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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Lingayen, Pangasinan


English 10
Quarter 3 – Module 4

Expanding Ideas Using Principles of

Cohesion and Coherence

Name of Student

Grade & Section 10 – Earth


Student-Teacher Donita Rose E. Leyva

Class Schedule
LESSON 1 – Expanding Ideas Using Principles of Cohesion and Coherence

Learning Competencies

Expand ideas using the principles of cohesion and coherence;

Express one’s idea using the principles of cohesion and coherence.


Directions: Read the following sentences below and answer what is asked in each
sentence. Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. Some redundancy is necessary for successful communication.
__________ is a coherence principle that depends on optimal
A. Ordering
B. Repetition
C. Transitions
2. Since, next, however, therefore, similarly are all examples of
A. antecedents
B. pronouns
C. transitional words
3. Choose the paragraph that uses pronouns most coherently:
A. I like paragraphs. Writing them can be fun and easy if you know
what principles to follow. Paragraphs are essential
B. I like paragraphs. Writing paragraphs can be fun and easy if you
know what principles to follow. They are essential
C. I like paragraphs. Writing paragraphs can be fun and easy if you
know what principles to follow
4. Chronology, comparison-contrast, and cause-effect are
examples of __________ principles that lend coherence to a paragraph.
A. logical
B. ordering
C. timing
5. Which of the following sentences is most coherent?
A. Writing is not always easy. Writing can be hard sometimes. Some
people read a lot. Writing comes more easily to those people.
B. Writing is not always easy; in fact, it can be hard. Some people read
a lot. Writing comes more easily to those people.
C. Writing is not always easy; in fact, it can be hard, but it comes more
easily to those who read a lot.

Cohesion is like the pieces of jigsaw puzzle that need to fit together
perfectly. Cohesion relates to how words and sentences 'stick together'
and make sense. It is the flow of sentences and paragraphs from one to
another tying together. It is achieved through using four methods: (1)
reference words (e.g. he, she, it, them); (2) repeated words/ideas; (3)
transition signals (also called cohesive devices); and (4) substitution
(replacing one word with another).

When sentences, ideas, and details fit together clearly, readers can
follow along easily, and the writing is coherent. The ideas tie together
smoothly and clearly. Good cohesion can be achieved through the
following methods.

Principles of Cohesion and Coherence

1. Reference Words/ Pronouns

These are words that do not make sense on their own. They refer to
something else in the text or can stand in for any given noun.
These, this, that, those, it, they, them, he, she, which
Cohesion is an important feature of academic writing. It can
help ensure that your writing coheres or stick together.
Cohesion is an important feature of academic writing. It can help
ensure that your writing coheres or stick together.
Lucy plays piano. Lucy is very talented.
Lucy plays piano. She is very talented.
2. Repeated Words/Ideas
Synonyms are particularly used. These are different words that
represent same idea.
Myths narrate sacred histories and explain sacred origins. These
traditional narratives are, in short, a set of beliefs that are a very real
force in the lives of the people who tell them.
3. Pronouns
This, that, these, those, he, she, it, they, and we are useful pronouns
for referring back to something previously mentioned. Be sure,
however, that what you are referring to is clear.
When scientific experiments do not work out as expected, they are
often considered failures until some other scientist tries them again.
Those that work out better the second time around are the ones that
promise the most rewards.
4. Transitional Words
There are many words in English that cue our readers to relationships
between sentences, joining sentences together. See below for a table of
transitional words. There you'll find lists of words such as however,
therefore, in addition, also, but, moreover, etc.
I like autumn, and yet autumn is a sad time of the year, too. The
leaves turn bright shades of red and the weather is mild, but I can't
help thinking ahead to the winter and the ice storms that will surely
blow through here. In addition, that will be the season of chapped
faces, too many layers of clothes to put on, and days when I'll have to
shovel heaps of snow from my car's windshield.
Expanding Ideas
Remember that repetition is allowed specifically the repetition of key
ideas but not the repetition of non-essential ones. It is also vital to use
varieties through the use of SYNONYMS and PRONOUNS. Likewise,
transitional words are important. They serve like oil that makes the
transitions of our ideas smooth.
Read and study the paragraph below.
Ms. Elisa C. Ferrer is a cancer survivor. Ms. Ferrer was
diagnosed last May 2016 of breast cancer. Cancerous cells were found
in her right breast. Ms. Ferrer was advised by her doctors to undergo
mastectomy and so she did undergo an operation. Ms. Ferrer
underwent an anti-cancerous treatment of chemotherapy and radiation
for her breast cancer that lasted for almost a year. She survived the
treatment. Ms. Ferrer continues an anti-cancerous maintenance pill.
Ms. Ferrer hopes to enjoy her life and continue her passion of teaching
You have noticed that the keywords, Ms. Ferrer, cancer, cancerous,
treatment, are used a little too much. You can also notice that there is
no smooth flow of ideas as the sentences do not have transitional
words. Hence, this makes the paragraph difficult to grasp.
Let us apply the principle of cohesion and coherence and let us see if our
ideas are expanded in a nicer way and easier to understand.
Ms. Elisa C. Ferrer is a cancer survivor. (Ms. Ferrer) She was
diagnosed last May 2016 (of breast cancer). The doctors found a
cancerous cell in her right breast and immediately advised her to
undergo mastectomy. Cancerous cells were found in her right breast.
Ms. Ferrer was advised by her doctors to undergo mastectomy and so
she did undergo an operation. After the operation, (Ms. Ferrer) she
underwent (an anti-cancerous treatment of) chemotherapy and
radiation (for her breast cancer) that lasted for almost a year. (She
survived the treatment). Although she survived the treatment, she (Ms.
Ferrer) continues a (an anti-cancerous) maintenance pill. Now Ms.
Ferrer (hopes to) enjoys her life and continues her passion of teaching.
Ms. Elisa C. Ferrer is a cancer survivor. She was diagnosed last May
2016. The doctors found a cancerous cell in her right breast and
immediately advised her to undergo mastectomy. After the operation,
she underwent chemotherapy and radiation that lasted for almost a
year. Although she survived the treatment, she still continues a
maintenance pill. Now she enjoys her life and continues her passion of
What principles of cohesion were applied? Lift the words or phrases
deleted or added to achieve cohesion.
LESSON 2 – Informative, Persuasive, and 10 Argumentative Writing

