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Dhaka Univ. J. Sci., 46(1): 1998 (January)



Department ofPhysics. University of Dhaka, Dhaka-I 000, Bangladesh


Atomic G,ergy Center. Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Received on 22. 9. 96. Accepted for publication on 1 l. 6. 97


Exposure charts for steel and aluminium were prepared for different X-
ray films (such as Structurix D4 and D7 ofAgfa-Gevaert). In case of steel 100,
120, 140, 160 and 180 kV X-rays and lr gamma ray source have been used
for D4 and D7 X-ray films. But in case of aluminium , only Ir gamma ray
source was used. Both were prepared at the film density of 2.0. It was
observed that less exposure is required for aluminium than steel to have a
given density. These exposure charts can be used for exposure calculation for
radiographic study ofdi/Terent thicknesses of the same material.


Radiographic Testing (RT) is a Non-Destructive Testing (NOT) method that uses

penetrating radiation such as X-rays, gamma rays and neutrons to examine the interior

and surface of materials. A radiograph is a record on a photographic film, produced by

X-rays, gamma rays which have passed through the object (UNDP - 1990)1.

In the radiographic works it is necessary to know the radiographic exposures

appropriate for different thicknesses of a specified material. Exposure chart performs

this job from which we can calculate the required exposure (Agfa-Gaevert-1990 )2.

Corresponding author.
2 Khan et al.

A standard exposure chart for X-rays consists normally a graph of plots of exposure
in mA-seconds or mA-minutes versus material thickness for different applied voltages
(kV). These charts are useful in determining the effect of the material thickness on the
density of the radiographic image. A limited number of exposure charts for X-rays are
available from Agfa-Gevaert(l 990)2 which were prepared under different experimental
conditions. The preparation of exposure charts for film type D4 and D7 were undertaken

as these are readily available in Bangladesh for both research and commercial use. Also

these two types of films cover both faster and slower film ranges. As such these films
need calibration charts for use in X-ray radiography in non-destructive testing.

Gamma ray exposure charts are available for only steel (Ullah-1980)3. The present

work reports exposure charts for both steel and aluminium to cover non-destructive

testing by gamma ray ofa wider range of materials for industrial uses.


The radio graphs of different types of X-ray films such as Structurix D4 and D7 of
Agfa-Gaevert have been taken by using a water cooled 'ERESCO' 200 kV X-ray

machine(Germany) and Ir-192 gamma ray source (Tech-Ops, Amersham, U.K., whose

characteristics are; half life-74 days, energies - 0.3, 0.4 7, 0.61 MeV).

For X-ray radiography all films under study were exposed to X-rays and the source
to film distance (SFD) was kept constant at 30 cm. For gamma ray radiography, SFD

was kept constant at 60 cm. The density of exposed X-ray films were measured by a

Sakura densitometer PDA-85 and the radiographs were illuminated by a Weld Master

X-ray Illuminator.

Preparation of exposure charts

a. X-rays

To prepare an exposure chart for X-rays the following parameters are usually

kept fixed :
Exposure calculation for industrial radiography 3

(i) X-ray set (ii) film type (iii) film density (iv) developer type, temperature and
developing time (v) specimen material (vi) source to film distance r_<:;FD) (vii)

intensifying screens (viii) filter (E.K.Co.-1959)4, A steel step-wedge ranging in ·

thicknesses from 5 mm to 40 mm was used in this experiment to make the exposure
chart. A film sandwiched between the lead screens was placed under the step-wedge.
Using a known SFD and a fixed milliamperage (mA= 8 for all exposures with different
kV was used in this experiment) , an exposure was made for a fixed time (4 minutes) for
120 kV X-rays , for example. After the exposure the film was removed and this process
was repeated with a fresh film giving a different time of exposure with fixed voltage.
This time was varied from 4 - 8 minutes gradually for 120 kV X-rays , but every time a
fresh film was used . This process was then repeated using a different value of the high
voltage (kV) for a specified time. The exposure times were 3,4,5 and 6 minutes for 140
kV; 2, 3, 4 and 6 minutes for 160 kV; and 1,2,3 and 4 minutes for 180 kV. These were
taken for film D4 . For film D7 this procedure was repeated , but in this case exposure
times were 4,5,6 and 8 minutes for I 00 kV; 3,4,5 and 6 minutes for 120 kV; 2,3,4 and 6
minutes for 140 kV; 2,3,4 and 5 minutes for 160 kV; and 1,2,3 and 4 minutes for 180
kV; X-rays.

