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Additional Activity

If I will be ask to organized a hike or trek for our group. These are the following
safety precautionary protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo-hyperthermia
during participation:

 Know where you are going ahead of time. Check out the trail you plan to hike
ahead of time to know what you are getting into. Will you need to be prepared for
steep slopes or is it more of a casual stroll?
 Everyone must bring water in order to stay hydrated and bring the needed
things such as foods, clothes and others that is enough for the time allotted in
the activity.
 Always stay in the group at all possible. Do not do anything all by yourself
because if a group goes together must go wherever one should go, so that at the
end no one will get hurt and went missing.
 Avoid venturing off the beaten path. Staying on marked trails is important,
regardless of how familiar you think you are with an area. Shortcuts can also cause
erosion and damage to the environment.
 Keep an eye out for poison oak. Make sure you know how to identify poison oak
ahead of time to prevent touching it. If you do, wash the area right away with
some mild soap and water (water if that is all that you have). Pat dry the area with
a clean towel.

I learned that thermodynamics explores the relationship between properties of heat,

temperature, energy, and work. Central to that relationship and to the laws of
thermodynamics are the concepts of entropy and the Internal Energy Formula. Moreover,
it has use in our everyday life such as heating and cooling systems in our homes and
other buildings, engines that power our motor vehicles, even the design of buildings and
vehicles, all incorporate information from thermodynamics to make them perform well.

I enjoyed most on calculating the standard enthalpies of reaction using Hess’s law
because this is where I got confused at first however, it really challenged myself to
explore more on this law. I thought it’s difficult to understand but with the help of
watching tutorial videos about Hess’s law, I was able to feel at ease and be able to get the

I want to learn more on thermodynamics specifically its second law because for me the
first law is highlighted in this module. Because it helps us to predict whether the reaction
is feasible or not and also tell the direction of the flow of heat. It also tells that energy
cannot be completely converted into equivalent work.

Add Questions no. (1 ,8,15 ) = ____ + ____ + ____ = ________________ Lack of time
Add Questions no. (2,9, 16) = ____ + ____ + ____ = ________________ Social influence

Add Questions no. (3,10,17) = ____ + ____ + ____ = ________________ Lack of energy

Add Questions no. (4,11,18) = ____ + ____ + ____ = ________________ Lack of willpower

Add Questions no. (5 12 19) = ____ + ____ + ____ = ________________ Fear of injury

Add Questions no. (6 13 20) = ____ + ____ + ____ = ________________ Lack of skill

Add Questions no. (7 14 21) = ____ + ____ + ____ = ________________ Lack of resources

1. What were your barriers to physical activity? Make your own plan activities to
overcome these barriers
My barriers to physical activity are Lack of willpower and energy. Moreover, my own
plan activities to overcome these barriers are be friends with physically fit people in order for me
to be encourage, don’t take on too much at once. Try setting small, achievable goals and focus
your willpower on accomplishing those, schedule physical activity for times in the day or week
when you feel energetic and convince myself that if I give it a chance, physical activity will
increase my energy level; then, try it.

ASSESSMENT (Modified True or False)

_____________ 1. Harness links together the entire safety chain and can save life if you slip and
_____________ 2. Bouldering is essentially a scaled-down version of sport climbing. It is
relatively safe and far less expensive because it requires minimal gear.
______________ 3. Indoor rock climbing uses virtually every major muscle group in your body,
making it a great whole-body alternative to pumping iron at the gym.
______________ 4. Wearing of climbing ropes ensures that head is cushioned from falling rock
and debris.
______________ 5. Rock climbing may help you develop better hand-eye coordination while
increasing your sense of spatial awareness.
______________ 6. A lead is the one responsible for feeding rope and lowering climbers as they
descent a route.15
______________ 7. Belay device are used by rock climbers to allow the climbing rope to run
through bold anchors or other protection while leading.
______________ 8. A belay device is a mechanical friction brake device used to control the
______________ 9. Lead and sport climbers predominantly focus on the moves and techniques
they use to get their destination rather than the destination itself.
______________ 10. Low self-efficacy is one of the environmental barriers to physical activity.
Questions Very Likely Somewhat Likely Somewhat Unlike Very Unlikely
1. My day is so
busy now; I just
don’t think I can
make time to
include physical
activity in my
regular schedule.
2. None of my
family members or
like to do anything
active, so I don’t
have a chance to
3. I’m just too
tired after work to
get any
4. I’ve been
thinking about
getting more
exercise, but I just
can’t seem to get

