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6.1 Introduction
Fenilization h rhe application of fertilizer for the benefit L)f the crops. It 111:t)
be traditi o nal broadcastin!:! c•r fe11igation. In broadcasting method the fc:-rtili zL'r
is a0p!ied in ,.:oncentratec!--granul .i ,~ form . The size of the granules ranges from
granubr du:-,1 to pellet size. These solid tti1ilizers get dissolved by the rain L)) .
irrigated \\'att'r to leach do\\'n the plat root zone. This mc:'rlwd rc~sults UllC\'i.:: n
nu1rient dt>livay due 10 uneven dissolving the fertilizer granules. It may L·ausc
bun1ing of plant leaves and root system due to uneven and uncontrolled relcaSL'
of nutn enrs. Dry fertilizer~ can vo latilize and release gases which may damagL'
or burn the nearby foliage. Availability of fertilizer to the plant root zone lar~cl)
depends on the temperature and availability of water to dissolve the fertilizers .

In fertigation liquid or water-soluble fertilizer. soil amendments or n t I,er

produc1s required by the plant<s is either sprayed on to the plant material or
applied !l> the plan! bottom \\·irh iITigation water. Foliar application prc)\'i de ~
high r.11c nf ubsorptinn of feni lizer through the le;1Us1alk/ brand1 struclurc.-. . o f
plants. Ground application also provides good c<..msiste11L'.Y in making its \\':l)
to root /.One and plant absorpti on. Thus , the fcrrigation prnvides bc11t'fi r ot
increased nutrient absorption: decrease water needs, and reduce rhe fertilizer
and chemicai use (Anonymous, 2005 ). ;
Drip irrigation provides goud oppor't unity for prec1s1011 and ei.:01101111(
application of fertilizers. The root system of tbe pbnts devc.>l0ps e.xte11.,iVL~ly in
r•:stri cted area under drip iITigation. The fertilizers are pbced in this high
concentrated root zone area along with tJ1e '-V:.l ter, \,-1..- Jijch f..n-ors efficient upLakc·
of nutiients. Hrnvever, necessary care should be taken to ensure coITect amount
of fertilizer lo the correct place and fenilization do nor encourage cloggin~.
Fe11iga~ion through drip may not be muib efficient unless the flow through the
system 1s steady enough and tmiforn1ity of applicati on of \-vater throurh e111iners
is within the applicable limit. ~
Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation

flrtp 1rr:g ;-_ ti(1ll ~ystc m I\ :--u gge-.;trd fur tk sign for discharge variation (lf
dist til~ r: m; -~iot .i11;;r~ than ) ,:; from tht: and emission· un.ifonuity 94<fo
i. K~ 1r i11cTi & ""Rl~lk~-· 1·q 75 i Tile L'l1ernical~ applied in c lripsy~t~'in should be
c0mpictdy sc1lubk . TilL'tL' arr St)(llC ch~rnicals which are coated with clay or
\\'~'°' m ~1tcrial to rrcvt.'nt i.'. ~1k111g in storage . This coating may cause to form
sludgt' to ckposit on the hottnru nf ti;~ fertilizer tank. Using the discharge tube
fwm the tank at s<Jme height from bottom may allow the safe depos it nf the
sludge at the hottorn and period1L·al washin~ prevent it being carried up to the
di s tributors . Injection pnints tu he s eln'.tcd before th e filters so that the
contaminants get filtered before it rei1ch to the emitters.
Advantage of fcrtigatio11

I. Uniformity of application ~p1d better absorption: Chemicals are

rrecis e ly appli ed with wate,: at the desired location with uniform
di s tribution and gn-: :Hcr absorption hy the crops.

Less expensive: Application cos t of L'hemica\s is less expensive due to

ics'.; labor anJ 1:.'ner~y ,.:ost than l raditiona1 app.iication .
.' . Rcdnccd compacfion and crop damage: Compaction and crop damage
possibility from fertilizer distr,ibution equipments is avoided .
..i . operation hazard: Since the operator is not riding on or carrying
the system, there is less possibility uf contact with chemicals through
drip, frequent filling or other exposures .
5. Avoid leaching: Leaching of fertilizer could be avoided by lower doses
of fertilizer in split application . Minimize nutrient losses hy applying
fertilizer around the plants only.

6. Reduce fertilizer requiren1ey1ts: Saving in fertilizer by 25- :~0% over

traditional method of application. Macro and micro nutrients can be
::1pplied in one solution with irrigation.
7. Better yield: There is possibility of 25-50% increased yield due tn even
di stribution of fertilizer and water.
Disml vantages
1. Higher management pra.ctic_e.s: Pe1iect chemical application requires
skills and knmvleclgc about; the fertilizer, fertilizer equipment~ and
i1Tigatio11 sy stem .
A.dditional equipments: The in_jcction equipments and c:afetv ckv1c e s
and storage tank~ arc required .
- - - - - --· - ·- --- -- ---· - - ------

3. Fertilizer solubility: Readily water soluble fertilizer and liquid fertilizers

are suitable for fertigation . Slowly water soluble fertilizer like super
phosphate and calcium ammonium are not suitable for fcrigation.
4. Chances offertilizer precipitation: Some fertilizer like phosphate may
precipitate in the pipe line.
5. Co"osion: Equipments need to be r ,ade corrosion resistant to its sensitive
6. Crusting soil surface: Chemical application also causes some soil
compaction and fomrntion of soil cn1st.

