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1. ______ reflects evaluation of performance.

a. Score
b. Test
c. Item
d. Scale
2. Psychological Test is _______designed to measure characteristics of human beings that pertain to behavior.
a. a set of items
b. a set of tests
c. an assessment
d. an evaluation
3. Overt: observable activity of the individual; Covert:________
a. Secret behavior inside the organismic self
b. Behavior that takes place within the individual
c. Repressed memories
d. Uncommon behavior
4. Psychological testing involves both uniformity in scoring and administration. This means it involves
a. subjective and standardized measurement of samples of behavior
b. subjective and standardized measurement of the entire behavior
c. objective and standardized measurement of samples of behavior
d. objective and standardized measurement of the entire behavior
5. What is not true about Individual and Group tests?
a. Individual tests can be administered one person only
b. Groups tests can also be administered to one person
c. Group tests can be administered to the a class
d. Individual testing is better than group testing
6. The Finals exam is an example of a
a. Aptitude test
b. Intelligence test
c. Achievement test
d. Personality test
7. Which of the following is an example of achievement test?
a. test “R” measures how an individual will perform all block design in 10 minutes
b. test “Q” measures how the students improved after reviewing for 3 months
c. test “S” determines a possible candidate for a managerial position
d. test “M” measures the introversion/extraversion of the test taker
8. In these tests, easy items are included so every test taker can answer items correctly.
a. Speed
b. Power
c. Achievement
d. Intelligence
9. Performance is based on how well a student can answer the items, instead of how fast he or she can perform.
a. Power tests
b. Vocabulary tests
c. Block tests
d. Speed tests
10. Preliminary exams measure
a. Power or knowledge
b. Speed
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
11. Personality tests are employed to
a. Diagnose psychological problems
b. Screen job applicants
c. Both a and b
d. Only a