5. I’m getting older

so exercise can be
6. I don’t get
enough exercise
because I
have never
learned the skills
for any
7. I don’t have
access to jogging
swimming pools,
bike paths, etc.
8. Physical activity
takes too much
from other
commitments –
time, work,
family, etc.

9. I’m
about how I will
when I exercise
with others.
10. I don’t get
enough sleep as it
is. I just couldn’t
get up early or
stay up late to get
some exercise.
11. It’s easier for
me to find excuses
not to exercise
than to go out to
do something.
Most electrical fires and electrical injuries can be avoided.
Follow these 5 tips to begin electrical safety in your home.


Plug only one high-wattage appliance
into each receptacle

Only use bulbs that match a lamp’s
recommended wattage.
Always turn off appliances and
devices when you leave the room.
Many electrical fires are started by
overheating outlets or wires.
Electrocution is a risk when an
electrical device gets wet. Keep all
Characteristics Why is this important in How will it help create a smart
building in a smart Grid? city?
Efficiency  Energy efficiency – Increased  This improves the amount of
asset utilization made possible intermittent renewable generation
by smarter energy management in power system, by increasing
means more efficient power the capacity of grid-connected
plant operation and fewer clean energy such as solar
peaking units. Utilities stand to energy, wind energy and
benefit from a higher rate of photovoltaic system which is part
return on capital investment of the characteristics of building a
and lower costs. Moreover, it smart city.
can improve the utilization
efficiency of power system and
the power consuming
Reliability  It ensures more reliable supply  The smart grid that possesses
of electricity, and reduced reliability makes use of
vulnerability to natural technologies such as state
disasters or attack. estimation, that improve fault
detection and allow self-healing
of the network without the
intervention of technicians that
helps in building smart city.

Affordability  It can help measure and reduce  One of the visions for the smart
energy consumption and costs. grid is that consumers will be
able to monitor their energy
consumption in real time, or at
least near real time, via the Web.
Moreover, in the building smart
city, a person will be able to dig
down to more granular levels to
see how much energy individual
systems and equipment are
consuming and what it's costing.
Security  The Smart Grid must be  In building the smart city, the
tolerant of physical and Cyber smart grid allows operators to be
Security attacks. It should not pro-active in the detection of
only address potential threats generation, transmission, and
from disgruntled employees, distribution problems, to isolate
terrorists, and espionage the problem areas, and to prevent
operations but also should take cascading power outages.
care of vulnerabilities arising
from user errors, equipment
failures, and natural disasters.
Green Friendly  Enable significantly greater use  The smart grid can cut air
of clean, renewable energy, pollution from the electric utility
non-polluting electric vehicles, sector as much as 30% by 2030.
and community-based That would reduce what is now
resources. the tragedy of more than 34,000
deaths a year from power plant
pollution. The integration of
smart grid technologies that helps
in building smart grid possess a
sustainable energy resources and
low-carbon emissions in power
system is an important route to
sustainable development.
2. Smart City is system of sensors, networks, and applications collect useful data, like traffic congestion, energy use,
and CO2 levels. Furthermore, it uses data and technology to create efficiencies, improve sustainability, create
economic development, and enhance quality of life factors for people living and working in the city. It also means
that the city has a smarter energy infrastructure. The characteristic of a smart city is similar to smartphones in
different ways. In smart cities, the systems behind primary infrastructure will be digitized, always on and openly
sharing data whenever it’s practical. For example, citizens will renew their driver’s license or car tags through an app
without standing in line or placing a call to set an appointment. Secondary infrastructure elements were developed to
support primary infrastructure but will no longer be essential – parking meters, for example. These elements force
people to perform mundane tasks that consume time but do not contribute to their work or pleasure.