6.2 Fertilizers in Drip Fertigation

Nitrogen (N) is the major plant nutrient which is applied often in quantity in
soil to achieve good production. However, nitrogen availability in soil is lim.ted
hecause in vari ous forms it get leached, utilized , deni1rified or fixed in the
organic fonnation of ~oil (Buck, I 986). There arc so many fo r rn ~ of nitrogen
available in the market. The major sources of fertilizer- N are anh yd rou s
ammonia, urea. urea sulphate (US-28), urea ammoni um nitrate ( UAN-32 ).
ammonium sulphate. aqua ammonia. ammonium phosphate. ammonium nitrate
and calcium nitrate-. The Table 6.1 gives a list of fertilizer~ alnng with their
solubility and pe~cent of compositions.
Table 6. J Solubili ty and ·1.·01np0sition of some commercial fertilizer ma1 ~riah
- - ·--- --·- --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Ma ten al Approximate part~ Average p,~rcent
,p! uhilit y in I 00 part--; nutrient compos Hi on 1 ,t 111 .11~ -.;
cold water N p
- - -- - - - - - --···-- - - - -· - - - - - K O the r,
--- -- ·
Major nutrients.
Amonium nitrate 11 R ,3.5 ~ JI

Anunon1um sulfate 71 21
Calcium nitrate I 02 15.:i 21 Ca
Diammc,nium phosphate 41 21 11 .5
i\fonoarnmonium pho.<..phatc 2.~ 11 10.~-
Orthophos phorrc acid 550 49
Pntassium chloride 35
Potassium nitrate IJ 14 ~9
P1)tassi11m sulfalt' I:?
45 185
.Sodium ni trare 73 lb
Superphusph:H(". ., inglr 2
4 -5 2l>Ca
l .~S
180 Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation

(Contd. Table 6. 1)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - -
Material Approximate pan, Average p t;1 ten!
solubility in I 00 part~ nutrient composition •>f mat~rial_s _ __
cold water N - -- - -- p-~-~--~ Others
- - - -- - -- - - - - -
Superphosphate. Do:,ible 4 9-1 (J UCn
Urea 78 -+5-46
Copper sulfate 22 25Cu
Ferrous sulfate 29 20Fe
Manganese sulfate 105 25 Mn
Sodium borate 5 11B
Sodium molybdate ?6 40Mo
Zinc sulfate 75 22Zn
Fe-EDDHA' 9 6Fe
Fe-DTPA' 22 IOFe
- -- - - -- - - - - --
Courtesy: Nakayama & Buck ( 1986)

The water quality to be taken in to consideration when N 1s applied in drip

irrigation system. Anhydrous ammnnia or aqua ammoni,1 when injected to
irrigation water it increases the pH l)f water which situati .) ll is conduci ve to the

precipitation of calcium, magne~iurn and phosphorous and formation of

complex magnesium ammonium phosphates which afL' in:-.oluble (Nakayama
& Bucks, 1986). The situation deterior Hes further in the pn.!scnce of bicarbonate
in irrigation water (Rolston l:t al.. 1987) . Opposite to th~ preceding. NH 1 NO ~
causes a sharp decreas.e in soil pH and soluble aluminum 111 tht' wetted zone
(Ed·vards et al., 1982), nitrate salts. such as potassium n1trall" or calcium nitrat e
cause little change to pH of water.
Ammonium sulphate causes seriou, c logging :md phospli;11L' 111 it tonn~ ,.:nmpl<.:'I'..
prec ipitates. if calcium and mag11csium presenh i1: \" _,t er. Urea is ve ry
commonly used for the source of nitrogen. lt is very gn,,d I\) s,-lluble in water
and reacts little with water to form ions unless enz:,.r111e urca:-;e is prese nt.
However, urease is present in water which contains large ,unount of algae or
other microorganisms. The urease cannot be filtered out ,rnd it causes hydrolysis
of urea to form ammonium ion.

Phosphate fenilizers are usually not injected in drip irrigation \Vater ivlost ot
the phosphorous ferti!izers are susceptible to chemical ancl physical precipitation
problem and clo~~mg ~o the emitters. The problem of cl oggin g due tl"•
phosphorous fertilizer increases furthe-r in the pre,,~nce of caktum and
magnesium in irrigat:ton water. However. such proble m can be avoided if

ph<~~phonc or sulfuric acid can be added to irrigation water. Phosphoric or

,.;;u 11 un c acid helps in keeping the p'' of water low and the salts to remain
in so/uhle (Rauschkolb cc al.. 1976)
_P otassium t-ertigation provides no adverse;' reaction wh e n they are applied alone
rn water. The choice of K fe1tilizer depends on crop needs. crop tolerance,
m e lhod of application, other elements present in th e fertilizer. fertilizer
a vailability and overall the cost. The K tontent in pota~sium chloride (KCL)
accounts 90% and highest in among all fertilizer fonned by- K 2 S04 , K 2 S04 .
:2MgSO_1 • KNO3 . K 2 HPO4 & KH 2 PO4 • Naturally, the ~election of a particular
fL·nilizer depends on the availability of materials. Pota!-.:-.ium chlo1ide sometime
not preferred because its ability to cr.ipride toxicity. The drip system is
L·on venient ·and efficient for correcting K deficiency by allowing low rates and
frequent applications. However, since the drip water is applied to a limited soil
\'O lume the salts tends to accumulate in around the periphery of the wetted
\ li/ume. the highly soluble fertilizers like KCL or many nthe-r fe11i1i7ers applil'J
111 a c()nf111ed volume of soil and water increases rhe -.; aJrniry to a great extent.

Th 1: cxlenr of development of such salinity need:-. frequent measurl:.'.ment

, >th e n viSL' significant decrease in growth and yield may uccur.

Micro fertigation
\/anou.-, micronutrient compounds such as sulfate and d1elates are generall y
us;ed for c orrecting micronutrients deficiencies. lrun and zinc chelates have
, L'l") good suitability and may have leas t problem" ru dnppers . Research wd1 k

l'- ... 111/ inadequate rn effiL·iencies of micronutrients applied through dnp \\':tlt.'r.
i _1nd,._,c, & New ( J 974) repo11ed IO\.\'er cosr in app lic ar w n uf zinc chelate in
/"ll'L·; rn ;ret· through drip ., y.\ tem than tbliar applh' Jtion . Zinc de fi c it>ncy in
urc/wrcb can be con-ecteJ successfully by injecting 1 111 c "ulfate in to drip w:1tcr
iH a /es.-.. L·ost than foliar application (Francis. 197 7 l

6.3 Drip Fertigation Systems

Soluble fe11ilizers may be applied in drip in-igation -.ystem 111 many \\'ays.
However, the cornrnonly used system may be grouped as

( i; Suction iujeciion system i-

( 11 ! The pressure differennal system

( 1111 The pump injection system

18? Onp ond Spnnk1,Jr lrriq&l1<i n

Suct ion inj< dio11 system 1

11 is th,.~sirnpll!'-l method nf applicatic;n of f•: rtiljzer in drip irrigation "'Y" lern .

