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« Welcome to Maritime English »

Навчально- методичний посібник для курсантів другого курсу

за спеціальностями: 5.07010401 « Судноводіння на морських шляхах » ,
5.07010403« Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок » ,
5.07010407 « Експлуатація електрообладнання та автоматики суден »,
5.05060403 « Монтаж та експлуатація холодильно-компресорних машин та установок»

Одеса 2012

Розроблено відповідно до Стандартів повної загальної середньої освіти та вищої
освіти за спеціальностями: 5.07010401 « Судноводіння на морських шляхах » ,
5.07010403« Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок » ,
5.07010407 « Експлуатація електрообладнання та автоматики суден »,
5.05060403 « Монтаж та експлуатація холодильно-компресорних машин та установок»
затвердженими Міністерством освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України.

Заступник начальника училища
з навчальної роботи Мельник Н. О.
«____» _________________2012 р.

Розглянуто i схвалено на засiданнi

циклової комiсiї мови та лiтератури
Протокол № __ вiд «___» ___________2012 р.
Голова ЦК ______________ Степаненко О.О.

Складено: Саркiсян Н.С

« Welcome to Maritime English » Навчально- методичний посібник для курсантів

другого курсу за спеціальностями: 5.07010401 « Судноводіння на морських шляхах » ,
5.07010403« Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок » ,
5.07010407 « Експлуатація електрообладнання та автоматики суден »,
5.05060403 « Монтаж та експлуатація холодильно-компресорних машин та установок»



1. Моя майбутня дорога у житті. 4

Перші кроки до майбутньої професії.

2. Ознайомлення з моїм майбутнім робочім місцем. ( Частина 1 ). 9

3. Ознайомлення з моїм майбутнім робочім місцем. ( Частина 2 ). 17

4. Відвідування судна. 21

5. Мій перший робочий день на борту судна. 26

6. Організація складу екіпажу судна. 30

7. Головні частини судна (Частина 1 ). 35

8. Головні частини судна ( Частина 2 ). 38

9. Класифікація вантажних суден. 43

10. Типи суден спеціального призначення. 48

11. Безпека на борту судна (Частина 1 ). 53

12. Безпека на борту судна ( Частина 2 ). 57

13. Травматизм на борту. Медична допомога. 61

Суднові команди. 65

Неправильні дієслова. 67

Unit 1.

Learning English.

I. Vocabulary.

language[læŋgwidʒ] язык мова

importance важность важливicть
to use [ju:z] использовать використовувати
to carry переносить, перевозить переносити, перевозити
data [deitә] данные данi
to store хранить зберiгати
half [ha:f] половина половина
science наука наука
to include [inklu:d] включать в себя мати в собi
officer of the watch вахтенный офицер вахтовий офiцер
level уровень рiвень
ship корабль корабель
crew [kru:] экипаж екiпаж
foreign [fɔrin] иностранный iноземний
to require [ rikwaiә ] требовать мати потребу
knowledge [ nɔlidʒ ] знание знання
skill навык навичка
reason причина причина
order зд: порядок тут: порядок
expression выражение висловлювання
list список список
habit привычка звичка
to change менять, изменять мiняти, змiнювати
condition состояние, условие стан, умова

II. Read and translate the text.

English is the most widespread language in the world. The importance of

English is not just how many people speak it but in what it is used for.
English is the major language of news and information in the world. It is the
language of business . It is the language of maritime communication and
international air traffic control, and it is used even for internal air traffic
control in countries where it is not a native language. American popular
culture – primarily movies and music – carries language throughout the
world. Eighty % of computer data are processed and stored in English.
More than half of the newspapers in the world, are published in English.
English is the major language of international business, diplomacy, and
science. English is also an official language of many international
organizations, including the United Nations and many professional
organizations. English is also very important for international travel.
Maritime English is a highly specialized field. Officers of the watch need a
level of English adequate to communicate with other ships and coast
stations and multilingual crews. Communicating in a foreign language is a
complex process. It requires linguistic knowledge and skills.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of English as a world language?

2. What are the uses of English?
3. What are the reasons that people have for learning English?
4. Why is English important for you?
5. What is the best way to learn English for you ?

IV. What is the most important for you in learning a language? Put the list
in order of importance.

__learning grammar

__speaking and being corrected

__learning vocabulary

__speaking and not being corrected all the time



__pronunciation practice

V. You have a friend who has never studied English. Which 10 words or
expressions would you advise him to learn before visiting an English-
speaking country for a holiday? Make a list.

Present Simple and Present Continuous

The Present Simple Tense is used for two main types of action:

Habits – actions which happen regularly ( every day, every week, etc. )

States – Things which do not often change ( opinions, conditions, etc. )

Some examples will help to make this clearer:

Type of action Examples Explanations


Sally goes to class every day. “every day” is a habit;

habit It rains a lot in Vancouver. This means that it rains often.

Santos always talks about his family . “always” means

this is a habit.

Jerry spends Christmas with his parents. It happens every year.

Bianca lives in Florida. This is a state, it

doesn`t change.

state John has red hair. Colour of hair doesn`t

usually change.

Martin likes chocolate. When we like something,

usually we will always like it.

The Present Continuous Tense is used for two types of action:

A temporary action happening now. Something which is going on right

now ( but it will stop in the future )

A definite plan for the future. Something we intend to do, usually in the
near future.
Here are some examples:

Type of action Examples Explanations


John is winning the game. Right now, John is

winning, but the game
A temporary action is not finished yet.

happening now. It`s raining outside. It`s raining right now

( but it may stop soon )

I`m playing soccer tomorrow. This plan is already

A definite plan

for the future arranged and definite.

I`m having a party next week. All the plans have

been made.

VI. When you are sure you understand the topic clearly, do the following

1. Look! Junko ____ into the water.

a)jumps b)is jumping
2. I ____ lunch in the cafeteria every day.
a)have b)am having
3. I ___ to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come?
a)go b)am going
4. Don`t give Jan any cheese. She ___ it!
a)hates b)is hating
5. You won`t find Jerry at home right now. He ___ in the library.
a)studies b) is studying
6. Once a week, I ___ to an art class at the college.
a)go b)am going
7. I ___ you`re crazy!
a)think b)am thinking

8. Salman is rich – he ___ a Mercedes.
a)drives b)is driving
9. It ___ quite hard – perhaps we shouldn`t go out tonight.
a) snows b) is snowing

10. Marie-Claude isn`t a Canadian. I ___ she comes from France.

a) believe b) am believing

Unit 2.

Applying for a job. Application form.

I. Vocabulary.

job работа праця

employer наниматель наймач
previous предыдущий попереднiй
experience опыт досвiд
condition состояние, условие стан, умова
to find out узнавать дiзнаватися
to make sure убедиться переконуватися
to arrive прибывать прибувати
to try пытаться намагатися
impression впечатление враження
mistake ошибка помилка
dictionary словарь словник
to describe описывать описувати
sometimes иногда iнодi
brief краткий, сжатый стислий
to show показывать показувати
necessary необходимо ( ый ) необхiдно ( ий,а )
quality качество якiсть
to keep /kept /kept хранить, держать зберiгати, утримувати
to avoid избегать уникати

II. Read and translate the following. Try to remember.

The Interview.

You`ve got an interview for a job in a famous Shipping Company – good.

So now for the hard work. The employer wants to know if you are the
person he wants, so you`ll be asked about yourself. Think about it now:

° What do I do well?
° What are my good points?
° Why would I like this job?
° What is my family like?
° Previous work?
° Sailing experience ( if any ) ?

You will want to ask questions too:

° The job itself?

° Training?
° Prospects?
° Conditions?
° Further education?
° Hours?
° Salary?
Write your questions down and take them with you.

Before the interview:

1. Find out what you can about the firm.

2. Find out the interviewer`s name and telephone number.
3. Find out where the interview is.
4. Find out how long it will take to get there.
5. Make sure you know what the job involves.
6. Dress to look clean and tidy.

At the interview:

1. Do arrive early. Phone if you are held up.

2. Do try to smile.
3. Do show interest in the job and ask questions.
4. Do be polite.
5. Don`t panic, even if faced by more than one person.
6. Don`t look bored.
7. Don`t smoke or chew.
8. Don`t give one word answers or say you don`t care what you do.

Applying by letter:

1. Remember that first impression is important.

2. Write clearly on good notepaper.
3. Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a
4. Describe yourself, your qualifications and your experience clearly.
5. Enclose your CV ( Curriculum Vitae ).
Curriculum Vitae

A CV, sometimes called “resume” in the USA, is a brief personal history

and especially a summary of your career history and skills and experience
you have. It is to show a employer that you have the necessary qualities to
do job you are applying for, that is your CV should clearly demonstrate that
you have the specific skills needed for the job, the right sort of experience
and of course the personal qualities for the position.

