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Aim of the Experiment:To determine the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge.

Apparatus Required:

Screw gauge and wire

Theory and working formulae:

Screw gauge is an instrument which consists of two scales.One fixed scale called linear scale or main
scale ( in mm) and one circular scale ( 100 div or 50 div).

Pitch and least count of a Screw gauge:

The pitch of a Screw gauge is the linear distance moved by its Screw on the main scale when the
circular scale is given one complete rotation.

Least count of Screw gauge is the least distance which can be measured by a Screw gauge.

L.C =Pitch of the Screw gauge/Total number of divisions on its circular scale.

If circular scale has 100 divisions then L.C=1mm/100 =0.01mm=0.001cm

If circular scale has 50 divisions then L.C= 1/2mm/50=1/100 =0.01mm= 0.001cm

( For 50 div pitch =1/2 mm)

Zero error:

If the zero on the circular scale coincides with the zero mark on the base line of main scale on
bringing the Screw in contact with stud,the instrument is said to be free from zero error. But in case
both the zeroes do not coincide with each other due to any defect or mechanical error the
instrument is said to have zero error.

There are two types of zero error:

1) Positive zero error and

2) Negative zero error .

Observation table:

S.No M.S.R C.S.R×L.C Total D

Here M.S.R = Main scale reading ( in cm)

V.S.R= Vernier scale reading ( in cm)

Total D = Total diameter ( in cm)

Calculations :

Mean diameter of the wire = Total diameter /5


The diameter of a given wire


1) We should not hold the wire tightly in between stud and screw head
2) While taking measurements move the Screw in one direction to avoid backlash error.

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