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ЗНО 2021


Час виконання – 150 хвилин
Робота складається з чотирьох частин. Частина «Розуміння мови на слух (аудіювання)» містить 16
завдань, частина «Читання» – 22 завдання, частина «Використання мови» – 20 завдань. Відповіді
на ці завдання Ви маєте позначити в бланку А. Частина «Письмо» містить завдання, відповідь на
яке Ви маєте записати в бланку Б.

Результат виконання всіх завдань буде використано під час прийому до закладів вищої освіти.
Результат виконання завдань 1–16 частини «Розуміння мови на слух (аудіювання)», 17–32 частини
«Читання», 49–58 частини «Використання мови» та частини «Письмо» буде зараховано як резуль-
тат державної підсумкової атестації для випускників, які вивчали англійську мову на рівні
стандарту або академічному рівні.

Результат виконання всіх завдань буде зараховано як результат державної підсумкової атеста-
ції для випускників, які вивчали англійську мову на профільному рівні.

Інструкція щодо роботи в зошиті

1. Правила виконання зазначені перед завданнями кожної нової форми.
2. Відповідайте тільки після того, як Ви уважно прочитали та зрозуміли завдання.
3. У разі необхідності використовуйте як чернетку вільні від тексту місця в зошиті.
4. Намагайтеся виконати всі завдання.

Інструкція щодо виконання частини «Розуміння мови на слух»

1. Кожне завдання частини «Розуміння мови на слух» складається з інструкції, звукозапису тек-
сту й запитань або тверджень до тексту і варіантів відповіді.
2. Перед виконанням уважно прослухайте та прочитайте інструкцію щодо виконання цих завдань.
3. Перед кожним новим завданням Ви почуєте звуковий сигнал. Для ознайомлення з питанням
Ви матимете достатньо часу.
4. Звукозаписи до завдань Ви прослухаєте двічі.

Інструкція щодо заповнення бланків відповідей

1. До бланків А і Б записуйте лише правильні, на Вашу думку, відповіді.
2. Відповіді вписуйте чітко, дотримуючись вимог інструкції до кожної форми завдань.
3. Неправильно позначені, підчищені відповіді в бланку А вважатимуться помилкою.
4. Якщо Ви позначили в бланку А відповідь неправильно, можете виправити її,
замалювавши попередню позначку та поставивши нову, як показано на зразку:

5. Виконавши завдання частини «Письмо» в зошиті, акуратно запишіть відповідь

у бланк Б.
6. Ваш результат залежатиме від загальної кількості правильних відповідей, зазначених у блан-
ку А, та якості виконання завдання в бланку Б.

Ознайомившись з інструкціями, перевірте якість друку зошита та кількість сторінок. Їх має бути 11.
Бажаємо Вам успіху!
Підвищити свій результат на ЗНО можна. Можна завдяки курсу для спринтерів:



Task 1
Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). Write
your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to each recording twice.

1. How does the woman’s brother look like?

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________


2. Which ball do the speakers need to buy?

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________


3. What has Ann planned to do on her birthday?

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________


4. What does the man complain about?

A how much he was charged to pay
B how loud his neighbours were
C how small the room was

5. What doesn’t Rachel like about her job?

A her boss
B people she meets
C working late

Підвищити свій результат на ЗНО можна. Можна завдяки курсу для спринтерів:

6. What do the women certainly take with them for a trip?

A canned food
B a paper map
C water-resistant clothes

Task 2

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true according to
the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will lis-
ten to the text twice.

7. The speaker’s mother witnessed World War Two.
8. The speaker’s grandfather on his father’s side never visited Scotland.
9. The speaker’s father was originally from Hungary.
10. The speaker’s parents met in Canada.
11. The speaker lives in Canada with his wife.

Task 3

Listen to the text. For statements (12-16) choose the correct answer (A, B, or C). Write
your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

12. What are James and Felicity going to do?

A They are going to write a review of films.
B They are going to read a magazine.
C They are going to discuss Felicity’s article.

13. What does Felicity say about the words “Me Tarzan, you Jane”?
A Tarzan has never actually said them.
B Tarzan said them while pointing back and forth at himself and Jane.
C Jane taught Tarzan to say these words.

