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General vocabulary

Context Specific vocabulary for

What is the text about? common topics
Identify the
Reading What is the general meaning?
corresponding Grammar:
comprehension Is it possible to understand the
text even if some words are connectors
unknown? verb tenses
word formation


1. Read the alternatives before reading the texts.

2. Read each section at a time and try to find evidence in the text that can be related to the
ideas in each alternative.
3. The information you need may not be in the same order as the questions.
4. The title can help.
5. Read all the sections again and confirm your choices.

FCE Support
Master in English 1
Reading and Use of English
Below is an example of a typical Part 7 question. You are going to read opinions about equal
rights for men and women. For the questions below, choose from the sections A-D. The
sections may be chosen more than once.


believes inequality is a historical matter? 1.

believes women have no right complaining about inequality? 2.

believes women have privileges over men? 3.

thinks equality is relative and shouldn’t ignore cultural issues? 4.

says society is making progress in the genre equality area? 5.

defends that the law is not being enforced the way it pleads? 6.

states that women are underpaid in relation to men? 7.

FCE Support
Master in English 1
Reading and Use of English
A “Women and men definitely have equal B “Men and women are ostensibly equal, but, in
rights. Although women complain about not practice, that isn't always how it works.
being treated in the same way as men, they Women are still often paid less than men for
are wrong and just want something to doing the same jobs, for example. There are
protest about. I can't think of a single right also certain jobs that are traditionally thought
men have in the U.S. which women don't. of as being "for men" and others that are
Women can join the navy, army, and even meant only "for women". This is a fact no one
the marines. When someone comes up with can deny and such barriers do not help
an out of place protest saying "men get paid equality. We are making progress but there is
more than women", it's because men a long way to go.”
probably have better jobs. People should
stop saying women don't have equal rights.” Liz, 36

Karen, 48

C “We live in an imperfect society where D “I believe, women in countries such as

women are often looked at differently than England, France and America, etc. do have
men. Due to our history, this is just a reality. equal rights, however, in a way, they're
However, the law sees men and women as unequal as they sometimes get treated better
equals, and it has been this way for at least than men. Although I agree at some point
fifty years. Affirmative action may give women didn't have equal rights because it's a
women equal opportunity. No one should fact they didn't, as they couldn't vote or do
ever be discriminated either by genre, color some other things. But to this day there are
or religion.” cases where women are treated above men. I
believe people get too caught up in trying to
Carla, 27 give women MORE rights, when they should
be focused on just creating equal rights for
everybody. A final thing people forget, is that
in some cultures, equality isn't necessarily
possible or needed. It's wrong to try and
change a religion’s rules and beliefs, even if it
could be beneficial to some.”

Sophia, 41

FCE Support
Master in English 1
Reading and Use of English

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