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An apple a day keeps a doctor away

Тема уроку: An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

Мета уроку:вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, усного мовлення,

використання прислів’їв та приказок, пов’язаних з темою, формувати
навички вживання лексичних одиниць у граматичних структурах з
модальним дієсловом should; розвивати навички письма, читання та
творчі здібності учнів, сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення та
розвивати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови; виховувати бережливе
ставлення до свого здоров’я, вміння попереджувати хворобу, бажання
використовувати в їжу лише корисні продукти харчування, виховувати
культуру мови, увагу та поважне ставлення до товаришів.
Тип уроку:комбінований, гра – подорож.
Обладнання: костюми для драматизації, карта-маршрут, ваза з
яблуками, картки для парної та груповою роботи, малюнки, підручник
Біркун Л. «Our English 6».

T: Good morning, children. Glad to see you. How do you do?
P: We are fine, thank you. And you?
T: I am fine too. It is so good we all feel fine. Is anybody absent?
P: All are present ( ….is absent)
T: Is he is ill?
P: Yes he is.
T: Today we have unusual lesson. It’ll be a little traveling to the magic garden. We have
received the invitation to the wonderful country which is named «Healthy». You can see
that our magic apples are already ripe and if you eat them you will be always healthy and
strong. There is an English proverb « An apple a day keeps a doctor away».
You will get an apple for every right answer. If you get many apples you will become a
But remember you will meet the difficulties on your way.

2. Main part.
1) Talk. Toothache.
Let me introduce myself. I am a toothache. Do you know me? I am awful, boring
toothache. I always appear when the children do not clean their teeth, when they eat many
sweets. I like children who keep pens and pencils in the mouth. And now you do not hide
from me. You will have a toothache.
T: Wait, Toothache, we know what should we do to keep our teeth healthy.

We should ( not) - clean our teeth

- eat many sweets
- eat many vegetables and fruit, especially apples and carrot
- visit a doctor twice a year
- keep pens and pencils in the mouth
T: Children, let’s show what do we usually do every morning.
This is the way we wash our face
Wash our face, wash our face,
This is the way we wash our face
On a cold and frosty morning

This is the way we brush our teeth

Brush our teeth, brush our teeth,
This is the way we brush our teeth,
On a cold and frosty morning

This is the way we comb our hair,

Comb our hair, comb our hair,
This is the way we comb our hair
On a cold and frosty morning

This is the way we go to school

Go to school go to school
This is the way we go to school
On a cold and frosty morning
Toothache: Oh, I see you know how to keep your teeth healthy. Good bye, children.
( Toothache goes away)

2) Team game.
T: And now let’s play game « Fairy and Wizard». Look who comes to our lesson.
Fairy: Good morning, children. I am very glad to see you. I have a task for you. My team
must say what people should do to save their health.
Wizard: Good morning, children. I am glad to see you too. What about my team, we need
to say why people are ill.
Fairy team:
P1: The people should eat well, choose healthy food and have regular meals.
P2: They should visit a doctor.
P3: They should keep their clothes clean and change it regularly.
P4: They should take care of their body. Keep it clean and healthy.
P5: They should sleep more- go to bed early.

Wizard team.
P1: The people do not clean their teeth.
P2: They keep windows in the flat shut.
P3: They eat fast food.
P4: They do not play sports games.
P5: They watch TV for a long time.
(Fair and Wizard say good bye and go away).

3) Match.
T: I have the next task. It’ll be very interesting for you to find the English equivalent
to every Ukrainian proverb. You have this task on the blackboard and on the cards.
If you do it very quickly you’ll get an apple.

1. Здоров’є дорожче багатства. A. The purse of the patient

2. Обжерство вбиває швидше ніж меч. protracts the disease.
3. Чоловікові стільки років на скільки B. Health the better than wealth.
він почувається, а жінці –
на скільки вона виглядає. C. Prevention is better than
4. Хворобу легше попередити cure
ніж лікувати. D. Gluttony kills more than
the sword.
5. Гаманець клієнта подовжує E. A man is as old as he feels
хворобу. and woman is old as she
4) Learning new vocabulary
T: Our body needs 6 important things to grow and be healthy. What kind of things
are this? Let’s see.
( Виходять 6 учнів )
Vitamin: Glad to see you, boys and girls. I am a vitamin. I help to keep you
healthy. I am in fruit and vegetables.
( The pupils repeat the word « vitamin» )
Protein: I am a protein. I help your body grow. I am in fish, meat, cheese, nuts,
Mineral: I am a mineral. You body also needs about 12 different minerals. I am in
eggs, milk and porridge.
Fibre: I am a fibre. I am very important for your body to work well. My place is in
rye-bread, vegetables.
Fats: I am fats. I give you energy and help to keep you warm. Meat, oil, butter,
nuts, cakes are full of me.
Carbohydrates: I am carbohydrates. I give you energy too. I am in pies, bread,
cakes and candies.
T: Thank you, dear guests. Now we know all about these things and try to eat food
full of these important things.