14. Who were Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel?

A gangsters
B comedians
C rats

15. Who originally used the phrase “May the Force be with you”?
A Obi Wan Kenobi
B Obi Wan Kenobi’s pupil
C a rebellious soldier

16. How did James react to the fact about the film “Casablanca”?
A He was happy to hear it.
B He expressed his surprise.
C He didn’t understand what was said.

Підвищити свій результат на ЗНО можна. Можна завдяки курсу для спринтерів:

Частина “ЧИТАННЯ”


Task 4
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices you do
not need to use.

17. _____
With a selection of trendy shops and food outlets, this is a popular place for anyone who
loves shopping. Do you feel like treating yourself to a new outfit? Then come and check out
the latest fashions and track down that must-have accessory. Open seven days a week.

18. _____
With the latest video games, a bar and a great atmosphere. The Cube is the place to be.
You can meet your friends or have fun with your family. With three storeys, there’s room
for everyone. We offer discounts for students and there is a special offer on your birthday.

19. _____
Offering a range of classes and facilities, Thornton Centre has a wide selection of activities
for all fitness levels and abilities. For fitness freaks, there is a special weights room with a
collection of machines as well as free weights. What are you waiting for?

20. _____
Do you fancy learning a new sport? Do you want to hang out with your friends in a fun and
relaxed atmosphere? Then come to Clearwater. Everyone is welcome from experienced
players to absolute beginners. Open every day except Monday. Join us today.

21. _____
Popular with people of all ages Derby Park has a wide selection of rides and attractions.
Entrance prices are reasonable and we stay open late every weekend. Ride the roller
coasters at night for a thrilling new experience. It’s a must!

Which advertisement offers ____?

A an unforgettable evening visit
B something to eat
C amusing activities late on Fridays
D something for amateurs
E exciting shopping only on weekdays
F work out service
G lower prices for some
H private rooms
Підвищити свій результат на ЗНО можна. Можна завдяки курсу для спринтерів:

Task 5

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).

Maura Fay is a casting agent. She chooses actors for films, advertisements and soap operas, and
her life is filled with people who refer to each other as ‘darling’ and kiss the air when they meet,
an environment not really attractive to serious business people. Yet Maura Fay has noticed that
people are taking her new courses, which improve nervous executives’ presentation techniques,
very seriously indeed.

‘It began’, says Ms Fay, ‘about four years ago during one of the workshops I set up for actors.
Not stars, but those who could take on small, character parts. Teenagers especially, or people in
their fifties and sixties who might have talent, but have no idea of how to present themselves in
front of an audience. That’s when it struck me, in the middle of one of these sessions. I suddenly
thought this is what the business community needs.’

For Ms Fay it was obvious. Business people are trained to do business, not to perform. Yet if
they want to make their ideas clear, they have to understand actors’ techniques. So Maura
Fay started teaching business people how to win and influence their audiences, how to handle
nerves, how to control their breathing and how to make a good impression. It took a long time
but the result was worth it.

‘Most of our trainers are drama teachers. Many have been actors, some still are. In every
workshop we do, we involve professional actors. So you can be taught by someone you saw on
television the night before. It’s all very exciting and part of new management thinking as we
approach the next century.’

Some business communities are rather cautious about accepting Maura Fay’s techniques.
Meanwhile, other organisations are working along similar lines and using theatre-based
workshops not only for putting across business ideas, but also for dealing with people’s
behaviour. Theatrical workshops, like music, can cross language and cultural frontiers. Different
nationalities will interpret things in different ways, but that is one reason why a theatrical
workshop is so interesting and useful.

Maura Fay is also concerned with how to do business in different cultures and she hires actors
from various countries to help with multicultural workshops. These actors then demonstrate
exactly how clients in their own countries would behave in certain business situations, and that
is very valuable experience for companies looking to do business in a particular country.

22. In the first paragraph, it is said that business people...

A don’t take Maura Fay seriously anymore.
B are not attracted to her courses at all.
C have started to appreciate what she has to offer.
D want to be cast for a small role.

