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Name: Tagayeva Madina Group: 11K

1.What happens when iodine is bubbled through aqueous potassium bromide?

a) iodine is oxidized to iodide ions

b) potassium bromide is reduced to bromine
c) bromide ions are oxidized to bromine
d) no reaction occurs

2.There are many uses for chlorine. (a) Write reaction for producing “chlorine

Cl2 + H2O -> HClO + HCl

(b) Name 3 uses of chlorine.

1.Chlorine kills bacteria - it is disinfectant. It is used to treat drinking water and

swimming pool.

2.Pharmaceutical: Chlorine is used in the production of a large proportion of all

medical drugs.

3.Chlorine is used as oxidizing agent and in substitution reactions.  And for

manufacture of chlorates and it is important in organic chemistry,  forming
compounds such as chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, polyvinyl chloride and
synthetic rubber.

3. The halogens exist as diatomic molecules X2. Descending through Group 17

from chlorine to iodine the boiling points of the elements increase.

Which statement explains this trend?

a) of the permanent dipole in the X2 molecule increases as the group is
b) the X-X bond strength increases as the group is descended
c) the electronegativity of X decreases as the group is descended
d) the number of electrons in each X2 molecule increases as the group is

4.More tan half a million tones of bromine is produced annually and largely used
for making other compounds. One important use of bromine is to manufacture
agricultural chemicals
What is another important use for bromine?
a) flame – retardants and fire extinguishers
b) water purification
c) antiseptic agents
d) bleaches for textfiles and the paper industry

5.A scientist compares the properties of chlorine, iodine and their compounds.
Property X for iodine is bigger than for chlorine. What is property X?

a) solubility of the silver halide in NH3

b) oxidizing ability of the element
c) thermal stability of the hydrogen halide
d) strength of van der Walls’ forses between the molecules of the

6.(a) Explain the trend in the boiling points of the elements down Group VII from
fluorine to iodine.

As you move down Group 7, the boiling point increases : F2 =18e;

Cl2 =34e; Br2 =70e; I2 =106e. This is because there are more electrons per
X2 molecule going from fluorine to iodine. So, the strength of london forces
increases from fluorine to iodine. Therefore, more energy is required to
break the intermolecular forces

(b) State the trend in the oxidizing abilities of the elements down Group VII from
chlorine to iodine. Explain how this trend can be shown by displacement
reactions between halogens and halide ions in aqueous solutions. Illustrate your
answer with appropriate observations and equations

Oxidizing strengths of halogen elements decrease down the group. Since atoms
get larger down the group, the attraction for electrons decreases and oxidizing
strength decreases.

7.(a) Explain this trend. in electronegativity of the elements down Group VII.

group 7 is descended, the electronegativity decreases. This is because the

size of the halogen atom increases down the group, meaning there is
increased electron shielding. Therefore, the nucleus of halogen atoms lower
down group 7 (eg. bromine) is further away from the bonding electrons; this
reduces the attraction between the nucleus and the electrons, thus decreasing

(b)(i) State the trend in reducing ability of the halide ions down Group VII.

Reducing ability increases as you go dow the group

(ii)Give an example of a reagent which could be used to show that the reducing
ability of bromide ions is different from that of chloride ions.

Concentrated sulfuric acid

(c) Write an equation for the reaction between chlorine and cold, dilute aqueous
sodium hydroxide. Give two uses of the resulting solution.

Equation : Cl2 + 2NaOH -> NaCl + NaOCl + H20

Use 1 : bleach disinfectant

Use 2 : sterilizer

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