A..., shown in 1-'i g. (1 . I tht:rc 1<.; " by- pas~ line of U-shape connected 111 the 111::1111
line ol' tlw drir 1.,y-;tem. A venture .section is inserted in the middle of the hy
pas:-. A pipe.: 1...., connected to l'he venture to the open supply fort i Ii ;,er ..,, ,I 11ti1>11
t;1nk . Wht:n flow occurs through the main and the by-pass line. the· ve nturi
:cct:on dropc.; pn.:-;surc: hy increasing th e velocity of flow. This ncgau \ c r1 e..,,,irL·

draws th e fe rtili ;,cr<, S()lution in the tank and injec t to the drip , y.., 11·111

Prc.r.;surc differential system ·,

In prt·-.-..urc diffcrcnt i,d sy,tt·m, press ure difference i:,. created hc twl'Cn til e inl et
ancl outlet pipe 1>1' th e lcrtilizcr t.1nks by using the pressure reclucin,l! \' ;tl v l ' 111
the venturi lllhc 111 th e main line ~ct between th e inlet and outlet pqw tc i thl'
tank <Fig.6.2), Thi . ., arrangement cau~ ., ll ow of water in the t.1nk thn ,ut2 h rill'
inlet pipe ;ind 1he fe rtili;.,,cr mixed water in the tank to th e main ,, :tl L' I , 11ppl)
line through rhc () tJtl ct piJw of the tan~ . Thu...,, the ~olution con..,ta11tl > 1, di l11tl'd
hy ril e nc\\' wntt' r cnter111 g to the tank j111c.l d1-">rlac mg the chem1 c"t1 " 1cI til l· n1,u11
line. Mon· 1~ the ~lo-; in g of rL·due111~ Va l·:c . more the water tl<J \ \ l1 <in 1 1.1:11. Ill
nrnin line. lt i.-.. nccl·-.;-.;a ry to c,tlibr::itL' th e tank di scharge and th e pn:-..._ur~· ~1:1d11.; nt
r, r c rnpty 1I1~) th e
1 k rti Ij / C! i 11 th e l:111 K 111 c.k ~i n.:d t j me .

-------, __
,,....._ ., . ., ..-=7 ~-1~
' ~• - --

· L
':I -
~ . -- - - -
• I
··. I

Fi~. 6.J St1Lti,.1n 1nJt'... iJr 111 ,:,--,tern 1-;i mpk-,1 fonn •

Tht',Ld L'I -~1 !. ( 2004, <..taied the di:-,: hargt'." of th e rank at dffferent pr1:.· ,-.. u1c
~~ radit'nt n ah!t: A.2 ). In thi.., ..;ystem. the L'Oncc-ntration of the chenucd-. in th l'
t,ink chan~cs cc>ntinuou"!) with the adYancement of time. Howe, er. there -.;rh,uld
rwt _he an:-: ~>rob!t..-m n~· uni fnnnity in- dist1iburion t_)f fertil inT or app1r\.: ::f l\ in . .f
t·ntm: krt1l 1?er !I , uft tc it·n! frmt· i;-; ,dl n,vtd for dppl kation.
Fertilization 18 l

Table 6.2 tn :t:ct1on r.n~· !"1\m, .1 fe1 til t Lc1 LM, h. .11 d · fferent pressure gradient and inlet-outlet

Gradient ( m l. P Tank injecti o n (I ph l Tank injection (lph)

D = 0.5.,, D = 3/8"
1.0 660 320
.2 .CJ 990 500
.LO 1200 650
•I 0 1350 760
50 1500 850
6.0 1650 940
7.0 1800 1030
·- - -----------------
.. II
Pressure differential ~ys tem is suirable in construction and operation, portable,
resi stant to pressure and di scharge variations. However. there is little or no
control of chemical inject ion rate or concentration of chemicals in the inigation
water during the time uf operation . The tank should be made of materials
protected from possibk 1:orrosion a nd should withstand the required pressure
. ·c· ~ ·ne
1n 1 . 1
· ,. , - ··u :
u-;e 01 "etH 11
··0·· _ _ __ . ; _ ,. A: i·~-~ --~ "'t; .... 1 ..--ro,•s nr,:, in thp ,·imnlPst fr.rm
1 1 L-tc:<1t111.::- u1111..-, .._,l1L1a, 1-'' '"'·' • ,,. ,., ...... ...., ' "'"t'''-' •• ~ - ...
permit<; the use of ope11 fertilizer tank (Fi g . 6.1 ).

The pump injectors

In pump injectors the fe rtilizer solution in an open tank is injected in the m"'in
supply line by using the pump driven hy the motor or the water pressure in the
n!ain line tFig.6.3). In motor dri ven pump the quantity of injectio1; can be
increased or decreased at will. The water pressure driven pu~p regu~ates the
quantity proportional w the pressure or the quantity of flow in the ma1n line.
The pumps are usu,tll) rotary, gear. piston or diaphragm type . The fertilizer
tank used in the sys tem remains open and usually made of lighter rnaterial s.
The piston or diaphragm pump injects the chemical solution in to the main line
at higher pressure than the pressure in the main. This system is preferred when
rated chemical concentration requ ires to be maintained in the line. Therefore,
the system is provided with flow meters. back pressure regulators and flow
control valves. The va1ious components have to be well matched to ensure
desired flow rate in the dnp system .
_ :::()::__-__-:_-:__-:__-:.._-_-:.._-_ - ---------~---
B = Back-flow preventor
C = Check valve
fv1 = Mernhrane
P = Pres~urc control valve
PR = Pressure relief valve
V = Flow control valve

Fit'. - 6.j Pump in1 (:c ll \J ( r-o--ic1ve: displacernl"nt i

184 Onp and Sprinkler lrr,gation
- - - ---- --- -------- - ---- -

Syste.n hygiene ·
Fertilizer application through irrigation makes availability of nutrients and
possibility of growing more bacteria, algae and slime in the system. Therefore,
care should be taken for regular removal it through chlorine or acid. Chlorine
should not be used with fertilizer injection since it may tic up the nutrient s and
cause them to unavailability to the plants. It is necessat) to flush of nut1ient-;
before completion of irrigation.

