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As the world grows into technologically sophisticated, there is a great demand for

the hottest electronic gadgets. These are cell phone, laptop, camera, MP3 player, and

several cool electronic gadgets. Cell phones support a wide variety of other services such

as, text messaging, multimedia messaging, email, internet access, bluetooth, business

applications, games, photography and calendaring among other services.

Kahari (2013) stressed that cell phone is a very important tool for study as most of

the respondents used their phones for study purposes. Cell phones are increasingly one of

the most popular information access devices and what stands out from the study is the

high use of interactive, multi user functions which can at times be disruptive or beneficial

during study. In essence, the study revealed that cell phones are beneficial for learning

but learners have a tendency to abuse them. The presence of cell phones presents a host

of options and challenges for today’s students. Cell phone is undeniably convenient,

helpful tools for study. However, it can be a hurtful source of distraction depending on

the attitude and use pattern of a student.

Similarly, Coughlan (2015) emphasized that students are always busy sending and

receiving messages while studying. As a result, theygot lower score in the test and were

less effective at tasks such as note taking. This generation of "voracious texters" might

be affected by so many online distractions. When students did not use mobiles, they were

better at being able to recall information.With the exam season under way, there are

family arguments about whether teenagers really can learn at the same time as using

several online gadgets.

In addition he said, how well young people could carry out a task, such as

watching a lecture on a video and then taking notes and answering questions, while

facing a series of interruptions on their internet-connected mobile phones.Mobiles and

portable devices are now such a pervasive part of young people's lives, how much

students could really study at the same time as interacting online.

Candidly, iPod and MP3 players are great gadgets when studying while listening

to music. It would be great if the music are listening is conducive to studying and it sets a

great mood for learners. It is not too loud that it can distract concentration. Mobile

phones are often described as a major distraction for students because of text messaging.

However, it can also help them with their schedules and let them store reminders on their

school projects and lessons.Noise cancelling headphones are very important when a

student want to study but people in your dorm room keeps on chatting with each other or

listening to loud music. With this headphone you can cancel out the noise and focus on

studying (

Technology has been found to have its negative impact on academic performance

on most of children. There are many technological gadgets to which children are

addicted. They waste their valuable time on these silly gadgets without worrying about

the studies. This is resulting in their poor academic performance.

This is one of the biggest problems created by growing technology. Children are

future of our country, our world. The sad thing is that due to increasing technology,

children have been found going away from their moral values. Internet is working as

curse for children’s character. Rather than using Internet in productive manner, children

use it as source of adult content.

It was observed that students nowadays are spent much time on electronic gadgets

which affect the study habits and academic performance.Due to the upgrade of these

gadgets in entertainment, studentsmost likely focus on what entertains them than on what

may help them in their studies or for the good of their knowledge.

Students often spend more time on using gadgets than studying or doing different types

of physical and spiritual activities.Students usually use gadgets for media and social

interactions in particular Facebook, twitter, and other sorts of social networks.

Gadgets affects us in various sort of ways, being one of those effects is how it affects

students and their academics.Gadgets, from simple tools powered by electricity such as

light bulbs evolved to phones and tablets.These gadgets may improve or it may be a

distraction and a reason to fail a student's studies or grades (Mendoza, 2012).

This scenario motivated the researchers to conduct a study on the effects of

sophisticated gadget to the students’ study habits.


This study was anchored on the study conducted by Murah (2015) who found

that using a mobile phone and other electronic gadgets for an extended time even affects

students who habitually study a lot. A lack of sleep or reduced study time as a result of

mobile phone usage is not the only way these devices affect performance at school.

Students who spent over two hours every day both studying and using messaging apps,

especially the popular line, scored worse on a math exam than those who spent less than

30 minutes a day but didn’t use a smartphone at all.

Sato (2015) added that when people talk about children using smartphones in a

negative sense, their main concern seems to be about their criminal use, but this study

calls the attention of parents and students to the risk that excessive use of smartphones

can compromise students’ effort to study.

Cell phones or mobile phones have become a very important part of our daily

lives. it is very difficult to imagine our live without a cell phone as most of our work is

done using cell phones. Everything has its pros and cons and mobile phones toohave its

positives and negatives. 

