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TEMA 1: The article: a, an & the

Artículos “a”, “an” y “the”

A An The

Se usa frente a sustantivos singulares y contables (persona,

animal o cosa). Es probable que no sean específicos.
Se usa frente a todos los sustantivos,
No se usa frente a sustantivos incontables o plurales
independiente de ser singular, plural,
contable o no contable, para describir algo
Va frente a sustantivos cuya Va frente a sustantivos cuya o alguien en específico o único.
pronunciación inicia con pronunciación inicia con sonido
sonido de consonante. de vocal.

A cat An apple The earth

A table An egg The world
A lemon An ant The sun
A truck An old man The moon
Recuerda: es importante notar el SONIDO del sustantivo También se usa cuando el sustantivo ya se
Suena como consonante Suena como vocal mencionó previamente en un texto.

A house An hour
A university An uncle
NOTA: la regla previa se aplica para todas las palabras que A saw a movie last night. The movie was
van después de “a” o “an” como adjetivos, adverbios, etc. based on a real-life case. It was amazing.
A warm day An easy class
A very nice person An interesting person

EJERCICIOS: 03. Read and choose the incorrect alternative:

01. Read and choose the correct articles a, an or the: A) I have a cat at home.
B) I don’t like green apples. I’m going to eat a red apple
1. I like __ chocolate cakes. instead.
2. I’m going to spend __ month in Lima.
C) The world is in a constant danger because of
3. We will be more than __ hour here.
4. __ article is required for today. humans.
5. __ moon is beautiful tonight. D) I love the full moon tonight.
E) For my brother, It’s important to have a uncle
A) a / an / an / an / the
B) a / a / an / an / the 04. Match with the correct word:
C) an / a / an / an / the
D) an / a / an / a / the
1- A A- (It’s not necessary)
E) a / a / an / a / a
2- An B- unicorn
02. Read and choose the correct alternative: 3- The C- honor
4- “x” D- earth
A) This is an red apple
B) Your mother is an nice woman. A) 1B – 2C – 3D – 4A
C) You are reading an amazing article. B) 1B – 2A – 3D – 4C
D) My parents are studying their master degree in an
C) 1C – 2B – 3D – 4A
E) We were here for a hour. D) 1C – 2B – 3A – 4D
E) 1B – 2C – 3A – 4D

MARSHALL “Tus sueños valen un Perú”


05. Choose the correct sentences: 06. Choose T (true) or F (false):

1- There is a dog outside my house. 1- She is an honest lady

2- I will be back in an hour
2- I need a favor, please.
3- I went to an university in Cuzco
3- I ate a egg. 4- I would like to visit an European city.
4- I need a extra hour to finish the exam. 5- I have an old phone.
5- I must buy a uniform.
A) T – T – F – T – F
A) 1, 2 y 4 B) 2, 4 y 5 C) 1, 2 y 5 B) T – T – T – F – T
D) todas – 3 E) todas - 4 C) F – T – F – F – T
D) T – T – F – F – T
E) F – T – T – T – T

TEMA 2: Present Simple

Presente simple

+ S + verbo to be + predicado S + verbo + objeto
- S + verbo to be + not + predicado S + don’t/doesn’t + verbo + objeto
? Verbo to be + S + predicado? Do/does + S + verb + objeto?
You are the best student here. She works in a hospital.
My sister is an industrial engineer. I believe you can do it.
Ex. Sara and Jose aren’t siblings. They don’t know anything about you.
Is your uncle a dentist? Do you like this beverage?
Are our parents here at the university? Does he play the guitar?


