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Nama : Devy Ayu Rhamadhani

NIM : 191910801016

Analyzing IPR Study Curves

IPR (Permeability Assumption)

Bottom-hole pressure (Pwf)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Production rate (q)

k=7 k = 11 k = 17

The first variation is done on the value of the permeability (k). Where the variation used
is 7, 11, 17 and of course the k used will also have an impact on the q result. It can be seen in the
graph above that with the same pwf of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 4500, and 5651, the direction of
the graph decreases. When the pwf is small, then q is getting bigger. When viewed from the line,
when the permeability (k) is getting bigger, the result is q will be bigger too. Permeability is the
ability of a rock to pass one fluid. This means that the impact of a large permeability will cause
the fluid flow rate to be even greater because the rock is able to pass the fluid. So the comparison
is directly proportional.

IPR (Pay Zone Thickness Assumption)

Bottom-hole pressure (Pwf)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Production rate (q)

h = 44 h = 78 h = 91

The second variation is done on the value of Pay Zone Thickness (h). Where the variation
used is 44, 78, 91 and of course the h used will also have an impact on the q result. It can be seen
in the graph above that with the same pwf of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 4500, and 5651, the
direction of the graph decreases. Same as before that when the pwf is small, then q is getting
bigger. If it is seen from the line, when the thickness of the productive zone is greater, the
production flow rate will be greater, because the thicker the productive zone, it is possible to
increase the perforation hole so that production can be greater. The relationship between Pay
Zone Thickness and flow rate is directly proportional.

IPR (Reservoir Pressure Assumption)

Bottom-hole pressure (Pwf) 2500
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Production rate (q)

Pr = 2364 Pr = 3861 Pr = 4219

The third variation is done on the value of Reservoir Pressure (Rp). Where the variation
used is 2364, 3861, 4219 and of course Rp used will also have an impact on the results of q. It
can be seen in the graph above that with the same pwf of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 4500, and
5651, the direction of the graph decreases. Same as before that when the pwf is small, then q is
getting bigger. If seen from the line, when the Reservoir Pressure (Rp) is getting bigger, the
result q will be even bigger. Reservoir pressure means the fluid pressure in the pores and
fractures, which reflects the energy of the reservoir and is the force that drives the fluid to move
in the reservoir. This means that the impact of a large reservoir pressure will cause the fluid flow
rate to be even greater because the force that drives the fluid to move in the reservoir is also
large. So the comparison is directly proportional.

IPR (Fluid Viscosity Assumption)

Bottom-hole pressure (Pwf)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Production Rate (q)

CPs = 1.7 CPs = 1.8 CPs = 1.9

The fourth variation is done on the value of Fluid Viscocity (Cp). Where the variation
used is 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and of course the Cp used will also have an impact on the q result. It can be
seen in the graph above that with the same pwf of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 4500, and 5651, the
direction of the graph decreases. Same as before that when the pwf is small, then q is getting
bigger. Fluid Viscosity is the viscosity of a fluid which indicates the size of the fluid's internal
friction. If the viscosity is greater, it will decrease, this is because if the fluid has a high viscosity,
the fluid will become more viscous, making it more difficult to flow. So the relationship between
fluid viscosity and production flow rate is inversely proportional.

IPR (Reservoir Radius Assumption)

Bottom-hole pressure (Pwf)

re = 2364
3000 re = 2788
re = 2945
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Production rate (q)

The fifth variation is carried out on the value of Re. Where the variation used is 2364,
2788, 2945 of course the Re used will also have an impact on the q result. It can be seen in the
graph above that with the same pwf of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 4500, and 5651, the direction of
the graph decreases. Same as before that when the pwf is small, then q is getting bigger. When
viewed from the line, the greater the value of Re, the lower the flow rate. This is because the
greater the Re, the greater the cross-sectional area, which in Bernoulli's law states that the cross-
sectional area is inversely proportional to the flow rate. Where the greater the cross-sectional
area, the lower the flow rate. So the relationship between Re and the production flow rate is
inversely proportional.

IPR (Wellbore Radius Assumption)

Bottom-hole pressure (Pwf)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Production rate (q)

rw = 0.421 rw = 0.733 rw = 0.924

The last variation is done on the welbore value. Where the variation used is 0.421, 0.733,
0.924 and of course the welbore used will also have an impact on the q result. It can be seen in
the graph above that with the same pwf of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 4500, and 5651, the direction
of the graph decreases. Same as before that when the pwf is small, then q is getting bigger. The
welbore radius means the value that produces the same output as that obtained using the zero
shell factor. If the welbore radius is higher, the production flow rate will be higher too, because
of the tendency of the fluid to flow from high pressure to low pressure, so the flow rate value
becomes large. So the relationship between the welbore radius and the production flow rate is
directly proportional.

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