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Elemental Summoning

Elemental Spirits
Greater Elementals Summoning is the art of calling on the spirits and elemental
forces of nature and commanding them to do one's bidding. A Summoner does not
actually manipulate any magical forces himself - he just entices the spirits to do
their own magical manipulation for him.


Minor Summoning (10 points)

Minor Summoning is the calling of the minor elemental spirits. It requires no

time or Favors and is the only summoning that can be done of the spur of the
moment. But such crearures do have minds of their own, and can be capricious. Less
experienced Summoners have found that these minor elemental creatures far more than
the Summoner bargained for.

Major Summoning (10 points - requires Minor Summoning)

Major Summoning is the calling of the greater elementals, those primary

elemental forces that exist in all things. These creatures embody and control the
primal elemental forces. One does not simply call the Greater elementals as one can
do with the elemental spirits
Elemental Spirits

The elemental spirits are the small creatures of the elemental domains. Their
powers are very limited, thorugh they all posess some small form of magic. Most
often they are called on to help with simple tasks and chores, or sent on errands.

Earth: The gnomes make up the Earth Spirits. Brownies, dwarves, dryads, and
oreads (mountain nymphs) are the commonly known and summoned Earth spirits. Though,
such dark and mischevous creatures as boggles, trolls, and bugbears (goblins) can
be called upon.

Abilities: finding tunnels,

Air: The sylphs are the Spirts of air, and their darker counterparts are the

Abilities: making themselves and small objects invisible, moving through solid

Fire: The salamander is the Fire Spirit. When summoned, this small, friendly
spirit can be used as a light source, or, if prodded enough, will ignite tinder for
fire, and is immune to those flames. But the equally small balilisk is also a Fire
spirit, but is far more deadly than its quite and content counterpart. It can kill
by it's firey breath, venemous bite, and touch of its tail.. Legends say even the
glance of a basilisk can kill.

Abilities: immunity to fire, create flame.

Water: The Water Spirits are the Nereids and Naiads, Undines, Sirens and
mermaids that inhabit the oceans and streams. Their dark aspects are the Kraken,
kelpie, and nixie.

Abilities: Minor healing, create water, creation, healing, illusion Magic

Domains: Engulf, Armor, rockshaping, etc. Magic Domains: Psychic skills (telepathy,

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