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«Два світи англіської мови .

American VS British»

Глухів 2023
· закріпити знання учнів з вивчених тем, , розвивати комунікативну й
іншомовну компетентності учнів, формувати вміння працювати з
додатковою інформацією та цифровими інструментами;
· розвивати пам’ять, логічне мислення, увагу, швидкість реакції, вміння
працювати в команді, удосконалювати вміння брати на себе
відповідальність та реагувати в проблемній ситуації, діалогічне
мовлення, уяву, творчість;
· сприяти вихованню зацікавленості до вивчення англійської мови,
почуття відповідальності та бажання спілкуватися англійською мовою,
естетики мови й мовлення в англомовній атмосфері, дружніх відносин
в колективі.
Обладнання: фото національних страв Великобританії та США, загадки,
тестові завдання, англійська абетка, мультимедійна презентація
викладача, онлайн вікторина, онлайн пазли

For everyone who knows,

understands, likes and
is interested in English

Хід гри

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1.Greeting (Привітання)
T: Good morning, children!
Ps: Good morning, teacher!
T: How are you today?
Ps: We’re fine, thank you!
2. Aim (Повідомлення теми та мети)
Т: Today we’re going to speak about two countries and their representatives
which are the best friends and which support Ukraine, play games and to see if you
are good in English. You’ll be organized into two teams. You’ll have 7 tasks for
your teams. The winner will be the team with the biggest quantity of points.
II. Основна частина
Зупинка 1. «Історична»
T: What do you think are the best friends of our country? They both speak English
and support Ukraine as much as they can. They are
leaders of the UK and the USA.
Ps: Boris Jonson and Joe Biden, of course.
T: Yes? You are right! Let’s learn some interesting
facts about these great men.
Зупинка 2. «Конкурсна»
Викладач: Today, teams are meeting on a friendly battlefield. All
participants must know the rules:
The group is divided into two teams.
The skin team has its own name.
We are recruiting a team captain.
The value of asking the balls stuns the depository.
The team moves to get the most points.

Round 1. Guess the word (Вгадай слово)

T: The first task is very easy and difficult at the same time, because you must to
guess the word!
Lightning 12-9-7-8-20-14-9-14-7
Earthquake 5-1-18-20-8-17-21-1-11-5

Round 2. Guess the dish (Вгадай страву)

T: Your next task is to match a picture with the text and
to guess the dish. For every correct answer you’ll get 1

А hot dish consisting of fried fish in batter, served

with chips. The dish originated in England
Who am I?
A hot traditional English drinking consists of boiled
water, tea sugar, and milk, of course.
Who am I?

Traditional English dish for breakfast

Who am I?

A cooked sweet dish served after the main course of a

Who am I?

They are popular all over the world and different

countries use different ingredients. They are often
sweet and usually round. It's easy to make them. You
need milk, water, sugar and eggs.
Who am I?

I am popular all over the world and is made with dif-

ferent toppings. Some of the most common top-
pingsare cheese, sausages, pepperoni, vegetables, and
Who am I?

It is a popular poultry dish and a traditional part of

Thanksgiving Day.
Who am I?
A food consisting of meat placed inside a sliced bun
or bread roll.
Who am I?

A thick cut of meat normally grilled or fried.

Who am I?

I am a kind of pastries (as usually home-made pastry)

made with apples.
Who am I?

Round 3. «School Riddles» (Відгадай загадку)

1. It is not a tree, but has leaves;

It is not a dress, but is sewn together;
It has no tongue, but can tell you a story.
(A book)

2. It looks like a ball,

It stands on its leg and does not fall.
You like to turn it round,
Countries, mountains, lakes are found.
(A globe)

3. The teacher writes on me with a chalk

I have a black face, I cannot talk.
(A blackboard)

4. This little traveler is very strong.

He can run a thousand miles.
Before he starts, he takes off his hat.
When he rests, he puts it on.
(A pen)

5. Our little John

Has a wooden jacket on
And a long sharp nose.
He leaves his mark
Wherever he goes.
(A pencil)

6. There is a large spacious, bright house.

There are a lot of boys and girls in it.
They write and read.
They draw and count there.
They want to be clever.
(А school)
Round 4. «Guess the name of the dish».
(Вгадай назву страви з відео)
Now you have some video on the computer and
your task is to guess the name of them.

Round 5. «Pazzle». (Склади онлайн пазли) Cricket American Football

Round 6. «Customs and traditions».

T: Now to speak about English customs and traditions.

Round 7. «Dartz».
T: Decide what is «True» and what is «False».
III. Заключна частина
Summarizing (Підведення підсумків)
T: Let’s count the points and see who is the winner? What have we done today?
Зупинка. «Фінал»
Підведення підсумків проводить голова журі.
Нагородження учасників команд.
Викладач: Dear students, you have never been perfected! You were able to show
us more, but I was hopeful. I thank you for understanding that your mother’s
knowledge means being strong. I continue to fly with new and unexpected

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