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Дата/Date: 15.03.

Клас/Class: 4 А
Тема: Наш вихідний день
Topic: Our holiday
- практична: розвивати навички читання та перекладу під час опрацювання діалогу, розвивати
граматичні навички під час тренування у вживанні граматичної структури «to be going to», розвивати
фонематичний слух та правильну вимову під час представлення лексики по темі «Наш вихідний
день» та вивчення нових слів, розвивати вміння аудіювати текст, формувати орфографічні навички
під час написання нових слів, розвивати навички усного мовлення.
- розвивальна: розвивати пам’ять, мислення, увагу.
- виховна: виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Objectives: by the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
- have been presented and practiced the new vocabulary on the topic;
- to use new vocabulary in their oral and written speech;
- have developed their listening ,speaking, reading and writing skills;
- have been practiced grammar structure «to be going to»;
- have been trained phonetics.
Обладнання: CD-програвач, диск, флеш картки, презентація.
Materials: CD-recorder, CD-disk, flash-cards, presentation.

Час/ Time:45 хв/ min

I.Beginnihg of the lesson План уроку
1.Greeting. І. Початок уроку.
2.Warming-up. 1. Привітання.
II.Main part of the lesson 2. Мовленнєва зарядка.
1. Presentation. ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
2. Practice 1. Пояснення нового матеріалу.
3. Production of the usage of the new vocabulary 2. Тренування у вживанні.
III. The end of the lesson 3. Закріплення
1.Summary of lesson. ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
2. Home task. 1. Підсумок уроку
3. Giving marks 2. Домашнє завдання.
3. Виставлення оцінок.

I. Beginning of the
(Початок уроку)

1.Greeting T: Good afternoon, dear children. I’m glad to see you.

(Привітання) Cl: Good morning, dear teacher!
T: I am your teacher today. My name is Yulia Viktorivna.
зарядка) T: What date is today?
P: It`s the 15th of April.
T: What day was yesterday?
P: Monday was yesterday.
T: What day will be tomorrow?
P: Wednesday will be tomorrow.
T: What season is it now?
P: It is spring.
Т: Do you like holidays? And why?
P1: Yes, I do. I like holidays because I have a lot of free time.
T: What holiday will be soon?
P: It will be Easter.
Т: What do you like doing on your holidays?
P1: I like watching TV and reading books on my holiday.
I. Main part of the T: So, the topic of our lesson today is «Our holiday».
(Основна частина

1.Presentation T: Look at the pictures and remember the words. Read and pronounce:
(Пояснення Suitcase, sun cream, towel, soap, shampoo, hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste.
нового Repeat all together without me:
матеріалу) Suitcase [’su:t‚keɪs], sun cream [sʌn kri:m], towel [’taʋəl], soap [səʋp], shampoo
[ʃæm’pu:], hair brush [heər brʌʃ], toothbrush [’tu:Ɵbrʌʃ], toothpaste [’tu:Ɵpeɪst].

Look at the blackboard and say what is this?

T: Is it a suitcase? – P: Yes, it is. It is a suitcase.

T: Is it a sun cream? - P: No, it isn`t. It is a sports shop.
T: Is it a suitcase or a shampoo? – P: It is a suitcase.
T: What is this? - P: It it is a suitcase.
T: What colour is this suitcase? – P: This suitcase is…

T: Is it a sun cream? – P: Yes, it is. It is a sun cream.

T: Is it a suitcase? – P: No, it isn`t. It is a sun cream.
T: Is it a sun cream or a suitcase? – P: It it is a sun cream.
T: What is this? - P: It it is a sun cream.

T: Is it a towel? - P: Yes, it is. It is a towel.

T: Is it an sun cream? - P: No, it isn`t. It is a towel.
T: Is it a sun cream or a towel? - P: It is a towel.
T: What is this? – P: It is a towel.

T: Is it a soap? - P: Yes, it is. It is a soap.

T: Is it a towel? - P: No, it isn`t. It is a soap.
T: Is it a soap or a towel? – P: It is a soap.
T: What is this? - P: It is a soap.

T: Is it a shampoo? - P: Yes, it is. It is a shampoo.

T: Is it a sun cream? - P: No, it isn`t. It is a shampoo.
T: Is it a shampoo or a sun cream? – P: It is a shampoo.
T: What is this? - P: It is a shampoo.

T: Is it a hair brush? - P: Yes, it is. It is a hair brush.

T: Is it a soap? - P: No, it isn`t. It is a hair brush.
T: Is it a soap or a hair brush? - P: It is a hair brush.
T: What is this? - P: It is a hair brush.

T: Is it a toothbrush?- P: Yes, it is. It is a toothbrush.

T: Is it a hair brush? - P: No, it isn`t. It is a toothbrush.
T: Is it a hair brush or a toothbrush? – P: It is a toothbrush.
T: What is this? - P: It is a toothbrush.

T: Is it a toothpaste? - P: Yes, it is. It is a toothpaste.

T: Is it a toothbrush? - P: No, it isn`t. It is a toothpaste.
T: Is it a toothbrush or it a toothpaste? – P: It is a toothpaste.
T: What is this? - P: It is a toothpaste.

T: Make up the words with the help of these letters.

2. Practice eutcSias uSn reCam loTwe Sopa pmShaoo arHi hursB

(Тренування у otThbroush sthToopate

T: Open your CB at the page 108.

Look at the pictures. What can you see? What do you think this dialogue is about?
P1: I can see some people in these pictures.
P2: I think that this text is about a trip.
T: How many people can you see in the first picture?
P: I can see 4 people in the first picture.
T: What are they doing?
P: They are staying near the car.
P: They are talking.
T: How many boys can you see in the second picture?
P: I can see 2 boys in the second picture.
T: How many people can you see on the third picture?
P: I can see 2 people in the third picture.
T: Who can you see in the fourth picture?
P: I can see 1 boy and 2 girls in the fourth picture.

T: Now we are going to listen to the text. Your task is to answer: What Max is going
to do on the holiday?
P: Max is going to read books on the holiday.

T: Now we are going to read the text along with audio recording.

T: Now find the English equivalent of the sentences in the text:

- Подивись на всі ці книги.
- Лео, твоя валіза дуже велика. Що в ній?
- Я не можу дочекатися початку наших канікул.
- Це дуже важко!
- Чи не могла б ти мені допомогти з валізою?
- Я не збираюся брати валізу, у мене є всі мої речі в рюкзаку.
- Мій скейтборд. Я буду кататися на ньому кожного дня.
- Макс, ти не маєш одягу у своїй валізі. Що ти збираєшся носити?
3. Production of the
usage of the new Read the dialogue in roles.
T: Open the Workbook. Let`s do exercise 100, page 1
III. The end of the Ex. 2, look and write.

1. Summary of the
(Підсумок уроку)

2. Home task What have we learned at the lesson? What new words do you know?
( Домашнє

T: Open your daybooks. Write down the homework.

3. Giving marks. CB: p. 108, WB: p. 100 -101.
You have done a good job today. The lesson is over. You may be free, good bye.

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