6.4 Rate of Fertilizer Application

The calculation of rate of fertilizer application is required to avoid the danger
of over fertilization. The rate of fertilizer application is sitt "pecific and depends
mostly on soil, crop, nutrient required, farm area, climate. quantity and quality
of water to be applied, fertilizer injector and system dl! s; 1gn. Application o f
desired amount of fertilizer in a short. time may cause !ugh concentration ot
nutrients and thereby plant damage. High nutrient concent1 <.1tion leads to tox icity.
rapid change in soil pH and excessive increase in soil salinity of soil and water.
In most of the cases the nutrients requirements can be inet ,tt c1 concentrati on l'l
1OOn1g/l in drip water. The injection rate of fertilizer thwugh drip may he
calculated through the following equation (Nakayama & Bu ck. 1986).

(! , = lh . I1

Where. Q 1 = quantity of fertilizer to be applied, m-'/h

F, = fertilizer rate per application. kg/ha

A = area to be fertilized. ha

N ,. = nutrient concentration in the stock solution. k.g/ m '

T = period of injection, h

Knowing the projectedthe concentration of nutrients i II drip water can b~

detennined b

C-- -F,
" \.' <b .2 l

C = concentration of nutrients, kg/m3


V = volume of water applied. m·'/ha

---- - -- ·- - - -- - - - ---- - -- --- -- -- . - -- - - -- --- -·--·

Ha\"ln~ "elected the desired concentration of nutrient the irrigation water.

the rar; \)f injection can be determined fromfh e flow rate of the syste m , densi ty,
and pcrLentage of nutrie nt in the fertilizer .b y

Q, = - -'' - (6.3)

\Vhere. Q = ~ate of fl ow. m 1/h

p = density of fertilizer solution, fg/m::
p = fertilizer solutio n. vol/vol

The rate of application is as he low \.Vhen dry fertilizer i~ u sed

F = CQ_ (6.-+)
,/ p

\\' here . F 1 =. dry fertilizer to be injected. kg/h

C= desired c1mccntratinn. kg/m '

Exan1ple 6.1 A orchard r·ir!J i~ irrigated throu gh drip fertigation . ln each
irri gati on 0.4.5kgN i~ applied to each pl ant \.\ 1th 5mm water. The spaci ng of
plant 1~ 5m x5 rn . l.·alculatt' la l surface ratc> ot fe rtilizer application. and (.b)
L"l inL·cntration of fe11iliLer 111 dnp \Vater. Assume the we tted m-ea 3oc,,;-
. lOOOOm- •
S1)iut1on: (a) No. of plam:-./ ha = _ _ =; -WO
)m\ )m

Fertilizer appl 1ed 111 11\. eral I area/h a = -ioo x U.-+5 = 180kg

180k "
.-\ctual suit'acc r.1tc ot fe rtiilzcr aJJplicatHm = -~ = 600ke? / f-/ u
O.."i .

{b) Concentration of nutrients, Cl.= F,


_ 180kg I Ha l 80xl 000000mg

- 5-;,,mxl 0000m I Ha
2 := 500001 - --

= 3600rng I I

Example 6.2 In a drip fenigat1on 33o/c liquid nitro~en of densirv I 3:ik ~11 i:;
used with de~ired conccntratinn of nutrient flo\v 20{)m0:/L the flo,;, thn:m~l1 th~

, y:--tem i~ 0 .51/s. \Vhat is the rate of appli cation of fertilizer': --

Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation Fertili2
-- --- - - - - - --- ----- - - - - --- -

Solution: \Ve have Q,- = C,,Q o .3

. pP

200mg I !'C0.Sl Is 6.4

=----'- - - -
I .JJkg I lx0.33 6 .5

2xl0- ' kg I lx0.51 I s

= - -- --
l .31kg / /r0.33
= 2. 27'8.J,f I ~
== (1.S2/ / h
Example 6.3 Dry fertili zer of 46l/r, c o nce ntration to be applied with desired
concentr:1tion of 150mg/l . the flo\.V through the drip sy"tem is 0.>51/s. w hat is
the r~1tio of fr rtili zer injection? •f

/' - , CQ A
Sol11fi~rn: \Ve ha ve. 'F;, =

150mg I !x0.35/ Is
= 0.46
=ll4. 13mg/s
= 0.4 1kg I Ii
Example 6.4 A chemical of concentration ::2.0.000 me/11, rn1u1rcd t(1 he diluted
to 0.5me/1 in the main line. Find the required dilutio n of the che1111L·al in the
snlution rank if the flow rate ratio of the injecto r pump and ma 111 line i:-. I :500.
Solution: The required final dilution i:-: O.Sme/1
= U.5 :20.000 = l >-i-0000
The dilut10n between injt~ctor and supply line= l :500
Thert>fnre, the chemical in the solution tank to be diluted to 500:40000 = I :XU
i.e .. one liter 0f the concentrated chemical to be diluted in to 79 liters ur water
t0 get the second3ry stock solution in the tank

Questions and Problems

6. 1 Define fertigation. \Vhat are the advantage s and di-.; ad \·antage-; of
ferti gation over traditional fet1ilization·.>