Keep it short: no more than two A4 pages.

Keep it clear: it should be typewritten and well laid out.
Avoid: sending photocopies, spelling and grammar mistakes, etc.
Leave out: unnecessary personal details, e.g. religious and political
affiliation, negative and out-of-date information.

A general layout of a CV:

° Name
° Address and telephone number
° Date and place of birth
° Nationality
° Married or single ( give the ages of any children )
° Education: dates and places of education
° Languages: knowledge of English and other languages
° Previous employment and work experience
° Outside interests, hobbies, etc.

Your name in large bold type . Your full address .

Post code, telephone number, including area code.
Personal Profile ( a brief, business-like description of yourself ).
Personal qualities
Experience __________________________________________________

Career History
Name of Company, usually starting with the most recent ______________
Dates you worked there ________________________________________
Job title _____________________________________________________
Brief description of what you did

Education and training

Starting with the highest, name of school, college or university__________
Dates you attended _____________________________________________
The qualification you achieved ___________________________________

Personal details
Date of birth __________________________________________________
Marital status _________________________________________________
Interests and activities. Brief details. _______________________________

III. Make up word-combinations according to the text.

previous | mistakes ___________________________________________

sailing | skills _________________________________________________
further | impression ____________________________________________
first | work ___________________________________________________
specific | experience ____________________________________________
personal | education ____________________________________________
grammar |
out-of-date | qualities

Present Perfect and Past Simple

The Present Perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished:

e.g. I have seen three movies this week.( This week has not finished yet. )
The Past Simple is used when the time period HAS finished:

e.g. I saw three movies last week. ( Last week has finished. )
The Present Perfect is often used when giving recent news:

e.g. Martin has crashed his car again. ( This is new information. )
The Past Simple is used when giving older information:


e.g. Martin crashed his car last year. ( This is old information. )
The Present Perfect is used when the time is not specific:

e.g. I have seen that movie already. ( We don`t know when. )
The Past Simple is used when the time is clear:

e.g. I saw that movie on Thursday. ( We know exactly when. )
The Present Perfect is often used with for and since, when the actions have
not finished yet:

e.g. I have lived in Victoria for five years. ( I still live in Victoria. )
The Past Simple is used with for and since, when the actions have already

e.g. I lived in Victoria for five years. ( I don`t live in Victoria now.)

V. Choose Present Perfect or Past Simple and explain why.

1. He ___ in Tokyo for five years, but left in 2001.

lived has lived
2. “ Titanic” ___ in 1912.
sank has sunk
3. Somebody ___ my bicycle! Now I`ll have to walk home.
stole has stolen
4. Tom ___ off his bike three times this month.
fell has fallen
5. Ann ___ from university last July.
graduated has graduated

6. I ___ the movie “ Titanic” three times. I`m going to see it again tonight.
have seen saw
7. I ___ to work every day for the last six weeks.
walked have walked
8. When Young Hee was a child, she ___ in Seoul.
lived has lived
9. Ouch! I ___ my finger!
cut have cut
10. I ___ my key yesterday, so I couldn`t get into the house.
lost have lost

Unit 3

Ship`s measurements.

I. Vocabulary

tonnage грузовместимость вантажомісткість

measurement измерение вимір
weight [ weit ] вес вага
capacity вместимость, місткість,
производительность, продуктивність,
должность посада
volume объем об`єм
accommodation жилое помещение житлове приміщення
deadweight грузоподъемность вантажопідйомність
amount количество кількість
displacement водоизмещение водотоннажність
bale space киповая кипова
грузоподъемность вантажопідйомність
hold трюм трюм
grain space грузоподъемность для вантажопідйомність
зерновых грузов для зернових вантажів
ullage пустоты, незаполненная порожнечі
часть объема
level уровень рівень

to prevent предотвращать запобігати
to expand расширяться розширюватися
due to из-за через
beam наибольшая ширина найбільша ширина
судна судна
breadth ширина ширина
length over all наибольшая длина найбільша довжина
судна судна
distance расстояние відстань
draft осадка осадка
bottom днище днище
surface поверхность поверхня
specific gravity удельный вес питома вага
freeboard надводный борт надводний борт
difference разница різниця

II. Read and translate the text.

The tonnage of a vessel indicates the measurement of her weight, size or

capacity. Gross register tonnage ( валовая регистровая вместимость ) –
the entire volume of the enclosed spaces of the vessel that can be used for
cargo, stores and accommodation. Net tonnage ( чистая регистровая
вместимость ) – volume that can be used to carry cargo. Deadweight
tonnage ( полная грузоподъемность ) – the weight of all the contents a
vessel is capable of carrying when loaded to summer mark. By cargo
carrying capacity ( чистая грузоподъемность ) is understood the amount
of cargo that a vessel is capable of carrying. By displacement is understood
the amount of water that is “ displaced” by the body of the vessel as she is
floating in the water. Displacement is indicated by the word “ton” or
” tonne”. By bale space is understood the volume of the cargo holds that
can be used to carry general cargo. By grain space is understood the
volume of the cargo holds that can be used to carry dry bulk cargo. By oil
space is understood 98% of the total volume of the wet bulk tanks. The
remaining 2% are used as ullage. This is the empty space on top of the

liquid level that will prevent a tank from overflowing when oil expands due
to heat. By beam is understood the extreme breadth of the vessel. By length
over all is understood the distance between the extreme fore-end and the
extreme aft-end of the vessel. By draft is understood the distance from the
bottom of the keel to the surface of the water. Due to the salinity of
seawater, the draft in seawater is less than draft in fresh water, because
seawater has a higher specific gravity. By air draft is understood the
distance from the waterline to the highest point of the vessel. By freeboard
is understood the distance between deck line and waterline.

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What indicates ship`s size or weight?

2. What types of tonnage do you know?

3. What`s the difference between tonnage and displacement?

4. What types of cargo spaces do you know?

5. How can you indicate oil space?

6. What are the specifications of draft?


III. Read the ship`s characteristics.

MV “ Gloria”
Container Carrier
y.b. 1999
L.O.A. : 140,50m
Beam: 27 m
Draft s/w: 9m
Dwgt: 13,300t
GRT: 8,700t
NRT: 4,820t

IV. Make up word-combinations according to the text.

entire | space ___________________________________________

deadweight | hold _______________________________________
summer | volume ________________________________________
bale | level ____________________________________________
dry | gravity _____________________________________________
liquid | mark ____________________________________________
cargo | point ____________________________________________
specific | bulk cargo _______________________________________
highest | tonnage __________________________________________

V. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

1. _______________________amount of cargo that a vessel is capable of

2. ______________________ volume that can be used to carry cargo.
3. ______________________ is indicated by the word “ton” or
” tonne”.
4. ______________________ the extreme breadth of the vessel.
5. ______________________ the distance from the bottom of the keel to
the surface of the water.
6. ______________________ the distance between deck line and waterline.
7. ______________________ the empty space on top of the liquid level.
8. ______________________ measurement of weight, size or capacity of a
9. ______________________ the volume of the cargo holds.

Unit 4

Visiting a ship.

I. Vocabulary:

a car and passenger ferry автопассажирский автопасажирський

паром паром
to be on regular service работать постоянно працювати постійно
to approach приближаться наближатися
to roll катиться котитися
to roll on / roll off закатываться/ накочуватися /
выкатываться скочуватися
to load загружать завантажувати
to unload разгружать розвантажувати
gangway трап трап
departure отъезд, отправление від’їзд, відправлення
to make entries делать записи робити записи
show (showed / shown ) показывать показувати
to tune [tju:n] настраивать налаштовувати

emergency чрезв. обстоятельства, надзвичайні
тревога обставини
teleprinter телетайп телетайп
device устройство, прибор пристрій, прилад
as так как так як
to interrupt прерывать переривати
to lubricate смазывать змащувати
to overhaul тщательно ретельно оглядати,
осматривать, перебирати (техн.)
перебирать ( техн. )
air-conditioning system система система
кондиционирования кондиціонування
воздуха повітря
dining-room столовая їдальня
to spend (spent; spent ) проводить, тратить проводити, витрачати
m/v = motor vessel теплоход теплохід

II. Read and translate the text.

Last month we visited the m/v “Dream” a car and passenger ferry which
is on regular service between St. Petersburg and Stockholm. When we
approached the ferry some cars were rolling off it. The ship was unloading.
We knew that the ferry could carry not only 370 passengers but also 50 cars
at a time. The officer on watch met us at the gangway and when we got on
board we saw that all the sailors were working hard. Some of them were
busy with unloading, others were preparing the ferry for the departure. First
of all the officer of the watch took us to the navigating bridge. We found
the Third Officer there who was making entries into the log-book. He
showed the ship’s navigational equipment to us. Then we went to the radio-
room. When we entered the Second Radio Officer was tuning the
emergency transmitter. We saw a lot of modern radio equipment in the
radio-room: some transmitters, receivers, teleprinters and satellite
communication devices. As the Second Radio Officer was busy we decided
not to interrupt his work and went to the engine-room. There were many
sailors in the engine-room. The motor-men were lubricating the pumps, the

Second Engineer was overhauling the main engine and the Third Engineer
was regulating the air-conditioning system.
Then our guide showed us comfortable passengers and crewmen’s cabins,
musical saloons, dining-rooms and bars. We spent two hours on board the
ferry and were very pleased with our visit. We thanked the Second Officer,
wished him a happy voyage and left the ship.

