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Name 7.

62mm Minigun
ShortName 7m134
//The ammo this gun uses (shortName)
Ammo AmmoNATO762mmM134
Ammo sevenCal
Ammo sevenCalHeavy
Ammo sevenCalTracer
Icon Minigun
//Colour in Red, Green, Blue, each going up to 255.
Colour 255 255 255
//Reload time in ticks, 1/20ths of a second
ReloadTime 100
//The amount of gun recoil, all relative : Sten = 1, Mp40 = 3, Kar98kSniper = 20
Recoil 1
//Damage in half hearts
Damage 1
//The higher this value, the more the bullets spread
Accuracy 1
//Time in ticks between rounds
ShootDelay 1
ShootSound Minigun
//The length of the sound. 0 for a single shot sound. Other values are for looping
soundsWarmupSound MinigunWarmup
Mode Minigun
MinigunStartSpeed 20
WarmupSound MinigunWarmup
SpinSound PG_Minigun
CooldownSound MinigunCooldown
WarmupSoundLength 20
SpinSoundLength 40
DistortSound False
ReloadSound BARReload
Scope None
Deployable False
BulletSpeed 30.0
UsableByPlayers false
UsableByMechas True
usableByMechas True
NumBullets 6

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