6.:: Discuss the nitrogen as fe rtili zer input \lllder dnp '-YSi.t"'tn .
Fertilization 187

o..~ Disc . ss the scope o f potassium and phosphate fertilizers in drip

ferti1: 1tion.
6.4 Di sc11 ~s the scope of micronutrients in fertigation.
6.5 Disc,, ss the pressure differential ferl ilizer applicator with necessary
sketc · . 6.6 An orchard field of plant spacing 4.5m x 4.5m is irrigated
wih ~, nm water. Each plan is provided with 0.25kgN and weed area is
33 q ._1 _'akulate the concentration of fertilizer in drip water in mg/1 .
Ans. 3087 . ~mg/I
6. 7 The c ,ncentration of a chemical is 25,000me/1 which to be injected in
drip \1 ·.1ter. The' flow rate in injector pump and the main line are 5 &
~.0001/h resp1xrivel). If the desired solution of the chemical is l.25me/
I in the main line, what is the secondary dilution in the solution tank?
Ans. I :50
6 .8 Selel't the appropriate answer from the following multiple-choice
yue ~tion .-. .

Drip irrigation sy.-..1cm is suggested for emission uniformity not more

( a l l.)() 1 r (h) 92 °1< ..
094% (d) 96%
Po1a,-.; ,-..ium chloride· accounts K contents

(d) 5w·; ( h ) 60 9{ (c) 70% (d) 90%

J Fcniguli()!l saves r°LTtilizer approximately

(ul .2() .. _25r;,,:. (b-(:2 -; -J09r (c) .30-35 % (d ) 35-40%

• -+ . Fenigation mcreas,: s yield approximately

(a) 20-2S 9c· (b) .!i -30% (C) 30-35 % (.d') 25-50%

5. 200kg fertilizer is a 1)plied wfrh l On1m water in 1ha area. The concentration
of fertilizer is

(a) 200mg/I (b) ~00mg/1 (c) I 500mg/1 (d} 2000mg/I

Ans. I (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (d)

6 .9 Write True or Fals~~ of the following statements.

Drip irrigation is ~uggested for disr ~iarge \.lffliation of distributors not

more than 5%. _,,

Nitrogen ,n-ailabi l ty in soil is abundant.

"188 Drip and Spririkler irrigation
__ _______-
., - - - -- - -- - --- - -- --- - -

3. Urea sulphate (US-28) is one of the major sourcn, of nitrogen fertilizer.

4. Phosphate ·fertilizers are usually not in-igated in drip irrigation water.
5. Clogging due to phos~1'orous f ✓rtilizers increase:-- further in the presence
of calcium and magnesium in irrigation water.
6. Potassium fertilizer provides adverse reaction when they are applied alone
in water.
7. Pressure differential system provides goocl urnformity in fertilizer
application. ·,
8. Venturi fertilizer applicator shouid have a closed fertilizer tank.
9. The pump injectors are essentially motor driven .
10. It is essential tocalibrate the tank discharge and I he pressure gradient for
emptying the fertilizer in the tank in desired timt·
Ans. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4 . True 5. True 6 . False 7 Trne 8. Fal se 9 . False I
10.True I

Anonymous (2005).
N:i.byama. F.S. and Bucks. D.A.( 1986 ). Trickle In-igat1on !"or C 1op \>r,1dud1nn : Design. Opera tit 111
and Maintenance. Elsevier. Amstcrdam-Oxtord-Nnv Yorh- lokyo.
Franc, ,. L. ( 1977). Fertilization with drip irrigation : Co ncept-- . practices anu prohk111 ,
Proc. Annual Technical Cont'.. · Utah. lrrigation .-\ssol iat1 1. ,r1. Sil ver Spring. Maryland
pp. 80-87.
Karmeli . D. and Keller. J. ( I 975 J. Trickle In-igation Design . Rain Hird Spnnkler Manut'.h.:turin~
Corp., Glendora. Califor~(a. pp.133 '
Rausch~ol~, _R.~., Rol_ston. :°·~--Miller. R. ~ .. Carlton. A.B. and Bu r.1u. R.G. ( I ~7oJ . Phosphowu,
lcrt1'1zat1on wllh dnp migatinn. Soil Sci . Soc. Arner. J. 4( 1 68-72.
Rolston. D.E., Rauschkolb, R.S.. Phene. C.J .. Miller. R.J .. Unu . K.. < ·c1rl"on. R.tv1. and Handcrs()n.
D.W. (1979). Applying Nutnents and Othtr to Trid:le !1n gated Crop:.. llni, . ni Call
Bull. I 983, Berkeley, California.pp. 14
Thokal. R.T.. ~ahale, _D.M. and Powar. A.G. (2004) . Dnp lrrig,1t 11 >n system: Clogging and tt ~
Prevention. Pointer Publjshers. Jaipur.

□□ u


Low Cost Drip System

Drip system has great promise for efficient utilization of available irrigation
water. In our country and elsewhere in the world the scientists arc unanimously
agreed to adopt drip irrigation method for higher application efficiency and
thereby better use of scarce irrigation water. Saksena ( 1993) reported water
h1s~es of only 1-2% in drip inigation in coruparison to 6-9% in sprinkler and
30-35% in surface inigation method. However, very s1naJJ area compared to
t,ther methods of irrigation so far is irrigated by drip system in our coumry. Up
to 2000 the total area under drip irrigatidn was 2.59.600 ha in India (Alain &
Kumar. 2000). Initial high investment for drip network and pun1ping systc1n.
of course. are discouraging to the most of our farmers. Sharma & AbroJ ( 1993)
mentioned that in spite of the very encouraging results and altractivL~ subsidies
offered by the Govt. of India, the adoption of the drip irrigation system has not
ricked up to the expected level. Along with the other reasons they pointe<l out
the high initial cost of the system and lack of research effort on developing
cost-effective design suited to local condition are responsible for non-practice
of drip irrigation at a considerable scale~·

Some research works has been conducted to find out low cost n1ethod of drip
irrigation. Biswas ( 1998) developed a manually operated drip irrigation systc1n
1nade of bamboo mains, laterals and sub-laterals. The system and its pert·onn:.mce
are described below.

