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A good speaker - a good listener

Гарно говориш - гарно чуєш.
Так, ці дві навички пов'язані дуже сильно. І якщо досі ви
проходили марафон в цілковитій тиші - час це змінити.
Зараз по черзі відкриваємо всі уроки з аудіювання і повторюємо
за спікером (Аніта/Аудіо). Це важливо прожили навіть якщо
певна вправа здається елементарною. Так, ви привчаєтесь
спокушати звуки саме так як це роблять носії англійської мови,
а не український лад.
Ідеї для поскладнення вправи:
– міняємо темп: тут важливо залишити мовлення зв'язаним і
уявити, що ми розтягуємо запис за допомогою програми.
Вимовляємо ті самі фрази як повільно, так і дуже швидко.
Результат – нам в аудіоповідомлення. Так, воно спочатку
здається "дибільним", це нормально
– міняємо гучність. Пробуємо без голосу (пошепки) і дуже
голосно (як ніби з трибуни даєте спіч.
– слухаємо і повторюємо, а тільки тоді перечитуємо сценарії,
написані нижче.
Use of English
Shopping in Japan (Day 6)
Unlike millions of Britons, who will not know how much the Christmas turkey,
child’s bicycle and the January sales have __(1)__ them until the credit card
bill arrives, the Japanese __(2)__ to settle up before they’ve even __(3)__ their
shopping list.
The Japanese like to improve on every idea, even if the idea is cash. So they
have been __(4)__ about the pre-paid card. It __(5)__ the bother of banknotes
and it saves the Japanese __(6)__ the fear of being in __(7)__ to someone else.
It __(8)__ with the convenient pre-paid telephone card and has __(9)__
through train ticket cards, taxi cards, and supermarket cards all the way to
McDonald’s hamburgers cards.
Few Westerners can understand why anyone __(10)__ want to give money to a
supermarket or a department store __(11)__ by buying a pre-paid card. But
credit companies are held in some suspicion in Japan. People have traditionally
preferred cash and will happily stroll the streets with quite large __(12)__ of
money in their pockets. The fact that street crime is fairly __(13)__ helps. Pre-
paid cards are now as __(14)__ as chopsticks and twice as convenient. About
500 million cards were sold in the first five years after they became __(15)__.

1. A) lost B) cost C) charged D) priced

2. A) prefer B) desire C) enjoy D) select
3. A) written about B) written off C) written out D) written up
4. A) keen B) enthusiastic C) exciting D) eager
5. A) does away with B) does out of C) does without D) does out
6. A) of B) from C) for D) by
7. A) payment B) bill C) debt D) interest
8. A) opened B) invented C) introduced D) started
9. A) followed B) developed C) changed D) turned
10. A) would B) will C) may D) must
11. A) in time B) in front C) in future D) in advance
12. A) savings B) sums C) deposits D) masses
13. A) seldom B) slight C) rare D) slow
14. A) common B) usual C) regular D) often
15. A) prepared B) possible C) ready D) available
The personal trainer (Day 7)
What does a personal trainer do?
I meet each client to discuss what he or she is looking for. It could be
__(1)__ from improving general fitness to losing - or, in a few cases, -
__(2)__ weight. I then devise a training program for them which I think
will __(3)__ them to achieve their __(4)__. If they’ve had anything
__(5)__ with them, say a back __(6)__, I speak to their doctor who will
__(7)__ me what not to do. If someone eats and drinks too much, it’s
easy to suggest they __(8)__ , but if that doesn’t __(9)__, I look at their
diet. I prefer to train on a one-to-one __(10)__, though I do sometimes
work with __(11)__ if they are friends and want to train together.
Who needs a personal trainer?
I think most people do. A trainer will __(12)__ you to try __(13)__. You
achieve 20 per cent more than you could training alone, no __(14)__ how
dedicated you are. I’ve got a lot of Americans on my books, and I
actually prefer them. __(15)__ most Brits, who still haven’t really got the
idea, Americans know how to work out.