4. As an ordinary citizen, it is possible to build a smart grid in the Philippines because Orga Systems and Meralco, a
leading Asian energy supplier, are bringing the first smart grid solution to the Philippines. Moreover, using Orga
Systems’ OS.Energy as part of an end-to-end smart grid solution, Meralco provides smart metering innovations.
OS.Energy offers a tiered prepaid electricity scheme based on a centralized real-time billing solution. However,
there are necessary actions are needed to fulfill this goal and these are; first is to improve infrastructure, to produce
what China has coined a Strong Grid. Next is the addition of the digital layer, making the grid smart, followed by
business process transformation, which is necessary to capitalize on the investment.

The 1. ____________________
Collision Theory states that molecules must 2. ______________
collide to react. For most reactions,
however, only a small fraction of collisions produces a reaction. In order for a collision to be successful, the reactant
molecules must collide with sufficient 3. ____________________
energy to overcome the 4. _________________,
activation energy which is the
initial and minimum energy input required to start the reaction. The colliding particles must also be in 5.
proper orientationto form any new bonds in the products. In order to increase the chance of collisions, the 6.
concentration 7. __________________
temperature and 8. __________________
surface area may be increased. The speed of reaction may
also be increased by adding 9. ____________
catalyst without it being necessarily used up in the 10. _______________.
reaction This
special chemical lowers the amount of energy required to start the reaction.

Collision Theory provides a qualitative explanation of chemical reactions and the rates at which they occur. In
must collide with sufficient energy
order to react, the reactant molecules 1. ________________________________, called activation energy. Even if two
molecules collide with sufficient activation energy, there is no guarantee that the collision will be successful. In
must have proper orientation for the collisions to become effective. The
addition, the colliding molecules 2. ___________________________
lowers the activation energy but increases the rate of chemical reaction.
addition of catalyst 3. ____________________________

the energy or potential energy of the reactants and products and the energy
As energy diagram shows 4. ________________________________________
difference between them. It also tells if the reaction is endothermic or exothermic. The heat of reaction is the 5.
energy released or absorbed when reactants are transformed to products is a reaction.

Collision theory states that molecules must collide to react. For most reactions, however,
only a small fraction of collisions produces a reaction. In order for a collision to be successful,
the reactant molecules must collide both with sufficient energy to overcome the activation
energy barrier and in the proper orientation to form any new bonds in the products. It can be
deduced from the Collision theory that the greater number of collisions, the greater the chances
of effective collisions, and the greater the amount of product formed per unit time. Therefore, the
greater the number of collisions, the faster the reaction rate.

In relation to Sisyphus punishment, it is considered as chemical reaction in which

Sisyphus was forced to roll a boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it neared the
top. Consider point A as reactants in which Sisyphus rolling a boulder up a hill and point b is the
final destination where products are formed. Sufficient energy is needed to roll the boulder up
the hill, but once it reaches the top of the hill, it will roll down the rest of the way to point B.
Moreover, Sisyphus doesn’t have sufficient energy to reach the boulder to the top of the hill in
which he will be repeating this action for eternity. This is where the punishment gone wrong
because there’s no way that Sisyphus can complete his punishment and in relation to collision
theory there will be no collision and reaction that will take place if there is no energy input to
move the reaction from reactant and eventually to the product side.

Activity 5. Social Context

TASK 2: Investigate the dent of earth’s magnetic field. From your research, write
the significant findings and their implications in human activities.

Based on my research, scientists are keeping a close eye on a growing “dent” in Earth’s
magnetic field over a swath of the Atlantic Ocean that stretches from South Africa westward into
Brazil. In this zone, known as the South Atlantic Anomaly, the magnetic field — the invisible
shield that protects the planet from radiation and charged particles from the sun — is weaker
than normal. Though it’s not thought to be dangerous to humans, experts say the weak spot could
cause glitches or permanent damage to Earth-circling satellites that are exposed to energetic
particles as they fly through the region. Scientists have known about the weak spot in Earth’s
magnetic field for several decades, but new research suggests that the South Atlantic Anomaly is
growing, spreading further west toward the Pacific Ocean, and is further weakening.

