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Дата/Date: 07.9.

Клас/Class: 4-А
Тема: У театрі.
Topic: In the theatre.
- практична: розвивати граматичні навички під час тренування у вживанні past continuous
tense, розвивати фонематичний слух та правильну вимову під час обговорення відповідей
на питання по тексту «Red Riding Hood», тренувати орфографічні навички, удосконалювати
вміння письма, аудіювання, усного мовлення.
- розвивальна: розвивати пам’ять, мислення, увагу.
- виховна: виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, прагнення відвідувати театри
та брати участь у учнівській самодіяльності.
- to product using of past continuous tense, to train the pronunciation and spelling of the
learned words, to improve writing, listening, speaking skills;
- to develop memory, thinking, attention;
- to cultivate an interest in learning English, visiting theaters and participate in student
I. Beginning of the lesson
II. Main part of the lesson
1. Checking home task
2. Presentation.
3. Practice
4. Production
III. End of the lesson
1. Home task.
2. Summary of lesson.
3. Giving marks.
План уроку
І. Початок уроку.
1. Привітання.
2. Мовленнєва зарядка.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1. Перевірка домашнього завдання
2. Пояснення нового матеріалу.
3. Тренування у вживанні.
4. Закріплення
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підсумок уроку.
3. Виставлення оцінок.
Хід уроку
I. Beginning of
the lesson
(Початок уроку) T: Good afternoon, dear children. I’m glad to see you.
1.Greeting Cl: Good morning, dear teacher!
(Привітання) T: I am your teacher today. My name is Olha Victorivna. I hope our lesson will
be interesting for us.

2.Warming-up T: What day is it today?

(Мовленнєва P: Today is Tuesday.
зарядка) Т: Which date today?
P: Today is the fourteenth of October.
T: What season is it now?
P: It is autumn.
T: What season will be after autumn?
P: After autumn will be winter.
T: Look at the window. What is the weather like today?
P1. it’s sunny - сонячно
P2. it’s warm - тепло
P3. it’s chilly - прохолодно
P4. it’s clear - ясно
P5. it’s cloudy - хмарно
P6. it’s raining - йде дощ
Noun Chain
II. Main part of
the lesson Т: At the previous lesson you read the text about Red Riding Hood. Now I will
(Основна частина play the track(read the text) and you listen and follow this text at p. 30 in
уроку) your Wb.
1. Brain storming
(Актуалізація T: Open your books at p.32 
опорних знань) T: There is an exercise 1.You need to give answers to the questions.
T:The first question is:What did Red Riding Hood take to her grandmother?
P: Red Riding Hood took to her grandmother a cake and a bottle of fruit juice
T:The answer was given correct?Ok,next question
T: How did Red Riding Hood speak to the wolf?
P: Red Riding Hood spoke to the wolf politely.
T:Why didn’t Red Riding Hood run away when she was scared?
P: Red Riding Hood didn’t run away when she was scared because she was a
brave girl.
T:What was Grandmotherwearing in bed?
P: Grandmother was wearing in bed a pink shawl, a big white nightcap
T:Why was Red Riding Hood worried?
P: Red Riding Hood was worried because Grandmother’s teeth were very
big,shiny and white.
T:Why did the wolf run away?
P:Wolf run away because he was not brave at all.
2.Presentation T:Where was Red Riding Hood’s Grandmother?
(Пояснення P: Red Riding Hood’s Grandmother was in the cupboard.
нового Ex.2 p.32
матеріалу) T:Here you have 4 questions.The first one is :Why did Red Riding Hood’s
mother say “Don’t talk to anyone on the way”?
T:How do you think why Red Riding Hood’s mother said it?
P1: Red Riding Hood’s mother said it because there was a wolf in the forest
and the wolf was dangerous.
P2:She wanted Red Riding Hood to be safe.
P3: She wanted Red Riding Hood to take the cake and fruit juice quickly
T: Why did the wolf show Red Riding Hood the yellow flowers?
P1: He wanted to get to Grandmother’s house before Red Riding Hood.
T: What good things did Red Riding Hood do in the story?
P1: She took the things to Grandmother.
P2: She picked flowers for her.
P3: She was polite to the wolf.
3. Practice P4: She didn’t run away, she was brave.
(Тренування у T: Did she do anything wrong? What?
вживанні) P1: She forgot her mother’s words.
Ex. 3, p.32
T: Write the words next to the people they describe. Look at the picture. Who
is in the first picture?
P: Red Riding Hood.
T: who is in the second picture?
P: wolf.
T: who is in the third picture?
P: Grandmother.
T: Ok, tell me, please, who is polite?
P: Red Riding Hood is polite.
T: Nice, pick up your pens and write down opposite Red Riding Hood “polite”.
Who is friendly?
P: the wolf is friendly.
T: who is frightened?
P: grandmother is frightened.
T: who is kind?
P: Red Riding Hood is kind.
T: who is strange?
P: the wolf is strange.
T: who is safe?
P: Grandmother is safe.
T: who is brave?
P: Red Riding Hood is brave.
T: Who is worried?
P: Red Riding Hood and Grandmother are worried.
Ex.4, p.32
T: In this exercise you should match the word to the definition. Do this
exercise yourself, and then we will check it all together.
1 to begin on a journey .
2 to not remember .
3 to shout loudly .
4 to go out of sight .
5 to do a high jump .
1 set off, 2 forget, 3 scream, 4 disappear, 5 leap.
T: Open your Pb p.12, ex.1
Look at the pictures and look at the sentences under the pictures. Read the
first sentence “a) The woodcutter opened the door”. Which picture
corresponds to this sentence?
P: Picture number 8.
T: Read the next sentence.
b) Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother’s house – 5.
c) The wolf leapt out of the bed – 7.
4. Production d) The grandmother was frightened but safe – 10.
(Закріплення) e) She picked some flowers in the forest – 2.
f) The wolf stopped and talked to Red Riding Hood – 3.
g) The wolf run away –9.
h) Red Riding Hood was taking a cake and some juice to her grandmother – 1.
i) The wolf disappeared into the forest – 4.
j) Red Riding Hood’s grandmother looked very strange – 6.
Ex. 2, p.12 Complete the sentences with words from the box.
1 “Is at home?” asked the wolf.
2 then they heard a strange sound.
3 Red Riding Hood could see in the room.
4 The woodcutter was standing in the .
5 the wolf had a strange .
6 the wolf leaped out of the bed.
III. End of the 7 Red Riding Hood stood the bed.
lesson 1 anyone
2 just
1. Home task 3 nothing
( Домашнє 4 doorway
завдання) 5 voice
6 suddenly
7 beside
2. Summary of the
(Підсумок уроку)

3. Giving marks.
I have a mobile phone. Each of you calls your friend or parents or somebody
else and share of impressions which you take from our lesson.
What have we learned at the lesson? What did we do at the lesson? What
was the more interesting, less interesting in your opinion?

You have done a good job today. The lesson is over. You may be free, good

1. it’s hot - спекотно

2. it’s sunny - сонячно
3. it’s warm - тепло
4. it’s chilly - прохолодно
5. it’s cold - холодно
6. it’s frosty - морозно
7. it’s slippery - слизько
8. it’s clear - ясно
9. it’s cloudy - хмарно
10. it’s dry - сухо
11. it’s wet - вогко
12. it’s damp - вогко
13. it’s drizzling - мрячить
14. it’s raining - йде дощ
15. it’s raining heavily - йде сильний дощ
16. it’s raining cats and dogs - ллє як з відра
17. shower - злива
18. hail - град
19. it thunders - гримить грім
20. thunderstorm - гроза
21. dirty, rough - кепська

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