III. Translate the following words and word combinations:

to be on regular service – ________________________________________

to approach a ship – ___________________________________________

to roll on – __________________________________________________

to roll off – __________________________________________________

to invite smb. in – _____________________________________________

to prepare for the departure – ____________________________________

an officer on watch – ___________________________________________

to make entries into the log-book – ________________________________

navigational equipment – _______________________________________

to tune an emergency transmitter – ________________________________

satellite communication – _______________________________________

to lubricate equipment – ________________________________________

to overhaul the main engine – ____________________________________

main particulars – _____________________________________________

draft – ______________________________________________________

IV. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

налаштовувати аварійний радіопередавач


бути задоволеним чимось______________________________________

робити записи в судовому журналі


готуватися до відправлення судна


змащувати насоси ___________________________________________

апаратура супутникового зв’язку


переривати чиюсь роботу _____________________________________

V. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the text about?

2. What type of vessel is the m/v “Dream”?

3. Is this ship modern?

4. Where is she on service?

5. Who showed the ship to the cadets?

6. What department did the cadets visit?

7. Were the crew members having a rest when the cadets arrived?

8. What did the cadets like about the ship most of all?

9. Was their excursion interesting?

VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

У минулому році ми відвідали вантажне судно.


Це сучасне судно потребує ремонту.


Всі були зайняті своїми обов`язками.


Ми б хотіли плавати на такому судні.


Вчора нам треба було перебрати головний двигун.

Ви повинні повернутися до своєї каюти.

VII. Fill in the gaps with necessary verbs:

1. A: What ….. you doing at 9 a.m. yesterday?

B: I ….. checking the tackles.

A: ….. you often check tackles?

B: I certainly ….. .

2. A: Where ….. the Third Officer?

B: Ten minutes ago he ….. in the wheelhouse (рулевая рубка).

A: ….. he still here?

B: No, he ….. .

3. A: When ….. the Second Officer relieves you of watch?

B: He relieved me of watch at 12 a. m.

A: Where ….. you go after your watch?

B: I went to the musical saloon (музыкальный салон).

4. A: What ….. the electrician doing when you saw him?

B: He ….. repairing the ventilator.

A: ….. he often do it when on watch?

B: I think he ….. .

Unit 5

My first day aboard the vessel.

I. Vocabulary.

to sign подписывать пiдписувати

to assign назначать призначати
to ensure обеспечивать, гарантировать забезпечувути,
to fill out заполнять заповнювати
to attain достигать, зд:получать досягати; тут: здобувати
signature подпись пiдпис
to lose / lost /lost терять утрачати
muster duties обязанности по тревогам обов`язки за тривогами
at any time в любое время у будь-який час
to familiarize ознакомляться ознайомлюватися
in the event of в случае у випадку
immediately немедленно, непосредственно негайно, безпосередньо
during во время пiд час

muster station пункт сбора по тревоге пункт збору за
drill учебная тревога учбова тривога
to follow следовать слідувати
to allow позволять дозволяти
to increase увеличивать збільшувати

II. Read and translate the text.

This guide was formulated to help you look professional when joining a
new vessel.
You are generally required to sign the Ship`s Book. The third officer is
usually assigned to ensure the Ship`s Book is completed. If you are in
possession of Seaman`s Discharge Book, give it to the third officer, he is
assigned to fill out the dates and attain the commanding officer`s signature.
If you have not already, you will be asked to sign a contract for
employment. The captain or his delegate may present this to you. This is an
important document, ask for a copy and do not lose it. You are required to
complete a Next of Kin notification form, the commanding officer keeps
this file. You will be assigned a cabin, learn your muster duties for fire
stations and boat stations. These are posted above your bunk. You must
make yourself familiar with these. Emergencies can happen at any time.
You also have to familiarize with the following Check lists: Before
Departure, 24 Hours, 7 Days. In the event of a emergency you can contact
any ship`s officer. In the event of fire, activate the closest fire station and
contact the bridge immediately. During muster stations and drills follow the
orders of the officer in charge.

III. Fill the gaps with the appropriate word.

to sign / a contract for employment / lose / muster duties / to familiarize /

immediately /

1. You are generally required ______________the Ship`s Book.
2. You will be asked to sign ____________________________.
3. Do not ________ the contract for employment.
4. You must learn your _______________ for fire stations and boat

5. You have ____________________ with the Check lists.

6. In the event of fire, contact the bridge_______________________.

IV. Make the sentences passive.

1. Officer will assign a cabin for you.

2. Ships carry lights to allow them to be noticed.

3. We know that cargo as bulk cargo.

4. Oil tankers carry oil products.

Do and Make

Make often has the meaning of produce, create ,or prepare:

I made a fire, then I made myself a meal. After the meal I made some
coffee. That motorcycle makes a lot of noise, don`t you think?

Do is usually the correct word when we are talking about a general activity.
I hope you know what you are doing. If you do that, you`ll regret it.

Do is usually the correct word when we are talking about work.

In this sense it`s often used with the –ing work activities: cooking,
shopping, cleaning, etc.
I never do shopping. My wife does it.

In other cases there are no clear rules. If in doubt, use make. Keep in mind
the following expressions:

Do Make

→business →a decision → a noise

→good →a habit of → a profit
→harm → a loss → a promise
→one`s best →a mistake → arrangements
→somebody a favour →an attempt → an exception
→well ( succeed) →an excuse

V. Choose the correct variant.

1. I think you`re ___ a big mistake.

a) making doing

2. We need to ___ a plan.

a) make b)do
3. Harry is bringing something to drink and I`m going to ___ a cake.
a) make b)do
4. You`re more likely to ___ harm than good.
a) make b)do
5. I`m going to ___ you an offer you can`t refuse.
a) make b)do
6. Can I ___ a suggestion?
a) make b)do
7. You need to ___ some work.
a) make b)do
8. I hate to ___ the housework.
a) make b)do
9. I hate ___ beds.
a) making b)doing
10. I think we should ___ an exception in this case.

a) make b)do
11. Can you ___ a favour?
a) make b)do
12. He`s not the sort of person you can ___ business with.
a) make b) do
13. You must be quiet. You mustn`t ___ a noise.
a) make b)do
14. It`s not we want. We`ll just have to ___ the best of it.
a) make b)do
15. You`re always ___ excuses for him.
a) making b)doing

Unit 6
Ship`s organization.

I. Vocabulary.

department отделение, служба вiддiлення, служба

engine room машинное отделение машинне вiддiлення
chief mate старший помощник старший помiчник
to maintain обслуживать обслуговувати
propulsion machinery пропульсивные пропульсивнi
механизмы механiзми
to be in charge of отвечать за бути вiдповiдальним
stowage укладка укладання
to be responsible to быть ответственным бути вiдповiдальним
перед перед
watch вахта вахта
life-saving equipment спасательное рятiвне обладнання

carpenter плотник тесляр
hatch люк люк
boatswain [ bәusn ] боцман боцман
engine двигатель двигун
to order заказывать, приказывать замовляти
cabin каюта каюта
duty обязанность обов`язок
auxiliary machinery вспомогательные допомiжнi механiзми
ratings рядовой состав рядовий склад
to carry out выполнять виконувати
safety безопастность безпека
hull корпус судна корпус судна
bottom дно дно
level уровень рівень

II. Read and translate the text.

There are three main departments: deck department, engine room

department and catering department.
Deck department. The head of the deck department is the master of the
vessel, the Captain. He has rights to control over the ship and all those
( passengers and crew )who sail in her. Subordinate to the master are mates
first, or chief; second; third; and junior third, or fourth. The chief mate is
second in command which operates and maintains all parts of the ship
except its propulsion machinery, and is in charge of cargo handling and
stowage. The second mate is the navigator and usually stands the 4-to-8
watches. He is responsible to the captain for all aspects of navigation. The
third and junior-third mates stand the other watches. The third officer is in
charge of the life-saving equipment. Deck cadet is a student from one of the
Maritime Colleges . The carpenter has general charge of hatches and

wooden structures. The boatswain controls the deckhands or seamen.
Deckhands are called ordinary seamen, able-bodied seamen, or
maintenance men. Seamen stand watches, maintenance men do not.
Engine room department. The chief engineer, subordinate only to the
master, is responsible for the ship`s engines. First, second, and third
assistant engineers stand the three engine room watches. Because of the
large degree of automation in the engine room of modern ships, very few
crewmen are required for engine room maintenance. Electrician is
responsible for anything on ship`s electrical system.
Catering department. A chief steward is in charge of food. He is
responsible for all catering on board and also for the ordering provision.
Meals, prepared by cooks, are served by stewards, who also maintain
passenger cabins and serve the passengers. Watch duties on ships follow the
sea-going tradition of four-hourly cycle.