~- Then the exposed films were processed manually along with a strip of unexposed
film of the same type to be used to determine the fog density as found in unexposed
films (Choudhury-1995)5. The processed films show a series of density steps and the
densities were read on a densitometer. Curves were drawn relating thickness of the
material (steel) and the radiographic density. From these curves the thicknesses which
gave the avarage film density of 2.0 above the fog level (Choudhury-1995)5 for each
exposure was taken in these experiments. These curves were produced for each set of
densities obtained at different killovoltages. The exposures, in mA-sec and the
corresponding steel thicknesses at density of 2.0, were plotted on log-linear scales, the.
exposure being on the log axis, and a straight line drawn through the points. This gave,
for each kV, a line which related steel thicknesses and exposure times for a given
density of 2.0. All the fixed factors were clearly marked on the finished chart.
4 Khan et al.

t.J.:.Gamma rays
Exposure charts for gamma-ray source of Ir were prepared in the manner as
outlined before. Here gamma ray energy in curie was plotted against density to get the
exposure charts for steel and aluminium . In this case film D7 and D4 were used for
steel and only film D7 was used for aluminium . For film D4 exposure time were 4,6,8
and 12 minutes; and for film D7 these were 1,2,4 and 6 minutes in case of steel, and for
aluminium exposure times were 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 minutes for film D7 .

Results and Discussions

The exposed and processed films presented a series of density steps which were read
on a densitometer. Curves were drawn relating the thicknesses of the steel step and
aluminium step wedges and the radiographic density in linear graph papers and one
of such curves is shown in Fig. I. From these curves the thicknesses were determined at

Material : Steel
F.ilm type : Structurix D7
5 Radiation: 180 kV X-rays


LL 2

0 15 20 25 30 35
Thickness (mm)

Fig. I. Curves relating thickness and density using ISO kV X-rays .

Exposure calculation for industrial radiography 5

density 2.0 for each exposure. X-ray exposure chart for film D7 is shown in Fig.2. In a

similar way the exposure charts for the other film D4 were prepared and curves were

drawn. Exposure chart prepared for the film type D4 is shown in Fig.3.

M ateriol : Steel
Film type : Structurix D7
Film density : 2.0
Radiation :x-roy
Current : 8 mA

·~- S. F. D.
: 30 cm
: Manual
Developing temp_: 24°c
Developing time :3 minutes
Equipment :Errosco200kv water
Cooled X-ray machine

~ IO 00



I OO L..----'----l---__j___L___j__L__JL_ _ _J

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Thickness (mm)

• Fig. 2. X-ray exposure chart for film D7

The curves for preparing gamma ray exposure charts for steel and aluminium were

drawn (Fig.4 and Fig.5). From these curves the thicknesses were determined at a density

of 2.0 for each exposure and exposure charts for steel and aluminium are prepared and

6 Khan et al.

• are shown in Fig.6 and Fig.7 respectively. Gamma ray exposure charts for steel have

been prepared for films D4 and D7 but for aluminium only film D7 was used. All the

fixed factors are shown on the finished charts.

Material : Steel
Film type :Structurix D4
Film density : 2.0
Radiation : X-ray
Current : 8 mA
S. F. D. :30 cm
Processing .Mc nunl
Developing temp.:24°C
Developing time::-s minutes
Equipment : Errosco 200 kV water
Cooled X-ray machine



(/) 0
., 1000

• :J

I O O L--L--L---___l-___l'--L--'-------'
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Thickness (mm)

Fig. 3. X-ray exposure chart for film D4.

The exposure charts gave reasonable accuracy and are usable in the ranges of.steel
and aluminium thickness covered by the graphs. Using this technique similar charts for

X-rays can be obtained for other material under different experimental conditions. The
Exposure calculation for industrial radiography 7

exposure charts obtained in the present study are of similar nature as found by other
workers (Agfa-Gevaert-1990) using different energies of X-rays.