use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing

enumerate the characteristics of informative, persuasive and
argumentative writing;
read an article from an old newspaper and be able to write the topic
and supporting details.


Writing is an important form of communication. It allows the

students to put their feelings and ideas on paper, to organize their
knowledge and beliefs into convincing arguments and to convey meaning
through well- constructed text. It is process of using symbols to
communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form. Good writers use
different writing techniques to fit their purpose for writing.
Informative writing provides information and explanations in a
straight forward manner to the readers. Informative essays are a type of
writing that explains a certain issue or a topic. The writer of an informative
essay is kind of like a reporter at a newspaper: only there to state the
facts, not to offer any sort of opinion. In this type of an essay, the writer
should refrain from pointing out his personal ideas and beliefs. The
purpose of an informative writing is to educate others on a certain topic.
Characteristics of an Informative Writing
• Explain its importance
• Present the latest research on a topic
• Compare viewpoints on a controversial subject
• Analyze a cause-effect relationship
Parts of an Informative Writing
The beginning, or introduction, needs to present the topic and grab
your reader’s attention. It needs to include the focus sentence for the
entire essay. The first paragraph starts with a general idea and gradually
and more specific. Give some background information about the key words
and terminology.
The body of your informative essay should provide all the necessary
information and materials to your reader. It has to piece out fully the lack
of information on this issue. Use various sources, facts and expert
judgments. Make sure all your facts are accurate. Create an outline that
will organize your facts in a logical way. If a simple persuasive essay
contains one statement for one paragraph and relevant evidence, then, in
our case, each paragraph must contain a certain informative facts line.
You should restate about the seriousness of issue and summarize
the facts for and against the main topic. You should never introduce
some new information or ideas in the conclusion. Its main purpose is to
round off your informative essay by summing up.
Persuasive writing
Attempts to convince the reader that the point of view of the writer
is valid or best. Usually it is an opinion supported by evidence and
research. Persuasive writing intends to convince readers to believe in an
idea or opinion and to do an action. Many writings such as criticisms,
reviews, reaction papers, editorials, proposals, advertisements, and
brochures use different ways of persuasion to influence readers.
Characteristics of Persuasive Writing
▪ State the facts of the case
▪ Prove the topic with your arguments
▪ Disprove your opponent's arguments
▪ End the essay
Example of Persuasive Paragraph
Many students really do not like the lunch their school has to offer.
Parents pay for it because they feel their child will get healthy food and it is
convenient for them to provide it. Yet, many students throw much of it out
because they do not like their choices. The school lunch menu needs to be
changed in order to give students more choices, save money being wasted,
and provide healthier, nutritional benefits.
Parts of Persuasive
Writing Introduction
The topic sentence cannot be a fact, because facts can be debated. Topic
sentence is a statement of position. That position must be clear and direct.
The writer uses specific evidence, examples, and statistics and no
generalizations or personal opinions to persuade the reader that the stated
position is a valid one.
When closing the essay, it is important to clearly redefine the topic and
restate the most compelling evidence cited the same way it was stated in
the essay is a valid one.
writing tries to convince his audience that his opinion is valid. An
argumentative essay contains a combination of facts and writer’s personal
ideas. A writer preparing to start an argumentative essay has to do a lot of
research and gather evidence to prove and defend his point. An
argumentative essay is biased and subjective, although the writer has to be
aware of the opposing views on the subject.
Characteristics of an Argumentative Writing
• Presents or explains the issue or case
• Gives reasons and supports these reasons to prove its point
• Refutes opposing arguments
Example of Argumentative Paragraph
Have you ever wanted to give someone the perfect birthday present, but
didn’t know what to do? There is a yummy, sweet, solution that will show
that special someone how much you care –make a delicious cake! It is
easier than you may realize. Regardless of if you’re a natural chef in the
kitchen or do not know a teaspoon from a table spoon, baking a cake is an
easy task that can make anyone look like a “Cake Boss.” All you need is a
little time, love, and the necessary ingredients from the grocery store.
Parts of an Argumentative Writing
First is the introductory paragraph. It introduces the problem and gives
the background information needed for the argument and the thesis
Each supporting paragraph must have a distinct (clear) controlling topic
and all other sentences must factually relate to it. Transition words and
phrases are important in helping the reader follow along and reinforce your
The concluding paragraph should restate the thesis and main supporting
ideas. Never introduce new information in the conclusion. Finish with a
strong statement that reinforces your position in a meaningful and
memorable way.