7.1 Drip Network

The main and laterals of the drip network were made of hollow ban1boo pieces
each of3°:1 lengths with 7.5cm and 4.0cm diameter respectively. The sub-latcrJJ
or the enutters were the bamboo twigs of 0.25cm inside diameter and 1.05-
l . l Oin length to suit the spacing benveen the plant rows. 'The rnains and laterals
we re ?1ade for the required length in the field by jointing togeth~r the sections
one after another (Fig 7 l) Th d, f • .
· · • e en s o two sections~ which contact each other.
Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation
- - - - - - -- - -
were mad e such that one section easily gets inside the other for about I 0-
S01.1rce of \Vater
'Jl1e source o f water ,vas a hand tube well. By manually operating _the tub_e well
the water was lifted to the water tan k pIace d o n a bamboo platform
. ot ~ .Om
heights at very close to the tube well (Fig.7. 2).

Fig.7.1 Network of drip system Fig.7.2 Water i.~ Jiftrd to overhead tan!,;

Laying of the drip system

The main of the drip system was made run through the center of the field
across tbe plant ljncs. All the laterals were ?riginated from the main (Fig 7 .J ).
The laterals ran through the middlei of the plant lines . The sub-laterals made l ll
hamboo twigs were attached with the laterals emitted the water at the plant
bottoms. There were t\vo sub-laterals on either side from each point <Jf the
lateral (Fig. 7.4 ).

Low Cost Drip System --- -- _ ____,, __________________ ·191

Application of water
The vvater tank on the platfonn was filled up with water by operating the hand
rube-,,vell. A flexible polythene pipe was connected from the discharge point
of the tank to entry point in the main line. Discharge from the tank was controlled
by using the bibcock regulator at the outlet of the tank. The system was allowed
to work after filling the tank tull.
Data collection
The volume of water in liters was collected from sdected sub-laterals in different
rnns . These data were used to uniformity coefficient and losses of water through
the sys tem by using the foJlov: ing formulae (Michael, 1985).

·· · coe t-f ic1ent

l Jnttorrrnt)' · · E- = l .O-- - - --
.r ~
" mn

Where, rn = average value of i_)bservations. liters

n = total number of (._) hservations
x = numerical deviation of individual o~sen·ations from the average
appli cat10n rate, liters
( ii ) Lo~~ of wa ter( % )

st'l1 arg ed fro m rl1 e tan /.;, - 1vater collecred J i·(1111 rh e s uh -- late ral
_ Wu _____c/1_
_ rer _ __ __ . - -- - -- - -- ·---------x lOO
- i-Va t1'1 discharg ed f rom ih e tan/.:.

The requ ired average filling J nd empty ing time of the \Nater reser voir, ave rage
di scharge rate th rough each , ub-Iateral or the rate of application of water to
eaL:h pl ant. pulse rate of tube well operator, etc .. were reL·orded during the tim e
of nperatin g the drip system 1Tabk 7. 1). There ,vere all total 496 numbers of
banan,1 plant\ . Out of these, )20 were irrigated through drip and rest throu gh
surface irri gation (f 'ig. 7 .5). f'h e drip and surface irrigat io ns were appl ied to
all the three type of plant \',trieties to detenrune the respon se to irri gati ons
methods . The irrigations wen · gi ven follo wing 1.01\-V/CPE. In drip meth od th e
KP (Pan factor = 0.8), K .. (Crop factor = 1.0) and 50 % we tted area ,vere
co nsidered to determine the volume of water applied in each irrigation . In
surface method the applied wate r \vas 5cm in eac h irrigation .... .
192 Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation
- - -- - - - - - -·- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fig. 7.5 Developed stage of banana crop under bambo,) drip irrigation

7 .2 Pe~orman~e of the Drip Sy!item_

. .
The average of the hest performances in respect to urnfonnity c0etticw.nh o f
emitter discharges was 0.93 (Table 7.2). This was considered good enough in
comparison to satisfactory level of 0.85 ( Michael. 1985 ). The loss of water
was 9.92% at the best perforn1ance of the trials . This w as considered hi ghe r
than the usual losses of 1-25 in a comn1ercial drip system. Assuming the peal--
pan evaporation rate of 51nrfi~ pan factor= 0.8~ crop factor= 1.0, percentage o f
wetting = 50, the water requiren1ent of crop was found 8 I/plant/day. In such
situation the operator could have covered an area of 0 .2Ha and 500 plants
under this bamboo drip syste1n. This area of 0.2Ha was considered as capacity
of unit manpower fo r irrigation in ideal condition. C()ns1dering all the cnsh
involvement to place and set the drip netwnrk at field I he cost of component\
of drip system were <.1s below:

(i ) Main = Rs.16 .50/m

(ii) Lateral = Rs. l 0.00/m

(iii) Sub-lateral = Rs .1.70/m

(iv) Tube well, w..1ter reservoir, reservoir platform, eL. == Rs.2,000.00/0.2 Ha

(v) Bamboo network (excluding item (iv)) = Rs.3 . n1n1 2 or R s . 6,660.00/

(vi) Drip system = Rs.4.33/m2 or Rs.8,660.00/0.2Ha
Low Cost Drip System 193
--·------- - - --- ----- -- ---- --

D . tl . . t· i..
unng 11s time o experimentation th e marker price of PVC pipes used for
main, lateral, sub-lateral and dripper were as below:
(i) Main (50mm) = Rs.45.00/m
(ii) Lateral (15mm) = Rs.5.25/m
(iii) Sub-lateral (2mm) = Rs.3.00/m
(iv) D1ippcr = Rs.3.00/piece

