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Tема: Shopping

Підтема: Doing shopping

Клас: 6
Дата: 09.03.2023

 розвивати вміння складати діалог за зразком;
 удосконалювати навичку ставити питання та давати відповідь;
 навчити учнів одержувати інформацію з прослуханого діалогу;
 повторити та закріпити лексику з теми «Одяг»;
 формувати й розвивати комунікативні уміння учнів, уміння сприймати
і розуміти невеликі повідомлення;
 активізувати лексико-граматичний матеріал;
 перевірити навички усного мовлення.
 розвивати мовні і пізнавальні здібності, готовність до комунікації;
 удосконалювати інтелектуальний розвиток учнів;
 формувати логічне мислення;
 виховувати ввічливе ставлення до співрозмовника, толерантне
взаємовідношення між покупцем та продавцем.
Методи та прийоми навчання: інтерактивні методи (мозковий штурм,
групова робота, робота в парах).
Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизації знань.
Обладнання: підручник О. Карпюк “English 6”, фонограма діалогу,
магнітофон, роздатковий матеріал (картки зі словами, фразами, діалогами).

Хід уроку

I. Сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. (5-7 хв)

1. Привітання
Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you!
How are you today?
2. Перевірка домашнього завдання
3. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.
Do you like speaking about clothes and doing shopping? I’m asking you because
today we’ll be speaking about shopping again. You’ll know some information about
fashion and how the clothes have changed since 1860. We’ll do a lot of different
interesting tasks so by the end of the lesson you should be able to describe the fashion
changes during the times, to talk about unusual and interesting clothes and how to do
some purchases.
4. Warming up
Brainstorming. Vocabulary practice.
1. Name some things you wear on your legs.
2. Name some things you wear to look smart.
3. Name some things you wear in the cold weather.
4. Name some things you wear on the beach holidays.
5. Name some things you wear on a wedding day.
6. Name some things that only women wear.
7. Talk about clothes you wear yesterday.
8. Where is your favorite place for shopping?
9. What do you think clothes we wear tell about us?
10. Do you ever buy fashion magazines?
11. How were the clothes different 100 years ago?
II. Основна частина (30-35 хв)
1. Listening
Pre- listening task
T: Do you follow the fashion?
What is your attitude to fashion?
Can you compare modern trends and trends in recent years?
Who decides what is fashionable or not?
How can you imagine the fashion and clothes in 100 years?

Now we will know about fashion changes since 1860s. First you will listen to the
text and do the exercises according to it.

