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Виконала: вчитель англійської мови

Горбунова Анна Романівна
Тема: The haunted house. Будинок з привидами
Підтема: My house
- активізувати вивчену лексику з теми “ My house ” в мовленні в структурах
“What room is this?”, “This is a…”, “What can you see in it?-I can see …?; “Is
there a…”; Are there …?; What can you do in this room? – I can …; There is/are
- узагальнити та систематизувати знання учнів з теми “ My house ”.
- формувати навички працювати індивідуально, в парах, фронтально.
- розвивати навички говоріння, читання, письма, мовленнєву реакцію,
самоконтроль, ініціативу мовлення, пам’ять, увагу, уяву.
- розвивати навички аудіювання.
- розвивати філологічний світогляд учнів; збагачувати їх словниковий запас.
- виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.
- фонетичні картки : буквосполучення [a:], [u:], [ɔ:], [ʧ], [ð]; вірш - “In the
dark, dark wood.”
- тематичні картки з теми “ My house ”,
- лист “Our house”,
- дидактичний матеріал для читання,
- картки для аудіювання тексту “ Our house ”
- опорні таблиці,
- фонограми пісні “Welcome to my house” та зарядки “Hockey- Pockey”.
ТИП УРОКУ: узагальнюючий

Хід уроку
1. Greeting

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls!

Ch: Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, Good morning,
We are glad to see you.
T: I am glad to see you, sit down, please. Dear children, are you ready for the
Ch: Yes, we are.
T: Let’s start our work.

2. Introduction

T: Children, If you look at the blackboard you can understand the topic of our
today’s lesson. Yes, you are right. Today we will speak about our houses, our
rooms and things in them.

3. Phonetic practice

T: If you want to speak English well, we have to wake our Mr. Tongue up. So let’s
practice the sounds on the board.
[a:] dark, bath, carpet
[u:] bathroom, living room, bedroom, wood
[ɔ:] wall, hall, floor, door, wardrobe
[ʧ] kitchen, chair, armchair
[ð] there, this
(teacher names the sounds with the help of children then practice reading of the
poem and its understanding by pupils)
T: And now, look at my poster and read the poem (T-Pls; Pls; Pl 1,2).
In a dark, dark wood there’s a dark, dark house.
In the dark, dark house there’s a dark, dark cupboard.
In the dark, dark cupboard there’s a dark, dark shelf.
On the dark, dark shelf there’s a dark, dark box.
And in the dark, dark box there’s a dark, dark a-a-a

4. Speech practice on the base of the poem

T: Where is the house?

Where is the cupboard?
What is on the cupboard?
T: And now, let’s remember the song “Welcome to my house” and invite our
guests into it.
T: Thank you very much.

5. Word revision/ Writing activity/ Individual work

T: Now I see that you are ready to speak English well and I want you to remember
things we have in our house. Listen to some descriptions of the rooms and guess
their names. (Teacher reads the texts and children come to the board and show the
picture of the room).
1. There is a sofa, a TV set and armchairs in this room. We can watch TV and have
a rest (living room).
2. It’s a place where you cook and have (kitchen).
3. You can see a big table in the middle of this room. We have dinner in it (dining
4. We do our homework, sleep on the bed and play games (bedroom).
5. We can wash our face and hands clean our teeth. There is a wash-basin and a
bath in it (bathroom).
T: Very well and now let’s remember the things we can see in these rooms. Look
at the board and say what this (T-Pls) is.
T: Now your task is to divide the names of the things with the room where we can
see them. (Pupils work with work books individually.)
T: So let’s check it up. Read the words in the tables.

6. Grammar /Prepositions of place/Game “Where is the cat?”

T: If you want to tell us about your house you should remember some prepositions.
Look and remember (T-Pls).
T: I have lost my cat and need your help. Tell me, Where is my cat?

7. Dialogical speech

T: I think it’s time for us to ask each other about the house. Look at the board and
remember how to do this (tables on the board).
- What room is this?
This is a … (room).
-What can you see in this room?
I can see a bed,… in this room.
-Is there a sofa,…in this room?
Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.
-Are there … windows in this room?
Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
-Where is/are the …?
It/They is/ are ..on/in/next to… the … .
-What can you do in this room?
I can sleep, play… in this room.
T: Now I want you to make up your own dialogues in pairs on the pictures(Pupils
ask each other and then some pairs present their dialogues).

8. Physical exercises

T: I see that you are very tired and it’s time for us to have a rest and do some
physical exercises. Song “Hockey- Pockey”. (Three pupils go to the board and do
the exercise, other children follow them.
T: Thank you very much. I see that you are ready to continue our work.

9. Listening comprehension

T: Today, I have received a letter from our English pen friend. She writes about her
house. You should listen and make the task after listening on the cards to
understand what you’ve learnt about her house.
(Children listen to the text and then teacher checks their work (see add materials) `
T: Let’s see your answers.

10. Reading activity/Pair work

T: With her letter she sent us some pictures of her house and the descriptions of
them. But we have more texts then pictures. Your task is to read and choose the
right descriptions of the rooms (Children get pictures with the texts, they read and
T: So it’s time to check what you have.

11. Monological speech

T: Let’s summarize the whole information you’ve learnt about our houses to be
ready to represent this information to class. Look at the poster, it can help you
(poster at the board; 4 children represent their stories)
T: Very good.

12. Final part of the lesson /Hometask

T: You worked hard today, it’s time to write down your hometask . Now you have
a chance to write about your dreamhouse. Here are the posters which you need to
fill in. (Children receive the form to fill in).
T: Thank you for the work today. Your marks are…
Stand up and good-bye!

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