III. Answer the questions .

1. Who is at the head of a whole ship?

2. What is chief mate in charge of ?
3. Who operates as a navigator?
4. Who is in charge of life-saving equipment?
5. Who maintains passenger cabins?

IV. Define and write down the duties of the following members of the

master / chief steward / boatswain / electrician/

chief officer / second mate / chief engineer

1. ____________ is responsible for the safe operation of the vessel`s
machinery and technical plant, monitoring of the main propulsion and
auxiliary machinery.
2. ___________ is responsible for deputizing for the master in his
absence; maintaining a navigational watch.
3. ____________ is responsible for maintenance of the vessel`s
electrical and electronic equipment.
4. ____________ is responsible for organizing the deck ratings to
carry out requirements of the chief officer; the control of all deck
stores and paints used.
5. ____________ is responsible for the overall command of a ship;
its safety , safety of the crew and cargo.
___________ is responsible for cargo watch while in port for the safe
and efficient transfer of cargo.
6. ____________ is responsible for preparation and service of food
to the ship`s crew; the accounting of all provisions.

V. Translate into English.

1. Oбслуговувати _________________________________________
2. Допомiжнi механiзми ____________________________________
3. Безпека _______________________________________________
4. Бути вiдповiдальним за __________________________________
5. Виконувати ____________________________________________
6. Рятувальне обладнання __________________________________
7. Машинне вiддiлення ____________________________________
8. Судовi двигуни _________________________________________


1. The team of people who work together on a ship.
2. A kind of fishing using a large net pulled along the bottom of the sea.
3. The bottom of the sea.
4. A vessel that can travel below the level of the sea.
5. Something which is used to make ships heavier and so more stable.
6. The main part of the body of a boat or a ship.
7. “ There are plenty more ..?... in the sea “ is an idiom which means there
are other people available.
8. An enclosed area of water which can be emptied and used for repairing
9. The long piece of wood or steel along the bottom of a boat that forms
part of its structure and helps to keep the boat balanced in the water.
10. A …? … mile is a unit of distance of 1, 852 metres. It is longer than a
land mile ( 1, 609 metres ).

For help:











Unit 7

The main parts of a ship. ( Part I )

I. Vocabulary.

hull корпус судна корпус судна

propeller винт ґвинт
rudder рулевое устройство стерновий пристрiй
watertight водонепроницаемый водонепроникний
to divide into разделять на розподiляти на
surface поверхность поверхня
bulkhead переборка переборка
compartment отсек вiдсiк
to contain вмещать мiстити

cargo space грузовое помещение вантажне примiщення
hold трюм трюм
liquid жидкость рiдина
fuel топливо паливо
to increase увеличивать збiльшувати
superstructure надстройка надбудова
poop ют ют
stern корма корма
bow нос судна нiс судна
steam пар пара
hatch люк люк

II. Read and translate the text.

The main parts of a ship are: 1- the hull, 2 – the engines, 3 - the
propellers, and 4 – the rudder. The main body of a ship is called the hull.
The hull is watertight shell of a ship. It is divided into number of horizontal
surfaces called decks. Bulkheads are walls built between the decks, forming
compartments. Each compartment has special doors that when closed, make
it watertight. Those dividing up compartments are tween decks on which
the cargo rests. The hull is divided into three parts: fore end, midships and
after end. The hull contains the engine room, cargo space and a number of
tanks. In dry cargo ships the cargo space is divided into holds, in liquid
cargo ships it is divided into tanks. At the fore end of the hull are the
forepeak tanks and at the after end are the afterpeak tanks. They are used
for fresh water and water ballast. The space between the holds and the
bottom of the hull contains double bottom tanks. These are used for ballast
water and fuel. Ballast ( ship`s extra weight ) is used to increase stability.
Most ships use seawater as ballast. As a ship takes on cargo, the ballast
water is pumped out. The deck at the top of the hull is called main deck.
This deck covers the holds where the cargo is stowed. All the structures
above the main deck make up the superstructure. At the fore end is the
forecastle. At the after end the bridge superstructure and the poop are
combined. The engine is fitted near the bottom of the ship in the engine

room. The engine drives the propeller at the stern of a ship.
The engines of most ships are steam turbines, gas turbines, or diesel
engines. The largest and fastest ships have steam turbines. Vessels
propelled by diesel engines are called motorships.

III. Answer the questions .

1. What is hull?
2. What are bulkheads?
3. What does the hull contain?
4. What is the main deck?
5. What is superstructure?
6. How many types of engines do you know?
7. What purpose ballast is used for ?

IV. Make up word-combinations according to the text.

watertight | weight __________________________________________

cargo | deck __________________________________________
afterpeak | engine __________________________________________
extra | space __________________________________________
ballast | turbine __________________________________________
steam | tanks ___________________________________________
main | shell ___________________________________________
diesel | water ___________________________________________

Unit 8

The main parts of a ship. ( Part II )

I. Vocabulary.

through [Өru:] через, сквозь через, крiзь

to move двигать (ся ) рухати
bow thruster носовое подруливающее носове пiдстернове
rudder рулевое устройство стерновий пристрiй
to steer управлять керувати
helm руль стерно
to turn поворачивать повертати
to cause [ ko:z ] вызывать, быть причиной спричиняти
to include включать в себя мати в собi
funnel дымовая труба димар

anchor [ æŋkә ] якорь якiр
lifeboat спасательная шлюпка рятiвна шлюпка
to load загружать завантажувати
mast мачта щогла
winch лебёдка лебiдка
pump насос помпа
in case of в случае у випадку
breadth ширина ширина
length [ leŋӨ ] длина довжина
draught [ dra:ft ] осадка осадка
depth глубина глибина
surface поверхность поверхня

II. Read and translate the text.

The propellers , also called screws, move a ship through the water. Many
larger vessels have two propellers, and very big ships have four. Some ships
have an extra propeller called a bow thruster. The rudder is a large flat piece
of metal that steers the ship. The rudder is connected to the helm on the
ship`s bridge. When a sailor at the helm turns the wheel to the right, the
rudder moves to the right, causing the stern to swing left and the bow to
swing right. Other parts and equipment of a ship include funnels, near the
bridge, an anchor on the left and right sides of the bow and lifeboats to hold
all persons onboard. The cargo is loaded and discharged to the holds
through the cargo hatches. Booms that are fitted to the masts are called
derricks. Derricks are operated by winches. Modern ships also have high-
speed pumps to pump out ballast water or to pump up seawater in case of
fire. Radio-telegraph equipment keeps ships in constant touch with the rest
of the world. When the ship is moving bow she is said to be moving ahead.
We say that the ship is moving astern when she is moving stern first. The
right side of a ship facing the bow is called the starboard side, and the left
side is called the portside. The maximum breadth of a ship is the beam.
The total length is called length overall. The draught is the depth of the
ship`s bottom or keel below the water surface.

III. Answer the questions .

1. What purpose do the propellers serve for?

2. What is rudder?
3. What other parts of equipment do you know?
4. How is the cargo loaded and discharged?
5. How are derricks operated ?
6. What is the draught?

IV. Write down the opposites to the words from the text.

to move __________________ big __________________
to load __________________ to include __________________
first __________________ bottom __________________
below ___________________ ahead ________________
bow ___________________ modern ______________

For help:
obsolete top small to discharge stern

astern to exclude to stop above last

V. Write down the synonymies to the words from the text.

modern __________________ ship`s bottom _______________

breadth __________________ propeller _______________
large __________________ ship _______________
stern __________________ to discharge _______________

For help:
vessel beam screw to unload

big keel aft up-to-date

Will and going to.

We use both will and going to in predictions about the future, but there is
a difference:

We use “will” to talk about We use “going to “ to talk about

what we think or believe will something in the future which
happen in the future. we can see as a result of

e.g. That boat doesn`t look very something in the present.
safe. It`ll sink in that heavy sea. e.g. Look at that boat! It`s going
to sink.
e.g. “What shall I do tomorrow? e.g. “Why are you putting on
- I know! I`ll paint the kitchen.” those old clothes? “-I`m going
to paint the kitchen”.