23. At first, Maura Fay’s workshops were focused on...

A celebrities.
B managers.
C geniuses.
D performers.

Підвищити свій результат на ЗНО можна. Можна завдяки курсу для спринтерів:

24. Which is NOT TRUE about Maura Fay’s new business courses?
A You’ll be able to be calm during your presentation.
B You’ll be able to convince people.
C You’ll be able to breathe properly.
D You’ll be able to star in a movie.

25. What does the word “cautious” in the fifth paragraph mean?
A positive
B dangerous
C careful
D sure

26. Maura Fay employs actors from other countries...

A to show probable reactions in some business situations.
B to do business abroad.
C to act as a foreigner.
D to improve business people’s behaviour.

Task 6

Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two choices you do not
need to use.

27. _____
Allie, 14
I mostly use my mobile for sending text messages - I probably send about 20 a day! I take
my phone to school with me, but we have to switch them off during lessons. They threatened
to ban them completely a couple of months ago when they caught a pupil using his phone to
cheat during an exam. He was in serious trouble! Since then we’ve had to be more careful
about when and where we use our phones at school.

28. _____
Edith, 78
I never wanted to have a mobile phone. I didn’t see the point at my age and I thought they
would be really complicated to use. Then my daughter bought me one for my birthday last
year and now I use it all the time. Having it with me makes me feel safe. My daughter also
knows she can contact me at any time, which stops her worrying about me! Obviously, I
could live without a mobile phone if I had to, but it certainly makes life a lot easier.

29. _____
Helen, 48
I’m a mobile phone addict, I’m afraid. I’m one of those irritating people who uses their phone
everywhere - on public transport, walking along the street and when I’m out having dinner
at a restaurant! The thing is I’m a very busy person and my mobile is invaluable because it
allows me to do more than one thing at the same time. I can talk to my bank manager while
I’m shopping or text my husband while I’m in a meeting at work. I probably spend at least an
hour a day on my mobile and I do sometimes worry about the health risks, but I just couldn’t
do without it now.

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30. _____
John, 37
I’m in a minority, I know, because I don’t possess a mobile phone. I’ve actually made a
conscious decision not to get one, which most people find strange. Call me old-fashioned, but
I don’t want people to be able to contact me whenever they want, night or day. It really gets
on my nerves when people talk loudly on their mobile in public places and I could never be
so impolite. The only times it might be useful to have a mobile phone are when I’m travelling
and I need to check train times or let someone know what time I’m arriving somewhere.

31. _____
Ben, 11
My mum and dad won’t buy me a mobile phone because they say I’m too young to have one.
They think I would use it to ring my friends all the time and then they’d have to pay the bill.
My parents also think mobile phones are unhealthy, so neither of them has got one. However,
all my friends have got them and I feel a bit left out when they text each other or play games
on their phones. I’d like to get one of those phones with lots of different gadgets on them, one
that can send pictures as well as messages. I’m saving up for one at the moment, and hoping
my parents will change their minds!

32. _____
John, 51
As for me, my phone is fairly important to me as I use it for various things. For instance, I
take a walk around lunchtime and use my wireless headphone to listen to my saved music.
In the evening, I use my phone a few times to look up some info. It also reminds me of
meetings I need to go to and new emails. My children, and there are 5 of them, like to text
me every few days. All in all, I rarely use it as a phone solely. So, it’s not like my phone is
essential, but it is definitely a nice lifestyle upgrade.

Which person _____

A wasn’t interested in getting a mobile phone at first?
B wants to get a phone with particular features?
C can’t use their mobile phone whenever they want?
D mentions how mobile phones can be used for dishonest purposes?
E isn’t sure if mobile phones are harmless?
F thinks that mobile phones waste time?
G gets annoyed when someone uses a mobile phone?
H enjoys using a mobile phone in different ways?

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Task 7

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (33-38).
There are two choices you do not need to use.


Ronald Amundsen is one of the most famous men in the history of polar exploration. He was (33)
________, the first to sail around the world through the Northwest and Northeast passages and
the first to fly over the North Pole in a light aircraft.

