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Lesson Applied Productivity Tools with

3 Advance Application Techniques

What’s In

We have discussed from our previous lesson the online safety, security,
ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs: name
the various online threats; identify the online safety measures; and
consider one’s and others’ reputation when using the Internet. We also
discussed using the internet to provide credible research and
information gathering to achieve specific class objectives best or address
situational. This lesson will discuss and understand the
different uses of productivity tools and appreciate these
productivity tools.

What’s New

Productivity Tools
It refers to the software that people use to create and produce
documents, presentations, databases, charts, and graphs. Productivity
tools help you create professional-quality documents, presentations,
graphics, and more.
Why should you learn productivity tools?
While there is a wide range of benefits of using productivity tools, the
best reason is that we must use computers to do different tasks more
efficiently every day.

Activity 2. Guess the Logo

Direction: Examine the different logos and write your answer in the
space provided.

1._____________ 2._______________ 3.______________

4.____ _________ 5._____________ 6.____________


What’s More
Microsoft Excel
It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro
programming language. It can compute costs incurred in creating
projects, or create tables for findings in the researchers, and then create
reports for business or research that you are doing. It is also a
collaboration tool for financial analysis or modeling.

Arithmetic operations
Arithmetic Operators and
Operation Example
+ (Plus Sign) Addition =A1+A2
- (Minus Sign) Subtraction =A1-A2
* (Asterisk) Multiplication =A1*A2
/ (Forward Slash) Division =A1/A2
^ (Exponentiation) Raises a number to a power =3^2
% (Percent Sign) Percentage =90%
Formula – is an equation that operates on worksheet data. A formula in
Microsoft Excel always begins with an equal sign (=).
Commonly Used Functions
Function Purpose
=SUM Calculates the SUM of the values of a range of cells.
=AVERAGE Calculates the ARITHMETIC MEAN of a range of cells or values.
=MAX Gives the MAXIMUM value in a range of cells or values.
=MIN Gives the MINIMUM values in a range of cells or values.
=COUNT Counts the number of cells in a range of cells or values.

Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint is powerful presentation software that helps you
produce an effective presentation in the form of on-screen slides. It
provides hyperlinks and several animation styles such as Entrance,
Emphasis, Exit, and Motion Paths.
Animation and hyperlinks are great tools in making a presentation more
Terms, Views, and Functions in Microsoft PowerPoint
Slide - This is a single page of a presentation collectively. A group of
slides may be known as a slide deck.
Design Templates – These are pre-designed graphic styles that you can
apply to your slides.
Animation - This is a set of effects that can be applied to text or graphics
within a slide.
Transitions - Are motion effects that add movement to your slides as
you advance from one slide to another when in Slide Show view.
Slide Show Button – A collection of pages arranged in a sequence that
contains text and images for presenting to an audience.

What I Have Learned

Activity 4. I Excel
Direction: Compute each subject's average using the AVERAGE function
in excel (rounded form) and answer the following question.
11. =SUM(B2:B10) - __________
12. =AVERAGE(D2:D10) - __________
13. =MAX(B2:D10) - __________ 14.
=MIN(B3:D11) - __________
15. =COUNT(A1:D10) -
What I Can Do
Activity 5. Parts of Word
Identify the different parts of Microsoft Word. Write your answer in the
space provided.

Activity 6. Parts of Powerpoint

Direction: Name and describe the terms, views, and
functions shown in the picture.






1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________

Additional Activities

Activity 7. Generalization
How can Microsoft Word help you as a student?

How can Microsoft Excel help you as a student?


How can Microsoft PowerPoint help you as a student?


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