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Конспект уроку

Тема: «Food. Cooking Equipment».

Навчаюча: презентувати та практикувати нові слова, пов’язані з їжею,
практикуватись в усному мовленні, читанні, аудіюванні та письмі;

Розвивальна: розвивати навички діалогу з використанням вивченої лексики,

розвивати мовний кругозір та комунікативні вміння учнів.

Виховна: сприяти всебічному розвитку особистості.

Тип уроку: урок розвитку мовленнєвих навичок

Матеріали: зображення кухні, роздатковий матеріал, текст для читання,

Хід уроку:
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення:
1. Привітання. Організаційний момент.
T: Stand up , please. Good morning, pupils! Sit down , please.
T: I am glad to see you.
T: How are you today ( Fine , super, not bad, so-so) Are you super?
T: I am glad you are in a good mood. But I see some of you are quite nervous so
let’s start our lesson from pleasant words and compliments.
T: And I’ll begin: You look well..
( Учні за ланцюжком говорять один одному компліменти).
P1 You are beauty –ти красуня,
P2: You are fun to be with- з тобою весело,
P3: A smile becomes you –посмішка тобі личить,
P4: You have a good voice –тебе приємний голос
P5: You are very intelligent – ти дуже розумний,
P6: You have good eyes, you have beautiful hair , you are charming and so on.
T : Thank you for the compliments . Nice to hear that. The same can be said about
you . Ok ! Lets start our lesson!

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we have an unusual lesson. The topic of our lesson is Food. Cooking

3. Психологічна підготовка учнів до сприйняття нового матеріалу.

T: Tell me please. Do you like food?As for me I very like to eat some tasty food.
T: What did you have for breakfast today?

P1: I had….

T: What did P1 had for breakfast today? And you?

P2 : P1 had…. I had …

T: What did P1 and P2 had for breakfast today? And you?

P3: P1 had …. P2 had… and I had …

T: Okay, thank you.

4. Вивчення нового матеріалу

T.: Children, today we go on speaking about kitchen. As you see it’s really an
interesting and mouth-watering topic. I am sure, you help your mothers in the kitchen from
time to time and can cook some dishes for your families, don’t you? Let’s see what you do
and what equipment you use. Look at the blackboard and revise the words .

a kettle-чайник
a pan-каструля, сковорода

a teapot- чайник (для заварки)

a tablecloth- скатертина

seldom- рідко

to boil- кипіти

to dry- сушити

to fry- смажити

to pour- лити

to prefer- віддавати перевагу

to serve- обслуговувати

utensils - посуд

measuring cups –мірні чашки

cutting boards – дошки для різання

a set of knives – набір ножів

T.: Dear pupils! On the blackboard you can see a picture of a kitchen
Answer my questions:

 What can we see in the kitchen?

P1: I can see a cooker
P2: I can see a pan
P3: I can see a set of knives and so on

 What is near the cooker?

P1: I see a teapot
 What is on the cooker?
P4: There is a pan on the cooker
 What is on the shelf?
P2: There is a set of knives
P1: There is a cutting board
P3: There is a plate
 What is in the cupboard?
P1: There are glasses and cups in the cupboard
What do we use these things for?

T.: How often do you use these things?

P1: I often use…

P2: I rarely use….

P3: I never use…

T: Do you know what cooking equipment is used in foreign countries?

Now we are going to read about cooking equipments used in different countries and you
will check your answers.

pasta – вид макаронів

tortillas – вид мексиканського хліба

steamer - пароварка

utensils - посуд

measuring cups –мірні чашки

cutting boards – дошки для різання

a set of knives – набір ножів

Every country has its own cooking equipment. For example, Italian kitchen
usually have a big pot for cooking pasta. Many Mexican kitchens have a special pan to
make tortillas. Asian kitchens often have a grill for meat and a special vegetable
steamer. Ukrainian kitchens have beautifully decorated wooden cooking utensils such
as measuring cups, spoons and cutting boards. Many kitchens around the world have a
set of knives, a grater and a food processor.
T.: What equipments are used in different countries? What do we use in Ukraine?

T: So you have just learnt about different cooking equipment, but do you know the rule
one should keep to while being in the kitchen? Let’s read them together and think why we
should follow them (they are written on the blackboard).

 Don’t play with matches in a flat.

 Use oven mitts when handling hot pots, pans or baking trays.

 Get help from an adult when using a gas stove.

 Turn the gas off.

 Turn the water off.

 Put knives and other sharp things into drawers.

 Turn pot and pan handles toward the back of the stove, so you won’t knock
them over by accident.
T: So, which of the rules should we always keep, and why?

P1.: I think that we always must …

P2.: To my mind …
T.: Now we will revise the electrical household goods we use every day. On the
handouts you have 6 sentences but some words are missing. Complete the sentences with
the words from the box.

washing powder, fridge, washing-up liquid, freezer (x2), soap, vacuum cleaner,
shampoo, dishwasher, washing machine,
frozen food, toothbrush, toothpaste

1)You wash your clothes in a washing machine. You put washing powder in the
2)It’s cold in a …………. , but it’s colder in a …………….. You put ……………. in
a ………………….
3) You clean carpets with a ………………
4)You wash your hands with ……………., but you wash your hair with ……..
5)You use …………… to do the washing-up, or you can put the things in a …………
6) To clean your teeth you put some ………………..on a ………………….


2. fridge, freezer, freezer.

3. vacuum cleaner.

4. soap, shampoo.

5.washing-up liquid, dishwasher.

6.toothpaste, toothbrush.

5.Заключна частина уроку.

Домашня робота

T.: Your homework is to write a paragraph about householding duties of your

family members.
Підведення підсумків

T.: Well, that is all for today. I hope you enjoyed the lesson. What activities do you

like the most? Have you got a householding duty? What is it? Is your mother the

busiest person in doing chores? Who is the greatest helping hand for your mother?

What does your morning look like?

Let’s sum up the results of our lesson, we’ve worked hard today and shown your
deep knowledge on the topic . Thank you for your preparations for the lesson. So
your marks are …..

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