Earth’s magnetic field is generated by the constant motion of liquid metal in the planet’s
iron-rich outer core, roughly 1,800 miles below the surface. As these molten deposits slosh
around, they produce electric currents that power Earth’s magnetic field and effectively turn the
planet into a giant bar magnet. But the constant churning in the outer core means the magnetic
field is tilted, which is why the magnetic poles aren’t perfectly aligned with Earth’s geographic
North and South poles. These dynamics deep inside the planet also create fluctuations and
instability in the magnetic field. In general, the magnetic field is strongest at the poles and
weaker at the equator, but more research is needed to understand the precise cause of the South
Atlantic Anomaly.

A growing dent in Earth's magnetic field over South America and the southern Atlantic
Ocean could pose a risk to spacecraft and satellites which could affect the human activities
specially NASA in exploring the planets. This evolving weak spot in the magnetic field, called
the South Atlantic Anomaly, is being monitored by NASA, but the space agency said it will not
affect us here on Earth. The magnetic field protects us, acting as a shield against the solar wind --
stream of charged particles and radiation -- that flows out from the sun. This field's protection
also extends to include satellites orbiting close to Earth. But the South Atlantic Anomaly is
allowing solar particles to get closer than before. Solar radiation could have a negative effect as
satellites pass through this area, knocking out their computers and interfering with data
collection, according to NASA.

If satellites traveling through this weak area in the magnetic field are hit by energized
particles, they can short-circuit, glitch or even sustain permanent damage. So, satellite operators
regularly shut down satellite components when they travel through the anomaly so they don't risk
losing key instruments or the whole satellite. The International Space Station also passes through
the anomaly. While the astronauts are safe inside the station, instruments on the outside of it that
collect data can experience issues. In fact, the anomaly has been known to reset power boards on
the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation mission, or GEDI, installed on the outside of the
station, as frequently as once a month. While this causes no material harm, it does result in a
couple of hours of lost data each month, according to Bryan Blair, the mission's deputy principal
investigator and instrument scientist, and a lidar instrument scientist at Goddard.

Activity 5. Social Context

TASK 2: If you are to produce a right-hand rule using your left-hand, will you still
be able to locate the field and direction of current? How would you do it? Provide
a diagram and a short explanation of how this works?


Basic Skills Description on how to Pictures

11-12. TOP-ROPING Top rope climbing (or top roping) is
a style in climbing in which the climber
is securely attached to a rope which then
passes up, through an anchor system at
the top of the climb, and down to a
belayer at the foot of the climb.

13-14. LEAD/SPORT Lead climbing is a climbing style,

CLIMBING predominantly used in rock climbing. In a
roped party one climber has to take the
lead while the other climbers follow. The
lead climber wears a harness attached to a
climbing rope, which in turn is connected
to the other climbers below the lead
climber. While ascending the route, the
lead climber periodically connects the
rope to protection equipment for safety in
the event of a fall. This protection can
consist of permanent bolts, to which the
climber clips quickdraws, or removable
protection such as nuts and cams. One of
the climbers below the lead climber acts
as a belayer. The belayer gives out rope
while the lead climber ascends and also
stops the rope when the lead climber falls
or wants to rest.
15-16. Traditional (or trad) climbing, is a
TRADITIONAL style of rock climbing in which a climber
CLIMBING or group of climbers place all gear
required to protect against falls, and
remove it when a pitch is complete.

17-18. BIG WALL Big wall climbing is a type of rock

CLIMBING climbing where a climber ascends a long
multi-pitch route, normally requiring
more than a single day to complete the
climb. Big wall routes require the
climbing team to live on the route often
using portal edges and hauling
equipment. It is practiced on tall or more
vertical faces with few ledges and small
19-20. Bouldering is a form of free
BOULDERING climbing that is performed on small rock
formations or artificial rock walls without
the use of ropes or harnesses. While
bouldering can be done without any
equipment, most climbers use climbing
shoes to help secure footholds, chalk to
keep their hands dry and to provide a
firmer grip, and bouldering mats to
prevent injuries from falls.
Materials found in your locality Artwork made by your locality Your own idea
out of the materials listed
1. Plastic bottles Star lanterns Make it into wind spiral
mobile painted with different
colors and hang it like a
2. Cement and concrete Improvised design of flower Concrete-Immersed Candle
pot Holder
3. Pisces of cut cloth Pot holder Face mask
4. Bamboo Bed Frame Triangular bamboo shelf
5. Buri Palm Banig (Mat) Colorful Carpet

