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UNIT 13.


Task 1. Write the words for the fruit horizontally in the grid. Then find the English
proverb by taking the correct letters from the grid.

beef - яловичина pork - свинина duck - качка
lamb - баранина chicken - курятина turkey - індичка
veal - телятина

Fish and seafood

salmon - лосось lobster - омар caviar - ікра
mussels - мідії crab - краб cod - тріска
trout - форель prawn - креветка oyster - устриця
squid - кальмар herring - оселедець tuna - тунець

Different kinds of fruit

Different kinds of vegetable

Salad vegetables

Preparing food (verbs)

chop - нарізати, покрішити mix - змішувати
slice - різати скибочками add - додавати
grate - натерти на тертці pour - наливати
peel - знімати шкірку, чистити

Cooking food (verbs)
boil - варити, кип’ятити bake - випікати
fry - смажити (на сковорідці з олією) steam - готувати на пару
roast - смажити, запікати (в духовці heat - нагрівати
або на відкритому вогні)
grill - смажити на грилі

Describing food
salty - солоний fresh - свіжий
sweet - солодкий spicy - гострий, пікантний
tender - ніжний burnt - горілий
overcooked - перетриманий, tasty - смачний
переварений, пересмажений delicious - смачний
underdone - недотриманий, nice - апетитний, гарний
недосмажений disgusting - гидкий
raw - сирий horrible - жахливий
just right - в самий раз

Task 2. Discuss the following questions.

1) What is your favourite food and cuisine?
2) What kind of food do you dislike?
3) Do you like cooking? What dishes can you cook?
4) Do you prefer eating at home or out? What restaurant can you recommend and
5) Imagine that you are going to invite your friends to your birthday party. What
dishes would you cook for your guests?

Task 3. Match each of the following lines of words with one of the types of food
cheese soup bread oil rice salad
1. green, mixed, potato, fruit ….…………….
2. white, brown, wholemeal, rye, sliced, garlic ….…………….
3. tomato, chicken, mushroom, home-made, tinned ….…………….
4. mild, mature, soft, cream, blue, goat’s ….…………….
5. brown, long-grain, wild ….…………….
6. olive, vegetable, sunflower ….…………….

yoghurt ice cream sauce chocolate pie cake

1. chocolate, fruit, cheese, birthday, wedding ………………..
2. natural, strawberry, black cherry, Greek, low fat ………………..
3. tomato, pesto, soy, oyster, apple, mint ………………..
4. milk, plain, white, dark, Belgian ………………..
5. meat, chicken, apple, cherry, home-made ………………..
6. vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, Italian ………………..

Task 4. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.
1. bake a. an egg / bacon / hamburgers
2. roast b. a leg of lamb / a chicken
3. boil c. bread / a cake / a lasagne
4. fry d. rice / carrots / green beans

Task 5. Match the verbs on the left with the phrases on the right.
1. peel a. the mixture with a wooden spoon
2. pour b. the potatoes and boil in a pan
3. slice c. the cheese and add to the sauce
4. grate d. the sauce over the meat and serve
5. stir e. the ham as thinly as possible
6. chop f. the eggs until light and fluffy
7. mix g. a lemon over the fish
8. beat h. a little butter in a frying pan
9. melt i. the vegetables into small pieces
10. squeeze j. all the ingredients together

Task 6. Match each of the following lines of words with one of the words below.
coffee juice wine milk drink beer water tea
1. Fruit, orange, pineapple, tomato ……….
2. Semi-skimmed, full-cream ……….
3. Mineral, still, fizzy*, sparkling ……….
4. Red, white, rose, dry, sweet, sparkling ……….
5. Strong, low-alcohol, bottled, draught ……….
6. Black, white, strong, real, instant ……….
7. Strong, weak, herbal, green, mint ……….
8. Non-alcoholic, soft, fizzy, strong ……….

*A fizzy or sparkling drink has bubbles in it.

Task 7. Sally is a vegetarian. Tick the products which she may eat.
apricot cheese mushrooms
baked beans cherry noodles
beef cod parsley
biscuits garlic peach
breakfast cereal grapes pork
butter herring salmon
cabbage lettuce turkey

Task 8. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

1. If you are on a low-salt diet, you should avoid … .
a bacon b tomatoes c eggs
2. A vegetarian would not eat … .
a pasta b mushrooms c tuna
3. There are lots of vitamins and minerals in … .
a vegetables b crisps c butter
4. A good source of iron is … .
a peanuts b steak d cheese
5. Brown rice and wholemeal bread contain more … than white rice and white
a fibre b calcium c fat
6. Which of these is not a source of carbohydrate?
a chicken b rice c cereal
7. Organic food does not usually contain … .
a nutrients b protein c additives

Task 9. Read these sentences about food and eating. Can you complete them by
writing one word from the list below in each gap?
in with to of the
1 Of course, I accept that fast food has the advantage _____ convenience .
2 _____ truth is, a lot of our traditional national dishes aren't very healthy either.
3 Actually, the most important thing is _____ have a balanced diet.
4 I don't think a burger and chips provides you _____ enough vitamins.
5 I prefer the range of flavours you get _____ traditional dishes.

Task 10. Look at the two photos of food. Compare and contrast the two meals
• What kinds of food are there?
• Which is healthier?
• Which would you prefer?

Task 11. The title of the article below is The history of dieting. Paragraphs B-H
are in the wrong order. Decide on the correct order for the paragraphs, and write
the letter next to the number below. The first and last paragraphs are correct .
1 A 4 ___ 7 ___
2 ___ 5 ___ 8 ___
3 ___ 6 ___ 9 I

A The word "diet' originally meant "things that people usually eat', but, these
days, we use the word to mean an eating pattern or programme designed to change

B But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what these are. Sea travel led to
some increase in understanding . When it became possible to build ships that could
go on long voyages, sailors started to spend many months at sea. They also started
getting a strange disease called 'scurvy'. Eventually, it became clear that they
needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we know that Vitamin C is the reason.

C But when did it all start? There's a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror,
King of England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. He
stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight .

D Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn't
known. Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn't, or
what to do about it .
E Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can't really recommend
it as an approach for most people. What's important is the kinds of food you eat,
because different foods contain different things our bodies need .

F However, despite all these, we usually say 'diet' about losing weight. This is
certainly the area where the money gets spent. And it has a long history.

G We could be talking about anyone of many different kinds. There are diets for
avoiding certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase amounts of
certain things, like potassium. There are even diets to help people put on weight.

H Then, in the 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Atwater began investigating how
foods consisted of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. He found that he could
measure the heat value of these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a
"calorie' .

I This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science
and dieting. Since then , knowledge has come quickly - some people say too

Task 12. Read paragraphs A-I in task 11. Then look at the statements below and
decide if each statement is true or false, according to the information in the

A. The meaning of the word 'diet' has changed. ___

B. Before the discovery of Vitamin C, sailors used to suffer more from sea
sickness. ___
C. William the Conqueror tried losing weight by staying in bed and drinking
alcohol. ___
D. Before the beginning o f modern food science, nobody understood why some
people gained weight while others didn't. ___
E. For most people, eating a varied diet ensures weight loss. ___
F. Dieting is a very modern phenomenon. ___
G. Some diets help people gain weight. ___
H. Wilbur Atwater introduced a new measurement for weight. ___
I. Modern food science started with the discovery of Vitamin C. ___

Task 13. Some types of food are usually cooked or prepared in a particular way.
Complete the following sentences with the types of food below.

potato onions steak salmon eggs rice

1. I think I’ll have fried / boiled / poached / scrambled …………….. for breakfast.
2. Would you like your ……………. rare, medium or well-done?
3. I fancy a baked / a jacket / some mashed ……………….. with these sausages.
4. Shall we give them smoked or poached ……………………. as a starter?
5. Would you like a couple of pickled ………………….. with you salad?
6. Do you prefer plain boiled ………………….. or fried …………………?

*A baked potato is the same as a jacket potato.

Task 14. Complete the following recipe with the words and phrases below:

Spicy Stir-fry Beef

Preparation: 30 minutes
Cooking: 5 minutes


450 grams fillet of beef
1 tablespoon of soft brown sugar
1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce
2 cm piece of fresh ginger, grated
a pinch of salt
2 tablespoons of oil
6 spring onions
freshly ground black pepper

serve slice heat the oil cook gently stirring add

1. ….………………. the beef into thin strips about 3 cm long.
2. Mix the sugar, spices and soy sauce in a bowl. ……………………. the beef,
ginger and salt and stir well.
3. ….………………….. in a wok and stir-fry the onions for one minute.
4. Add the beef and fry, ……………………….. constantly, for four minutes, or
until the meat is browned.
5. Stir in a little more soy sauce and black pepper and …………………… for a
minute or two.
6. ….………………….. with plain boiled rice.

Task 15. Complete each sentence with words related to food.

fast-food sweet tooth book a table watch diet hot and spicy
appetite canteen rare medium put on packed
1 My dad has a ______________ - he loves chocolate and puddings.
2 Jim has a good ________ - I’ve never seen anyone eat so much.
3 No dessert for me, thanks - the doctor told me I have to ________ my weight so
I’m on a ________.
4 I like food that’s _______________ like curries and Mexican food.
5 Would you like your steak ________, ________ or well-done?
6 My mum gave me a ________ lunch for the excursion.
7 He _____________ a lot of weight when he gave up running.
8 I’d like to ________________ for two at seven thirty.
9 I love hamburgers, pizzas or kebabs so I often go to ______________ restaurants.
10 The food in the school ________ is surprisingly good.

Task 16. Match each photo (A-D) with a type of dish from the list below. Which
dishes do you like or dislike?

curry pie pudding risotto salad sandwich soup stew stir-fry
A_____________ B_____________ C_____________ D_____________

Task 17. Work in pairs. Do the food quiz.

1) Which food from task 16 is Britain’s favourite dish?

2) Match the dishes (a-f) with the countries (1-6) they come from originally.
France a lasagne
Italy b cola
Japan c chocolate mousse
Mexico d tacos
Spain e paella
USA f miso soup

3) Complete the sentences about special diets with the words below.
eggs fruit milk pork wheat
1. If you follow a gluten-free diet, you can’t eat __________ .
2. Muslims don’t eat __________ .
3. If you’re lactose intolerant, you avoid __________ .
4. Vegans don’t eat __________, but most vegetarians do.
5. __________ is a good snack if you are following a low-fat diet.

4) Which of these foods contains the most calories? 100 grams of:
a steak b avocado c peanuts d chocolate

Task 18. Listen to two short dialogues. Read the questions about context and circle
the correct answers.
Dialogue 1
1. Who is the woman talking to?
A a waiter
B the man she’s having dinner with
C a man at the next table
2. Why is the woman unhappy with her food?
A It isn’t what she ordered.
B It doesn’t look very tasty.
C She can’t eat it.

Dialogue 2
3. Where is the conversation taking place?
A at home
B in a restaurant
C in the town centre
4. What time is it, approximately?
A 7 p.m.
B 9 p.m.
C 11 p.m.

Task 19. Circle the correct word to complete the recipe.

