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Solidez en el saber, integridad en el ser, sabiduría en la decisión

Res. 1035 del 29 noviembre 2016
ACTIVITY: Activity in class 10th

1. A company is going to create a new building to rent Offices. The project is going to be
developed near a river and the company has to tumble down five old houses to carry out
the project. Taking into account the different ideas evaluation techniques, which would
You use and why?
I will use failure Modes and Effects Analysis because in this method you’re able to know
which are the consequences of making that decision, but we only have to focus on “how
serious the consequences are” because the rest occurs only once.

2. María works in an ONG and lately some of her colleagues are having issues with some
adjustments to their schedules. Due to those changes, several issues have arisen
among her colleagues. María was in charge of finding a solution, if you were María what
would you do?
I’ll use ABC analysis because with this method you can organize very well your
schedule, dividing it into “important”, “relatively important” and “less important”, so you
can go and divide the work in a proper way, also I’ll use idea advocate, because she has
to know how to act in front of that schedules, which has the need to be changed

3. A company is going to develop the second stage of a business idea. The first stage is
already done, and they need to start with the second stage as soon as possible. What
would You do and why?
They should use the cost-benefit analysis for knowing the suitability of the new project,
also they should use force field analysis, so they can measure pros and cons of that
second stage

4. A group of Friends want to start a business to earn money. They have gathered
information about different business ideas. What would your proposal be for finding the
Best option for them?
They should use the AHP approach because they need to know where you’re going to
go (goals), for this they have to have some strategies and alternatives if something starts

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