Cohesion – Identifying and Using a Range of Conjunctions.” Education, June 22, 2020.
Google Search. Google. Accessed July 19, 2020.
Nordquist, Richard. “Build and Connect Sentences Using Transitional Words and Phrases.”
ThoughtCo. Accessed July 25, 2020.
O'Regan, David. “Coherence.” Cohesive Devices, 2002. July 20, 2020.
“Test Yourself: Make It Coherent.” Write Site, Athabasca University. Accessed August 3,
upscale_93 Follow, Phil. Muhammad Almaliki. “Coherence and Cohesion.” LinkedIn
SlideShare, August 16, 2016. Retrieved July 29, 2020.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Lingayen, Pangasinan

Name Score
Gr. & Sec. Grade 10 – Earth
Subject English 10 (Q3M2)


Directions: Read the paragraph below. Applying the principles of cohesion and coherence,
answer the questions that follow to make the given sentences coherent

1. What terms are overly repeated all throughout the paragraph?

A. Coronavirus B. Disease C. Transmit
2. What Pronoun should be used in place of overly repeated term?
A. It B. They C. We
3. What is the most appropriate transitional word to connect these two
ideas? Coronavirus are not a new concept for the medical unit around the
globe/ novel Coronavirus-2019 is the new arrival of viruses in the family of
A. and B. but C. so
4. In the sentence, “Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) was transmitted
from Birds to animals” what transition word is best to insert in between the
words was and transmitted?
A. initially B. then C. therefore
5. In this sentence, “The first animal to human transmission was observed
or we can say that the origin of Novel Coronavirus was in Wuhan, China”
what is the best transition word to insert at the beginning of the sentence?
A. Initially B. Then C. Therefore

Activity 2

Imagine that you are one of the youth leaders in your barangay. You are
tasked to deliver a short inspirational message to the young people whose
parents lost their jobs because of crisis. Upload the video to your
messenger group. Also, be sure to follow the principles of cohesion and
coherence and be guided by the rubrics below.

Activity 3

Direction: Identify which type of writing is being described. Write

Informative, Persuasive or Argumentative on the spaces provided.

_________________1. Mobile Legends should be legalized as a Sport

_________________2. Inspiring Nations
_________________3. Students Who Study Abroad Achieve Greater Success
_________________4. A letter to the governor explaining why the tax
increase is a bad idea
_________________5. Social Media’s Destruction or Benefit to Social

Activity 4:
Direction: Based on each introductory paragraph, determine what each of
the following paragraphs will be about?

1. The other day when I was walking to school, I saw a street cleaner sit in the
truck while his partner did all of the work. Both of those people were getting paid.
People need to take street cleaning more seriously. Street cleaning is important
because it decreases the pollution, it gives our city a better look, and it increases

What will be the first paragraph all about?

What will be the second paragraph all about?

What will be the third paragraph all about?

2. Need to raise money for your school? There are many fundraising
options, and some of them are better than others. What you choose to sell
for your fundraiser should align with the values that your school
promotes. If your school is actively trying to promote a healthy school
lunch program, then junk foods should not be sold for school fundraisers
Selling junk food presents a conflict of interest. It suggests that the school
approves of unhealthy foods, and it contributes to a decline in health for
What will be the second paragraph all about?

What will be the third paragraph all about?

will be the fourth paragraph all about?

Post Test
Directions: Expand the main idea by supplying the most appropriate
supporting details to achieve coherent paragraph
Main Idea: We have a strong bond and emotional connection with nature.
1. What would be the next most appropriate sentence to write?
A. It is that natural and physical world that surrounds us and makes life possible on
B. Nature is that natural and physical world that surrounds us and makes life
possible on earth.
C. They are that natural and physical world that surrounds us and makes life
possible on earth.
2. What would be the 3rd sentence?
A. It is the heart of earth.
B. Nature is the heart of earth.
C. They are the heart of earth.
3. What would be the 4th sentence?
A. Furthermore, nature heals us and helps build connection with our freedom,
authenticity and our souls
B. Furthermore, it also heals us and helps build connection with our freedom,
authenticity and our souls
C. Nature heals us and helps build connection with our freedom, authenticity and
our souls
4. What would be the 5th sentence?
A. Connecting and feeling nature gives us a divine pleasure.
B. Simply, connecting and feeling nature gives us a divine pleasure.
C. Simply, connecting and feeling it gives us a divine pleasure
5. And what do you think would be the last sentence to write?
A. It is undeniable that nature plays a vital role in our lives.
B. Its vital role in our lives is really undeniable
C. Nature’s vital role in our lives is really undeniable

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