VI . Choose the correct variant.

1. I feel really tired. I think I ___ go to bed.

`ll `m going to
2. Where are you going? I ___ visit a doctor.
`ll `m going to
3. Do you want me to help you? – No, thanks. John ___ help me.
`ll `m going to
4. Would you prefer tea or coffee? - I ___ have some coffee, please.
`ll `m going to

5. Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this? –
Good idea. I ___ bring some wine.
`ll `m going to
6. I`ve already decided. I ___ buy a new car.
`ll `m going to
7. What are your plans for next week? – I ___ fly to New York on business.
Probably on Tuesday but I haven`t bought my ticket yet.
`ll `m going to
8. What are your plans for the holidays? – I ___ visit my parents for a few
days and ___ go walking in Scotland.
`ll `m going to
9. Why are you wearing your best suit? I ___ have lunch with my biggest
`ll `m going to

10. My head hurts. Sit down and I ___ get you an aspirin.
`ll `m going to
11. We need some more ink for the printer. – I ___ go to the shop and get
`ll `m going to
12. Look! There `s smoke coming out of the photocopier. You turn it off
and I ___ phone the safety officer.
`ll `m going to

13. Do you want to have chicken or beef? - I think I ___ have beef.
`ll `m going to

14. I`m going to speak to you today. – I`m going out now but I ___ be back
`ll `m going to

15. Did you phone Michael? - I`m sorry. I completely forgot. I ___ do it
`ll `m going to

Unit 9.

Classification of cargo ships.

I. Vocabulary.

to carry переносить,перевозить переносити,перевозити

dry bulk carrier сухогруз суховантажувач
multipurpose ship многоцелевое судно багатоцільове судно
furniture мебель меблi
vehicle [ vi:kl ] транспортное транспортний засiб
coal уголь вугiлля
iron ore железная руда залiзна руда
schedule[skedu:l] расписание розклад
tramp ships суда без судна без визначеного

обозначенного розкладу
route [ ru:t ] маршрут маршрут
coaster каботажное судно каботажне судно
mixture смесь сумiш
labour труд праця
expensive дорогой дорогий
to develop розвивать( ся ) розвивати ( ся )
different различный рiзноманiтний
fertilizer удобрения добрива
level уровень рiвень
то remove удалять, снимать виводити, знiмати
to tow буксировать буксирувати
tug буксир буксир
coastal waters прибрежные воды прибережнi води
size размер розмiр

II. Read and translate the text.

Cargo ships, or freighters, can be divided into four groups, according to

the kind of cargo they carry. These groups are: general cargo ships, tankers,
dry bulk carriers and multipurpose ships. General cargo ships carry
packaged items such as: chemicals, food, furniture, machinery, motor
vehicles, shoes, steel, textiles . Tankers carry petroleum or other liquid
Dry bulk carriers transport coal, grain, iron ore, etc. Multipurpose ships
carry different classes of cargo – for example, liquid and general cargo at
the same time. Cargo ships can be divided into two types according to the
service – liner service or tramp service. Cargo liners sail on fixed schedules,
they usually transport only general cargo. Tramp ships do not sail on
regular routes. They can be hired. Some of them are classed as coasters.

Small shipping companies and private individuals operate these ships.
Today, cargo ship has powerful, electrically driven cranes and derricks. She
can be loaded at the side and stern as well as at the hatches. She has
automatic engine room controls and automatic navigational equipment. A
typical ship may carry automobiles, sacks of flour, cases of whiskey, TV
sets, airplane engines, crates of chinaware etc. Loading and unloading such
a mixture of items requires much time and labour which is expensive.
Revolutionary versions of the general cargo freighter have been developed.
They include container ships, roll-on/roll-off ships and LASH ships.

1. bridge castle front,

2. deck containers,
3. foremast and mast top,
4. forecastle,
5. insulated containers in holds,
6. container refrigeration ducts,
7. double hull,
8. passageway.

III. Answer the questions .

1. What kinds of cargo ships do you know?
2. What are tankers used for?
3. What kinds of cargo do dry bulk carriers carry?
4. What are multipurpose ships used for?
5. What are tramp ships?

IV. Put in the prepositions.

from/to, over, of, as, across, to

1. Ship is one ___ the oldest and most important means of transportation.
2. Many kinds of ships are used ___ carry the world`s trade.
3. Vessels called dry bulk carriers carry such cargoes ___ grain, ore, and
4. General cargo ships transport everything ___ airplane ___ zippers.
5. Passenger liners carry travelers _______ the oceans .
6. Hydrofoils provide high-speed transportation ____relatively short

V. Fill the gaps with the appropriate type of ship.

1. ______________________ carry packaged items.

2. ______________________ carry petroleum or other liquid cargo.
3. ______________________ sail on fixed schedules.
4. ______________________ do not sail on regular routes.
5. ______________________ transport coal, grain, iron ore, etc.
6. ______________________ carry different classes of cargo.

Used to.

Used to is used:

To express a habit or past situation, which contrasts with the present:

e.g. He used to drink beer; now he drinks wine.
e.g. She used to dislike Tom but she quite likes him now.

To express a past routine. Here we are not making a contrast between past
and present; we are describing someone`s routine during a certain period.
e.g. Tom and Ann were a young married couple. Every morning Tom used
to kiss Ann and leave for work.

It can also be an adjective meaning “accustomed”. It is preceded by be,

become or get in any tense and followed by the preposition to +
noun/pronoun or gerund:
e.g. I am used to working in a noisy room.
e.g. You will soon get used to the electric typewriters.
e.g. They soon got used to the traffic regulations.

VI. Fill the gaps using an appropriate verb.

1. When she was younger she used to ______ long hair.

2. I used to ______ a lot more coffee than I do now.
3. She used to ______ a lot of money on clothes.
4. This building used to ______ a cinema.
5. I used to ______ TV every evening but I rarely watch it these days.
6. He used to ______ a lot of beer.
7. He used to ______ fat but now he`s thin.
8. He used to ______ a lot of money but he lost it all investing in Web sites.
9. I used to ______ there but I left for a better-paid job.
10. Britain used to ______ an Empire.

VII. Figure out if the following sentences correct or wrong.

1. They would be good friends, but now they don't want to talk with each

2. I used to play football when I was a kid.

3. We used not to talk politics at home.

4. What did you use to sing in the army?

5. My father used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day.

6. The two people didn't use to spend evenings together for three months.

7. We used to dream a lot about our future in 1969.

8. When I was a teenager, I used to fight almost every day.

9. At college I used to visit London four times.

10. Our life used to be full of joy when we lived in our native town.

Unit 10.

Specialized types of vessels.

I. Vocabulary.

to take part принимать участие брати участь

rescue спасение рятування
ferry паром паром
icebreaker ледокол криголам
channel канал канал
powerful мощный потужний
strong крепкий, сильный мiцний
dredger землечерпалка землечерпалка
necessary необходимо ( ый ) необхiдно (ий )

seaworthy годный к плаванию гiдний до плавання
currents течения течiї
waves волны хвилi
purpose цель мета
important важно ( ый ) важливо ( ий )
condition состояние, условие стан, умова
grain зерно зерно
sand песок пісок
coast побережье узбережжя

II. Read and translate the text.

Many ships and boats have been designed to do special jobs to help ships
and shipping. Refrigerator ships, travelling 22 knots or faster, carry fresh
fruits, meats and vegetables across the ocean. Tugboats tow barges along
canals and rivers and guide huge passenger liners and freighters in and out
of harbours. They can be divided into four basic types. Some are designed
as river tugs to work on rivers. Others are designed as harbour tugs and help
ships in and out of ports and harbour. Two other types of tugs are coastal
tugs and oceangoing tugs. These go out to help ships in difficulty at sea.
Oceangoing tugs take part in rescue work. Ferries can be train ferries that
carry railroad cars. Another type of specialized vessel is the icebreaker.
They are very important to shipping because northern ports and channels
freeze up in winter. They have powerful engines and very strong hulls. A
noisy and smaller type of vessel is the dredger. Dredgers are necessary to
remove the sand and mud from the beds of channels and harbours. An
unusual type of specialized vessels is the lightship. Lightships look like
ordinary ships, but they do not have engines, because they are towed into
position and then anchored there. They not only have a light, but also a
foghorn, a radio beacon and meteorological equipment as well. Pilot
launches are motorboats for transporting pilots to and from ships. They
must be seaworthy as pilots go out in all weathers. A very important type of
boat is the lifeboat. Lifeboats are of many different types. Lifeboats must be

strong, stable and maneuverable and there crew must be well trained.
Oceanographic ships carry instruments to study currents, waves, and
animals and plants of the sea. Some modern fishing vessels are used not
only to catch fish, but also to process them. These ships have equipment to
behead, clean and refrigerate the fish.