Beat / Peel and chop / freeze up one large onion and two cloves of garlic.
Meat sauce
Bake / Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a large frying pan / spoon and cut / fry
500 grammes of minced beef until brown. Add / Require the onion and garlic and
fry until soft. Mix in one slice / teaspoon of tomato sauce, a small glass of red
wine, a can of tomatoes, salt, pepper and oregano. When it begins to boil /
sprinkle, turn down the heat. Cover and cook for 30 minutes. Add two finely
chopped / mashed carrots and cook gently for 6-8 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 220C.
Bechamel sauce

Heat 650 ml of milk. Melt / Toast two tablespoons of butter in a separate fork /
saucepan, and mix in three tablespoons of milk and three tablespoons of flour.
Gradually leave / pour the warm milk into the cutlery / mixture until the sauce is
thick and smooth. Roast / Stir in 25g of parmesan cheese. Season / Slice with
nutmeg, pepper and a pinch of salt. In a dish / napkin first put some lasagna, then
some meat sauce and some bechamel sauce. Top it with barbecued / grated cheese
and breadcrumbs. Bake the lasagne in the bowl / oven for 20-25 minutes and grill
the top until it is golden-brown. Put / Serve with salad and garlic bread.

Task 20. Choose from these words to complete the sentences below. One word is
used twice, and one word isn't used in any gap.
to • than • too • also • that • both • and
1. 1 like coffee _____ tea. 5. I like coffee more _____ tea.
2. 1 like _____ coffee and tea . 6. I prefer coffee _____ tea.
3. I like coffee and _____ tea. 7. I'd rather have coffee _____ tea.
4. I like coffee and tea _____.


Places to eat and drink
restaurant - ресторан pizzeria - піцерія
cafe - кафе sandwich bar - сендвіч-бар
fast-food restaurant - ресторан takeaway - їжа з собою
швидкого харчування pub - паб, пивна

In a restaurant
menu - меню main course - головна страва
starter - стартер, закуска dessert -десерт

Asking for a table and ordering a meal

Could I have a table for four, please? - Чи можна мені столик на чотирьох, будь
To start, I’d like... - Для початку я хотів би....
As a main course, I’ll have… - Як основне блюдо, я буду...
Could I have some more bread, please? - Можна мені ще хліба, будь ласка?
Could I have the bill, please? - Чи можу я отримати рахунок, будь ласка?

What would you like? - Чого б ви хотіли?
What can I get you? - Що я можу вам запропонувати?
Anything to drink? - Щось випити?
Enjoy your meal! - Смачного!
The chicken is served with rice. - Курка подається з рисом.

Task 1. Answer the questions

1) Which do you prefer: to have parties at home or to go out? Why?
2) How often do you eat out?
3) What is your favourite place to eat out?
4) Do you usually eat alone or with friends?
5) Do you order from the menu or ask the waiter for advice?
6) Do you always tip waiters? How generous are your tips?

Task 2. Match the menus to the places

1. cafe ..c).. 4. pizzeria …..
2. sandwich bar ….. 5. Chinese takeaway …..
3. fast food restaurant ….. 6. restaurant …..

Task 3. Read and retell the text
Eating Out in Britain
When you want to eat out in Britain there is a wide variety of places to go.
Many typical English dishes centre on roast meat. For example, roast beef is
accompanied by roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding.
British cuisine is famous for its fish and seafood specialities, pork pie and
mushroom pie, different kinds of cheese, Cornwall Cornish pasties, steaks,
Lancashire hotpot, bread and butter pudding. But only 2 per cent of restaurants in
London offer British food. Instead, there are many more restaurants serving
continental and non-European dishes. Indian restaurants serve food from India,
Pakistan and Bangladesh — spicy curry in oil with rice or different types of bread.
Italian restaurants are popular for various pasta and pizza.
Almost all hotels have an attached restaurant where non-residents can have
lunch or dinner, and a lounge where they can have tea, coffee or a drink before
their meal. Cafes provide a cheap place to have a cup of tea or a meal and are
usually open all day. The "fish and chip" bar or shop where you can buy fried fish
and chips to eat either there or at home are found very often. Many towns,
especially those in popular tourist areas, have tea shops. Although they mainly
provide afternoon tea, with scones, buns and cakes, many also serve morning
coffee and lunch. Tea shops are often in old buildings and the atmosphere is old-
fashioned. There are also coffee shops open throughout the day, which serve food
as well, mainly cake and biscuits rather than full meals.

One of the cheapest places to eat is a snack bar, a type of cafe. It may not serve
meals at all but only tea and coffee, with food such as soup and sandwiches. The
buffets at railway stations are often similar, although many serve alcoholic drinks
as well. There are eating-places for drivers on main roads and motorways. They are
usually large fast food restaurants. Fast food restaurants serving American style
pizzas and hamburgers are very popular, especially with children and young
people, and those who like to take away their food. Chinese, Indian or pizza
restaurants, Kebab houses provide other kinds of "takeaway" meals
In every town there are plenty of pubs (public houses) which are a British
phenomenon. People go there for a drink and a chat. The British have to be 18 to
drink alcohol in a pub. If they are "under age" — too young to drink alcohol —
and they are served alcoholic drinks, the landlord may lose his licence to sell
Most pubs are owned by a brewery, the place where the beer is made. These
pubs sell only the beer made by that brewery. If the pub displays the sign "free
house" this means the pub is owned by the landlord, who is free to buy from any
brewery. These pubs stock a wide collection of beer.
At one time, the only food available was sandwiches and meat pies, but
nowadays almost all pubs offer not only beer, but also tasty British food, such as
salads and hot meals which are served at the bar or in the separate dining area.
Everywhere in Britain pubs are an attraction for tourists. All in all there are 70,000
of them, which is a large number for a small country.

Task 4. Mark the following sentences (F) if you would hear them in a fast food
restaurant or (R) if you would hear them in an expensive restaurant.
1. I’ve booked the table for nine o’clock.
2. Regular fries?
3. Would you like to see the wine list, sir?
4. Oh, and a can of Coke as well, please.
5. We’ll have a bottle of the house red.
6. All the main courses are served with a selection of vegetables.
7. How would you like your steak?
8. Have you got a table for two?
9. Salt and vinegar?
10. There’s no service charge, so I suppose we should leave a tip.
11. You pay the bill while I go to the toilet.

Task 5. Match the words on the left with the words on the right to form common

1. service a. list
2. wine b. of vegetables
3. house c. two
4. main d. red
5. selection e. charge
6. a table for f. course

Now do the same with these verbs and nouns:

7. pay g. a table
8. book h. a tip
9. leave i. the bill

Task 6. Put the following events in the most logical order

… pay the bill … order your food
… have the main course … have a dessert
… have a starter … leave a tip
… book a table … look at the menu

Task 7. Match the waiter’s questions with the customer’s responses:

1. What would you like to drink? a. A bottle of the house white, please.
2. Are you ready to order? b. No thanks, could you bring the bill,
3. How would you like your steak? please?
4. Would you like some more coffee? c. Not quite – just give us a minute or
5. Would you like to see the dessert two.
menu? d. Medium rare, please.
e. No, thanks. I’ll just have a coffee, I

Task 8. Arrange the replicas in logical order and act out the dialogues.
__ Have you decided, sir?
__ It’s white meat – boneless chicken thighs – skinned and sliced into stripes and
stewed with rice, chopped onion, tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, prawns, peas and
seasoned with paprika, parsley, salt and pepper. It’s really delicious.
__ All right, one speedy risotto.
__ Not quite. What’s speedy risotto?
__ It sounds good, all right. I’ll take your word for it and try some

__ I think so….. What is the warm lamb salad like?
__ No, thank you. I’ll just have the beef steak, medium-rare, please.
__ Grilled lamb steaks cut into thick slices and mixed with leak, cabbage,
beansprouts and walnuts seasoned with orange juice and mustard. The salad is
served warm. Would you like to try some?
__ May I take your order?

__ Yes, I believe so. What’s your Black Forest cake like?
__ Can I bring you a piece?
__ Are you ready for dessert?
__ It’s very rich chocolate cake, and comes with whipped cream and cherries on
top and between the layers.
__ Oh, yes, that sounds delicious.

__ A lager, please.
__ Oh, that just means it’s out of the barrel. It’s very good, I can assure you.
__ Would you like bottled lager or draught?
__ What would you like, sir?
__ O.K. I’ll try some of that, then. And two cold lamb sandwiches.
__ What’s draught?

Task 9. Listen to a dialogue between two teenagers. For each question, write the
correct speaker: Matthew (M) or Scarlett (S). Make a note of the words that helped
you to decide on the answer.

Which person …
1 is in the city centre? ___
2 recently finished some exams? ___
3 is not confident about finding the restaurant alone? ___
4 is likely to be late? ___
5 wants a new phone? ___

Task 10. Complete the dialogue between the waiter and the customer. The first
letters are given.
C: Excuse me, waiter. Can I order, please?
W: Good evening, sir. Certainly, what can I get for you?
C: C______________ you t__________ me w_____________ the special i____ ?
W: Yes, sir. This evening’s special is roast beef.
C: Oh no. I don’t eat red meat. I’ll have chips please. But, c____________ I
h__________ them cold?

W: Cold chips? Er… well … certainly, sir. A large portion?
C: Yes, that s___________ g_____________. Large please.
W: Perhaps you’d like some salad with your chips?
C: I’m s___________, but I’m a_______________ to salad. It makes me cough.
W: Of course, sir. Is that everything?
C: D____ you h________ any kiwi fruit?
W: Er … I’ll check with the chef. So, that’s cold chips followed by kiwi dessert.
C: No, kiwi with the chips please.
W: With the…? Er, whatever you want, sir. And to drink?
C: Just tap water, please. But I’ll have it warm.
W: Warm? Well … er of course, sir.
C: And c___________ I s_____________ the dessert menu, please?
W: Certainly, sir. Perhaps, you’d like some hot ice cream or fruit salad with
C: Don’t be ridiculous! What kind of restaurant is this?
W: Sorry, sir. It’s just that your order is rather … unusual.
C: Well, I know what I like, and I like what I know and you, young man, will
definitely not be getting a tip!

Problems with food

Task 11. Complete the following sentences with these words.

stale sour burnt rotten ripe fresh
1. I’m afraid I’ve done it again! The toast’s …………………….. . I’ll make some
2. I wouldn’t drink that milk if I were you. It doesn’t smell very …………………. .
3. This milk tastes a bit …………………… . Did somebody forget to put it back in
the fridge again?
4. I can’t believe it. I only bought this bread yesterday. It’s …………………..
5. Some of these apples are …………………. and I only bought them at the
6. I’d leave these bananas for another day. They are not ……………….. yet.

*You can also say that meat, fish, fruit or milk is off or has gone off. - “This
milk’s off. This fish is starting to go off.”

Task 12. Match up the food on the left with the most suitable comments.
1. coffee or tea a. too strong / weak / sweet
2. steak b. too many bones
3. an Indian dish c. too rich / thick / bland
4. a sauce d. a bit overdone / underdone
5. fish e. too hot / spicy
6. a cake f. a bit dry / stale

Task 13. Now use the comments in task 12 to complete these conversations:
1. - Have I put too much sugar in your tea?
- Yes, it IS a bit …………………… , actually.
2. - I’ve put quite a few chillies in this stir-fry. Do you like it?
- Actually, it’s a bit …………………. for me.
3. - How’s your steak?
- Well, I prefer it well done. This is a bit …………………. for my taste.
4. - More sauce?
- No, thanks. It’s a bit …………………….. for me. Remember, I’m on a diet.
5. - That cake looks delicious.
- Well, it’s not very fresh. I think it’s at least a week old. It’s very …………… .
In fact, I would even say it’s a bit ………………………. .
6. - Why didn’t you choose the fish?
- There are always ………………………… ! I can’t be bothered with them.