The conceptual framework of this study is illustrated in a schematic diagram

entered here as Figure 1. As shown, the study treatedrelationship of the two variables

namely,variables aresophisticated gadgets and pupils’ study habits. Sophisticated

gadgets, the independent variable and study habits, the dependent variable.


Study Habits

 Planning Time
 Previewing Notes
 Reading
Sophisticated Textbooks
 Listening & taking
Gadgets Class Notes
 Remembering

 Preparing &
Taking for Test

Figure 1. Schematic Presentation of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the implication of sophisticated gadget on

the study habits of Grade VI pupils of Molave Regional Pilot School,Molave,

Zamboanga del Sur.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following sub-problems:

1. What are thepupils’ perceptions on the implications of gadgets on the

study habits of the Grade VI pupils?

2. What are the pupils’ study habits?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the pupils’perceptions on the

implication of sophisticated gadgets and their study habits?


Ho1: There a significant relationship on the pupils’perceptions on the implication of

sophisticated gadgets and their study habits

Significance of the Study

The results of this study is significant to school heads, parents, teachers,

students/pupils and other researchers:

School Heads.This is beneficial for them to impose disciplinary action for

students who were addicted to electronic gadgets especially the students whose grades

and school attendance are greatly affected.According to Walcott (2013), each school is

expected to promote a positive school culture and climate that provides students with a

supportive environment in which to grow both socially and academically. Schools are

expected to take a proactive role in nurturing students’ pro-social behavior by providing

them with a range of positive behavioral supports as well as meaningful opportunities for

social emotional learning.

Teachers.This study is important because it would help teachers examine whether

the use of electronic gadget has negative implication on students’ note-taking behaviors

and subsequent performance on exam and study habits. Thus, they would impose

discipline in the classroom in the use of gadgets.

Parents.The result would be beneficial for them to be reminded of their important

roles as parents. They would make constant follow-up on their children’s study time.

They would spend much time in reminding their children on the bad effects always

staring into mobile phones or smartphones. That it tends to change their sleeping and

study habits.

Students. This study is important to remain aware of their responsibilities while

using their favorite gadget because many academics and researchers believe that

excessive use of the internet and other sophisticated gadgets have the potential to become

an addiction.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on the implication of sophisticated gadgets to the study habits

of grade VI pupils.

This study specifically dealt on the teachers and pupils’ perceptions on the

implication of sophisticated gadgets to pupils’ study habits,the study habits of the Grade

VI pupils,and significant relationship on the teachers and pupils’perceptions on the

implication of sophisticated gadgets and their study habits.

The respondents of this study were the grade six pupils of Molave Regional Pilot

School, Molave, Zamboangadel Sur.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally and/or conceptually defined to provide a

clearer understanding of this study.

Cell phone or mobile phone. This is a device that can make and receive telephone

calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographical area. Besides telephony

it can also provide a variety of other services like text messaging, playing music, e-mail,

internet access, infrared, Bluetooth, business applications, gaming and photography etc.

Gadget. This is a small technological object (such as a device or an appliance)

that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty.

Ipod. This is a combination portable digital media player and hard drive from

apple computer. The original version was about the size of a deck of playing cards, with a

monochrome screen and a 5 gigabyte capacity.

Laptop. a portable personal computer with a clamshell form factor, suitable for

mobile use.

Listening.This refers totaking notice of and act on what someone says.

MP3/4. This is a digital multimedia format most commonly used to store video

and audio, but can also be used to store other data such as subtitles and still images. Like

most modern container formats, it allows streaming over the Internet.

Notetaking.This refers to the practice of writing down pieces of information in a

systematic way.

Preparing for a Test.This is the activity or process of making something ready for

the test. 

Previewing Notes. This refers to pupils’ way of looking over the lesson, text and

chapters in detail.

Reading Textbooks.This refers to the action or skill of reading written or printed

matter in books silently or aloud.

Remembering. This refers to emphasizing the importance of what is asserted.

Sophisticated gadgets.This refers to electronic devices that provides information

and satisfaction such as cellphone, laptop, ipod,MP3, computer, tablet and many more.

Study habits.This refers to are the behaviors used when preparing for tests or

learning academic material. 

Study schedule. This refers to how pupils o0rganize things and schedule of


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