1. A) nothing B) everything C) anything D) something

2. A) adding B) gaining C) putting D) finding
3. A) help B) ensure C) let D) organize
4. A) hope B) intention C) aim D) wish
5. A) ill B) bad C) off D) wrong
6. A) wound B) hurt C) injury D) accident
7. A) persuade B) advise C) suggest D) order
8. A) cut out B) cut off C) cut across D) cut down
9. A) work B) function C) manage D) advance
10. A) way B) method C) basis D) style
11. A) crowds B) couples C) twins D) doubles
12. A) move B) push C) make D) insist
13. A) stronger B) better C) more D) harder
14. A) matter B) point C) way D) doubt
15. A) Compared B) Contrary C) Different D) Unlike
The fall guy (Day 8)
Nick Gillard earns a living working as a stuntman on films and TV
shows but his first __(1)__ of show business was trick-riding circus
horses when he was just 12 years old. Four years later he got the chance
to __(2)__ in his first film. ‘I really enjoyed working on the film,’ Nick
remembers, ‘so I started asking how I’d __(3)__ becoming a stuntman.’
Nick couldn’t just __(4)__ as a stuntman straight away. First he had to
get __(5)__ by the British Stunt Register, which represents stunt
professionals in Britain. To do this he had to reach instructor __(6)__ in
six sports including skiing, riding and gymnastics. Since qualifying
__(7)__ the age of 19, Nick has worked on many movies and he has
doubled for some of the biggest stars in Hollywood.
Safety and timing are all-important for stunt professionals - they plan
everything down to the __(8)__ detail. ‘We take the utmost __(9)__. It’s
not like being an actor where you can __(10)__ the shot again if it goes
wrong. It’s got to work first time.’ Nick has __(11)__ some terrifyingly
dangerous stunts. For one film he jumped across a bridge in a speed boat,
and in Alien 3 he was __(12)__ on fire, without air, for more than two
minutes. Filming on location __(13)__ him all __(14)__ the world, often
for months __(15)__ a time.

1. A) lesson B) experiment C) attempt D) taste

2. A) play B) practice C) perform D) show
3. A) go on B) go about C) go by D) go for
4. A) call B) establish C) set himself up D) introduce himself
5. A) applied B) allowed C) agreed D) accepted
6. A) line B) level C) measure D) mark
7. A) in B) on C) at D) by
8. A) tiniest B) lowest C) least D) lightest
9. A) caution B) care C) attention D) guard
10. A) have B) make C) give D) take
11. A) made B) done C) led D) given
12. A) put B) caught C) set D) lit
13. A) takes B) brings C) flies D) fetches
14. A) about B) through C) across D) over
15. A) at B) on C) for D) in
Yachtswoman (Day 9)
Lisa Clayton’s dream was to become the first woman in history to sail
single-handed, non-stop and unassisted around the world. On 17
September 1994, she set sail in Spirit of Birmingham on what could have
been the final __(1)__ of her life. Here are some of her notes on the
Day 182
The loneliness got worse __(2)__ the day. When you haven’t __(3)__ a
ship or land for four months, __(4)__ talked to anyone, it really gets you
__(5)__. The sense of isolation is frightening. Day 217 I __(6)__ a lot of
my trip feeling frustrated and frightened, __(7)__ it was because of the
__(8)__ winds, a broken heater or the sharks. I remember thinking, ‘This
is crazy!’ The sun was out, the sea was __(9)__ and here I was __(10)__
tears! Then I saw the most wonderful __(11)__- a 12m whale which
swam __(12)__ the boat for hours.
Day 286
Two days before I crossed the __(13)__ line a helicopter came out
scanning the seas for me. That’s when I finally thought, ‘I’m going to do
it.’ About 50 boats escorted me into the harbor where thousands of
people were waiting, __(14)__ me on. And, as I docked, fireworks and
cannons __(15)__. It was just mad!

1. A) excursion B) travel C) journey D) tour

2. A) from B) by C) since D) at
3. A) crossed B) discovered C) passed D) joined
4. A) let alone B) not only C) without evenD) not counting
5. A) back B) out C) off D) down
6. A) took B) spent C) had D) stayed
7. A) whether B) unless C) either D) if
8. A) low B) weak C) mild D) light
9. A) sparkling B) glowing C) flickering D) flashing
10. A) full of B) in C) down with D) on
11. A) scenery B) view C) sight D) outlook
12. A) alongside B) close C) besides D) ahead
13. A) ending B) final C) finishing D) last
14. A) crying B) cheering C) shouting D) screaming
15. A) broke out B) let out C) set off D) went off
Night visitor (Day 10)

She put the key in the keyhole as quietly as she could but she found it
__(1)__ as the door was old and rusty. As she __(2)__ opened the door,
it squeaked __(3)__ on its old hinges. ‘I wish they’d oil the thing a bit
more __(4)__,’ she muttered to herself __(5)__. She closed the door
__(6)__ behind her and then tiptoed __(7)__ across the room.
Unfortunately, this time it was the floorboards that betrayed her as they
creaked __(8)__ with every step she took. It had been so __(9)__ since
the old house had been built - it had __(10)__ been about two hundred
years before and for all Helen knew they had __(11)__ replaced the
original floorboards. Helen’s heart began to beat __(12)__. It was one
o’clock. Helen’s parents must have gone to bed __(13)__. This was most
unusual. Rarely __(14)__ to bed before she got home. No sooner had she
put her foot on the first stair __(15)__ she heard a muffled voice call out,
‘Who’s there? Is that you, Helen?