III. Answer the questions .

1. What is the purpose of refrigerator ships?

2. What types of tugs do you know?
3. Why are icebreakers very important for shipping?
4. Which is a noisy and smaller type of vessel?
5. What do lightships look like?
6. What are some modern fishing vessels used for?

IV. Fill the gaps with the appropriate type of ship.

1. ___________________________ carry fresh fruits, meats and vegetables

across the ocean.
2. ___________________________ take part in rescue work.
3. ___________________________ carry railroad cars.
4. ___________________________ have powerful engines and very strong
5. ___________________________ remove the sand and mud from the
beds of channels and harbours.
6. ___________________________ do not have engines.
7. ___________________________ are motorboats for transporting pilots
to and from ships.

8. ___________________________ must be strong, stable and
maneuverable and there crew must be well trained.
9. ___________________________ carry instruments to study currents,
waves, and animals and plants of the sea.
10. __________________________ have equipment to behead, clean and
refrigerate the fish.

V. Put in the prepositions.

to / for / into / in / through / from / in / but

1. Tugs must be stable ___ all conditions.

2. Powerful icebreakers use their bows to ram _____ frozen waters.
3. Icebreakers use their bows to open a path ___ other ships and boats.
4. Tugs can be divided ___ four basic types.
5. Oceangoing tugs take part ___ rescue work.
6. Dredgers remove the sand and mud ____ the beds of channels.
7. Lightships look like ordinary ships, ____ they do not have engines.
8. Icebreakers are very important ___ shipping.


1 . Anchor; 2. Fair-lead; 3. Windlass; 4. Hatch; 5 . Searchlight; 6. Compass;

7. Crow’s nest; 8. Observation scanner; 9. Navigation scanner; 10. Bridge;
11 . Antenna; 12 . Direction finder antenna; 13 . Mainmast; 14 . Redome;
15 . Helicopter hanger; 16 . Helicopter deck; 17 . Funnel; 18 . Deck crane;
19 . Propeller; 20 . Bossing; 21 . Lifeboat; 22 . Skylight; 23 . Freeing port;
24 . Echo sounder; 25 . Sonar; 26 . Close fair leader; 27 . Bollard.

VI. Translate into English:

брати участь _____________________________

виглядати як _____________________________
мiцнi двигуни ____________________________
судна особливого призначення __________________________________

VI. Say whether the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. OBO is used for carrying containers.

2. Large tankers are called supertankers.
3. Large oceangoing vessels are called boats.
4. Car ferries carry only automobiles and cars.
5. LASH ships are huge freighters that carry preloaded seagoing lighters.
6. Barges that operate in coastal waters must have definite size.
7. Multipurpose ships are designed carry ore and oil.
8. Roll-on / roll-off ships carry such cargoes as cement, coal, grain, and
sand across harbours ,on canals and rivers, and along coasts.

Car and passenger ferry

1 . Bulbous bow; 2. Forward draft marks; 3 . Anchor; 4. Fair-leader;

5 . Bow thruster; 6 . Bilge keel; 7 . Fin stabilizer; 8 . Bossing; 9 . Shaft
bracket; 10 . C.P propeller; 11 . Rudder; 12 . Accommodation ladder;
13 . Ramp way; 14 . Ramp way handing post; 15 . Ensign staff; 16 . Pool
17 . Liferaft; 18 . Dome; 19 . Funnel; 20. Lifeboat; 21 . Radar scanner
22 . Radar mast; 23 . Bridge; 24 . Lounge; 25 . Spare anchor; 26 . Mooring
winch; 27 . Windlass; 28 . Bollard; 29 . Ventilator; 30 . Jack staff.

Unit 11.

Safety at sea.( Part I )

I. Vocabulary.

to obey подчиняться пiдкорятися
rule правило правило
to prevent предотвращать запобiгати
to exist существовать iснувати
to insure страховать страхувати
society общество суспiльство
to apply применять застосовувати
to provide обеспечивать забезпечувати
drill учебная тревога учбова тривога
to carry out выполнять виконувати
to accept принимать приймати
to sink / sank / тонуть тонути
to reach достигать досягати
load нагрузка навантаження
II. Read and translate the text.

Ships must obey rules of the sea, which are designed to prevent
collisions. These rules specify what action shall be taken by each of two
approaching ships. Most ships are listed by one of the classification
societies that exist for insuring ships and their cargoes. These organizations
issue rules for ship`s construction and equipment, inspect ships at intervals,
and assign them certificates of class, or quality. Lloyd`s Register of
Shipping in London is the best known classification society. In the United
States there is the American Bureau of Shipping. Ships and their crews are
regulated by United Nations through the International Maritime
Organization, by the Coast Guards, and by governments. Several
international conventions apply to ships, including those for Safety of Life
at Sea, Marine Pollution Regulations, and Tonnage Regulations.
Governments also specify and inspect the fire-fighting and life-saving
equipment of ships and license ship`s officers. Safety standards for ships
have been set up by International Safety of Life at Sea conventions. The
standards require that ships have watertight bulkheads; fire-fighting
equipment; enough lifeboats, life jackets, and other life-saving equipment.

Other rules provide that life-saving and fire drills must be carried out at
regular intervals.
In 1930, all the leading seafaring countries accepted rules set up by the
International Load Convention to keep ships from being overloaded. These
rules require that cargo ships have a series of short lines painted on their
side to show the depth to which the vessels may be safely loaded at various
times of the year and in various waters. When a ship being loaded with
cargo, sinks in the water to a certain line, it has reached the maximum load.
The lines are called Plimsoll marks.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. What are rules of the sea designed for?

2. How are ships regulated?
3. What is the ship required to carry according to the International Safety of
Life at Sea convention`s standards?
4. What does the International Load Convention require?

IV. Fill the gaps with appropriate word.

fire drills / issue / to prevent / depth / require

1. Rules at sea are designed to __________ collisions.
2. The standards __________that ships have fire-fighting equipment.
3. __________must be carried out at regular intervals.
4. Short lines painted on the sides show the __________to which the
vessels may be safely loaded.
5. Organizations __________ rules for ship`s construction and equipment.

Passive Voice

The passive has a form of to be + past participle. The form of to be is the
same as the tense in the active equivalent.

The Passive is used:

° when it is not necessary to mention the doer of the action as it is

obvious; ° when
we don`t know, or don`t know exactly, or have forgotten, who did the
° when the subject of the active verb would be “ people “ ;
° when we are more interested in the action than the person who does it.

Tense Passive form Example: Example: active

Present Simple am/are/is + past Important They discuss
participle subjects are important
discussed every subjects every
lunchtime. lunchtime.
Past Simple was/were + past The message They sent the
participle was sent. message.
Future Simple will be + past The message They will send
participle will be sent. the message.
Modal Passive modal verb + be The message You must send
+ past participle must be sent. the message.
V. Complete the following passive constructions with the appropriate verb

1. Active: Don`t use the elevator in case of fire.

Passive: The elevator ____________________________ in case of fire.
2. Something confused me in class yesterday.
I _______________________________________________ yesterday.
3. Did someone wash this sweater in hot water?
______________________________________________ in hot water?
4. The teacher`s directions confused me.
I ___________________________________ by the teacher`s directions.

5. Will they publish her new book next month?
Will ______________________________________ next month?
6. They publish a lot of books on information technology.
A lot of books ______________________________________________.
7. They broadcast the news every day from 6 a. m. to midnight.
The news __________________________________________________.
8. Didn`t anyone tell you to wear a jacket and tie in the restaurant?
__________________________ to wear a jacket and tie in the restaurant?

VI. Choose the appropriate variant.

1. Everybody___by the terrible news yesterday.

shocked was shocked
2. Mr. Green___at the University since 1989.
has been teaching has been taught
3. Not much___about the accident since that time.
has said has been said
4. A new book___by that company next year.
will publish will be published
5.He___the girl's name now.
remembers is remembered
6. The secretary___to her new boss yesterday.
introduced was introduced
7. Our plan___by the members of the committee.
is being considered is considered
8.He___responsible for the accident.
was holding was held
9. A prize___to whoever solves this equation.
will be giving will be given
10. When the manager arrived, the problem___.
had already been solved had already solved

Unit 12.

Safety at sea.( Part II )

I. Vocabulary.

movement движение рух

rough weather [ rʌf ] штормовая погода бурхлива погода
to climb взбираться взбиратися
bulwark фальшборт фальшборт
clothing одежда одяг
to wear / wore / одевать, носить одягати, носити
hazard риск, опасность ризик
to exist существовать iснувати
helmet шлем шолом
protective защитный захисний
inflatable lifejacket надувной надувний рятiвний
спасательный жилет жилет
emergency тревога тривога
wardrobe шкаф шафа
to put on одевать надягати
blast гудок гудок
whistle [ wisl ] свисток свисток
muster station пункт сбора по пункт збору за
тревоге тривогою
alarm signal сигнал тревоги сигнал тривоги
to abandon ship покидать судно покидати судно
( в случае бедствия ) ( у випадку лиха )
staff штат, персонал штат, персонал
II. Read and translate the text.