Material : Steel
Sm Film type :Structurix D7
6 Radiation .Lr -192 Gamma source
Activity : 39 curie


0 L____L_LL_..J......_L..l-__,____...___~..J......1~---'
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Thickness (mm)

Fig. 4. Curves relating thicknes and density using gamma ray

Material . Aluminium
Film type: Structurix D7
• Radiation: Ir-192Gammasource
3m Activity : 8.71 curie

"E 2

0 L_ _ _..L __l _ L__ _ _L_.,_____.__--=-_.____~

0 10 zo 30 40 50
Thickness ( m ml

Fig. 5. Curves relating thickness and density using garnma my for Aluminium
8 Khan et al.

The gamma ray exposure charts can be used for all Ir gamma ray sources,
irrespective of their activities. These charts allow us to determine the exposure necessary

Material : Steel
Radiation : Ir-192 Gamma source
Activity : 39 curie
S. F. D. :socm
Screen : Lead
1000 Processing: Manual
Developing: 24°C D4
C: Temp. D
E Film type : D4 8
(.) D7

~ 100


10 .____...____.____,____,___,
0 10 20 30 40
Thickness ( m ml

Fig. 6. Gamm a ray exposure chart for steel

Material : Aluminum
Radiation : Ir-192Gamma source
Activity ! 39 curie
S. F. D. : 60 cm
100 - Screen : Lead
Processing : Manual
Developing: 24°C
Film type : D7
• ·e
10 ._





0 I I I I I

0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 7. Gamma ray exposure chart for alumi nium.
Exposure calculation for industrial radiography 9

to achieve a density of 2.0 in the radiographs for the identification of accurate sharpness
of the defects in material. Thus these charts may be used as the reference for gamma ray
NDT studies. It is found that less exposure is needed for aluminium than steel to have
a given density. For thickness of 20 mm, exposure for aluminium is 10 curie-min and
that for steel in 60 curie-min as shown in Fig.6 and Fig.7. This is due to the density
differences of the material. These exposure charts can be used for exposure calculation
for radiographic experiments of different thicknesses of the same material.


* The procedures described in the present investigation for preparation of X-ray and
gamma ray exposure charts are of great practical importance for the local industrial
radiographers who render radiographic services to the industries for quality control and
quality assurance for the industrial products. Right and accurate exposure time will
produce a good quality radiography which will clearly reveal the defects of the industrial
products. Gamma ray exposure charts can be used for all Ir gamma ray sources,
irrespective of their activities, provided all their fixed factors remain the same. Using
this procedure new exposure charts can be made for each different X-ray machine and
gamma ray sources of each different elements. These X-ray and gamma ray exposure
charts can be routinely used for defect identification in welding joints in pipes and plates
in industries (Khan-96)6.


Thanks to all staff members of NDT Di vision of Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka for
their help and assistance during the experimental work in the NDT Laboratory.


J. UNDP/IAEA/RCA, 1990, "Regional Training Course on Non-Destructive Testing"

Radiographic-Level 3 ; June,Quezon, Philippines.

2. Agfa-Gaevert N.V.B-2510, 1990, Industrial Radiography-Holographic Non-Destructive

Testing, Morstel, Belgium.

3. Sanaullah, M. 1980, "An Investigation into Practical Implication of the Factors Affecting
Radiographic Sensitometry", M.Sc. Thesis, Physics Department, University of Birmingham,
Binningharn, October.
IO Khan et al.

4. Eastman Kodak Co., 1959, "Radiography in Modern Industry "2nd Edition, U.S.A.

5. Choudhury, S., Habibullah, A.S.M., Begum, Q.N. and Sanaullah, M.,1995, "Sensitometric
Characteristics oflndustrial X-ray Films" Nucl. Sc. Appl. , 4 (2), I 3-18.

6. Khan, A.S.M.H., Choudhury, S., Sanaullah, M. and Begum, Q.N., 1996, "Identification of
Weld defects by Industrial Radiographic Method", Nucl. Sc. & Appl. 5(1), (in press).



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