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Тема: Створення власного стилю одягу

1.Навчальні: Організувати монологічне мовлення учнів у зв’язку із
запропонованою ситуацією.
Організувати читання тексту з повним розумінням прочитаного.
Удосконалювати навички вживання Word Builder: Word Pairs у монологічному
мовленні учнів.
2.Розвиваючі: розвивати вміння вести групову бесіду на основі прочитаного;
розвивати логічне мислення, здатність самостійно планувати мовленнєвий
вчинок; розвивати довготривалу та оперативну пам’ять.
3.Виховні : виховувати культуру інтелектуальної праці, прищеплювати любов до
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит (Workbook), презентація PowerPoint
“Image: Celebrities”, відеоролик “Pretty Woman”, роздатковий матеріал для учнів
(Complete the sentences, Fill in the blanks, cards with Word Pairs), students’ Portfolio

Хід уроку

I. Lead In .
1. Aim.
T: Nice to meet you, my friends! Yesterday we talked about celebrities, about their
appearance, style of clothes. Today we’ll discuss the ways of people’s shopping, learn
to give advice and study some grammar material called Word Pairs .
2. Warm-up.
Today you will get marks for every kind of work (individual or group) as we did
before and put them into Portfolio “Grade List”, at the end of the lesson we’ll sum them
up and you’ll get individual “total mark”! So, let us start!
My Portfolio : IMAGE
Activity My Score Now I CAN
Describe a person
1 Speaking: describe celebrity’s appearance Use Pairs of Words
2 Word Builder: Match the pair and make the correctly
sentence Discuss people’s
3 Word Builder: complete the sentences clothes
4 Reading: discussion Give some advice
5 Speaking: Dialogues
Total score:

II. The Main Part.

1. Brainstorming: quiz
T: Do you remember facts about celebrities we’ve spoken about yesterday?
- an American actress and former model (Cameron Diaz)
- she has starred in many films including Bend it Like Beckham (2002) and Pirates of
the Caribbean.( Keira Knightley)
- he became famous when he got the leading role of Edward Cullen in the film Twilight
in 2008 (Robert Pattinson)
- an English actor who became famous in 2001 playing Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)

2. Check on homework
T: Your task was to use the network to describe celebrity’s appearance. Let’s listen to
the descriptions

3. Grammar Practice. Word Builder: Word Pairs

1) Listen to the teacher’s description

T: When we describe a person, an object or speak about different events we often use
pairs of words, e.g. високий та стрункий, брати та сестри, запитання та відповіді,
a) Look at the Word Builder (презентація PowerPoint) and complete with Word Pairs.
b) Match the pair (Pair work): you should find Word Pairs and make up sentences with
black good rich nice tall
brother men mum family bits
ask come eat buy cut
white bad poor easy slim
sister women dad friends pieces
answer go drink sell paste
c) Complete the sentences with the words below (презентація PowerPoint) – Group

dad / drink / famous / friends / go / pieces  / sell / slim

0. It was nice to see your mum and dad after all these years.
1.His clothes are worn by the rich and_________.
2.She’s tall and _________; the perfect model.
3.He uses bits and _________ to create his designs. He finds them in markets and
second-hand shops.
4.Models come and _________ but the great designers go on forever.
5.I buy and _________ second-hand clothes.
6.Be careful what you eat and _________ or you’ll put on weight.
7.Her family and _________ are here to celebrate her birthday.

Key: 1 famous, 2 slim, 3 pieces, 4 go, 5 sell, 6 drink, 7 friends.

4. Relaxation
T: Do you enjoy clothes shopping? Watch a funny clip from a film “Pretty Woman” and
enjoy shopping with Julia Roberts.
Make your partner a compliment.
5. Reading
1) Pre-Reading Activities
a) Problem solving. Answer the question
T: Who helps celebrities choose right clothes?
Students’ answers: experts, fashion designers, shop-assistants, etc.
T: Let’s read a blog for teens where a shopping expert answers readers’ questions. Be
ready to answer my questions.
2) While-Reading Activities. Етап власне читання тексту та виконання вправ під час
Read the text and fill in the gaps
A. you can use bits and pieces
B. try it on, decide where you want to put the design and measure it.
C. print the drawing

Making your own personalised T-shirts can help you save money. First of all, buy a
plain cotton T-shirt and some printable fabric. 1 ___ .
Then choose a design and scan it to your computer or cut and paste one from the Net.
After that, put the printable fabric into your printer and 2___ from your computer onto
it. Then cut out the design, sew the fabric onto the shirt and use marker pens to add
Now you've got your own personalised T-shirt - it's nice and easy to do and 3___ of the
fabric again!

Keys: 1B, 2C, 3A

3) Post- Reading Activities.

Answer the questions. Бесіда з учнями.
Is it difficult to make your own clothes?
Which things do you usually need to do it?
How can you change ordinary clothes into imaginative ones?

6. Oral Practice: pair work

T: Read these situations and make up dialogues, try to give a good advice. Use
information from the text
1. Original, good quality clothes are so expensive and I 'd love to make my own but it's
really complicated. Any ideas, please?
2. I'm not exactly tall and slim and I have problems buying nice jeans to fit me. I'd like
someone to give me some advice.
3. I bought some attractive designer sunglasses on the Net but my family and friends
say they are fake and don't want me to wear them. Can you help me identify the genuine

III. The Final Part.

1. Home work
T: Your task to do at home is to make up 5 sentences with Word Pairs and do ex.3(p.39)
in Workbook.
2. Summarizing
T: Let’s summarize your answers, have a look at your Portfolio Grade List, count your
results and you have your marks for the lesson. Tell me what can you do now?
Can you :
Use Pairs of Words correctly?
Discuss people’s clothes?
Give some advice?
Draw a smile which shows your knowledge in Portfolio.
See you!

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