Movement around on board the vessel. Remember that the ship is a

moving platform with potentially slippery decks in wet or rough weather.
Great care must be taken when moving about the vessel. No running. No
climbing on rails and bulwarks. Ladders should be moved backwards if
necessary and particularly when wet. Safety clothing. You must wear the
correct safety clothing and footwear in those parts of the ship where hazards
exist. Helmets and proper protective shoes are the minimum for working on
external decks. Inflatable ( working ) lifejackets will also be required to be

worn in certain situations when working at or near the ship`s side or stern.
Emergencies. Your lifejacket is stowed in your cabin wardrobe.
Instructions for putting it on are on the inside of the door to the wardrobe
and on display cards on alley bulkheads. An emergency will be indicated by
7 short blasts followed by a prolonged blast on the ship`s whistle or
electrical warning system by klaxon / bell. After hearing this signal proceed
to your emergency muster station with your lifejacket and wear warm
clothing. The emergency alarm signal is NOT an abandon ship signal . This
is only given by a verbal command from the master of the vessel. Drills are
held at regular weekly intervals. Overall responsibility. Please remember
that the master has overall responsibility for everyone onboard and his
instructions, and those from his officers and staff, must be obeyed.

III. Answer the questions .

1. What are the main rules when moving about the vessel?
2. What are your actions on hearing emergency signal?
3. In what case must you abandon the ship?
4. Who has overall legal responsibility for everyone onboard?

IV. Answer whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct the
false ones.

1. Rules of the sea are designed to prevent collisions.

2. Ships and their crews are regulated by the captain.
3. Plimsoll marks are used for cargo packing.
4. Helmets and proper protective shoes are the maximum for working on
external decks.
5. Your lifejacket is stowed in your cabin wardrobe.
6. The emergency alarm signal is an abandon ship signal .

V. Make up word-combinations.

rough | lifejacket____________________________________________
great | station ______________________________________________
safety | blast _______________________________________________
protective | weather _________________________________________
inflatable | care ____________________________________________
prolonged | responsibility____________________________________
muster | signal ____________________________________________
overall | shoes ____________________________________________
emergency | clothing_______________________________________

VI. Fill the gaps with the appropriate word.

muster station / platform / footwear / an emergency / abandon ship signal /

drills / responsibility / lifejacket
1. The ship is a moving __________ with potentially slippery decks.
2. You must wear the correct safety clothing and_________ where hazards
3. Your_________________ is stowed in your cabin wardrobe.
4. _____________________ will be indicated by 7 short blasts.
5. After hearing emergency signal proceed to your
____________________. 6. The emergency alarm
signal is not an_____________________________.
7. _________ are held at regular weekly intervals.
8. The master has overall _____________ for everyone onboard.

“ For and since “.

for is used for general periods of time – 2 hours, 3 days, 1 month.

since is used for s specific time -2001, June, last week, one month ago.

VII. Choose the appropriate variant.

1. He`s lived here ___ 1985.

for since
2. He`s been in London ___ five days.
for since
3. It hasn`t been used ___ many years.
for since
4. I haven`t eaten ___ 5 hours.
for since
5. India has been independent ___ 1947.
for since
6. They have been married ___ October.
for since
7. We have been waiting ___ twenty minutes.
for since

VIII. Which is correct? Choose the appropriate variant.

1. for a long period since a long period

2. for 6 years since 6 years
3. for 1992 since 1992
4. for 6 weeks since 6 weeks
5. for 8 months since 8 months
6. for 10 minutes since 10 minutes
7. for March 18 since March 18
8. for ages since ages 9.
for a long time since a long time
10. for the end of the last year since the end of the last year
11. for I joined the firm since I joined the firm
12. for the beginning of the year since the beginning of the year

Unit 13

Injuries on board. Medical assistance.

I. Vocabulary.

sometimes иногда іноді

object предмет предмет
usually обычно звичайно
to use использовать використовувати
properly правильно правильно
important важно важливо
accident несчастный случай нещасний випадок
wet мокрый мокрий
to prevent предотвращать запобігати
to suffer страдать страждати
to cut резать різати
gloves перчатки рукавички
burn ожог опік
explosion взрыв вибух
to handle обращаться орудувати
to injure травмировать, ранить травмувати
spark искра іскра
dust пыль пил
goggles защитные очки захисні окуляри
ladder лестница дробина
blood [ bl˄d ] кровь кров

II. Read and translate the text.

Seafarers sometimes strain their backs when they lift heavy objects. Back
strain usually happens when seafarers lift objects alone or when they don`t
use lifting equipment properly. To prevent back strain, it is important to lift
it properly. Seafarers sometimes break their arms and legs when they slip
or fall. These accidents happen when they don`t wear safety boots or when
decks are wet and oily. Seafarers also fall when ladders are not secure. To
prevent broken legs and arms, it is important to wear safety boots. Seafarers

sometimes suffer from cuts. They often cut their fingers when they are
careless with sharp machinery. To prevent cuts, it is important to use safety
guards and to wear gloves. Seafarers sometimes suffer from burns when
there is a fire, explosion, or chemical leakage. They should be careful when
they smoke or when they work with chemicals. To prevent burns, it is
important to obey “ No Smoking “ reads and to handle chemical cargo
safely. Seafarers sometimes injure their eyes when they operate the grinder.
Sparks, dust and chemicals are very dangerous when they enter the eye. To
prevent eye injuries, it is important to wear protective goggles and use
safety guard.

III. Make up word-combinations according to the text.

heavy | decks ____________________________________

lifting | goggles ____________________________________
safety | goggles ____________________________________
wet | objects ____________________________________
sharp | boots ____________________________________
chemical | machinery ____________________________________
eye | equipment ____________________________________
protective | leakage ____________________________________


For help: neck | liver | backside| saliva |eyebrow | veins | blush | head |
tummy | thumbs

1) An informal word for stomach.

2) To give something ? up means to give approval.

3) The watery fluid that is produced naturally in the mouth.

4) An alternative word for your bottom.

5) This means to become red in the face because you are nervous, shy or

6) The organ in the body which cleans blood.

7) The tubes in a body which carry blood.

8) The part of your body you move to nod.

9) If someone is very annoying, they are a pain in the neck.

10) The row of small hairs above someone`s eye.

IV. Study parts of a body .

Steering orders

Команды на руль

Midships ! Прямо руля!

Port rudder! Лево руля!

Starboard rudder! Право руля!

Hard rudder! Руль на борт!

Hard-a-port! Руль лево на борт!

Port five! Руль лево пять!

Starboard ten! Руль право десять!

Ease her! Отводи!

Ease to ten! Отводи до 10 ̊ !

Steady/ Meet her! Одерживай!

Steady as she goes! Так держать!

Mind the helm! На руле не зевать!

Nothing to port! Лево не ходить!

Nothing to starboard! Право не ходить!

Wheel jammed! Руль заклинило!

How is the head? Как на румбе?

- Course … degrees На румбе … градусов

Finished with the wheel! От руля отойти!

Engine orders

Команды в машину

Full ahead! Полный вперёд!

Full ahead both! Оба полный вперёд!

Half ahead! Средний вперёд!

Slow ahead! Малый вперёд!

Dead slow ahead! Самый малый вперёд!

Stop engine! Стоп машина!

Slow astern! Малый назад!

Emergency full astern! Самый полный назад!

Stand by the engine! Машина « товсь »!

Finished with the engine! Машина больше не нужна!

Bow thruster full/ half to starboard side! Носовое подруливающее

полный/ средний вправо!

Stern thruster full/ half to port side! Кормовое подруливающее полный/

средний влево!

Bow/ stern thruster stop! Носовое/ кормовое подруливающее стоп!