5) Writing.
T: The next task will be in a writing form. You get the cards with names of food.
Please, divide them in two groups and write what is useful for us and what is not.
The first team finds useful food, the second - not useful.
E.g. Chocolate, eggs, carrot, sweets, honey, bread, meat, soup, cake, milk, butter, coca-
cola, fast food, French fries.


Eggs Chocolate
Carrot sweets
Honey cake
Bread coca-cola
Meat fast food
Soup French fries
6) Answer the questions.
T: Oh, do you hear? Somebody knocks to the door.
(Quinsy comes to the classroom)
Quinsy: You don’t wait for me. Do you glad to see me? You will not open the door to the
magic country. You need to give the right answers to my questions.
T: Children, can we do it?
1. What can happen if you don’t wear a hat in cold weather?(We can catch a cold)
2. How do you feel when you catch a cold? (we have a headache and high
3. What should you do when you catch a cold? (We should go to the doctor)
4. Can you lick an icicle? (No, we can not)
5. Can you drink cold milk? (No, we can not)
Quinsy: You are right, children. Take care of your health. Good bye.

7) Listening and comprehension.

T: Children, what should we do to be in good physical form?
P: We should go in for sport.
T: What is your favorite kind of sport?
P: I like hokey. I like figure skating.
Quiz: What kind of sports is this?
1. It is a team game. Men and women, girls and boys can play it. The players have a
ball and play it with their hands. There are 6 players in each of two teams.
2. It is a very popular game in England and in Ukraine. Both men and women can play
it now. The players kick the ball with their feet; they must not touch the ball with
the hands. The game lasts 90 minutes and has two halves. The players try to score
the goal.
3. It is one of the most popular games in the world. It was first played in Canada. It
belongs to winter kinds of games, only men and boys play it. Many people like to
watch this game on TV. The players skate on the ice, the use special sticks.
4. It is very beautiful kin of sport. The sportsmen show strength, rhythm and grace,
they do some exercises and dance to the music on the ice. One sportsman can
perform the exercises or the sportsman can dance together with the partner. The
dancers have very nice costumes on.
5. The game is played everywhere – in Ukraine and in other countries too. It was first
played in the USA. Each of the two teams has five players. They bounce the ball on
the floor up and down with one hand. They try to throw the ball into the basket of
the opposite team.
Keys: 1) volley-ball; 2) football; 3) ice-hockey; 4) figure skating; 5) basketball.

8) Complete the crosswords.

1 зубний біль 1 3 4 5 6
2 біль у животі
3 головний біль
4 порада
5 застуда
6 біль у вусі
7 біль
8 зубний лікар 8 9
9 зуби

Keys: 1) toothache, 2) stomachache, 3) headache, 4) advice, 5) cold, 6) earache, 7) ache,

8) dentist, 9) teeth.

3. Summing – up
T: I congratulate you, children. The difficult way to our garden is over. There is an apple
garden behind the door. We can open it. But at first let’s remember what should we do to
be healthy?
- we should clean our teeth
- we should visit a doctor
- we should eat healthy food full of vitamins, proteins, minerals,
fibre, fats and carbohydrates.
- We should not eat fast food
- We should keep our clothes clean
- We should do morning exercises
- We should play sports games
T: Now you understand how it is important to take care of your health and body. So we
can open the door. Dear fairy, can you help me? ( Діти заходять до саду , де лежать
яблука у вазі.) You can treat our guests with these magic apples. Let’s count the apples.
Who is a winner? This team has… apples.
Використана література:
1.Біркун Л. Our English 6
2. Крамаренко Л.Б. Збірник текстів та тестів для аудіювання в 5-11кл. – Харків:
Веста: « Ранок», 2003. – 256с.
3. Растригина Л.П. Упражнения по усовершенствованию английского языка. –
Донецк: ООО ПКФ « БАО», 2005. – 224с.

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