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ARTS 8 ( 3rd Quarter)

Here we are again! Your task is to create “ Candle Sculpture.” This time you will be given
another chance to explore, integrate, evaluate and value on how you really apply your skills, hard
work and creativity in doing this activity. This activity is equivalent to 50 points in your
performance task.


You will need:

 Old news paper
 Pencil
 Candle –2” in diameter
 Sketch of your chosen design
 Nail pusher
 Black permanent marker

1. Spread out the old newspaper to protect your work area.
2. Sketch your chosen design on the candle using your pencil. Use geometric shapes and
patterns like scroll lwork and curved lines.
3. With the nail pusher, carve the design on the candle. Use the subtractive technique to
cut away the unwanted part.
4. Highlight the design with the use of a black permanent marker
PE 8 ( 3rd Quarter)
Draw the equipment/s used in volleyball court area. You are free to make your output colorful and
creative. This activity is equivalent to 50 points in your performance task.
HEALTH 8 ( 3rd Quarter)

“Slogan Making”
Make a Slogan that will help prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Write your slogan
inside the box below. This activity is equivalent to 50 points in your performance task.

Explain why you make this campaign and how the people will benefit from it.

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