Task 14. Here is the list of table manners offered by British etiquette specialists. To
read it, fill in the gaps with one of the options given in a-k.

a) by hand, not by fork f) remove the spoon

b) use your knife g) after the meal
c) criticise the food h) “Excuse my reach”
d) “Excuse me, can I trouble you i) with your mouth closed
for…” j) piece by piece
e) cut with your knife k) the farthest from the plate

1) The forks and knives are placed at either side of your plate in the order in which
they are to be used: salad forks and knives k , then fish, meat and so on.
2) Never stretch over the table for something you want; ask your neighbour to pass
it. Use a polite phrase, ________(e.g. a piece of bread)? Yet, if you have already
stretched your arm, say politely, ________ .
3) A slice of bread should be taken from a bread plate ________ .
4) Do not bite into the whole slice of bread, break it off ________ and put small
pieces into your mouth.
5) Always chew ______ . Never speak until you have chewed and swallowed
everything that you have in your mouth.
6) Chicken requires special handling. First ________ as much as you can, and
when you can't use your knife and fork any longer, use your fingers or leave the
remains of the chicken on your plate.
7) Don't ________ for fish, cutlets and omelettes.
8) After stirring your tea, ________ and place it on the saucer.
9) Do not ________ you are eating even if you don't like it.

10) Don't pick your teeth ________ even if the tooth picks are provided for the

Task 15. Read the texts below. For (1—10) choose from (А, В, C or D).

In Florence, Italy, there is a celebration every year (1) ........... August 10 to

commemorate the patron saint of cooks, Saint Lorenzo. During the event, people
go on a watermelon-eating binge.
Watermelons were not grown commercially in (2) ........... United States until
the 1930s, although they (3) ........... in Egypt over 5,000 years ago.
A traditional watermelon can have (4) ........... 1,000 seeds. During the Civil
War, the Confederate Army boiled down watermelons as a source of sugar. Lee
Wheelis of Luling, Texas, holds the (5) ........... record for watermelon-seed spitting,
with a record 68 feet 9 inches.

1. A in В on C at D from
2. A - Ва C an D the
3. A eat В were eating C were eaten D have been eaten
4. A as many as В still more C much more D so much as
5. A world В world's C worlds D worlds'

Enjoying Popcorn at the Movies

Native Americans ate popcorn as food and were the first (6) ........... it popped. It
was not (7) ........... 1914 that a farm boy from Iowa formed the American Pop Corn
Company and began to sell popcorn. Gradually, it became a national fad. In the
1920s it (8) ........... into the movie theaters. People wanted to eat it during the
movie, but the theater managers discouraged the practice since the crunching
distracted (9) ........... people. Popcorn is now an established "must" for all
(10) ........... .

6. A try B to try C have tried D tried

7. A in В until C at D since
8. A was В is introduced C has been D had been
introduced introduced introduced
9. A another В other C the other D others
10. A theatergoer В theatergoers C theatergoers' D theatergoer's

Task 16. Circle the correct word

1. I particularly like Mexican and Indian kitchen / cuisine.
2. Frozen / Freezing fish is just as tasty as fresh fish.
3. My mum’s the best cooker / cook in the world.
4. Once the kettle / teapot has boiled, pour the boiling water over the jelly cubes.
They’ll melt within seconds!

5. Excuse me. Could we have the catalogue / menu, please? We’d like to see what
you have for dessert.
6. Boil the eggs for three minutes in a saucepan on the grill / hob / oven.
7. Any meat that’s kept in the fridge / freezer should be defrosted thoroughly
before cooking.
8. Grandma’s having her new chef / cooker delivered next week. It’s gas, so it will
make cooking much easier for her.
9. Chilli con carne is one of my favourite plates / bowls / saucers / dishes.
10. Are you going to get your suit dry-cleaned for the Carlton’s dinner / lunch
party tomorrow night?
11. My friend Sally’s a true vegetable / vegetarian / vegan, so she doesn’t eat meat,
fish or even any milk products like cheese!
12. Let’s get a Chinese takeaway / fast food tonight.
13. Fizzy / Soft drinks are gassy because they’ve got carbon dioxide in them.

Task 17. Choose the correct answer.

1. There’s a pack of …. vegetables in the freezer, I think.
A. freezing B. frozen C. iced D. icy
2. There are no vegetarian dishes on the …. !
A. leaflet B. brochure C. catalogue D. menu
3. …. the onions in cooking oil until they are golden brown.
A. Boil B. Bake C. Fry D. Grill
4. Pre-heat the …. to 200°
A. oven B. kitchen C. cuisine D. cook
5. I’ll …. the washing-up tonight.
A. make B. take C. do D. have
6. The problem with most fizzy drinks is that they’re …. sugar.
A. full up B. filled up with C. filled with D. full of
7. Susie and Fran …. in on us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza.
A. turned B. dropped C. came D. went

Air travel
terminal - термінал window seat - сидіння біля вікна
airline - авіакомпанія aisle seat - місце біля проходу
arrivals - прибуття boarding pass - посадковий талон
departures - відправлення passport - паспорт
departure lounge - зала очікування hand luggage - ручний багаж
check-in (desk) - стійка реєстрації first class - перший клас
passport control-паспортний контроль business class - бізнес клас
gate - вихід economy class - економ клас
flight (number) - номер рейсу board (v) - сісти на літак
security - безпека, органи безпеки take off - злітати
baggage reclaim - отримання багажу land(v) - приземлятися

Travelling (verbs)
leave - вирушати, залишати
arrive - прибути, приїхати
take (a train, bus, plane or taxi) - сісти на (поїзд, автобус, літак або таксі)
catch (a train, bus, plane but not a taxi) - встигнути на (поїзд, автобус, літак, але
не на таксі)
miss (a train, bus, or plane) - пропустити не встигнути на (поїзд, автобус або
change (trains, buses, planes) - пересісти
get on (a train, bus or plane) - сісти в (поїзд, автобус або літак)
get off (a train, bus or plane) - вийти з (поїзда, автобуса або літака)
get out of (a car, a taxi) - вийти з (авто, таксі)

Task 1. Use the words in the box to complete the airport information leaflet.
airline control flight security
boarding pass departure gate terminal
business economy passport ticket
check in first class hand luggage

For your information

 Make sure you know which terminal your plane leaves from.
 When you arrive at the airport find the desks for your _______________
(e.g. British Airways, Air France)

 Make sure you are in the right queue. Your ticket will tel you which class you
are travelling: _______________, _______________ or _______________.
 The assistant at the desk will ask for your _______________ and your
 He or she will then _______________ your baggage and give you your
 Please note that you can only carry one item of _______________ onto the
 You should then go through passport _______________ and through the
_______________ check.
 Go to the _______________ lounge and check which _______________ your
_______________ leaves from.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box

arrivals baggage reclaim check-in desk customs
departure lounge departures gate passport control

1. You go to ……………. when you are going somewhere by plane.

2. You say that you have arrived for your flight at the …………… .
3. You show your passport at …………… when you are leaving or coming into a
4. You wait in the …………… until it is time to get on your plane.
5. You get on or off a plane at the …………… .
6. You go to ……………….. to get back your bags after your flight.
7. Your bags are checked for illegal goods when you are going into a country
at ……………….. .
8. You meet someone who is arriving after a flight at ……………….. .

Task 3. Complete what the flight attendant is saying with the words in the box.
board boarding card flight hand luggage landing
life jacket overhead locker take-off

1. - Good morning, sir. Can I see your ………………………… , please? 65C -

that’s towards the back on your left. Have a pleasant ………………………… .
2. - On behalf of the captain and the crew, I would like to welcome you on ……… .
3. - Please put all ………………………… in the …………………………. .
4. - There is a ………………………. under your seat for use in an emergency.
5. - Please remain seated during …………………….. and ……………………… .

Task 4. Read the text. Who first realised that the boy did not have a ticket?
A) a passport control B) a waiter D) a flight attendant
officer C) a security guard E) a police officer

Can I See Your Boarding Pass?

A nine-year-old boy managed to get on a plane without a ticket or boarding
pass and fly from Minneapolis to Las Vegas. He didn't have to go through passport
control as it was a domestic flight, but he managed to pass all the security checks
without any problem.
The previous day, security cameras filmed him stealing suitcases from the
baggage carousel in the arrivals hall and then ordering a meal in a restaurant in the
terminal building. However, after the meal he told the waiter that he had to go to
the toilet, and left the restaurant without paying. The following day he returned to
the airport, walked through to the departure lounge and then boarded a plane.
Apparently, he stayed close to another family as they passed through airport
On the plane, the cabin crew became suspicious of the small boy sitting alone
in first class. A flight attendant contacted the Las Vegas police, who met the boy
when the plane landed.

Task 5. Read the text again. Complete the compound nouns.

bag drop departure ________ seat belt
_______ carousel _______ attendant ______ check
boarding ________ flight number security _______
________ crew hand luggage window seat
check-in desk passport _______

Task 6. Complete the text below with compound nouns from exercise 5.
When you arrive at the airport, go to the c______________ . The clerk will check
in your luggage and might ask if you want an aisle seat or a w_______________ .
He or she will give you a b_________________ . Show your passport at
p_______________ . You will also have to go through a s________________,
where they X-ray your h__________________ . Then you reach the
d_________________ , where there are duty-free shops. You can find your flight
on the departures board by looking at the f_______________ or the departure time.
When they announce your flight, go to the gate.

Task 7. Complete each paragraph with one of the sentences below. Be careful, as
there is one sentence you do not need to use.

A. Wheelchairs are a big problem for us.
B. It flies into the engine, totally destroying itself and the machinery.
C. I’ll never forget the last time it happened to me.
D. So you can see, it really does pay to be nice to the person at the desk.
E. This is mainly because the transport times between the terminals are so tight.
F. And, as every flight attendant knows, a snoring plane is a happy plane.

Depending on what computer system the airline uses, check-in staff can talk
to each other via simultaneous email. So when they seem to be taking a very long
time to type your rather short name into the computer, they are probably sending
one of their colleagues a message – usually about you or about someone in the
queue behind you. These messages range from ‘Have you seen this incredibly
good-looking woman / man?’ to ‘I’ve got a really difficult passenger here – does
anyone have a seat next to a screaming child?’ 1-D
There is a sensible drinking policy on all airlines, which means that we are not
supposed to serve passengers if they start getting noisy, but some air crew think
that if you give them enough to eat and drink, they will eventually fall asleep and
give you no trouble at all. 2___F__ That’s the reason, of course, why we like to turn
the heating up halfway through a flight…
Some airports are notorious for losing passengers’ luggage. Heathrow has a
poor reputation – most airports lose about two in every thousand bags, but
Heathrow loses eighty per thousand, which means for every five hundred people
who check in, forty won’t get their bags or suitcases at the other end!
3_____E_________ When the airport is busy, which it always is, there is so much
baggage being transported between the terminals and so little time to do it that a lot
of the transferred luggage gets left behind.
4___A___ Not only is there always a shortage of them for the people who
really need them, but worse still, some of the people who request them often don’t
need them at all. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve pushed someone
through the airport, taken them through customs and passport control, and got a
porter to pick up their luggage, and then seen the person jump up in Arrivals and
sprint towards their waiting relatives. One flight attendant I know gets so annoyed
when this happens that as soon as the passenger gets out of the chair she shouts,
‘Ladies and gentlemen! I give you another miracle, courtesy of the airline industry!
After decades in a chair, he walks again!’ The passenger is normally so
embarrassed that he (and it’s usually a he) disappears as quickly as he can.
Birds are one of the major problems for any airport when planes are taking off
and landing. A swan or any large bird can easily cause an accident.
Smaller birds are less of a problem. In some cases they can do some damage, but
more often than not they are just roasted. When this happens, there is often such a
strong smell of roast bird that passengers on the plane think that chicken is being
cooked, and they’re often surprised when they are given a choice of fish or beef at

A. Complete the sentence with a word or phrase (all the words come from the Air
Babylon extract).
At the airport
1 Most big airports have several different buildings called terminals .
2 Passengers leave from Departures and arrive at Arrivals. .
3 Two general words for bags and suitcases are bags and
4 When you arrive at the airport, you go to check-in to get your boarding pass. 5
Before you get on the plane you have to show identification at
passport control and go through security.
6 After you have arrived you go to baggage reclaim to collect your luggage.
7 When you go through customs , you may be asked, ‘Do you have
anything to declare?’
8 A person whose job is to carry your bags for you is called a porter . 9 Ryanair
and easyJet were two of the first low-cost airlines. .