Reasons High Low

I worked to achieved 10 9 8 7 6 5
My work shows 10 9 8 7 6 5
mastery of art skills
My work exhibits 10 9 8 7 6 5
I followed all the 10 9 8 7 6 5
instructions in the
I listened to and give 10 9 8 7 6 5
attentions to my
I was considerate of 10 9 8 7 6 5
I completed all written 10 9 8 7 6 5
I remained on task 10 9 8 7 6 5
Total (add all total


1st material: Plastic bottles


A plastic bottle is a bottle constructed from high-density or low-density plastic.

Plastic bottles are typically used to store liquids such as water, soft drinks, motor oil,
cooking oil, medicine, shampoo, milk, and ink. The size ranges from very small bottles
to large carboys. Consumer blow molded containers often have integral handles or are
shaped to facilitate grasping.

Plastic was invented in the 19th century and was originally used to replace
common materials such as ivory, rubber, and shellac. Plastic bottles were first used
commercially in 1947 but remained relatively expensive until the early 1950s when high-
density polyethylene was introduced. They quickly became popular with both
manufacturers and customers because of their lightweight nature, relatively low
production, and transportation costs compared to glass bottles. However, the biggest
advantage plastic bottles have over their glass counterparts is their superior resistance
to breakage, in both production and transportation. In this generation plastic bottles
causes harm to environment and health of the people because it contains Bisphenol A
(BPA), the chemical used to make the plastic hard and clear. BPA is an endocrine
disruptor which has been proven to be hazardous to human health.

How is it processed to create a material for artwork?

Plastic bottles may bring harm however, it can be prevented through recycling
and creating an artwork out of it instead of throwing them anywhere. Plastic bottles are
processed to create a material for artwork through techniques of elaboration of works of
art in which it is capable of being molded, modified or transformed by the artist. These
are therefore considered as one of the plastic resources, since they serve the artist as a
raw material to express his perspective, imagination or specific vision of the real.

What artwork are you planning to create out of it?

The artwork I am planning to create out of it is wind spiral mobile painted with
different colors. Since my locality usually used it to create lantern however, in order to
be unique or for new design, it can be made as a banner and hung it in trees together
with LED series lights.

What is the process, the needs and the cost?

The resources for creating wind spiral mobile are plastic bottles, paints in
different colors, scissors and paintbrush. This just need small amount of money or if
possible, you don’t need to spend, instead make use of the materials found in your
house. The process starts in coloring or painting the water bottles entirely then let it dry.
Next is cut off the bottom and then cut the rest of the bottle into a spiral, leaving the
shoulders and neck of the bottle intact. Lastly, find some place in where it can be hung
such as sliding the neck of the bottle over the branch of a tree, and watch them bounce
and dance in the wind.
What is the purpose or function of the artwork?

The purpose of creating wind spiral mobile out of plastic is to add beauty to a
specific place. Usually in Christmas, different places are designed with star lanterns
which cannot be used for other occasions but for wind spiral mobile, it can be a design
which is suitable for any other occasion. Moreover, this can help reduce pollution due to
plastic which can benefit both the people and environment.

Who are your target audiences?

All of the people can be a target audience, from young to adults because this
served as a knowledge that plastic bottles can be turn into a material that can add beauty
to the environment. This can help them appreciate the place even more due to the
beauty effect of wind spiral mobile to the environment.

What made you decide to use these materials and artwork?

One of the problems that the whole world is facing is the pollution in which
plastic bottles are one of the contributors in this unending problem. Thus, I decided to
use plastic bottles as a material in creating an artwork to reduce the negative effects that
it brings to the people and environment. Many artworks can be made out of plastic
bottles however, making it as a wind spiral mobile is suitable for adding beauty to the
environment of my locality.