Irregular Verbs

was [wɔz],
be [bi:] been [bi:n] Быть
were [wз:]
beat [bi:t] beat [bi:t] beaten ['bi:tn] Бить
become [bi:kʌm] become[bi:kʌm] Становиться
begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gæn] begun [bi'gʌn] Начинать
bleed [bli:d] bled [bled] bled [bled] Кровоточить
blow [blou] blew [blu:] blown [bloun] Дуть
break [breik] broke [brouk] Ломать
bring [briŋ] brought [brɔ:t] brought [brɔ:t] Приносить
build [bild] built [bilt] built [bilt] Строить
burn [bз:n] burnt [bз:nt] burnt [bз:nt] Гореть
burst [bз:st] burst [bз:st] burst [bз:st] Разразиться
buy [bai] bought [bɔ:t] bought [bɔ:t] Покупать
Ловить, хватать,
catch [kætʃ] caught [kɔ:t] caught [kɔ:t]
choose [tʃu:z] chose [ʃəuz] chosen [tʃəuz(ə)n] Выбирать
come [kʌm] came [keim] come [kʌm] Приходить
cost [cɔst] cost [cɔst] cost [cɔst] Стоить
creep [kri:p] crept [krept] crept [krept] Ползать
cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] Резать
do [du:] did [did] done [dʌn] Делать
draw [drɔ:] drew [dru:] drawn [drɔ:n]
dream [dri:m] dreamt [dremt] dreamt [dremt] Мечтать
drink [driŋk] drank [dræŋk] drunk [drʌŋk] Пить

drive [draiv] drove [drouv] driven ['drivn] Водить
eat [i:t] ate [et] eaten ['i:tn] Есть
fall [fɔ:l] fell [fel] fallen ['fɔ:lən] Падать
feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] Кормить
feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] Чувствовать
fight [fait] fought [fɔ:t] fought [fɔ:t] Бороться
find [faind] found [faund] found [faund] Находить
Подходить по
fit [fit] fit [fit] fit [fit]
fly [flai] flew [flu:] flown [floun] Летать
forget [fə'get] forgot [fə'gɔt] Забывать
forgive [fo'giv] forgiven [fo'givn] Прощать
freeze [fri:z] froze [frouz] frozen ['frouzn] Замерзать
get [ get ] got [gɔt] got [gɔt] Получать
give [giv] gave [geiv] given [givn] Давать
go [gou] went [went] gone [gɔn] Идти
grow [grou] grew [gru:] grown [groun] Расти
hang [hæŋ] hung [hʌŋ] hung [hʌŋ] Вешать
have [hæv] had [hæd] had [hæd] Иметь
hear [hiə] heard [hз:d] heard [hз:d] Слышать
hide [haid] hid [hid] hidden ['hidn] Прятать
hit [hit] hit [hit] hit [hit] Попадать в цель
hold [hould] held [held] held [held] Держать
hurt [hз:t] hurt [hз:t] hurt [hз:t] Ушибить
keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] Содержать
kneel [ni:l] knelt [nelt] knelt [nelt] Стоять на

know [nou] knew [nju:] known [noun] Знать
lay [lei] laid [leid] laid [leid] Класть
lead [li:d] led [led] led [led] Вести
lean [li:n] leant [lent] leant [lent] Наклоняться
learn [lз:n] learnt [lз:nt] learnt [lз:nt] Учить
leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] Оставлять
lend [lend] lent [lent] lent [lent] Занимать
let [let] let [let] let [let] Позволять
lie [lai] lay [lei] lain [lein] Лежать
light [lait] lit [lit] lit [lit] Освещать
lose [lu:z] lost [lɔst] lost [lɔst] Терять
make [meik] made [meid] made [meid] Производить
mean [mi:n] meant [ment] meant [ment] Значить
meet [mi:t] met [met] met [met] Встречать
mistake mistook mistaken
[mis'teik] [mis'tuk] [mis'teik(e)n]
pay [pei] paid [peid] paid [peid] Платить
prove [pru:v] proved [pru:vd] proven [pru:vn] Доказывать
put [put] put [put] put [put] Положить
quit [kwit] quit [kwit] quit [kwit]
read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] Читать
ride [raid] rode [roud] ridden ['ridn] Ездить верхом
ring [riŋ] rang [ræŋ] rung [rʌŋ] Звенеть
rise [raiz] rose [rouz] risen ['rizn] Подниматься
run [rʌŋ] ran [ræŋ] run [rʌŋ] Бежать
say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] Говорить

see [si:] saw [sɔ:] seen [si:n] Видеть
seek [si:k] sought [sɔ:t] sought [sɔ:t] Искать
sell [sel] sold [sould] sold [sould] Продавать
send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] Посылать
set [set] set [set] set [set] Ставить
sew [sou] sewed [soud] sewn [soun] Шить
shake [ʃeik] shook [ʃuk] shaken ['ʃeik(ə)n] Встряхивать
show [ʃəu] showed [ʃəud] shown [ʃəun] Показывать
shrink [ʃriŋk] shrank [ʃræŋk] shrunk [ʃrʌŋk] Уменьшать
shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] Закрывать
sing [siŋ] sang [sæŋ] sung [sʌŋ] Петь
sank [sæŋk],
sink [siŋk] sunk [sʌŋk] Тонуть
sunk [sʌŋk]
sit [sit] sat [sæt] sat [sæt] Сидеть
sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] Спать
slide [slaid] slid [slid] slid [slid] Скользить
sow [sou] sowed [soud] sown [soun] Сеять
speak [spi:k] spoke [spouk] Говорить
Произносить по
spell [spel] spelt [spelt] spelt [spelt]
spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] Тратить
spill [spil] spilt [spilt] spilt [spilt] Проливать
spoil [spɔil] spoilt [spɔilt] spoilt [spɔilt] Портить
spread [spred] spread [spred] spread [spred] Расстилать
spring [spriŋ] sprang [spræŋ] sprung [sprʌŋ] Прыгать
stand [stænd] stood [stu:d] stood [stu:d] Стоять
steal [sti:l] stole [stoul] stolen ['stəulən] Красть

stick [stik] stuck [stʌk] stuck [stʌk] Колоть
sting [stiŋ] stung [stʌŋ] stung [stʌŋ] Жалить
sweep [swi:p] swept [swept] swept [swept] Выметать
swell [swel] swelled [sweld] Разбухать
swim [swim] swam [swem] swum [swʌm] Плавать
swing [swiŋ] swung [swʌŋ] swung [swʌŋ] Качать
take [teik] took [tuk] taken ['teik(ə)n] Брать, взять
teach [ti:tʃ] taught [tɔ:t] taught [tɔ:t] Учить
tear [tɛə] tore [tɔ:] torn [tɔ:n] Рвать
tell [tel] told [tould] told [tould] Рассказывать
think [θiŋk] thought [θɔ:t] thought [θɔ:t] Думать
throw [θrəu] threw [θru:] thrown [θrəun] Бросать
understand understood understood
[ʌndə'stænd] [ʌndə'stud] [ʌndə'stud]
wake [weik] woke [wouk] woken ['wouk(e)n] Просыпаться
wear [wɛə] wore [wɔ:] worn [wɔ:n] Носить
weep [wi:p] wept [wept] wept [wept] Плакать
wet [wet] wet [wet] wet [wet] Мочить
win [win] won [wʌn] won [wʌn] Выигрывать
wind [waind] wound [waund] wound [waund] Извиваться
write [rait] wrote [rout] written ['ritn] Писать

Перелік використаної літератури:

1. Бобровский В. И.

« Деловой английский язык для моряков » Москва 1984 г. 207 стр.

2. Дубнер Г. Я.

« Marine English for beginners » Москва 1987 г. 243 стр.

3. Дубнер Г. Я.

« Английский язык для моряков » Москва 1977 г. 655 стр.

4. English for Maritime Cadets.Одесская Национальная Морская

Академия. Одесса 2005г. 260 cтр.

5. « Профессиональный английский язык в судовождении » Одесская

Национальная Морская Академия. Одесса 2008г. 190 стр.


Навчально-методичний посібник «Welcome to Maritime English»
орієнтовано на курсантів другого курсу середніх та вищих морських
навчальних закладів за спеціальностями: «Судноводіння на морських
шляхах», «Експлуатація суднових енергетичних установок»,
«Експлуатація електрообладнання та автоматики суден», «Монтаж та
експлуатація холодильно-компресорних машин та установок».
Посібник розроблено згідно з навчальною та робочою
програмами, відповідно до наказу МОН від 17.06.2010 № 587 « Про
розроблення навчальних планів вищих навчальних закладів І-ІІ р. а.”
навчальна програма з дисципліни укладена ЦК “ Іноземної мови ”,
враховуючи зміст дисципліни освітньо-професійної програми, а також
специфіку спеціальності.
За структурою посібник складається з 13-ти уроків, кожен з яких
включає комплекс вправ як для аудиторної так і для самостійної
роботи курсантів. Навчальний матеріал подано жваво, з малюнками та
схемами, у легкозрозумілій формі, за принципом поступового
Формальна та лексико-граматична організація вправ дозволяє
викладачеві моделювати робочі ситуації з використанням професійної
лексики для розвитку моно-і діалогічного мовлення.
Даний посібник практично надає можливість оволодіти
термінологією за професійним спрямуванням та подальшим ії
використанням на борту судна у « змішаному » екіпажі.

For Notes


Cadet`s surname_______________________________________________

Cadet`s name _________________________________________________



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