On the plane
10 The pilots and other people who work in the plane are the (air)crew.
11 The people who have paid to travel in a plane are passengers. .
12 The person who looks after you during a flight is the flight attendant .
13 You can usually ask for a window or aisle seat. .
14 The noun from the verb fly is flight.
15 When a plane is going up into the sky it is ascending.
16 When a plane is coming down from the air it is descending.

Task 8. Listen to four extracts. For each question, circle the correct answers (a-c).
1. What is the speaker’s main purpose?
A. to offer the passengers a drink or snack
B. to warn the passengers against standing up
C. to inform the passengers that they will take off late
2. It is the speaker’s opinion, not a fact, that
A. nobody told him about the delay at check-in.

B. staff in the airport knew the reason for the delay.
C. a number of passengers got cross when they saw how long they’d have to
wait for the flight.
3. What happened to the woman at the airport?
A. She caused her plane to take off late.
B. Her plane took off late because a fellow traveller wasn’t on board.
C. She was asleep when they called her flight.
4. Where is this announcement made?
A. on a train B. in an airport C. in an aeroplane


terminus - вокзал standard class (second class) -
arrivals - прибуття стандартний (другий) клас
departures - відправлення first class - перший клас
information (desk) - довідковий стіл non-smoking compartment -
waiting room - зал очікування відділення (купе) для некурців
left-luggage (office, lockers) - камера no-smoking sign - знак “заборонено
зберігання, шафи для зберігання палити”
багажу buffet car - вагон-ресторан
ticket office - білетна каса restaurant car - вагон-ресторан
refreshments - пункт харчування sleeper - спальний вагон
platform - платформа fare - вартість проїзду
way out - вихід reservation - бронювання
timetable - розклад single (ticket) - квиток в один кінець
direct train - прямий поїзд return (ticket) - квиток в обидва кінці
discounts - знижки

How much is the train fare? - Скільки коштує вартість поїзда?

Are there any discounts for students? - Чи існують знижки для студентів?
Is it cheaper if I book in advance? - Чи дешевше, якщо я бронюю заздалегідь?
Is there a train that leaves at about 7.30? - Чи є поїзд, який відправляється
близько 7.30?
What time does the train get in? - О котрій прибуває потяг?
Do I have to change? - Чи потрібно мені робити пересадку?
Which platform is it? - Яка це платформа?
Is this the train to … ? - Це поїзд до...?

Train travel is … (cheap / expensive / quick / slow / comfortable / uncomfortable) -
Подорожувати поїздом (дешево / дорого / швидко / повільно / комфортно /

Task 9. Use these words to complete the sentences

passengers timetable hold-up queue
fares rush-hour commuters unreliable
1. I see they’ve put train ……………………. up again. That’s the second increase
this year.
2. I hate travelling during the ………………………… . I had to stand all the way
home again last night.
3. The service is even worse since they changed the ………………………….. .
Now there are only two trains an hour instead of three.
4. Up and down to London every day - I don’t know how
these ………………………. do it. It would drive me crazy.
5. I’d come by car if I were you. The trains are so ………………………… these
6. Sorry I’m late again. There was another …………………….. just outside the
station - a problem with signals or something.
7. There was such a long ………………………….. at the ticket office that I nearly
missed my train.
8. I sometimes think the only people the train companies don’t listen to are
their ……………………. .

Task 10. Use the correct form of these verbs to complete the sentences
miss catch cancel delay leave run
1. - Can you tell me where I can …………………….. the number 8 bus, please?
- Yes, the stop’s round the corner in front of the Town Hall.
2. - Which platform does the train go from?
- 18. Hurry up or we’ll ……………………. it. We’ve got two minutes.
3. - Come on, let’s go. Our train ……………………….. in five minutes.
4. Sorry. I’ll be a bit late for the meeting. My train’s been …………………….. by
half an hour.
5. The buses are ……………………….. late again. I’ve been waiting for nearly
twenty minutes now.
6. We regret to announce that the 18.04 train to Bristol has been ………………… .

Task 11. Complete the e-mail with the words from the box.

airlines airport board book by rail check in flights
gate journey luggage platform return security station

Great news that you’re coming to visit. The best way to get here? Well, there are
some budget 1 ________ that offer really cheap 2 ________. But I prefer to go
________. It’s a more comfortable 4 ________ and if you get a 5 ________ ticket,
it doesn’t cost much more. Especially if you 6 ________ a few weeks before you
travel. And when you think about it, it’s just as fast. If you fly, you have to get to
the 7 ________, which is miles from the city centre. You have to 8 ________ two
hours before you 9 ________ the plane! You have to queue up for ages to get
through the 10 ________ check! And then it takes about half an hour to get to the
right 11 ________. Whereas at the railway 12 ________ you just walk up the
________ and get on the train. It’s so easy! And you can take as much
________ as you like, which I know is important for you.
Looking forward to seeing you.
All the best

a guest – постоялець
a reception (a front desk) – стійка адміністратора
a lobby – вестибюль, хол
an information desk – інформаційна стійка
the main entrance – головний вхід
Pets friendly. (Pets allowed.) – Приймаємо пожильців з тваринами.
Fully booked. – Місць немає. (Всі номери заброньовані.)
to check in – зареєструватися
to check out – виселятися
check-out time – час розрахунку (виселення)
to fill in the form (the guest registration card) – заповнити бланк (реєстраційну
to make a reservation (to book a room) – бронювати номер
a double room – двомісний номер з двоспальним ліжком
a single room – одномісний номер
a twin room – номер з двома односпальними ліжками
a triple room – тримісний номер

a non-smoking room – номер для некурців
adjoining (connecting) rooms – розташовані поруч (суміжні) номери
a suite – номер з вітальнею та спальнею, номер люкс
a receptionist – адміністратор
a bellboy (a porter) – швейцар
a room maid (a chambermaid) – покоївка
a tip – чайові
room service – обслуговування номерів
continental breakfast – континентальний сніданок (круасан, кава, сік)
English breakfast – англійський сніданок (яйця, бекон, пластівці, тост, джем і
bed and breakfast (B&B) – ночівля та сніданок
youth hostel - молодіжний хостел
full board – повний пансіон (триразове харчування)
half board – напівпансіон (сніданок та вечеря)
all inclusive – все включено (харчування в необмеженій кількості)
a wake-up call – дзвінок-будильник на прохання

Do you have any rooms available? - У вас є вільні номери?

We’d like to stay for two nights. - Ми хотіли б зупинитися на дві ночі.
What time is breakfast, please? - О котрій годині сніданок?
Could I have a wake-up call, please? - Чи можу я отримати дзвінок для
Could I put it (e.g. a drink) on the bill, please? - Чи можна включити це (напій) в
рахунок, будь ласка?
I’d like to check in / out, please. - Я хочу зареєструватись / виїхати, будь ласка.
I’d like to pay the bill, please. - Я хотів би сплатити рахунок, будь ласка.
Excuse me. The television doesn’t work. / I think there is something wrong with
the shower. - Вибачте. Телебачення не працює. / Я думаю, щось не так з

Task 12. Choose the best answer to a question

1. Have you got a single room for two a) Certainly. At what time?
nights, please? b) Doubles are 120 dollars and singles
2. Is breakfast included in the price? 85 dollars.
3. Do you need to see my passport? c) Yes, sir. We have a room with a
4. Could I have a wake-up call in the balcony on the second floor.
morning, please? d) No problem. Do you want it
5. Will it be possible to get something immediately?

to eat later tonight? e) For three nights.
6. Could you order me a taxi to the f) No, sir. The menu and price list is in
town centre? your room.
7. How long would you like to stay? g) No, just fill in this registration card,
8. What is the room rate? please.
h) We have 24-hour room service, so
that will be no problem.

Task 13. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
1. room service a. a room in a hotel with two beds
2. half board b. a person in a hotel who deals with guests when they arrive
3. receptionist c. when you have food or drink brought to your room in a
4. full board hotel
5. Reception d. having a bathroom attached
6. double room e. when you pay only to have a room, your breakfast and
7. single room dinner in a hotel
8. twin room f. an arrangement to have a room in a hotel
9. book g. make an arrangement to have a room in a hotel
10. fully booked h. when you pay to have a room and all your meals in a hotel
11. ensuite i. a room in a hotel with one bed for two people
12. reservation j. the place you go to in a hotel when you arrive
k. when all the rooms in a hotel are being used
l. a room in a hotel with one bed for one person

Task 14. Complete the phone conversation with words from task 13
Receptionist: Hello, The Wiseman Arms Hotel. How can I help you?
Customer: Hello, I’d like to make a (1)………………………., please. I’d like to
(2)……………………… a room for two for the night of 6th October.
Receptionist: I’m sorry, but we’re (3)……………………….. that night.
Customer: What about the night of 27th October?
Receptionist: Yes, that would be fine. Would you like a double room or a
Customer: A double room, please.
Receptionist: We have a double room with an (5)………………………….
Customer: That would be fine. Thank you.

Task 15. Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer.

Greek holiday
If you are thinking about visiting a Greek island in August without 1_____ a
room in advance, think again. Two months ago I spontaneously 2_____ to visit the
Greek island of Serifos. And although it turned out to be a wonderful experience, I
don’t think that everyone will be as lucky as I 3_____ .
Normally when you get off the boat, you are greeted by local hotel owners
with signs of advertising their hotels and guest houses. This time I 4_____ see
anyone. All the hotels were booked up and there were no rooms available. If I had
thought about it beforehand, I would 5_____ that there could be a problem, as it
was a peak season.
Several hours later, I knew for sure 6_____ my search for a room was
hopeless. If 7_____ had been a single bed available, I would have found it. I sat
down in a cafe and wondered 8_____ to do next. That’s when I heard a voice call
my name, and, unbelievably, there was Costas - a friend from Athens! He asked
me where I 9_____ staying, and when I explained my situation, he invited me to
stay in his parents’ house. If I 10_____ bumped into Costas, I would have had to
sleep on a beach, so I can only say that I am one lucky traveller!

1 book D.booked

2 A.was deciding B.have decided C.decided D.had decided
3 A.had B.did C.would D.was
4 A.didn’t B.don’t C.wasn’t D.haven’t
5 A.realize B.realized C.have realized D.had realized
6 A.that C.because D.then
7 B.there C.they D.their
8 A.what B.when C.which D.where
9 A.was B.did D.had
10 A.didn’t B.wouldn’t C.hadn’t D.wasn’t

Task 16. Read the following dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the
prompts in brackets.