Do you think your audience will embrace it?

I think the audience will embrace it because people love to see new and unique
designs in which it can attract them and enjoy taking selfies. People in my locality love
to go to our municipal plaza and adding wind spiral mobile out of plastic bottles can
make them enjoy more the view.

Do you think it will be a good business or tourist attraction to your locality?

I think it can be a tourist attraction to my locality because instead of having more

dumped plastic bottles, making use of it in designing the municipal plaza is already a
unique way of adding beauty and at the same time promote clean and green
environment. This can make people appreciate and attract to the locality and its strategy
in making an effort of raising the awareness of recycling plastic bottles.

2nd material: Bamboo


Bamboos are a diverse group of evergreen perennial flowering plants in the

subfamily Bambusoideae of the grass family Poaceae. The origin of the word "bamboo"
is uncertain, but it probably comes from the Dutch or Portuguese language, which
originally borrowed it from Malay or Kannada. It is highly versatile. It is capable of
growing in a variety of soils derived from different parent rocks, within its climatic
habitats. Bamboo has also been planted on a large scale along roadsides and canals. It is
also planted in degraded forest areas particularly near habitations. Bamboos are of
notable economic and cultural significance in South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia,
being used for building materials, as a food source, and as a versatile raw product.
Bamboo, like wood, is a natural composite material with a high strength-to-weight ratio
useful for structures. Bamboo's strength-to-weight ratio is similar to timber, and its
strength is generally similar to a strong softwood or hardwood timber.

How is it processed to create a material for artwork?

The lightness, strength, flexibility and cylindrical structure of bamboo is suited

to functionality as well as artistic applications, and the material has been used to create
houses, furniture, artisan's tools, kitchen utensils, fencing, fishing and animal traps,
children's toys, musical instruments and implements for Buddhist rituals, tea
ceremonies, flower arranging and, in recent times, contemporary works of art and

What artwork are you planning to create out of it?

The artwork I am planning to create out of it is triangular bamboo shelf that can
be used for placing succulent plants or books inside the house or it can be serve as a
decoration in order to add beauty.

What is the process, the needs and the cost?

The resources for creating triangular bamboo shelf are bamboo sticks, nails, saw,
set of 2 threaded rods zinc-plated steel, dexter spring forceps, 140 mm and circular pot.
This can cost large amount of money if you don’t have the materials such as dexter
spring and threaded rods but bamboo sticks are not that expensive. The process starts in
making a bamboo towel rail. Second step is cross the two bamboo towel rails on the
upper part, that is to say at the first bar. The spacing between the two ladders must be
110 cm. Hold them with 2 spring clips. Then drill the posts at the two intersections, and
fix them to each other with threaded rods. Third step is preparing the trays by cutting 3
bamboo shelves 40 cm wide by 30, 70 and 105 cm long. Draw circles (diameters 12, 14
and 16 cm) randomly on the shelves, making sure they are not level with the bars. Then
use a jigsaw to cut out the circles and tweak your cut with sandpaper. Lastly, screw the
shelves on the 1st, 3rd and 5th bars starting at the bottom then place your horticultural
pots in each of the previously cut circles.

What is the purpose or function of the artwork?

Since the pandemic starts, people are obsessed in taking care of plants. Most of
them loves to place their plants inside the house and one of the functions of triangular
bamboo shelf is to hold items such as plants that are being displayed and at the same
time add beauty inside the house. The purpose of triangular bamboo shelf is to help
people in making money in this time of pandemic. Making use of the trend can help
people earn some money and since bamboo sticks are available in the locality makes
them easily to create an artwork out of it.

Who are your target audiences?

The target audience are mostly the people who loves plants or what we called as
“plantito or plantita”. They are the one who can spend a lot of money for their plants.
Most of them are finding shelves that can be a storage for their beloved plants.

What made you decide to use these materials and artwork?

