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D&D 3e (3.0/3.5) Rules

by Ben Thompson

The Bakali are a breed of lizard-folk that generally dwell in the remote swamps of
Ansalon. Despite being a savage, brutal, and uneducated race, they are quite
intelligent. Bakali are very cunning and adapt to situations quickly and do so
within their limitations.

Personality: The Bakali tend to be very suspicious and distrusting by nature. They
keep to themselves and very rarely leave their homeland. They seem savage and they
are usually observed as crueler beings than they really are. This attitude is a
stereotype; but it is not entirely unwarranted. The Bakali have no problems or
moral compunctions against violence, although individuals may have more tolerant or
peaceful views. The Bakali have no fear of death. Such displays of courage may have
others believe that they are foolish, however that is not the case. Not fearing
death aside, they have a passion for life. The Bakali are particularly skilled at
war, using guerilla tactics of deception and ambushes. They will also retreat and
not consider it cowardice if the battle cannot be won. Within the Bakali culture,
everything to do with war is considered to be courageous.

Physical Description: Bakali are generally six to eight feet tall and very broad
due to their massive strength. The hide of a Bakali ranges in color, most commonly
seen is yellow-green to a sort of blotchy brown with profound plating. Their long,
powerful tails whip about and can deal some sever punishment to those who are not
careful. They have almost a dorsal ridge running the length of their back, along
the spine. It runs from the back of the skull all the way down the back, tapering
off about midway down the tail. The hands and feet of a Bakali are webbed. Their
feet have talons and are about to use them like fingers. The hands have vestigial
claws. These claws do little in combat except intimidate their foes.

Relations: The Bakali generally dislike strangers. They do not trust those they are
unfamiliar with, and sometimes those they are. The humans of Nordmaar are an
example. Centuries of poor relations have caused a rift between the two and there
is no trust left. Because of those very humans the Bakali have labeled all humans
as lying, thieving, greedy, murderous cutthroats. The Bakali accept very few
humans, but it rarely happens. This is due to the fact that the Bakali adhere to
alliances and friendships they have with other races. The Bakali are often
unreceptive to humans, they are not without honor. Having long memories of both the
good and bad that has befallen them. If a human acts in an honorable manner towards
a Bakali, even if he is an enemy, the Bakali will return the show of respect with
the same. If someone outside of the Bakali manages to befriend one, the Bakali will
honor such a bond until death or betrayed.

Alignment: Bakali are almost always chaotic neutral in nature, though few of them
have been tainted and gone down the path of evil.

Bakali Lands: The Bakali are native to the swamps of Northern Ansalon.

Religion: The Bakali religion is of a non-destructive nature. The chief gods of the
Bakali are Sirr'ushush, an incarnation of the deity, and Sirrion Krik'k lettz, an
incarnation of the deity of nature, Chislev. The Bakali worship in a very
primitive, almost savage way, they are generally preparing meal in a ritualistic

Language: Bakali speak a tongue similar to that of Draconic, using roughly the same
script. It is unique to their race consisting of growls, smacks, and hisses of
varying length. There is no formal written script, as most of them are uneducated.
Bakali Racial Traits:
+2 Constitution, �2 Charisma. Bakali have a muscular build with an appearance
that resembles a Lizard-Man.
Medium-sized creatures. As Medium-size creatures, there are no special
bonuses/penalties based on size.
+3 Natural Armor class from their tough hides. Any other armor must be
especially made for the Bakali due to their awkward body structure.
Vulnerable to Cold. Bakali take an additional 1 damage per damage roll on all
cold-based attacks.
+1 racial bonus to any saving throw against blinding or daze-like effects, due
to an innate ability to shield their eyes from harm.
Bakali base speed is 20 feet.
Bakali unarmed attacks deal 1d4+(STR MOD) points of damage.
Bakali are never "unarmed" due to their fangs and claws, so they do not provide
their opponents with attacks of opportunity due to unarmed attacks.
Bakali can choose to do subdual or normal damage with their fists.
+2 racial bonus to Swim checks, and Bakali swim at a speed of 30 feet.
Automatic Languages: Bakali, Common
Bonus Languages: Ancient Elvish, Draconic, Kothian, Nordmaarian.
Favored Class: Barbarian (see Players Handbook, page 56, for more details on
Favored Class.).

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