GUEST: I’m not going to stay in that room any (1)………………………. (long).
It’s (2)………………………… (noisy) than a train station. Last night I couldn’t
sleep at all! It was (3)………………….. (bad) night of my life. Could you find me
somewhere (4)……………………… (quiet)?
RECEPTIONIST:Well, it’s (5)………………………… (difficult) than it seems.
We have (6)…………………….. (practical) no vacancies. The only room I could

offer is on the top floor. It’s much (7) ……………………. (small), so it won’t be
(8)………………………… (comfortable) as the one you’re in at the moment.
GUEST: Anything is (9)…………………….. (good) than what I went through last
night! And I assume the price will be (10)…………………….. (significant)
RECEPTIONIST: (11)……………………… (certain). our top-floor rooms are
cheaper. Also, I’d be glad to offer you a complimentary meal in our restaurant

Task 17. Match the words in A with the words in B to make compounds.
double board
economy class
full room
low season
part time

Task 18. Complete the sentences with compounds.

economy class part time single room online check-in
high season half board
1. I'm travelling alone so I'm going to book a ______________ at the hotel.
2. _____________ accommodation at a hotel includes breakfast and dinner.
3. There's much less room in _____________ than in first class.
4. August is _______________ , so holidays are much more expensive.
5. My mum is a check-in clerk, but she only works ____________________ .
6. You can use the ________________ and print your boarding pass at home.

Task 19. Read the post about a holiday experience. For questions (1-8) choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D).
It was a holiday from hell. We wanted to visit Paris and decided to 1___ by train.
Halfway to the station, my wife said, “Wait! I’ve forgotten the tickets!” so we had
to turn around. We finally arrived 2___ the station at 3.05 p.m. Our train was at
3.06 p.m. We saw it leaving from the 3___, but it was too late to catch it. We 4___
our train and had to wait six hours for the next one. We finally arrived in Paris at 3
a.m. 5___ of 9 p.m. Try catching a taxi at that hour! We had to walk to the nearest
youth 6___ and spend the night there, before we could find our hotel the next day.
Unfortunately, they had already given our room to somebody else. Luckily, there
was a 7___ so we eventually got a room but it was much more expensive. So in the
end we didn’t even have enough money to buy any 8___ for our friends. We only

got a magnet with the Eiffel Tower for ourselves. But maybe it’s better that way - I
don’t want anything that would remind me of that horrible week!

1 A.go B.ride D.walk

2 B.for C.on
3 A.track B.stop C.hall D.platform
4 B.left C.missed D.took
5 spite B.although C.but D.instead
6 A.hostel B.hotel C.apartment D.chalet
7 A.delay B.cancellation C.en suite D.five-star
8 A.memories C.reminders D.souvenirs


post office - пошта second class stamp - марка другого
letter - лист класу
envelope - конверт post box - поштова скринька
package - посилка delivery - доставка
parcel - посилка, бандероль collection - отримання
postcard - листівка postman / postwoman - листоноша
address - адреса airmail - авіапошта
postcode - поштовий індекс surface mail наземна пошта
first class stamp - марка першого inland mail - внутріщня пошта
класу overseas mail - закордонна пошта

The British postal system

First-class post should arrive the day after posting.
Second-class posting should arrive by the third working day after posting.
Special delivery is for valuable items which need to arrive before twelve o’clock
(midday) the day after posting.
Recorded delivery is for important (but not valuable) items which can go either
first or second class.

Task 20. Complete the sentences with the words.

air letter parcel stamps contents overseas surface
customs declaration

1. You need to fill in a ……………………… if you want to send it to another
2. There’s a large …………… for you in reception.
3. Does he write her a ……………… every day?
4. The customs declaration asks you what the …………….. of the package are.
5. Can I have ten first class and twenty second class ………….. , please..
6. How much is it to send this …………….. letter to Canada?
7. ……….. mail in this country takes one or two days. …………… mail takes
longer of course.

Task 21. Complete the sentences

1. I wrote ____________ to a friend.
a) a letter b) an envelope c) a parcel
2. I put the letter in ____________
a) a box b) an envelope c) a parcel
3. On the envelope, I stuck __________.
a) a stamp b) a letter c) a book of stamps
4. I bought ________ of 6 first-class stamps.
a) a padded envelope b) scales c) a book
5. I wanted to send something fragile, so I put it in _________.
a) a letter b) an envelope c) a padded envelope
6. I sent a present to my friend. It was big so I put it in _________.
a) a box b) an envelope c) the scales
7. I need a passport so I will fill in ____________________.
a) a leaflet b) an application form c) a letter
8. I needed information about post office banking so I picked up ______.
a) a leaflet b) a box c) scales

Task 22. Work with a partner. Discuss the conversation below and how you can
improve it.
The Customer’s Always Right!

The Department Store

Man: Oi! ……………………………………………………………………….
Shop assistant: What do you want? ……………………………………………
Man: I want a bigger one than this! ……………………………………………
Shop assistant: Oh yeah? Wait here. …………………………………………..
Man: Don’t be long……………………………………………………………..
Shop assistant: This’ll fit……………………………………………………….

Man: Yeah! but I hate the colour. ……………………………………………...
Shop assistant: That’s all we’ve got. …………………………………………...
Man: Forget it! I’m off! ………………………………………………………..
Shop assistant: Good! Get lost. ………………………………………………...

Using the phrases in the box, make improvements to the conversation above and
write each line in the right-hand column.

Certainly, sir. I won’t be a moment.

I think I’ll leave it for now. Thank you.
Yes, please. Do you have it in a larger size?
Okay, thank you.
Excuse me!
I’m afraid that’s the only colour we have , sir.
Yes sir. Can I help you?
Very well, sir. Thank you.
Yes, it’s fine. Umm… Do you have it in another colour?
Here we are, sir. I think this should be the right size.

Now do the same for this conversation. This time, you will have to do even more
work on the polite conversation. However, the phrases in the box may help you
The Train Station
Woman: Hey, you! ……………………………………………………………..
Guard: What? …………………………………………………………………..
Woman: I want to go to London. ………………………………………………
Guard: Have you paid? ………………………………………………………...
Woman: No. ……………………………………………………………………
Guard: You can’t go then. ……………………………………………………...
Woman: Where do I pay? ……………………………………………………...
Guard: Over there. ……………………………………………………………..
Woman: Thanks for nothing! …………………………………………………..
Guard: Whatever. ………………………………………………………………

Could you …….? I’d like……… Do you have a ticket?

You’re welcome. No, not yet I’m afraid you can’t……..
……at the ticket booth. Thank you very much.


Task 1. Questions for discussing.

1) Do you like shopping? Why do some people hate shopping, especially men? Do
you spend much time for shopping?
2) How often do you usually do shopping? Are there many shops in your
3) Do you prefer to shop in supermarkets or in small shops or in the market place?
4) What is the best place for shopping foods and goods in our city?
5) What is the best time for shopping (morning, evening, weekend)? Why?

a shop = a store (AE) - магазин
a shopping centre = a mall (AE) - торгівельний центр
a chain store - мережа магазинів
a supermarket - супермаркет
a department store - універмаг
a market - ринок
dairy products - молочні продукти
a butcher’s / a butcher shop - м'ясна крамниця
a grocer’s / a grocery store (AE) - продуктовий магазин, бакалія
a baker’s / a bakery - пекарня
a florist’s - магазин квітів
a fishmonger’s - рибний магазин
a confectioner’s / a confectionery / a sweet shop - кондитерська
a greengrocer’s / a greengrocery - овочевий магазин
an off-licence - горілчаний магазин
a tobacconist’s - тютюнова лавка
a chemist’s = a drugstore / a pharmacy (AE) - аптека
a newsagent’s - газетний кіоск
a gift shop - сувенірний магазин, крамниця подарунків
a bookshop = a bookstore (AE) - книжковий магазин
a hardware shop - господарський магазин (магазин металевих виробів)
an antique shop - магазин антикваріату
clothes shop - одяг
footwear - взуття
jewellery - ювелірні вироби
a stationer’s / stationery - канцелярські товари
glassware - посуд

Can I have …?
Have you got any …?
I’m just looking, thanks.
Could you help me? I’m looking for… .
I’ll take one of those, please.
How much is it?
Can I pay by credit card / cheque?
Could I have a receipt, please?

Shop assistant
Can I help you?
If you need any help, just ask.
Are you being served?
It’s on special offer.
Anything else?
Would you like a bag?
Here’s your change.
Sign here, please.
Here / There you are.

Task 2. Match up the shop (departments) with the appropriate goods.

1) florist’s a) a Victorian armchair
2) butcher’s b) flowers
3) grocer’s c) writing paper, pencils
4) perfumery d) newspapers, magazines
5) antique shop e) cigarettes, matches, cigars
6) confectioner’s f) tea, biscuits, sugar, tinned food
7) tobacconist’s g) mufflers, jersey, mittens
8) newsagent’s h) nails, pliers, spades
9) stationer’s i) cakes, lollipops
10) hardware shop j) records, CDs
11) greengrocer’s k) perfume, eye-shadow, hand cream
12) knitted wear l) pork, veal, lamb, sausage
13) music department m) whisky, wine, champagne
14) off-licence shop n) banana, cabbage, parsley

Task 3. Complete definitions 1-9 with the words and phrases below.

bargain coupons discount discount code price tag receipt
refund sale special offer
1. 'Buy one, get one free' is a common example of a ___________ .
2. If you think something is a __________ , you think it's a good price for what
you are getting.
3. The __________ tells you how much something costs in a shop.
4. When a shop has a ______________, it sells some of its items at lower prices
for a few days or weeks.
5. If a shop gives you a ______________ ,you pay less than the usual price.
6. Magazines sometimes have _______________ that give you money off in a
7. If you ask for a _____________ in a shop, you ask for your money back.
8. A ______________ is a small piece of paper that you get when you pay for
9. If you type in a _______________ when you are shopping online, you can get
something for less than the usual price.

Task 4. Read the text and complete gaps 1-8. Circle the correct answer A, B or C.
Shopping centres have become a 1_________ more than just places to shop and
look for bargains. They are places of entertainment 2_________ people meet and
have fun. Some modern shopping centres are 3________ big they can take days to
explore property. For example, the Cehavir Shopping and Entertainment Centre in
Istanbul covers 420,000 square metres and is considered to be the 4________
shopping centre in Europe. It has around 350 shops and 50 restaurants to choose
from. And if you fancy 5________ your friends in the evening, there are 12
cinemas, a bowling alley and even a roller coaster ride.
Another huge shopping centre is the Mall of the Emirates in Dubai. As well as
around 700 shops and restaurants, you can go to Magic Planet, which is a mini
theme park, 6___________ watch a film in one of the fourteen cinemas. And if that
isn't enough, 7___________ about visiting Ski-Dubai, the world-famous indoor ski
slope? Some people want 8____________ a more cultural experience. This is easy
at the Mall of the Emirates. There is a Community Theatre and Arts Centre on the
second floor of the building with a theatre, art galleries, a music school and a
1 A much B lot C few
2 A where B who C which
3 A as B such C so
4 A large B larger C largest
5 A meet B meeting C to meet
6 A while B but C or
7 A how B where C much
8 A to have B have C having

Task 5. You will hear a customer phoning to order some goods from a company.
Write the words or numbers in the gaps.

Task 6. Complete the gaps to form names of places where you can buy the
following products or services. The first letter is given.
1 two tuna steaks - f________
2 get your hair cut - h________
3 a dozen red roses - f________
4 a packet of aspirin - c________
5 a coffee table - f________ shop
6 a tennis racket - s________ shop
7 a loaf of fresh bread - b________
8 get your car repaired - g________

9 half a kilo of sausages - b________
10 a pencil and a notebook - s________
11 your favourite magazine - n________
12 a pineapple and two kilos of onions - g________
13 withdraw some money from your account - b________
14 fine Italian salami and expensive French wine - d________

Task 7. Read the article about shopping habits and our health. Some words are
missing from the text. Write the missing words. Use only one word in each gap.