Amundsen was born in Norway in 1872. From a young age, he believed he would become an
explorer just like his hero Sir John Franklin. However, his ambition took a back seat when he
decided (34) ________, but he never forgot his dream. When his mother passed away, Amundsen
dropped his studies and went to sea. At the age of twenty, he was given the opportunity to set
sail on an Arctic vessel and at twenty-five he joined the crew of the “Belgica” (35) ________. Once
there, they became trapped for thirteen months in the ice and were forced to eat seal meat to
avoid starvation.

On his return, he departed almost immediately for the North Magnetic Pole with just a crew
of seven. This voyage lasted three years and made him a world-famous explorer. Four years
later he decided to head for the Antarctic and did so in August 1910. His first attempt failed
(36) ________, but this didn’t discourage him. In 1911 he set out on his journey again with four
men, using sledges and fifty-two dogs. In two months they arrived at the South Pole; they were
(37) ________. Amundsen and his men spent three days exploring the area and left a marker flag
and letters for the King of Norway and their rival, Robert Scott.

Amundsen was successful because of his excellent knowledge of polar condition. He also paid a
lot of attention (38) ________ that allowed him to endure the hardships.

A to take part in a Belgian expedition to the Antarctic

B happy to be so far in the North
C the first man to reach the South Pole
D to details and possessed physical strength
E because of bad weather
F the first to do so
G because of his mother
H to study medicine for his mother’s sake

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Use of English

Task 8
Read the text below. For questions (39-48) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).


In most Western countries, few people use cash any more to pay for large purchases. Rather,
they (39) _____ write cheques or pay by credit card. Whereas cheques are (40) _____ in popularity
each year, the credit card has become a must. Many people now have several cards at any time.

Paying by credit card offers consumers several (41) _____ advantages. (42) _____, you don’t have
to carry around large amounts of cash (which could be stolen and is (43) _____ to have in your
pocket or wallet) or a large cheque book. Secondly, (44) _____ cheques, you usually have several
weeks in which to actually pay. This is because of the way the system works. With a credit card,
you receive a bill from the credit card company or bank at the end of each month. If you made
your (45) _____ at the beginning of the month, you will have had several weeks of interest-free
credit. You can then decide to pay the amount in full, and thus not be charged any interest at
all, or to only pay a (46) _____ amount, delaying the remainder of the payment, at a high rate of
interest, to subsequent months.

This, of course, can (47) _____ to one of the main disadvantages of credit cards. They give people
the impression that they can afford to spend more than they actually can, resulting in their
ending up with huge amounts of (48) _____.

39 A either B or C neither D nor

40 A belittling B decreasing C reducing D lessening
41 A most B tiniest C major D small
42 A In the beginning B At the beginning C At first D Firstly
43 A irritable B frustrated C angry D annoying
44 A alike B unlike C like D likely
45 A purchase B deal C bargain D shopping
46 A sure B certain C thorough D special
47 A result B happen C lead D cause
48 A credit B money C duty D debt

Підвищити свій результат на ЗНО можна. Можна завдяки курсу для спринтерів:

Task 9

Read the text below. For questions (49-58) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).


Have you considered applying (49) _____ a job where you can live on the premises? While ‘living
above the shop’ might sound (50) _____ because you don’t have to commute, (51) _____ situation
has its pros and cons. Bernadette Gillow, (52) _____ lives and works at Ightham Mote, a medieval
National Trust property, admits that it can be difficult at times. “It takes some getting used to.
As you come in with your supermarket bags on your day off, you walk through showrooms to get
to your quarters. I once (53) _____ a little old lady on my sofa. No matter how many “PRIVATE”
signs you have on the door, if it opens, people will open it.” (54) _____, she’s generally happy.
When she took the job as manager, the whole family - her husband and two children - (55)
_____ in. Renting out their previous home, they have settled in and now benefit from using the
grounds (56) _____ summer evenings after the visitors have gone. “You feel a wonderful sense
of history here.” she says. “Although it is basically a general management job, I’m responsible
for the day to day running of the property: the house and garden, the shop and tearoom, the
staff and the financial administration. It (57) _____ us an opportunity to completely absorb
the scenery and the property. It’s a gorgeous place to be and it’s a great privilege. Despite the
drawbacks, I wouldn’t like (58) _____ to the way we lived before.”

