
food sanitation transmitted
practices and hand through fecal- oral
washing. route.

-Educate on what to -Discharge health

do in case diarrhea teaching may be
may happen again necessary to
or with family provide adequate
members to prevent information on
dehydration. how to prevent and
manage diarrhea at

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