1. A) hardly B) easy C) hard D) easily

2. A) slowly B) loudly C) careful D) noisy
3. A) lightly B) noisily C) softly D) gently
4. A) frequent B) oftener C) sooner D) frequently
5. A) with angry B) angry C) angrily D) from anger
6. A) shyly B) efficiently C) carefully D) fast
7. A) softly B) gentle C) finely D) shortly
8. A) aloud B) loud C) loudly D) allowed
9. A) along B) long time C) long D) a long time
10. A) probably B) certainly C) definitely D) may not
11. A) rarely B) scarcely C) never D) occasionally
12. A) fastly B) more faster C) more fast D) faster
13. A) early B) more earlier C) the earliest D) more early
14. A) they went B) they did go C) they have gone D) did they go
15. A) then B) than C) that D) there
Reading Hardcore
1. Every year 100 million holiday-makers go to the Mediterranean. With one
third of the world's tourist trade it is the most popular of all the holiday areas:
yet, it is also the most polluted. _____
A) Therefore, the tourist industry here is in great danger.
B) Several European countries have changed their economic policies.
C) The housing problem has increased over the years.
D) However, the great civilizations of the past are no longer touristattractions.
E) The average tourist prefers guest houses to hotels.

2. Veronica Moss is a small British firm which makes wedding dresses. It is now
expanding into European markets. _____ This will only be possible if sufficient,
highly skilled workers can be recruited.
A) Then management has the full support of all its workers.
B) Many governments have raised the tax on luxury goods.
C) An advertising campaign has already proved successful.
D) The new designs are well illustrated in the catalogue.
E) However, to be successful, it needs to increase its production.

3. When people are ill they frequently seek medical help. _____ When they feel
they are not well, they either go to a quiet place and rest or look for the kind of
herbs and plants they feel will do them good.
A) The majority of medicines are not very expensive.
B) Animals, on the other hand, are their own doctors.
C) Unfortunately, it is children who suffer most in this respect.
D) In the case of animals, medical care is even more essential.
E) People suffer from certain incurable diseases.

4. It is surprising how little known, even today, about memory is. This is largely
due to the fact that we have no way of watching the memory function. _____
Hopefully, with the advances in high technology, the secrets of the mechanism
of the memory will soon be revealed.
A) The harder people try to remember something the less they are able to
B) When people get older-their memory often fails them.
C) In the past many books were written on medicine.
D) Still, a great deal of research on the subject is being carried out.
E) One way in which animals differ from man is that they have no memory.

5. _____ Many came willingly, to find a better life-, some were forced to come,
as slaves or to be used as cheap labor; some were driven from their homelands
for political reasons and some fled from war.
A) In the past many of the American tribes were at war with each other.
B) The history of the United States is filled with accounts of people who came
here from all over the world for several reasons.
C) In the last century Africa was a continent that attracted few people except
scientists and explorers.
D) Technological advances in agriculture have change the face of the earth.
E) Environmental pollution still continues to be a major threat throughout the

6. A well written essay should be unified; _____ The first requirement for unity
is that the main idea should be clear. The second requirement is that there are
no unrelated parts.
A) the selection of an interesting subject is therefore of vital importance.
B) even so, essays may vary considerably in length.
C) that is, everything in it should be related to the main idea.
D) in fact most essays are carefully planned.
E) essay competitions have recently become quite popular.

7. In China, the style of decoration of these bowls developed through the years.
Early examples had narrow bands of geometric designs _____ Often, those
designs included stylized dragons, birds and snakes.
A) while later ones had complex patterns covering the entire vessel.
B) because the Chinese worshipped animals.
C) and they developed their technique in the course of time.
D) although Chinese casting has never been equaled.
E) moreover they are fairly primitive.
8. _____ Until a program is prepared and stored in the computer's memory, the
computer "knows" absolutely nothing, not even how to accept or reject data.
Even the most sophisticated computer must be told what to do.
A) A computer is similar to a typewriter.
B) A computer can repeat the same operation over and over again forever if
C) Computers are widely used because they save time.
D) Computers solve problems by means of various mathematical and decision-
making operations.
E) Like all machines, a computer needs to be directed and controlled if it is to
perform a task successfully.