In some countries, 1_________ as the USA and the UK, the problem of being
overweight is increasing. There are some lifestyle influences that lead
___________ bad eating habits, especially in big towns and busy cities. In the UK,
for example, supermarkets 3________ become the biggest, the cheapest and the
most convenient place to buy food. People drive there, park 4________ close as
they can to the entrance and load up their trolleys with pre-cooked and pre-
packaged food. Local shops just can’t compete 5________ this, and many of them
have gone 6________ of business as a result. On the other hand, in other places
________ France, parts of Africa, Asia and other parts of the world, people often
walk to the bakery, the butcher’s, the fishmonger’s or the local market and
carefully choose and buy fresh food every day. It seems that 8________ we all had
a closer look at the way we did our shopping, we would do our health a big favour.

note - банкнота change - решта, дрібні гроші
coin - монета receipt - чек, квитанція
pound - фунт till / check-out - каса
penny (pence) - пенні (пенс) refund - відшкодування, повернення
price - ціна грошей за товар
price tag - цінник exchange - обмін

I paid £50 for my watch.

I’ve spent too much money.
Can you lend me £10?
Could I borrow £10?
I owe you £10.
I save about £10 a month.

I put £10 a month into a savings account.
I’m broke.

Task 8. Read and translate the text.

There is no doubt that money, in the form that we know it today, is what keeps
modern economic life functioning. Yet, throughout history, money, in whatever
form, has provided people with the ability to buy and sell goods. Thousands of
years ago, civilisations used to rely on the barter system as a way of exchanging
goods. Within this system a person had to exchange one thing for another. This
meant that the two parties involved had to make an agreement as to what they
thought their products were worth. Items such as wheat, tobacco and livestock
have all been used as money at one time or another. It was not until much later that
humans came up with the idea of money in the form of metal coins. So why did the
barter system come to an end? The answer is simple. Coins were much easier to
handle and carry around. Since then, the use of coins has become widespread. It
has made commerce simpler and has given countries an opportunity for
development by doing business with other countries further afield, which they had
never done business with before.
In recent years, paper money has become more common all over the world, as it
is easier to use. It will not be long, however, before plastic cards take over
completely, replacing coins and paper money.

Task 9. Use the following words in the text below:

notes coins credit card currency cash cheque money belt
The less money you carry with you, the better. I usually have about £40 in
(1)…………………. in my wallet and a couple of pounds in
(2)…………………… in my pocket. I pay (3)……………………. for things
which cost under £10, but for anything over that I use my (4)……………………. .
I only use my (5)…………………….. book to pay bills. When I go on holiday, I
carry all my foreign (6)………………….. in a (7)……………………… round my
waist under my trousers!

Task 10. Most of us earn money from our regular jobs, but there are other ways of
getting money too. Complete the definitions with these words:
pension income wage
grant maintenance bonus
fee interest
salary pocket money

1. A ………………… is what you earn weekly.
2. A …………………. is what you earn monthly or annually.
3. Your annual salary plus any other money you earn in a year is your …………… .
4. A …………………… is paid to a professional for some work - a lawyer, for
5. ….…………….. is given by parents to children.
6. People who have retired receive a ……………………. .
7. ….………………….. is paid by a man to his ex-wife.
8. ….……………….. is extra money you receive monthly or annually if you keep
money in the bank.
9. Some people receive a …………………… once a year if they have done a good
job or if the company has had a good year.
10. A ………………….. is money given to you to help you with your studies or to

Task 11. Part 1. Complete the sentences with the following words: cash; currency;
change; wealth; a fine; a fee; fare; a tax
1) May I pay by cheque? I have no _____________ on me.
2) What is the bus _____________ to London?
3) Can you give me _____________ for a five-pound note?
4) Their profitable business brought them great _______________ but not
5) The judge imposed a heavy ___________ on him for drunken driving.
6) If you want to join our club, there’s an entrance ____________ of ₤20.
7) Each working person must pay income ____________ from 20 to 40% to the
8) The European Community countries introduced the single ___________ - the
euro in 2002.

Part 2. Complete the sentences with the following words: waste; refund; exchange;
lend; borrow; pay back; cost; sell; spend; buy
1) The dress _________ a fortune – where does she get the money?
2) Oh, no! I’ve left my money at home! Could you ____________ me ₤15? I
promise I’ll ___________ you ____________ tomorrow.
3) I wouldn’t give Tom any money. He ______________ ₤100 from me last month.
The month has passed and he hasn’t returned any of it!
4) I had a certain amount of money in dollars and I had to _____________ it for

5) The shop will ____________ you the full cost of your purchase if you don’t like
our goods.
6) Each last Wednesday of the month they _____________ their goods at a great
discount. If you visit the shop and buy something, it’ll be a good bargain.
7) Each month I ___________ 2 or 3 books and I _____________ about ₤10 on
them, but I don’t think I ___________ my money, I enjoy reading.

Part 3. Give English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and expressions.
1. п’ятифунтова купюра 9. позичати гроші
2. десятицентова монета 10. мати гроші при собі
3. готівка 11. купувати товари зі знижкою
4. розплатитися чеком 12. коштувати ціле багатство
5. вартість проїзду 13. повернути повну вартість
6. значний штраф покупки
7. ввести єдину валюту 14. марнотратити гроші
8. податок на прибуток

Task 12. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

1. My friend is really penny wise and pound foolish. 2. So my sister bought a pig
in a poke. 3. It was not worth a farthing. 4. Remember! The car costs money! 5.
Thus, we managed to buy it over our neighbour’s head. 6. I’m afraid, it’ll hit my
pockets. 7. Mr Brown must have money to burn. 8. It cost a fortune! 9. We were
lucky to buy it for a song. 10. Nobody wanted to buy the shirts even at the
knockdown price of £5.

Task 13. Circle the correct word

1. My grandfather made a wealth / fortune by investing at the right time.
2. I think you’ll find that the Microcar is really very economic / economical to
3. I’m afraid we can only accept the return of the item if you still have the receipt /
4. If you show this coupon at the checkout / discount, you’ll receive a free gift.
5. I’m not keen on Justine Timberlake, so I’ll try to refund / exchange this CD for
one by Blue.
6. The assistant called the manager when the note I gave her turned out to be
plastic / fake.
7. This unbeatable special offer / bill is only available until the end of the week, so
8. Excuse me, but I don’t suppose you have make / change for a fifty, do you?

9. I went back to the shop a week later, and the price / cash had gone up by 50%!


Task 14. Match the packaging and the goods:

Task 15. Here are some things you might want to buy. Match the beginnings and
endings of the phrases.
1. A box of a. wine
2. A packet of b. grapes
3. A can of c. toothpaste
4. A tube of d. cake
5. A bunch of e. marmalade
6. A jar of f. chocolates
7. A bottle of g. crisps
8. A piece of h. beer

Task 16. Choose the correct answer.

1) Could I have a packet / tin / can / box of matches, please?
2) And I’d like a box / carton / packet / case of milk, too.
3) How much is this bar / bag / box / loaf of soap?
4) Dо you have any toothpaste? I’d like a large tin / bar / roll / tube.
5) I also want a bar / box / bowl / bottle of orange juice.
6) Oh, and could I have a case / packet / bottle / piece of biscuits?
7) Yesterday my husband bought a box / carton / jar / bar of honey.
8) Don’t buy cottage cheese by weight; I prefer it in a tin / bowl / roll / tub.

Task 17. Correct the mistakes.

1) a tube of cigarettes 6) a packet of toothpaste
2) a bag of matches 7) a box of film
3) a bunch of chocolate 8) a bar of cookies
4) a tin of potatoes 9) a carton of fish
5) a roll of bananas 10) a pack of milk

a T-shirt - футболка a jacket - піджак, куртка
a sweater - светр a suit - костюм
a blouse - блузка a tracksuit - спортивний костюм
a skirt - спідниця a costume - костюм (національний,
a dress - сукня карнавальний)
a tie - краватка jeans - джинси
a bow tie - краватка-метелик shorts - шорти
a waistcoat - жилет trousers - брюки
a shirt - сорочка

It is common for women to use top to talk about any shirt, T-shirt, blouse or
jumper - “That’s a nice top you are wearing.” Trousers, jeans, and shorts are
plural words and take a plural verb form - “Those are nice trousers” or “These
shorts are very comfortable”. You can also say a pair of trousers, a pair of jeans
or a pair of shorts. In American English trousers are called pants.

Outdoor clothes:
a coat - пальто a cap - кепка
a fur coat - шуба a scarf - шарф
an anorak - анорак (водонепроникна gloves - рукавички
куртка з капюшоном) mittens - рукавиці
a hat - капелюх, шапка

boots - черевики, чоботи high heels - високі підбори
trainers - кросівки flip-flops - в'єтнамки
sandals - сандалі clogs - сабо
slippers - тапочки wellies - гумові чоботи

knickers - жіночі трусики a swimsuit - купальник
underpants - труси чоловічі swimming trunks - плавки
a bra - бюстгальтер pyjamas - піжама
a vest - майка socks - шкарпетки
tights - колготки stockings - панчохи
boxer shorts - боксерські шорти

Parts of clothes:
a pocket - кишеня a heel - каблук
a sleeve - рукав a zip - застібка-блискавка
a hood - капюшон a cuff - манжета
a button - ґудзик, кнопка laces - шнурки
a collar - комір

a necklace - намисто a scarf - шарф
a ring - каблучка a belt - ремінь, пояс
an earring - сережка a handbag - сумочка
a watch - годинник a wallet - гаманець
a brooch - брошка an umbrella - парасолька

cotton - бавовна, бавовняний denim - джинс, джинсовий
wool - шерсть, шерстяний leather - шкіра, шкіряний
linen - льон, лляний suede - замша, замшевий
silk - шовк, шовковий fur - хутро, хутряний

checked - в клітинку polka-dotted - в горошок
floral - в квіточку striped - смугастий
plain (self-coloured) - однотонний

Task 1. Match the words with the pictures:

1. Shoes
boots trainers sandals slippers high heels clogs flip-flops

2. Patterns
striped floral plain checked

knickers vest underpants tights bra boxer shorts

4.Parts of clothes
pocket sleeve hood button collar heel zip cuff laces

5.Jewellery and accessories
necklace scarf handbag bracelet earring watch belt
brooch umbrella

Task 2. Write the following words with the correct group of words below:
shirt skirt shoes trousers
1. tight, baggy, flared ………………………..
2. long, knee-length, short ……………………………
3. flat, platform, running …………………………………….
4. long-sleeved, short-sleeved, collarless ………………………………….

Task 3. Complete the sentences.

Task 4. Read the article below. Then read statements 1-8 and find the paragraph
(A- E) in the text which contains information about them . Write the correct letter
in the gap. Finally, decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

The modern office dilemma
A Once, it was easy to know what to wear to the office. For male managers, it was
always a dark suit and white shirt with a tie .With the arrival of Dress-Down
Friday, all the old rules went away. Some companies introduced the system in
which once a week (on Friday) the employees were allowed to wear casual clothes
of their choice. In recent years, casual dress days at the office have become
widespread in the USA, and employees are starting to push the policy to extreme
limits. Casual Fridays have become so casual that some people are coming to work
in outfits that resemble pyjamas.

B In a recent poll. 82% of Americans thought that it is OK for businesses to have a

dress-down day, while 12% thought it is not. Those who opposed the dress-down
policy pointed out that casual dress style might encourage casual or sloppy work.
Others commented that the relaxed atmosphere and comfort of casual clothes leads
to increased productivity.