Compa1ing to market rate of the main:-.. larer;d:-- :111cl sub-lateral:-. 1t appeared

that only the cost of lateral was more in b:11nbl)O made drip sy:- 1e111. The main
and suh-latera l were much c hea pt·r In cn nve nriunal drip '- )-S t1.; lll i:-.
conventionall y required at the end 1)f each ,1 1h - l.1tcr:1l. \\'hi ch cuuld h.1\'t: entirely
omitted in drip sys tem under the :-. tut! _\. Th 1, rt·tfun:d the n1., t ;1t the r:11c nf
Rs .3 .00/plant. The cos! of network <Jf th e b:111 d1tH' Jnp ~: stl."!Tl \\'a:,, fuund to be
less by 26 <:'r, cornpared to tlw cos! uf L·o mn~c 1-. 1.d dnp 1ll·t,,·ork f R:,, .--15. 000/Ha
for pl ~nt ·s pacing :?m \ 2m) as rep11r1t.: d 1,:. l\'( ' ll) 1 JlJ9~i,. T hL· :-.:1v i11 g in ('O~ I
•' " l'lrl 11" \ '• ' J, ,. ,," J, ;l 'l1 e•... •J- •, n t 1I11· ,°",. 1
\..• \ I U\..JIU \ ll \.\..lJJIJ ~ . It.""' · r ;, ., 'I
Ill . ' " ' )' " ·· · I ·11·· f"' ' ·L·,, u·· 1! 1''•1 ::-
H , .,• - 'fit f U I\.\. ' \.. ,,
t· 1··1••· ; ... ,h , ,
l l \.. l l l , l J \....

lim e of stud y 111 I LJ9 7 ThL· pr~SL' fH :-. l 11t h ·r "' , , •11tluL·tL·d 111 .1 pl.1l·,, w hL·rc [he
~rnv,•ih l ) 1. \.Vt't.'LI.-; ()f ., trnng root ~: :-[ c111 .1 id tl 11\ llf L'' ul lt'f 11 11 1n .i nd ~1t hL·r
hurnnving animal:-, \\ ' t' r c high . ln :-. uch i1 L" t 11 .111 11 in ln 11:: n •1t: ti ! s ul'/1 d 1ip ~: :-. t-: 111

was L'Xpecr ed 3---1- _ve,1r-; . It \\'as rel·umm t'tltk'd :,, th e u:-.du l drip') '-ll' fll It> ~.11 1:dl
;i nJ marginal (armer~ fnr irrigating til t' 11 )\ \ ( J P J) .'- 111 illc :trL' i.l l l f '>1,,. , 1I C L' ,, ,Ha ll r
soil~ of high infdtratiun c haract'en stiL·s. '-·
T:1l>k 7.1 . Timt' rcyu1rcd lll r fi ll inf: J ll d c·1npr , 111 ~ lhl· -. , .11 ,·1 ;~·,~· n "" '20tl k .: 1 , :tp,t < II ~,

HL'l,!.!IH 111 T1nw tak en 10 ll• r the D, , d1.11 ' l' ,u h l 'uh, 1,1tc ,,1
11·,c n 1'lr. 111 , 111 p1,·111f r~·, l·1·, P l! . min b t..'. 1.11 , 11, 'l tlll 1-1h· \\ l·ll , 1 ;•,·1 .t ll•i i.'\ 11 1111111

h l/111 _12 f.: lllj'! ) inf! l kr ,,1:: \ IL::

- -- - · - -
:5 I _' -H~ '~ I,: / 11 I h t , '. ( )Ii I It
~- - ---- ---- - -- ----
Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation
--- - ---- - -- - - -

T:1b! t' 7.2 Unifo n ::1.i ty cocffietents and losses of water thro ugh rh!:: dnp network
. - . --- - ' - -- ·- .. - --
S 1(k '! ria l No. Unifonnity Losses of Ave rage of Losses of water
cocffi ciL' llf water.% highest uniformity in a verage highest
coe ffi c ie nt ~ or" unifonmf y
both -;1 clc coeffi cienr

.\ 0 .84 33 .06
0 . 76 30/76
J 0.~3 17.54
4 0.89 12. 95
5 0.9 1 10.32
b 0.93 9.53
f3 l 0.74 3 I .51 () _()3 9.925
,._.., 0 .8 1 20 .54
_) 0.8-+ 19.09
-+ 0.89 14.5
5 ( ). 92 lJ .4 6
6 0 .92 10.32

\Virh rh c si m.ibr se t up nl ~1 man uaily operated dn~--i ") , t L·r11. Kundu &. tv'Ioncl al
11000 )__ repl aced th e rn.1in nnd latera ls by PVC pipe and IL', ted the performance
nf fi\:E' types of water emission systems, viz ; dripper. .'i Ur,:'. 1ca l tube. perforati on.
pc rfon-it ion (coir win ckd 1 ,llid perforation (coir \\ in ckd & subsurface ). Highest
di strihuti o"n efficiency _r) 0. 46 % ) \Vas found with th e drippers fo ll owed hy
pcrfc rnti on (8 1.53 %) and surgical t1fbe 09.61 % ). Th e emitters-perforation (coir
win ded ) and perforation (s ubsurface and coir winded ) rec orde:d in between
57 .SS - 77. 30% of di stributi on efficiency were beyo nd th e acceptabl e limit of
8Y1r (Tabl e 7. 3 ). Higher di stribution efficiency wa-; expected from the properl y
,1d_ii1 src cl knors with th e <; 11rgical tubes with the attenti on of frequent remuval of
iron deros ition in ir.
·n1bl c- 7.3 Pcrfo rm ::i ncc:: of th e dri p sy-; ten1 for different type u l c·n11t 1<: r~

l ~vr c of emi tt ers

. ,
Height ot
.'-\ ve ragc.: ch sc harg L~. Dis t ri bu 11 t1 11
reservo irs l/h/plan1 effi ci enL'Y, r.:;
--- -- - - - - - -
Dn ppcr 2.5 0. -+2 87 .-+6
Driprcr 2. 5 l . 19
Drip per 3.5 0.7 I 84.61
Surgic~ l ruhc (Kn ottt'd l 3.5 0.48 79 .h I
.S urgica l tube (Unkno ttc'd 1 2.5 2. 26 69 ~: 6
Per for nti on 2.~ '+.7Q -r7 __1()
Perforn rio n · 3.5 5.86 8 1. ,5
Perforation (co ir winded ) 3. 7 () 71 ,2()
Pc rfn r:iriP n (co 1r w indt>:d ) 3.5 -+ .() _\ ,x :-; u