9. There is something more in bringing up children than feeding them well,

housing them healthily and washing them regularly. The emotional
development of children depends greatly on the actions of their parents. _____
The adult may need social security but for the child, family security is of even
greater importance.
A) Every child imitates his parents.
B) Children need the security of a peaceful family life.
C) Friendship is not an important factor in a child's life.
D) Family life has little effect on a child's social development.
E) However, a child does not learn much from his parents.

10. Getting through a day without being touched by the press would be difficult.
We have daily morning and evening newspapers and weekly news magazines.
_____ What we eat, what we buy, what we do, what we think is influenced by
the press.
A) The power of the press upon us is really enormous.
B) One should not start the day without reading a newspaper.
C) Newspaper sales are less than magazine sales.
D) The effect of the press on the public is not so important as some people like
to suggest.
E) The number of newspaper readers is decreasing day by day.
11. A green leaf is a factory in which a plant manufactures its own food. _____
In this case the raw materials are water and carbon dioxide, which is obtained
from the air. The sun provides the energy.
A) As in all factories, raw materials and energy are essential.
B) This process is called photosynthesis.
C) That is why some leaves are broader than others.
D) Plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.
E) That's why we should keep plants in our homes.

12. Man has been polluting the Earth from the time he lit his first fire and
washed his clothes in the river. _____ This is no longer true. The increase in
population and the spread of industry has changed all this.
A) Now motorways and super highways have reduced the amount of good
farming land.
B) At first, the Earth could handle this problem because there was plenty of
space, fresh air and water.
C) Crops have to be treated with chemicals and these are often poisonous.
D) In large cities, cars are responsible for about 80 per cent of the air pollution.
E) There are two main causes of air pollution: fumes from vehicles and

13. Napoleon was a very famous general. He also did a great deal to bring law
and order back to his country. _____ People remember how he was defeated
in the Russian campaign and how he died on the island of St. Helena.
A) The people of France regarded him as a traitor.
B) The importance of the French Revolution is still being discussed.
C) Napoleon's rise to fame was fast.
D) He kept this title of Emperor until his death.
E) But somehow it is his failures that he is known for.
14. Sometimes it's good to get away after a long busy week and relax. As often
as I can, I spend a quiet weekend with my aunt who lives on the coast. _____ I
always come back rested and ready to work again.
A) Unfortunately she expects me to help her run the hotel.
B) There, the air is clean and it is always quiet and peaceful.
C) So next weekend I shan't be able to go.
D) The house is always crowded and noisy.
E) She is old and cannot live by herself.

15. Smoking can be an expensive habit. _____ Since smoke has a bad smell,
smokers often find that their clothes need to be cleaned more frequently, and
this too is expensive.
A) In many countries cigarettes are not advertised.
B) It is also hazardous to your health.
C) It can give one a "smoker's cough."
D) The price of cigarettes or tobacco is not the only expense smokers incur.
E) Governments should take steps to prevent smoking in public places.

16. When we were halfway through the valley, I looked at the others; _____ I
was very worried, for we still had a long way to walk; and there wasn't more
than an hour's daylight left.
A) they all looked as tired as I felt.
B) they were all sitting in the bus.
C) it was still early in the morning.
D) some of us are still eating.
E) next we organized a game of cards.

17. In the arctic, winters are not so cold as is usually believed. The fairly warm
water of the Gulf Stream flows under the ice of the polar seas. This warm water
acts like a great radiator _____
A) over 120 different kinds of plants grow in the Arctic.
B) the ice is several meters thick.
C) the ice flows slowly to the sea where it breaks off into great pieces.
D) sometimes Iceland has less snow than some other northern countries.
E) by giving off a little heat it keeps the weather from becoming too cold.
18. I've just finished reading his latest novel, and I must say I found it rather
disappointing. _____ In fact I think I could write a better novel myself!
A) The story was weak and the characters were not at all true to life.
B) It was much better than his earlier novels.
C) He has written ten novels and I have read them all.
D) I think it has received some good reviews.
E) The main character is a delightful person.

19. Bees can fly quite long distances very easily. Moreover, they can fly as fast
as ten meters a second. _____ In search of food, bees usually fly out from home
for about two miles. Some have been known to return home from as far as ten
miles away.
A) The bees go to the place where the hive used to be.
B) What guides the bee when it flies home?
C) Thus a trip of several miles takes only a few minutes.
D) They find their way home because they know all the landmarks around the
E) Several scientists have studied how bees fly home.

20. It was about midday when they came to a small village. They had been
driving for over five hours and felt a little tired. _____ It had been converted
from a nineteenth century house. They enjoyed the food and were very pleased
with the service.
A) The hotel they stayed in was extremely uncomfortable.
B) The restaurant was very disappointing.
C) The people were very friendly and invited them to their homes.
D) They decided to rest and have lunch at the restaurant by the road side
E) All the passengers on the bus were asleep.

