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Ensci 200 Fall 2021

Rubric for written homework / quiz / exam answers

Criteria 4 3 2 1
exceeds expectations meets expectations meets some expectations fails most expectations
Full command of Most of the information is
Incomplete with limited
information presented, no presented in a factual
More than 50% of the factual content; several
significant factual or manner; some information
Content information is accurate; instances of missing or
conceptual errors. missing but limited content
limited context is provided. inaccurate information;
Complete information is errors; Most information is
no context provided
presented and in context presented context
Multiple instances of
Most content is clearly Written communication
Clear, direct language; awkward or unclear
Written written; some information is is poor and lacking in
few to no errors in presentation, incorrect
communication unclear; minor errors in basic grammar and
grammar and syntax grammar, spelling errors and
grammar and syntax syntax
syntax problems
Mostly clear and useful Provides some additional
Clear, useful information
information presented; information; instances of Unclear and
Illustrations presented that
limited errors and unclear incorrect information in uninformative
complements text
components illustration
Note: for open-book/take-home assignments, more specificity and context is expected for the content provided. In addition, the quality
of written communication and any illustration is expected to be of higher quality if the assignment is not time limited.

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