12. Direct Measurement of attitudes include answering

a. Attitude scales
b. Projective tests
c. Inelligence test
d. Attitudes cannot be directly measured
13. Sometimes, teachers avoiding conflict, play it safe, by giving grades in the middle of the rating scale. This means
the teacher
a. Is lenient in grading
b. Commits Central Tendency error
c. Creates tests that are very easy to pass
d. Makes lessons that are not too difficult not too easy
14. How to administer a test, how to score, and for whom the test should be is determined by the
a. Test author
b. Test user
c. Test taker
d. Psychometrician
15. Ideally, the higher probability of responses being correct
a. the more correct answers by chance
b. the higher the ability level
c. the higher the IQ
d. the higher the test scores on difficult items
16. _____ is graphic representation of item difficulty and discrimination
a. Test Characteristic Curve
b. Bell Curve
c. Factor Analytic Curve
d. Item Characteristic Curve
17. IQ is a
a. Concept
b. Construct
c. Ability
d. Achievement
18. IQ: Intelligence Quotient: is all except.
a. Peaks in late teens
b. Culture-bound, Gender Bias, SES
c. Racial controversies
d. Gets you in the job all the time
19. Gardner said, Sensitivity to sounds and rhythms and tone is a component of_____ intelligence
a. Musical
b. Linguistic
c. Spatial
d. Comprehension
20. The _______ is defined as the substantial and long-sustained increase in both fluid and crystallized intelligence
test scores measured in many parts of the world from roughly 1930 to the present day
a. Flynn effect
b. Culture loading
c. Generational IQ
d. Deviation effect
21. Predeterminism is the idea that all events
a. happen for a reason
b. is only determined by ourselves
c. are determined in advance
d. can be controlled by emotions
22. Analytical intelligence: Your problem-solving abilities. Practical intelligence:
a. Your ability to adapt to a changing environment.
b. Your capacity to change new situations
c. Your ability to use past experiences
d. Your capacity to utilize current skills.
23. IQ is
a. Changes over time
b. Can be learned
c. Culture-bound
d. Not heritable
24. British psychologist ______described a concept he referred to as general intelligence, or the g factor.
a. Charles Spearman
b. Lewis Terman
c. David Weschler
d. Charles Pearson
25. Sternberg proposed what he referred to as "successful intelligence," which involves three different factors except
a. Analytical intelligence
b. Creative intelligence
c. Practical intelligence
d. Digital intelligence
26. ____ says that intelligence is inherited in the way that a person is born with their maximum mental ability
a. Nurture stance
b. Nature argument
c. Preformationism
d. Predeterminism
27. Projective Personality Tests present ______ stimuli and ask for _______ responses
a. Specific; specific
b. Vague; specific
c. Vague; multiple
d. Multiple; singular
28. Thematic Apperception test is an example of a
a. Objective personality test
b. Subjective personality test
c. Natural personality test
d. Projective personality test
29. A test in considered bias when
a. all students get high scores regardless of ability
b. the scores of one group can be lower than the other group
c. scores are not affected by ethnicity
d. some students score low in the test and some score high
30. Beautiful people have the advantage of being thought of as smart. This is an example of
a. Beauty effect
b. Halo effect
c. Wings effect
d. Angel effect
31. The larger the % of getting the item right,
a. the more difficult the item.
b. the higher the difficulty index
c. the item can be misleading
d. the item is giving away too much information
32. Items with Difficult index of 0.0 reduce the variability of the test scores by reducing all except one
a. number of items the person cannot answer correctly
b. the number of points testtakers can earn
c. the ability of the test to measure differences among testtakers
d. the chances of getting the item correct
33. Item discrimination analysis examines the connection between performance in a particular item and performance
a. The entire test.
b. Other half of the test.
c. Even numbered items.
d. Items that were answered poorly.
34. ___________matches people who did well against those who did poorly on the test
a. Odd-Even Method (O-E)
b. Discrimination Method
c. Extreme Group Method (UG-LG)
d. Item Analysis Method
35. An item difficulty index can be
a. -1
b. +1
c. 1.5
d. 100
36. Item discrimination index
a. Can be a negative number
b. Is only a positive number
c. Is a continuous type of data
d. Is a categorical data
37. When items are too difficult, P value is
a. Low
b. High
c. Cannot say
d. Not present
38. In this subtest, children are asked questions about different topics like geography, science and historical figures
a. WAIS-Information subtest
b. WISC-Comprehension subtest - the child answers questions based on his or her understanding of
general principles and social situations.
c. WISC-Information subtest
d. WAIS-Comprehension subtest
39. In this subtest, short-term auditory memory and attention are being measured. The digits have no logical
relationship to each other and are presented in random order by the examiner.
a. Digit symbol coding subtest – coding copying
b. Delayed response subtest
c. Digit span subtest – dictation WAIS
d. Position and Direction subtest
40. SB-5
a. John C. Raven
b. David Wechsler
c. Alfred Binet
d. Lewis Terman
41. Binet-Simon Scale
a. John C. Raven
b. David Wechsler
c. Alfred Binet
d. Lewis Terman
42. Ability to think in three dimensions
a. Artistic Intelligence
b. Imaginative Intelligence
c. Spatial Intelligence
d. Perceptual Intelligence
43. Ability that allows for the understanding of order and meaning of words and the application of meta-linguistic skills
reflecting use of language
a. Linguistic Intelligence
b. Vocabulary intelligence
c. Syntaxic Intelligence
d. Psycholinguistic Intelligence
44. In standardizing the SB-5,
a. People with severe emotional and behavioral disturbances were excluded
b. Examinees in the norming sample included testers from age 60 and above only
c. Persons with limited English proficiency was included
d. Children with special needs were part of the norming sample
45. An intelligence tests of abstract and logical reasoning made up of a series of diagrams or designs with a part to be
b. RPM
d. PKP
46. PKP can be applied to which settings?
a. Educational
b. Guidance and Counseling
c. Industrial
d. All of the above
47. (KABC) is a clinical instrument (psychological diagnostic test) for assessing
a. Cognitive in terms of Speech development
b. Piaget’s Concept of Cognition
c. Cognitive development
d. Cognitive deterioration
48. Full Scale Intellectual Quotient is derived from
a. Mathematical Ability, Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial
b. Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, Working Memory, Processing speed
c. Processing Speed, Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, Artistic application
d. Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, Block design, Mid level IQ
49. Crystallized intelligence is
a. the ability to solve new problems
b. the capacity use logic in new situations
c. the ability to use learned knowledge and experience
d. not a form of intelligence
50. Falling in love involves
a. Crystallized intelligence
b. Fluid intelligence
c. Both a and b
d. It does not involve intelligence
51. In this subtest, children are asked questions about different topics like geography, science and historical figures
a. WISC-Information subtest
b. WAIS-Information subtest
c. WISC-Comprehension subtest
d. WAIS-Comprehension subtest
52. This testing was developed by psychologist Robert Mearns Yerkes (1876–1956), including Lewis Madison
Terman (1877–1956)
a. Army Intelligence test
b. Army Alpha and Beta
c. Yerkes and Terman IQ test
d. Army Screening Inventory
53. The Army Alpha test was developed for those ________.
a. children with capacity to join army
b. blind people
c. men with limited literacy
d. people who can read and write
54. _____ is an instrument developed to validate the mental ability of Filipinos with ages ranging from 16 and above.
a. Panukat ng Kakayahan ng Pilipino
b. Panukat ng Katalinuhang Pilipino
c. Panukat ng Katalinuhan at Pagkatao
d. Panukat ng Katauhan ng Pilipino
55. Which among the following is not a subtest of the PKP?
a. Vocabulary or Talasalitaan
b. Numerical Ability or Kakayahan sa bilang
c. Analogy or Ugnayan
d. Verbal ability or Isinasalarawang problema
56. In this subtest, the digits have no logical relationship to each other and are presented in random order by the
a. Digit symbol coding subtest
b. Delayed response subtest
c. Digit span subtest
d. Position and Direction subtest
57. Matrices designed for younger children, the elderly, and people with moderate or severe learning difficulties
a. Children’s Progressive Matrices
b. Colored Progressive Matrices
c. Adaptive Progressive Matrices
d. Accommodative Progressive Matrices
58. Spearman g has two components. The ability to think clearly and make sense of complexity (eductive ability) and
the ability to store and reproduce information ________
a. reproductive ability
b. memory ability
c. exclusive ability
d. retrieval ability
59. Sound blending is part of what broad factor in Woodcock Johnson
a. Musical evaluation
b. Auditory processing
c. Long-term retrieval
d. Fluid reasoning
60. Involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union
a. Whole body Intelligence
b. Cerebellar Intelligence
c. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
d. Spatial Intelligence

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