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Fitness and Health

Fitness for health and performance

Being fit is important to our health and sense of well-being. Health and fitness mean so much more than just the
absence of illness. Health and fitness mean that the physical, mental, cultural and social aspects our lives are
working together properly. Physical fitness consists of health-related fitness as well as sport-related fitness.
What is health?
• Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
or illness.
• it means we are able to lead a full and active life without getting tired.
Dimensions of wellness.
A. Physical Health and well-being.
✓ Physical wellness demands listening to and taking care of one’s body for optimal health and functioning.
Checkpoints for physical wellness include
i. Eat sensibly (eating food that is good for us). Eating foods that one enjoys, staying hydrated through the
day, and listening to one’s hunger demands?
ii. Take regular physical activity (make sure we take part in household chores as well as exercise regularly)
iii. Get regular rest and sleep (making sure we find time to be relaxed and not taking part in any activity. Not
to be involved in any form of work or movement). This means being able to keep a consistent sleep
schedule and get 7 hours of sleep/night?
iv. Limit intake of alcohol
v. To avoid smoking tobacco
vi. Avoid taking social drugs.

B. Emotional Health and wellness

✓ Emotional wellness includes your thoughts, emotions, and ability to deal with life's challenges. Check
points for physical wellness include
i. Having the ability to talk with someone about your emotional concerns and share your feelings with others
ii. Saying "no" when you need to without feeling guilty
iii. Feeling content most of the time
iv. Feeling you have a strong support network i.e. people in your life that care about you
v. Being able to relax
vi. Feeling good about who you are.

C. Intellectual Health and wellness

✓ Intellectual Wellness is being open to new ideas, thinking critically and finding ways to be creative. Check
points for physical wellness include
i. Development of good study skills and time management
ii. Ability to challenge yourself to see all sides of an issue
iii. Becoming a critical thinker
iv. Development of your own ideas, views, and opinions
v. Exposing yourself to new ideas, people, and beliefs that are different from your own
vi. Become aware of who you are and what you value
D. Social Health and wellness
✓ Social Wellness is having positive connections with friends, family, professors, coaches, supervisors, and
anyone else. Check points for physical wellness include
i. Development of assertiveness skills not passive or aggressive ones.
ii. Balancing social and personal time.
iii. The ability to be who you are in all situations.
iv. Becoming engaged with other people in your community.
v. Valuing diversity and treat others with respect.
vi. Continually being able to maintain and develop friendships and social networks.
vii. The ability to create boundaries within relationship boundaries that encourage communication, trust
and conflict management.
viii. Remembering to have fun.
ix. Having supportive network of family and friends.
Ensuring good hygiene is important for our health. Hygiene means the different ways we use to look after
ourselves to keep healthy.
Six important points of hygiene for humans.
1. Skin > look after our skin as it protects the body. A warm bath regularly is important to remove dirt and
2. Teeth > keep our teeth clean and free from decay. Avoid sugary foods and ensure regular dental check-
3. Clothing > change and wash your clothes regularly.
4. Feet > wash your feet thoroughly and regularly. Avoid putting on shoes when your feet is wet.
5. Hair > wash your hair regularly to keep it clean.
6. Nails > keep nails clean and cut regularly to avoid injuries to ourselves and the next person

What is physical fitness?

• Physical fitness is the ability of the body to carry out daily activities with little fatigue and be left with
enough energy for emergencies.
• Fitness depends on the physical activities each one of us takes part in.
• For example, a volleyball player might not be fit enough to take part in a football match because of the
differences in duration and intensity of the two sport codes.

Homework Ex.

1. Explain the difference between good health and physical fitness. (6 marks)
2. List the six important points of hygiene for a human being. (6 marks)

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