Pe rfo ration (cni r wi nded & 2.5 () _6:.J. :.. 7 s~

st1 bsurfa cc l
Lov~ Cost D:ip System 195
----·- •- -- - - - --- -

Fig. 7.6 Main and later:,! I,,\ 111g Fig. 7.7 Lateral s, sub laterals and dripper,;;

The average timL· fo1 ti ,ting and emptying the water reservoirs at 2.0m and
3.0m heights were foun .__· 9 min and l hour 15rnin and I 0mm and 1 hour IOm in
re spectively. As ~umi11r. the peak evaporati on rate of the region = 5mm. pan
factor= 0.8, crop fact o r = l .0. percentage of \Vetting= 50, the water re4uirement
of crop was estimatl'ci= 2 l/m2 . The operator could operate the tube well for 4
hours in different tim e . f the day that enabled him to fill up the reservo1rs tor
24 times having total -.- l)lume of water = 4800 liters. This volume of water
could cover an area of O 24ha. Therefore, at an ideal condition the coverage by
unit manpower was 0.2~·-Ha. Having the rr .mpowe.r,.engagcd in two shifts e-ach
of 8 hours in a day, 1.he area could have covered just double of the previous
estimation. i.e .. 0.24x2: =0.48Ha.

Fig. 7.8 Water drops fr0 · ri Fig. 7.9 Water drops from surgical tube at plant bottom
dri pper at plant botto1r
Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation

~e cost of the drip system for unit area of 0.24Ha by using drippers was
found maximum, (Rs. 33083) and minimum for surgical tube (Rs.20359) (Table
7 .4). Thus, either the hydraulic performance or the economy, the surgical tube
emitters were the bests among all the types of drippers. The cost of the system
could have reduced ifless costly accessories such as (instead of GI) gate valves,
pipes, elbows etc. were used. The system of drip inigation studied by Kundu
& Monda! (2000) proved to be more cost effective other than its beauty in the human power by avoiding the non-renewa~IL: fossil fu~L
Ta Jle 7.4 Cost of manually operated drip irrigation system using different types of emitters for

SI.No. Types of emitters Cost of the system (Rs.)

1. Dripper 33083
2. Surgical tube 20359
3. Perforation 27089
4. Perforation (coir winded) 27189
5. Perforation (coir winded and ~ub s urface) 27239
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- · ..

Fig. 7~10 Water is being pumped to rcs1·rvl1ir

Lrn.-, Cost Onp S)1 stem 197

s Questions and Problems

, I DiSL' USS the iml'urt:mcc' L)f cost-effective drip system in Indian context.
Discuss tlw pnnL·iple of working and construction of a bamboo made
km --· ost Jnp 11Ti~:1ti1.m system .
Ban~ma L'r1.,p ,, ~!\)\\' fl in Iha field with 2m x 2m spacing. The lateral
li nes pa., , thr11t1.:".h tlw middle of plant rows. Each plant is provided with
.i -;uh i.ll1.'L1k \\ "hat ,Irl' the length of laterals and sub lateral in thi s field?

Ans. Laterai = ~50tlm . S ub lateral = 2500m

' .-+ The di schar~e:-- or --i emitters were recorded:2.17 , 2.23. 1.89 and 2.11/h.
~ '
\Vhat i:-, the u11ifo11111ty coefficient of emitter discharges?
- " There',, c'rc I ,() numbc•rs of bamboo twig sub laterals in a fidd delivering
:n eragc di:--L· h:1r~c., L)f ~.21/h. A overhead 1.vater of 180 liters was the
sr1 t1rce pf \\ :HL'r The' water tank gets filled and emptied in l O and 50
minute, rc,flL'L'L' I i, 1.'I) If the drip ~ystem ()perates for 2 hours. v,1 hat is
the perccnr l ,r \\ :1tL'r In.--<~ q -

- .h ..\nswer True ()i" F;d ,e uf the following. f.

l. Bambcio Ill:lLL' net\\ ()rk nf drip system is usually costlier than conventional
drip sy.--rem
Low area dr·q" , _\ stt'm can be operared hy operating pressure head a.'> kw,
d\ 2rrr .

, H;:md 1uhe \\ cli , L·an be used to fil.l up the overhead water re\ervuir for
drip .<,_\ :-.tern .
-l- Theil)\\ c1 ,~1111l'lcr prpe like surgical rube c m be used as drip di stributor.

'l Bamlx)o nwdc' drip network is not suhjected to weathering effect.

Ans. I. Fal,c- ~- True 1 True -J- . True 5. False

A nw:ir .\I an: and Ku111ar ('.2000) _ /\licro-1rnga11 oi1 system-pa., t. presen t c111d future .
..\ .~1 \ ;1111

Pr,xecding, lit l111~rna11on:1l Conference () IJ Micro and Sprinkkr Inigauon Sys1c: rn'.-- .
H- 10 Feb .. ~()()()_Jain Irrigation Hills. Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India. pp.1 - 17
8 :~ was. R.K.( t lJ98 i. Performancr evaluation of a m:inu:i.lly operated dnp irrigation '-)'Ste m made
of hambno mains, l:Heral s and sub-lateral.-;. J. Soil Water Conserv. 42\ .3&4 )· 162 · 167
Kundu. K. ancJ i'\loncJal, P. (2000) Development of A Low Cost Manually Operated Drip Irrigation
Syste m An unruhlished B Tech ThL·~1~ s11bmirted to Bidhan Chandra Kn ::- h1
Vi\\\'a,·idyala,: a. Fact1l!y 11f Agril Engg., Nadia. \Vc~a Bengal.


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