21. At seven o'clock, I suddenly remembered I had promised to have dinner

with the Johnsons. I was expected there at 7:30. _____ In other words, I was
very short of time. Still, I managed to get there on time.
A) Luckily they only lived across the road from me.
B) The Johnsons are very close friends of mine.
C) I knew it would take me at least an hour to get there.
D) This only gave me half an hour to change my clothes and get there.
E) So I decided not to go by taxi.
22. _____ I got there at 9:15, just 15 minutes early. 10 minutes later I was still
waiting for him. I began to get worried. Then I saw him coming towards me.
A) Peter prefers to travel by bus.
B) We have decided to go by bus.
C) Buses leave from the centre of town every 15 minutes.
D) Peter and I had agreed to meet at the bus stop.
E) My father got to the bus stop first.

23. Stealing from shops has become quite a common problem. More and more
measures are being taken to prevent it. _____ There are televisions too, to
"keep and eye on" people. But in spite of all these precautions, stealing is on
the increase.
A) Most thieves are soon caught by the police.
B) People can no longer afford all they want.
C) Many people from other countries go to London for shopping.
D) People don't steal from a small shop.
E) Usually all big stores employ plainclothes detectives.

24. Jane and Tim were married last year. _____ Then they found a small house
for themselves. They moved in two months ago and are very happy.
A) Jane works in my office.
B) I often see them on Fridays.
C) For six months they lived with Tim's parents.
D) Tim has a good job in a bank.
E) We haven't seen them since they married.

25. We call such things as earthquakes and floods "natural disaster." If these
were predictable, the damage they cause could be much reduced. As it is, some
remote area is often hit. _____ And relief, when it comes, often comes too late.
A) It then takes days to get adequate help out.
B) Last year there was an earthquake in the East.
C) Blood was urgently needed.
D) People usually give very generously in such emergencies.
E) Many foreign countries also send aid.
1. Annie and her brothers are at school.
2. Either my mother or my father is coming to the meeting.
3. The dog or the cats are outside.
4. Either my shoes or your coat is always on the floor.
5. George and Tamara don't want to see that movie.
6. Benito doesn't know the answer.
7. One of my sisters is going on a trip to France.
8. The man with all the birds lives on my street.
9. The movie, including all the previews, takes about two hours to
10. The players, as well as the captain, want to win.
11. Either answer is acceptable.
12. Every one of those books is fiction.
13. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.
14. Is the news on at five or six?
15. Mathematics is John's favorite subject, while Civics is Andrea's
favorite subject.
16. Eight dollars is the price of a movie these days.
17. Are the tweezers in this drawer?
18. Your pants are at the cleaner's.
19. There were fifteen candies in that bag. Now there is only one left!
20. The committee debates these questions carefully.
21. The committee members lead very different lives in private.
22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, greets the press
23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, are in this case.
We use singular We use plural
verb forms with verb forms with
(is/was/does…): (are/were/do…):
 Шкільні предмети: economics, З такими словами: clothes, people,
physics, mathematics (maths), politics, police, stairs, (good) looks,
тощо. surroundings, outskirts, premises,
 Спорт: gymnastics, athletics, bowls, earnings, wages, cattle, poultry, тощо.
 Ігри: billiards, dominoes, darts, e.g. Designer clothes are rather expensive.
draughts, тощо.
 Хвороби: measles, mumps, тощо. Об’єкти, що складаються з двох
 Зі словом news. частин: trousers, binoculars, shorts,
shoes, gloves, pyjamas, tights,
e.g. I think physics is a very interesting glasses, earrings, socks, scissors,
subject. тощо.
The news isn't very encouraging, I'm
afraid. Не вживаємо артикль a/an і не
рахуємо ці іменники. Натомість
«pair of ...».

e.g. Where are your gloves?

I was given a pair of gloves.
Іменники в множині, що позначають …але якщо мова йде про кожен
міру (час, довжина, вага, тощо)… окремий грам/метр/градус, то
вживаємо дієслово в множині
e.g. Five hundred thousand pounds was
donated to build a new hospital wing. e.g. The last three hundred meters
were unbearable. Кожен з трьохсот
метрів був нестерпний.
Групи людей jury, family, team, group, Але вживаємо дієслово в множині,
crew, crowd, class, audience, committee, коли дію виконував кожен з членів
council, army, club, press, government, групи.
company, тощо, коли ми маємо на увазі
групу як єдине ціле. e.g. The jury are all staying at the Park
e.g. The jury is ready to give the verdict.

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