01. Read and circle the correct option about Present 04. Complete the sentences:
simple verb tense:
1- Mary __ pizza in the supermarket.
1- She is a very nice and beautiful girl. 2- My sister __ to music in her laptop.
2- I feed my pets every morning. 3- My parents __ a very nice and delicious meal.
3- Carla studies math twice a week. 4- Leo __ a taxi for working.
4- We are friends since school time.
5- I drink soda only on Fridays. A) buyies – listens – cooks – drives.
B) buies – listen – cook – drive.
A) 1, 2 y 3 B) 1, 2 y 4 C) 2, 3 y 4 C) buys – listens – cooks – drives.
D) 2, 3 y 5 E) todas - 1 D) buys – listens – cook – drives.
E) buies – listen – cook – drive.
02. Choose the correct question:
05. Match in a correct way:
A) Does he plays the cello?
B) Do he like this movie theater? 1. Do you like it? A- She walks some
C) Does your mother cook very well? Km a day.
D) My father doesn’t like sports. 2. Is she a student? B- They are actually
E) My sister don’t speak French. my parents.
3. Does Diana walk a lot? C- She isn’t a student;
03. Choose the incorrect ones: she is a teacher.
4. Are they your siblings? D- I really like this
1- This movie ends at 9 o’ clock. song.
2- The classes start on the first Monday in June.
3- It maintain my body healthy. A) 1D – 2C – 3B – 4A
4- Does your dog bark so aloud? B) 1D – 2C – 3A – 4B
5- Does your friends walk so fast? C) 1B – 2C – 3A – 4D
D) 1D – 2A – 3C – 4B
A) 1, 3 y 5 B) 1 y 5 C) 3 y 4 E) 1C – 2D – 3A – 4B
D) 3 y 5 E) ninguna

Jr. Pedro Muñiz 128 – 1er Piso - Trujillo 044-360508


TEMA 3: Adverbs of frequency

Adverbios de frecuencia

% Adverbs of frequency Example

100% Always I always have lunch with my parents at home.

90% Usually I usually go the gym on weekends.

80% Normally/generally I normally pray before sleep.

70% Often/frequently My sister is often late to arrive home.

50% Sometimes My parents sometimes plan a family travel.

30% Occasionally My boyfriend occasionally goes to bed early.

15% Seldom He seldom cooks pasta.

5% Hardly ever/rarely Your husband hardly ever smiles.

0% Never You never buy what I need.

* Nunca se usa “never” ni tampoco “hardly ever” en oraciones negativas. Se usan siempre en oraciones positivas.

He isn’t never at home.

He is never at home

They don’t hardly ever go to the gym.

They hardly ever go to the gym.

SUBJECT VERB She often reads a book.
SUBJECT BE You are always at home.
FRECUENCY She doesn’t often read a
ADVERB book.
FRECUENCY Does she often read a book?
ADVERB Are you always at home?


01. The incorrect sentence is:

A) Sara sometimes runs near here.

B) Does your brother often cook at home?
C) Josue is normally on time for classes.
D) My sister runs generally in the mornings.
E) Are they occasionally at the malls?

02. Read and choose the correct sentence:

A) My siblings watch TV at home never.

B) Peter smokes usually.
C) I never make my bed early.
D) Always you and your friends do the same.
E) I don’t never play the guitar.

MARSHALL “Tus sueños valen un Perú”


03. Choose the correct form:

A) She / hardly / ever / goes / to the cinema.

B) She / hardly / ever / to the cinema / goes.
C) She / ever / hardly / goes / to the cinema.
D) She / goes / hardly / ever / to the cinema.
E) She / goes / to the cinema / hardly / ever.

04. Choose the correct question:

Yes, they sometimes travel to Lima.

A) Are you going to travel to Lima?

B) Does she sometimes travel to Lima?
C) Do your parents sometimes travel?
D) Does you parents sometimes travel?
E) Do your brothers sometimes travels?

05. Choose the correct answer:

Does she often run 1km a day?

A) No, she often runs 1km a day

B) Yes, she often run 1km a day
C) Yes, she often runs 1km a day.
D) Yes, she often runs 2km a day
E) Yes, she often run 2km a day

Jr. Pedro Muñiz 128 – 1er Piso - Trujillo 044-360508


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