One of the reasons why I decided to use bamboo as a material in making a

triangular bamboo shelf is because of the availability of resources in the locality and also
its affordability. They are as well strong material that is durable and not that heavy
compared to woods. As for the artwork, I based it on the trends of people nowadays
because a shelf has numerous possible usages to people.

Do you think your audience will embrace it?

I think the audience will embrace it because it can be an aesthetic design inside
their house and can be used to display their plants in which it can make them display
their beautiful plants.

Do you think it will be a good business or tourist attraction to your locality?

I think it can be a good business to my locality. In this time of pandemic people

needs to make a way in order to earn money and by basing it to the trend of the people,
triangular bamboo shelf can assure that they can make profit in this time of pandemic.

3rd material: Pieces cut cloth


Cloth is a textile that is flexible material made by creating an interlocking

network of yarns or threads, which are produced by spinning raw fibers into long and
twisted lengths. Textiles are then formed by weaving, knitting, crocheting, knotting,
tatting, felting, bonding, or braiding these yarns together. These are mostly used by
seamstress in which there are times that they produce pieces of cut cloth from their

How is it processed to create a material for artwork?

The fabric usually used in creating artworks such as clothes in which pieces of
clothes are created as well is produced through two processes: the “spinning process,”
where raw cotton is turned into thread, and the “weaving process,” where the thread is
woven into fabric.

What artwork are you planning to create out of it?

The artwork I am planning to create out of it is face mask which is needed in this
time of pandemic. Embracing new normal includes wearing face mask which is a need to
people nowadays to avoid Covid virus.

What is the process, the needs and the cost?

The resources for creating face mask are pieces of cut cloth, scissors, elastic or
rubber bands or hair ties, ruler or tape measure, thread and needle. The materials are
usually available inside the house so there’s no need to spend a lot of money in creating
it. The process starts in sewing the pieces of cloth. Second, cut the pieces of cloth that
were sewn together into 12 inches long and 7.5 inches wide. Third place the elastic or
ties in between the layers and sew them into the corner. For elastics, sew one at each
end so it creates a loop on each side. For ties, use one piece at each corner so there are
four total. Lastly, make three staggered pleats lengthwise on the mask, as if folding a
paper fan. Then sew all the way around. This will make a rectangular mask.

What is the purpose or function of the artwork?

Wearing a face mask is one way we can all help slow the spread of the new
coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Wearing a face mask in public or community
settings, especially in situations where you may be near other people, is recommended
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health
Organization (WHO), and many states and county health departments. Face mask out of
pieces of cloth may be suitable for people in this time of pandemic. The purpose of
wearing this is for covering a person’s mouth and nose in order to protect the people
around him/her. That’s because a person may have the disease, but aren’t showing

Who are your target audiences?

Young and adults are the target audience because it is to secure their health from
covid virus. This can be substitute for surgical mask if they find it expensive, its just that
the face mask made of pieces of cloth must be wash after using.
What made you decide to use these materials and artwork?

One of the reasons why I decided to use pieces of cut cloth as a material in
making a face mask is because instead of dumping pieces of cut cloth, it can have
numerous possible usage and one of it can help people in this time of pandemic. As for
the artwork, I choose face mask because some people don’t have money to buy medical
face mask and it’s not reusable compared to the face mask out of pieces of cut clothes, it
just need to be wash after using it.

Do you think your audience will embrace it?

I think the audience will embrace it because they can save money while being
protected in this time of pandemic.

Do you think it will be a good business or tourist attraction to your locality?

I think it can be a good business to my locality because people are in need of face
mask in order to be protected. Even though it is not a medical face mask but this can
still cover people mouth and nose.
The Chemistry
Ice Cream Sundae
In relation to freezing- point depression, a colligative property

Sample A
The Recipe
1 ½ cups whole milk
Sample B
¾ cup sugar
1 ½ cups whole coffee beans
Pinch of salt Sample C
1 ½ cups heavy cream
5 large egg yolks
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon finely ground
 Sugar significantly lowers its
freezing point and makes the
solution softer because sugar
molecules stop water molecules
from being crystals.
 Due to the structure that sugar
creates, there are small pockets
that air bubbles fill to account for
30%-50% volume and create an
airy, creamy consistency


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