49 A at B for C to D on
50 A good B well C goodly D nicely
51 A so B such C such a D so a
52 A which B that C who D whose
53 A has found B have found C had found D found
54 A However B Although C Even though D Despite
55 A moved B were moving C was moving D have moved
56 A for B during C at D to
57 A is giving B gave C give D gives
58 A go back B going back C to going back D to go back

Підвищити свій результат на ЗНО можна. Можна завдяки курсу для спринтерів:

Частина «ПИСЬМО»


59. You have received a letter from your English pen friend who writes about his/her
new friend. Write a letter to your English pen-friend and say

• what makes a positive first impression and why

• if the first impression is always true and why/why not
• what you value in a person and why

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use any personal information (e. g., names dates,
addresses, etc.). Start your letter in an appropriate way.




















1. Betsis Andrew. Succeed in Cambridge KET for Schools 6. Student’s Book. - Andrew Bestsis ELT, 2012 - Paper 2, Listening, p.32 Audio Track 7 Question 1
2. Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Upstream B1 Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. - Express Publishing, 2004 - Unit 5 p.61 ex.7
3. Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Upstream B1+ Intermediate. Student’s Book. - Express Publishing, 2007 - Unit 1 p.13 ex.6
4. Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Upstream B2 Intermediate. Student’s Book. - Express Publishing, 2002 - Unit 3 p.41 ex.10a
5. Richards Jack C., Trew Grant. Basic Tactics for Listening. Student’s Book. - Oxford University Press, 2010 - Unit 6 p.24 CD1 Track 32
6. Hughes John, Stephenson Helen, Dummett Paul. Life Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. - National Geographic Learning, 2013 - Unit 8 p.97 ex.6 Track 2.11
7. Bohkle David, Parker Stephanie. Keynote Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. - National Geographic Learning, 2018 - Unit 2.1 p.21 ex.3 Track 2.2
8. Hastings Bob, Uminska Marta, Chandler Dominika. Longman Exam Accelerator - Pearson Longman, 2011 - English and the Arts p.157 CD2 Track 16

Reading and Use of English

9. Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Matura Prime Time plus. Pre-Intermediate, Student’s Book - Express Publishing, 2015. - p. 10
10. Fried-Booth Diana L. Richmond FCE Practice Tests. Student’s Book - Richmond Publishing, 2010. - p. 92-93
11. Crawford Michele, Nicholas Rob, Cochrane Stuart. Code RED. B2, Student’s Book - Macmillan Education, 2010 - p. 6-7
12. Moutsou E., Parker S. Use of English for the FCE examination. Teacher’s Book - MMPUBLICATIONS, 2001 - p. 174
13. Mann Malcolm, Taylore-Knowles Steve. Skills for FCE Use of English. Student’s Book - Macmillan Education, 2003 - p. 66
14. Evans Virginia, Obee Bob. Upstream Upper-Intermediate. Student’s Book - Express Publishing, 2008. - p. 71
15. Bruss, J., 2018. How Important Is Your Smartphone To Your Daily Life?. [online] Quora. Available at: <
smartphone-to-your-daily-life/answer/John-Bruss-2> [Accessed 26 May 2020].
Англійська мова A
Правильну відповідь у завданнях позначайте тільки так:

Неправильну відповідь можна виправити, А Б В Г

замалювавши попередню позначку та поставивши нову:

1 7 12
2 8 13
3 9 14
4 10 15
5 11 16

17 22
18 23
19 24
20 25
21 26

27 33
28 34
29 35
30 36
31 37
32 38

39 49
40 50
41 51
42 52
43 53
44 54
45 55
46 56
47 57
48 58
Увага! Писати в полі екзаменаторів заборонено!

Поле екзаменаторів

Код екзаменатора Робота не написана
Робота не відповідає

умовам завдання

a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 c d
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

Відповідь на завдання 59. Відповідаючи на завдання, не виходьте за межі ліній!

Кінець бланка Б

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