C So what's appropriate for the office? Experts differ in opinions, but there are a
few points they agree on. Ripped and worn looking jeans, shorts and Hawaiian
print shirts are all unacceptable. Faded denim is also associated with sloppiness.
Keep your look smart. For example, pair up dark jeans with a button-down blazer.

D There are two important factors when discussing dress codes in the workplace .
First of all, it must be clear. Employees need to know what is expected of them;
otherwise, a dress code that is meant to create a relaxed atmosphere might actually
increase stress. Second, employees must always consider their clients. We spoke
with a lawyer in a firm with a casual dress policy who keeps a jacket and tie in his
office, and puts it on when expecting a client who might be offended by a more
casual approach.

E And one final thing - no matter what clothes people wear, they must always be
clean and neat. Coffee stains are unacceptable on the front of one's casual as well
as one's formal shirt.

1 ___ Cleanliness is always important in the workplace. T / F

2 ___ Employers should precisely specify what their employees might wear on
casual days . T / F
3 ___ Lately, some employees have started wearing unusually informal clothes for
the office. T / F

4 ___ Some clients may not accept casual dress code in business situations. T / F
5 ___ In the USA, the majority of businesses have introduced casual dress days .
6 ___ Experts agree on what should be worn for the office . T / F
7 ___ Some people believe that the way employees dress influences the quality of
their work. T /F
8 ___ Jeans are considered inappropriate for office casual days. T / F

Task 5. Listen to a radio announcement, and cross out the mistakes in the
descriptions. Listen again and write down the correct information on the lines
below the text. There are eight differences between the recording and the text
The police are looking for two suspects in connection with the recent bank
robbery in Reading. The first suspect is a white man in his forties. He is fairly
overweight, quite short and he's got curly, brown hair. He's got a broken nose and
has a moustache. When last seen, he was wearing torn blue jeans and a baggy T-
shirt. He's also got a tattoo of a heart with the word 'Angela' written in it .

The police are also looking for a young woman in her early twenties. She's
tall and attractive - she's got long, wavy, blonde hair. Her nose is rather long.
When last seen , she was wearing a short black skirt, black T-shirt, a leather jacket
and black boots.
1.………………. 5.……………….
2.………………. 6.……………….
3.………………. 7.……………….
4.………………. 8.……………….

Task 6. Complete the text with these words.

bargain catalogue exchange fit high heels purchase quality
receipt shopaholics smart try on wear out
I hate shopping. I know many people enjoy it and some people love it so much
they become real 1 ___________ but, personally, I hate it. Anyway, the other day I
had no choice. My most comfortable shoes were really starting to 2 ___________. I
could still wear them casually, but they were not 3 ___________ enough to wear at
work. I have found that you really have to 4 ___________ shoes to make sure they
___________ so buying shoes online or ordering from a 6 ___________ was out
of the question. Off to the centre I went.
Surprisingly enough, I found a pair within half an hour that were good
___________ and exactly what I wanted. They were also a real 8 ___________

because the shop was going out of business and you can imagine how crowded it
was. The salesperson put my 9 ___________ in a bag and I was quite proud of
myself for having accomplished my mission so quickly.
On Monday morning, I was getting ready for work and, of course, had planned to
wear my new shoes. I opened the bag and inside was a pair of bright red
___________. Don’t get me wrong. They were lovely, but they’re the kind of
shoes I never wear because I’d break my neck within seconds. I had obviously
been given the wrong bag and would have to 11 ___________ them.
So after work, in my old shoes, it was back to the centre. Luckily, I had the
___________ and I was hoping they still had the shoes I had wanted. You’re not
going to believe this, but the shop had closed down for good. Naturally, I hate
shopping even more now but, by the way, would you happen to be interested in a
pair of red shoes for your next birthday?

Task 7. Guess the word

1. Ladies wear this into the sea ……………………..
2. Keep your hands warm …………………………..
3. Men often wear this with a tie ……………………
4. Ladies often wear this at a wedding ……………...
5. Another word for ladies pants ……………………
6. Ladies often wear this with a blouse ……………..
7. A piece of jewellery for your finger ……………..
8. Casual trousers (normally blue) …………………..
9. Men often wear this with a shirt ………………….
10. Ladies often wear this instead of a shirt ………...
11. These keep your feet warm ………………………
12. This helps keep your trousers up ………………..

to suit - пасувати, личити outfit - одяг, наряд
to fit - підходити за розміром, добре clothing - одяг (загалом)
сидіти clothes - одяг
to match - добре поєднуватись, cloth - тканина, ганчірка
підходити item of clothing - предмет одягу
to go with - добре поєднуватись, garment - предмет одягу
підходити to be in - бути в моді

Task 8. Use these words in the sentences below:

wrong go with tight
match suit fit
1. It doesn’t ………………. me. It’s too tight.
2. It doesn’t …………. me. I’m too old for it.
3. It’s the ………….. size. It’s too small.
4. – Do you think this top goes with my skirt?
- Well, no. They don’t ………… at all, actually.
5. It’s a bit ………….. for me.
6. This skirt doesn’t ……………. this jacket.

Task 9. Complete using the correct words in the box

current fit clothing match look modern suit new appearance
1. If you care about your __________ too much, people might start to think you are
2. It’s quite a nice skirt, but I don’t think it really ______________ my shoes.
3. My mum always looks quite ___________ and tries to keep up with the latest
4. The ancient Romans wore items of _____________ quite different from today’s
5. I know long skirts were in last year, but the _____________ fashion is to wear
them quite short.
6. I’ve got to buy some _________ shoes for the wedding on Saturday.
7. I didn’t get the coat at the end because it didn’t ___________ me under the arms.
8. The shirt is so expensive because it’s made out of a special _________ that has
gold in it.
9. I don’t think this jumper ___________ you because you’ve got blue eyes and
pale skin.
10. Long dresses and high heels is quite a good _______ for you.

Task 10. Circle the correct word

1. Do you think the average / everyday person is interested in fashion?
2. I wish Dad would get a new costume / suit to wear for his job interview.
3. I’ve got red hair, so I never put on / wear red clothes or I’d look silly.
4. John got a really cool blouse / top in town yesterday with Eminem on it.
5. I’m going to get my nails dyed / painted tomorrow.
6. Which costume / suit do you think I should wear to the fancy-dress party– the
cowboy or the vampire?

Task 11. Choose the correct answer.
1. I don’t like ….. on clothes in shops because I don’t want people to see me in
something that doesn’t suit me.
A. putting B. trying C. wearing D. handing
2. I’m not sure a green skirt ….. combination with a blue top is such a good idea.
A. on B. at C. in D. for
3. Everyone complimented Kitty ….. her own outfit.
A. on B. to C. in D. for
4. I think some modern designs are more like ….. of art.
A. makes B. works C. objects D. jobs
5. I wish people didn’t ….. a tendency to follow fashion without thinking about
what suits them personally.
A. do B. make C. get D. have
6. I don’t think T-shirts and jeans will ever go ….. of style, do you?
A. away B. out C. off D. down
7. Make sure you ….. your make-up with a soft brush , like this one.
A. apply B. construct C. decorate D. dress
8. If you wear that shirt with the ….. pattern, you’ll look like a chessboard!
A. plain B. striped C. shiny D. checked
9. You always seem to look so formal. If only you would ….. your hair down!
A. get B. set C. put D. let
10. The latest trend ….. footwear is to wear very simple, traditional shoes.
A. of B. on C. in D. from
11. My sister and I share the same taste ….. clothes and we wear each other’s
things all the time.
A. in B. of C. for D. on
12. Why can’t you ….. Edgar’s example and wear a tie to work?
A. set B. make C. follow D. do
13. My dad asked me whether his clothes were ….. fashion and I said they were –
about twenty years ago!
A. in B. from C. on D. of

Task 12. Choose the correct answer

1. Could you wipe the table with a damp ….., please?
a) clothe b) clothing c) cloth d) clothes
2. I’ve decided to ….. my hair green for the party!
a) dye b) paint c) sketch d) draw
3. That top doesn’t ….. me, it’s just not my style.
a) fit b) suit c) match d) go with

4. That’s the most incredible ….. of art I’ve ever seen!
a) job b) creation c) brand d) work
5. Jeans and T-shirts will never go out of ….. .
a) trend b) image c) fashion d) tendency
6. I need a funny ….. for the fancy-dress party. Any ideas?
a) dress b) uniform c) suit d) costume
7. Tim forgot to use clothes ….. and all his clean clothes fell off the line into the
a) pegs b) clips c) hooks d) pins

Task 13. Read the text below. For questions (1—12) choose the correct answer (A,
B, C or D).
The Cobbler — First Draft
Once upon a time there was a man (1)_____ Roddy Biggs, who was a bank
robber. One day he (2) _____a pair of shoes to a cobbler to get new soles put on
them. The cobbler gave him a ticket, which he put in his pocket. The next day
Roddy (3)_____ by the police for a bank robbery he (4)_____ the week before.
Time passed slowly and 20 years (5)_____ Roddy was released from jail.
As he (6)_____ away from the prison, he put his hand in his jacket pocket, and
found a piece of paper. Pulling it out, he saw the (7)_____ ticket and remembered
taking his shoes there all those years ago.
«Why not?» he thought, and went off to see if, just (8)_____ chance, the
cobbler was there and still (9)_____ his shoes. When he got to the address on the
ticket, he saw, sandwiched (10)_____ a supermarket and a multistory car park, the
cobbler’s shop. He went in and found an ancient man (11)_____ in the dark little
room. He gave him the ticket. The old man examined the ticket closely and then
took down a huge ledger from the shelf. Blowing off the dust, he opened it and ran
a shaking finger down the columns of names and dates inside. His finger stopped at
an entry. Looking up, he said, «They (12)_____ ready next week!»

1 name names named naming
2 take took taken taking
3 arrested is arrested was arrested were arrested
4 have committed has committed been committed had committed
5 late later latter letter
6 walking is walking be walking was walking
7 cobbler’s cobblers cobblers’ cobblers’s
8 in by on with
9 have having had has
10 between behind because believe
11 work to work worked working
12 be shall be will be would

Task 14. Circle the correct answer

1. The blouse fits / suits me, but do you have it in any other colour? I look terrible
in beige.
2. The bride walked down the catwalk / aisle at church in a lovely designer gown.
3. Having lost a lot of weight, she had her jeans taken in / off.
4. He had on a checked / striped suit and he reminded me of a zebra.
5. That colour really fits / suits you. You should wear it more often.
6. I’d like to get a refund / discount on this purchase because it was a gift and I’ll
never wear it.
7. I’d be quite willing to give you your money back, madam, if you had the
purchase / receipt.
8. I don’t have enough money to afford / hire designer clothes, but I wish I did.