Listening task
Fashion fads
You can see from the pictures that fashions change a lot. In the Victorian times
clothes were more formal than they are now. Men wore heavy jackets and trousers with
neat creases. Ladies wore dresses with very full skirts. Their sportswear was very
similar to ordinary clothes but men wore striped jackets and caps for tennis and women
wore long dresses and hats. In the 1920s clothes were much looser. The 'Flappers', as
they were called, wore expensive clothes and the women often wore long necklaces.
During the wartime, of course, lots of people wore uniforms. By the 1960s many
women wore miniskirts. Men's clothing became more colorful and unusual. Everyone's
clothes were more casual. Ten years later, clothes for men and women were similar.
This style was called unisex and it was the age of blue jeans. Nowadays young people
often wear either fleeces with hoods or baseball caps and you see a lot of body piercings
or tattoos.
In the last hundred years 'Western' style clothes have become common all over the
Post-listening tasks
Task 1. Correct the sentences about each picture to retell the story. Use these
words to help. (Appendix 1)
1 In Victorian times women wore long dresses and men wore heavy jackets.
2 Men wore striped shorts and caps for tennis and women wore long dresses and
3 In the 1920s, the 'Flappers' wore cheap clothes.
4 During the wartime, of course, lots of people wore pajamas.
5 In the 1960swomen wore long skirts and men's clothes became more colorful.
6 Ten years later, clothes for men and women were similar. Everyone wore blue
7 Now young people wear fleeces with hoods or swimming caps and you see a lot
of body piercings or tattoos.
Task 2. Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write the number of the picture you can
see the following clothes. Write the period when the clothes were fashionable.
1 a full skirt
2 a fleece with a hood
3 unisex clothes
4 a striped jacket
5 blue jeans
6 colorful clothes
7 long necklaces
8 uniforms
9 a mini-skirt
10 a baseball cap
2. Reading and dialogical skills development
Task 1. Read the dialogue in pairs
Shop assistant: Good day. Can I help you?
Mrs. Presley : Yes, please. I'm looking for a hat and gloves.
Shop assistant: Let's see. We have a good choice of hats and two types of gloves:
leather and suede. Which would you prefer, madam?
Mrs. Presley: I haven't decided yet. Can I have a look? Speaking of colors, I would
prefer something more muted, for example, dark grey or brown.
Shop assistant: I see. This way, please. What do you think of these grey leather
gloves and grey hat?
Mrs. Presley: They are perfect. May I try them on?
Shop assistant: Yes, of course. Here you are.
Mrs. Presley: The hat is my size but the gloves are small. Do you have a larger
Shop assistant: Just a second, please, I'll check. Yes, I think we have the right size
for you. Would you like to try them on?
Mrs. Presley: Yes, of course. By the way, how much do they cost?
Shop assistant: The hat is 19 pounds and the gloves are 24.
Mrs. Presley: I'll take both, please.
Shop assistant: Ok, I'll take them to the cashier desk then.
Mrs. Presley: Thank you.
Task 2. Answer the questions
1. What is this dialogue about?
2. Where does it take place?
3. What does Mrs. Presley want to buy?
4. How much does it cost?
5. Whom does she want to buy this for?
Task 3. Work in pairs
Now students imagine that you are in the department store and you are looking for
some items (clothes, jewelers, accessories). You have to work in pairs. Make up the
dialogue between a shop assistant and a buyer. As the example you can use the dialogue
that you have read.
Students are making their dialogues according to the examples
3. Relaxation
T: Let us rest for a while and do a test. Tick the correct answer and then we will
check the results. (Appendix 2)
Your score means:
8 — 15 points: You aren't fashion-conscious at all. You think that there are
more important things in life than fashion. But don't you think the world would be a dull
place if there were no fashion? It adds spice to life.
16 — 24 points: Clothes aren't the most important thing in your life. However, you
know what suits you and you have a personal style. But you are a little bit conservative.
Why not try a different style for a change?
25 — 32 points: You are a fashion victim! You go for the latest styles and spend a lot
of money on clothes. But there are more important things in life than clothes — try
speaking to people and you'll be surprised to find that they are nice, even if they are
wearing old shoes.

4. Grammar revision
T: Now we are going to continue with grammar construction much and many. Can
you exemplify their use?
Open your books at page 116 and let us do Task 5.

III.Заключна частина уроку (5 хв)

1.Пояснення домашнього завдання
Впр. 6 ст 124 -робочий зошит
2.Підведення підсумків уроку
Thank you, students. I am glad, that you have worked well today. I liked your
work very much today. Your marks are … .
Appendix 1
Appendix 2

Quiz “ Are You a Fashion Victim?”: Choose answers to the following


1. You are invited to a party. What would you wear? a) Something new and
fashionable. b) A traditional suit or dress. c) Does it matter?
2. How much time do you spend in front of the mirror before going out? a)
More than fifteen minutes. 
b) Less than fifteen minutes. c) About five minutes.
3. What do you usually wear? a) Casual clothes, for example a T-shirt and jeans.
b) Whatever's in fashion? c) What I feel like wearing.
4. Why do you like your clothes? a) Because I feel comfortable in them. b)
Because they say something about the sort of person I am. 
c) I can't say I like my clothes.
5. You pass a clothes shop and see just the dress/suit you want. It's beautiful
— but you haven't got much money. What would you do? a) I'd forget about it. b) I
wouldn't buy it, but I would dream about it. c) I'd borrow money and buy it.
6. How often do you buy fashion magazines? a) Very often. b) From time to
time. c) Never.
7. The colour in fashion this year doesn't suit you. What do you do? 
a) I wear it anyway — it's in fashion! b) I don't wear it. c) I don't care about what's in
8. How would you describe your style of dress? a) Fashionable. b) Not
fashionable but 'me'. c) Style? What do you mean?
Let’s do summing up, count up you score, using the table:
1 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
2 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
3 a) 1 b) 3 c) 2
4 a) 2 b) 3 c) 1
5 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
6 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
7 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
8 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

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