Task 15. Complete the dialogues by filling in each gap with one word. You are
given its first letter.
ASSISTANT: Can I 1 h________ you?
CUSTOMER: I’m 2 j________ looking, thanks. Well, actually… I’m looking
f________ a dress. I like this one, but it isn’t the 4 r________ size. It’s 5t________
small. I need a size 40.
ASSISTANT: Here’s one. Would you like to 6 t________ it on? The 7 c________
room is over there.
ASSISTANT: Oh, it looks lovely. It 8 f________ you perfectly. That style is so
f________ right now. And that colour really 10 s________ you. It
m________your eyes!
CUSTOMER: I know, but it’s a bit 12 e________ for me. I can’t really afford it.
ASSISTANT: It’s 13 o________ sale, you know. There’s 50% 14 o________. The
price has been 15 r________ from £150 to £75! It’s a real 16 b________! A
d________ label for half 18 p________!
CUSTOMER: OK, I’ll take it.
ASSISTANT: Great! Now, how about some 19 a________ to go with the dress? A
handbag or a belt perhaps? We have special 20 o________ on the best 21 b________
like Calvin Klein and Armani. Also, there’s a 30% 22 d________ on all our shoes.
CUSTOMER: No, thank you. I'll just take the dress.
Task 16. Complete the crossword


Task 1. Read the text and complete the sentences

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland is
situated on the British Isles. The
British Isles consist of two large
islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and
about five thousands small islands.
Their total area is over 244 000 square
Its population is over 57 million.
About 80 percent of the population is
The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast
respectively. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and does not
include Northern Ireland. But in everyday speech «Great Britain» is used in the
meaning of the «United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland». The
capital of the UK is London.
The British Isles are separated from the Continent by the North Sea, the
English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The western coast of Great Britain is
washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is
mountainous and is called Highlands. The south, which has beautiful valleys and
plains, is called Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but the
eastern, central and south-eastern parts of England are a vast plain. Mountains are
not very high. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain (1343 m). There are a
lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest
river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one. The mountains,
the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate
of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round.
The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It produces and exports
machinery, electronics, textile. One of the chief industries of the country is
The UK is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament and the Queen as
Head of State.

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on..
2. The largest island is..., which consists of three parts...
3. The smaller island is...
4. ... separate Great Britain from the continent.
5. The greater part of the population is... .
6. ... of the British Isles varies very much
7. ... in Scotland is the highest mountain.
8. There are many... in Great Britain, but they are not very long.
9. the deepest, the longest and the most important river in England.
10.The United Kingdom is a highly developed ... country.

Task 2. Listen to five people whose families emigrated to Britain talking about
their lives. Match the sentences A-F below with the speakers (1-5). Some sentences
match with more than one speaker.
Which speaker(s)…
A have experienced racism in the UK? ___
B make a negative comment about the weather? ___
C did not personally emigrate to Britain? ___
D consider themselves British? ___
E mention good British friends? ___
F mention problems finding a job? ___

Task 3. Read the texts below. For each of the empty spaces choose the correct
answer (А, В, C or D).

Stonehenge is Britain's greatest national icon, (1) ........... mystery. Its original
purpose is unclear to us, but some have speculated that it was a temple or an
astronomical observatory. (2) ........... claim that it was a sacred site for the burial of
high-ranking citizens. The question of who built Stonehenge is largely unanswered.
Julius Caesar told of a Celtic priesthood who flourished around the time of their
first conquest (55 BC). By this time, though, the stones (3) ........... there for 2,000
years. The best guess seems to be that the Stonehenge site (4) ........... by the people
of the late Neolithic period. These "new" people, (5) ........... Beaker Folk because
of their use of pottery drinking vessels, began to use metal implements.

1 A symbolizes В symbolize C symbolized D symbolizing

2 A Another В Others C Other D The other
3 A had stood В has stood C was stood D stood
4 A have been begun В was begun C has begun D began
5 A call В are called C called D were call

Task 4. Read the texts below. Match choices (A—H) to (1-6). There are two
choices you don't need to use.
1_____ The Tower of
London has been home to
the world famous British
Crown Jewels since the
beginning of the 14th
century. Still used by the
Queen and her family today,
the Crown Jewels are an
essential part of your visit.

2_____ The Ravens are one

of the most famous sights at
the Tower of London.
Legend has it that Charles
II was warned that should
the Ravens leave the Tower,
the monarchy would fall,
and he therefore ordered that henceforth a small population should always remain.

3_____ Yeoman Warders (often called Beefeaters) have been at the Tower of
London since the 14th century. Today they combine their traditional ceremonial
role with that of tourist guide. The main tour (60 minutes) brings to life the
Tower's history including imprisonment, torture and intrigue.

4_____ The Army has been involved with the Tower of London since its creation
and today, the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers open their museum to the public (as
this is an independent museum there is a small entrance charge).

5_____ The Tower of London was a residence for the kings and queens of England
as well as being a fortress. These rooms are shown as they may have appeared in
the reign of Edward I (1272—1307).

6_____ As you enter through the West Gate you can get an impression of how the
Tower was protected against attack. In Water Lane you can also see Traitor's Gate
where many famous prisoners entered the Tower of London for the last time.

You will ......... .

A see where and how the members of the Royal family lived
В know about the life of the most famous prisoners
C see the birds which symbolize the power of the Queen
D follow the path of those sentenced to imprisonment
E have to pay a little bit of money for the admission
F see how the Tower was protected from the enemies
G meet the person who'll show you all the sights in the Tower
H see wealth and treasure of the monarch's dynasty

Task 5. Answer the questions about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Nothern Ireland.
The UK
1. What does the United Kingdom consist of?
2. What are the two main islands called?
3. What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?
4. What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
5. What is the capital of Scotland?
6. What is the capital of Wales?
7. What is the capital of the Northern Ireland?
8. What is the symbol of England?
9. What is the symbol of Wales?
10. What is the symbol of Scotland?
11. What is the symbol of Ireland?
12. What is the total area of the UK?
13. What is the currency of the United Kingdom?

14. What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom ? What does it stand for?
15. What’s the motto of the UK?
16. Which is the oldest university in Britain?
17. What is the highest mountain and where is it?
18. Which lake in Scotland is said to be inhabited by a monster known as Nessie?
19. In which city was William Shakespeare born ?
20. What is a typical full English breakfast ?
21. Which river is the longest in Britain?
22. Which river runs through London ?
23. What’s the city where The Beatles were born?
24. Who was the first woman prime minister in Britain?
25. What misfortune fell upon London in 1666?
26. Which part of London is the heart of its business and commercial life?
27. What monument is in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
28. What’s the official name of Big Ben?
29. Where are the crown jewels kept?

Task 6. Read the text

The United States of America
The USA is composed of
50 states. It occupies the
central part of North American
continent. It borders on
Canada in the north and on
Mexico in the south. The
waters of the Atlantic Ocean
wash the USA in the east and
the waters of the Pacific
Ocean wash the country in the west. The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean.
They became the 50th state of the USA in 1958. The total area of the country is
9000 square kilometers. The population is more than 200 million people.
Washington is the capital of the USA. English is the official language. The
flag of the USA is known as the "Stars and Stripes".
The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through the USA to Mexico, but
greater part of the country is a plain. There are many rivers in the USA and the
longest is Mississippi.
The country is rich in mineral resources, heavy industry prevails in the USA
economy, including mining, metallurgy, machine building, chemical industry.
Power and food industries are well developed too.

The USA is the federative republic. The president is the head of the state. He
is also commander-in-chief of army and navy. The highest legislative organ in the
country is the congress, which consists of the senate and House of Representatives.

Task 7 . Are the statements true or false?

1. The USA is composed of 55 states.
2. It occupies the central part of South American continent.
3. It borders on Mexico in the north and on Canada in the south.
4. The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean.
5. The population is more than 300 million people.
6. Belfast is the capital of the USA.
7. English is the official language.
8. There are many mountains in USA.

Task 8. Read the texts below. For each of the empty spaces choose the correct
answer (А, В, C or D).
The term melting pot is (1) ........ associated with the United States. The United
States is a melting pot of people from different cultures and races. While American
English is generally standard, American speech can (2) ....… according to what
part of the country you are in. Certain traits and personalities are connected with
certain regions. Westerners are known as (3) ....… traditional of Americans, and
the most tolerant of change and differences. Midwesterners are known for (4) ........
honest, straightforward people of traditional values. The southwest has had the
least influence by European immigrants. Much of its culture (5) ........ by native
Americans and by Spanish. Southerners are known for their hospitality. The
Northeast is well known for its culture with excellent theaters and museums.

1 A strong В stronger C strongest D strongly

2 A be differed В be differing C to differ D differ
3 A least В the least C the less D little
4 A to be В be C being D been
5 A has been defined В had defined C defined D is defining

Task 9. Read the text below. Choose from (A—H) the one which best fits each
space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use.

Originally called "Liberty
Enlightening the World", this
modern Colossus is located on
the New York harbor. Its
tremendous figure, (1) ........... ,
is known worldwide. The
beautiful Lady liberty is
wearing (2) ........... . She holds
a torch, high in her right hand,
and a book inscribed "July 4,
1776" in the left. At her feet
lie broken chains (3) ........... in
the new nation. The Statue of
Liberty was given to America
by the French in 1886 and has
been a symbol for America
ever since. It is located in New
York City. It is also
(4) ........... . The well-known
sculptor of France, Frederic
Auguste Bartholdi was
commissioned to design a spectacular sculpture to later become world famous. The
Statue was completed in France as a gift in July, 1884 and arrived in New York
Harbor in June of 1885 (5) ........... which transported the Statue of Liberty from
France to the United States. In transit, the Statue was reduced to 350 individual
pieces and packed in 214 crates. The Statue was re-assembled on her (6) ........... .
On October 28th 1886, the dedication of the Statue of Liberty took place in front of
thousands of spectators.

A a colossal copper sculpture

В on board the French frigate "Isere"
C symbolizing global freedom
D flowing robes and a majestic crown
E a welcome sign for immigrants
F symbolizing the overthrow of tyranny
G on the ship that changed the course
H new pedestal in four months' time

Task 10. Read the text
One of the most obvious differences between British English and American
English is the pronunciation, but there are also variations in grammar, spelling and
vocabulary. American English often uses the past simple while British English
uses the present perfect (I already did it – I’ve already done it); have got is usually
used to talk about possession in British English while have is used in American
English; prepositions are often used differently, e.g. Write me soon in American
English versus Write to me soon in British English. With regards to spelling,
American English often has a single consonant while British English has a double
consonant (traveling – travelling) and it uses the spelling -ize, -or and -er whereas
British English traditionally prefers -ise, -our and -re (organize – organise, color –
colour, center – centre). Variations in slang and colloquial expressions naturally
exist in the two nations, but even everyday words can be different – pants and
trousers, elevator and lift, autumn and fall – which can lead to misunderstandings.

Task 11. Match the British and American word

1. Football A. Movie
2. Autumn B. Torch
3. Flat C. Fall
4. Rubber D. Soccer
5. Underground E. Sneakers
6. Taxi F. Can
7. Tin G. Candy
8. Sweet H. Subway
9. Post I. Eraser
10. Holiday J. Apartment
11. Garden K. Closet
12. Crisps L. Mail
13. Trainers M. Cab
14. Wardrobe N. Drapes
15. Tap O. Yard
16. Trousers P. Vacation
17. Maize Q. Chips
18. Curtains R. Faucet
19. Film S. Pants
20. Flashlight T. Corn

Task 12. Answer the questions about the United States of America.
1. Who discovered America? When?
2. Where is the USA situated?
3. What’s the name of the ship which transported the Pilgrims to the New World in
4. What’s the motto of the USA?
5. What does “melting pot” mean?
6. How many states are there in the USA?
7. Which state is the smallest?
8. Which state is the biggest?
9. Who was the first president of the US?
10. What is the national symbol of the USA?
11. What is the capital of the USA?
12. What was the first capital of the USA?
13. What do we call“The Stars and Stripes”? What do they symbolize?
14. What is the second most common language in the USA?
15. What is the biggest river in the USA?
16. What is the name of the official residence of the President of the USA?
17. Where was the Statue of Liberty made?
18. When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated? What kind of holiday is it?
19. Who was the first man on the Moon?
20. What’s the highest peak in the USA?
21. When can we see many Jack-o’-lanterns?
22. When is Independence Day in the United States celebrated?


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