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The cognitive, behavioral and emotional wellbeing is referred to as

A. Psychological health
B. Physical health
C. Mental health
D. Mental illness
1. Good mental health entails all EXPECT
A. Function under adversity
B. Inability to adapt to changes
C. Maintaining control over one’s tension
D. Ability to maintain relationships
2. Community based mental health is based on practices that promote mental health which
of these, do not promote mental health
A. Prescribing of treatment of the mentally ill in the community
B. Enable mentally ill to maintain relationship
C. Creating awareness of mental issues
D. Offering rehabilitation services to the mentally sick
3. Fundamentals of community mental health include all EXPECT
A. Strengthening social networks around the mentally ill
B. Services being offered should have a scientific approach
C. Patients to be given information but not included in the decision making
D. Viewing the social economic situation of the patient
4. Which of these is NOT a sign of a mental disorder
A. Hyperactivity
B. Thoughts of suicide
C. Bizarre behavior
D. Taking of wine/alcohol
5. The following are symptoms you may experience when having a panic attack expect
A. Palpitations
B. Shortness of breath
C. Calmness and being composed
D. Sweating
6. A mentally ill patient in need of admission but unable to express himself as willing or
unwilling to accept treatment thus brought in by the relative is best termed as
A. Involuntary patient
B. Voluntary patient
C. Emergency admission
D. B and C

7. The following are termed as offences under the mental health act
A. Ill treatment of the mentally ill in the hospital
B. Selling of commodities or any substance in a mental institution
C. Aiding a mentally ill admitted patient escape from hospital
D. All the above
8. The role of a community mental health worker entails offering counselling to
individuals, family and groups and also…
A. Answering phone calls from the community
B. Providing safe and welcoming environment

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C. Accepting referrals from individuals
D. All the above
9. Attributes of a community mental health worker include all EXPECT
A. Non judgmental
B. Problem solving
C. A and B
D. Lack of knowledge on the cultural aspects of the community
10. Biological theory of mental health proposes that behavior is determined by
A. Social context
B. Cultural context
C. Genes and hormones
D. Environment one is in
11. The perception of an external object when no such object exist is
A. Hallucinations
B. Illusions
C. Neologism
D. Delusions
12. The following is TRUE about schizophrenia
A. Schizophrenic patient function same as the general population
B. Psychotic symptoms are only present in schizophrenia
C. No single test can confirm or exclude schizophrenia
D. Clinical presentations are similar to all patients

13. Schizophrenia
A. Is more common in males
B. Is more common in females
C. Is more common in black race
D. Is higher among the first degree relative of those affected

14. Good prognostic factors of schizophrenia include

A. Male gender
B. Female gender
C. Early onset
D. Known family history

15. Hassan is brought to you with history of hearing voices, talking to himself and being
violent. He does not use any substances. He is likely suffering from
A. Substance induced psychosis
B. Depression
C. Bipolar disorder
D. Schizophrenia

16. A man is attending clinic today and wishes to learn more about his diagnosis:
schizophrenia. All of the following are negative symptoms of schizophrenia expect
A. Affect blunting

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B. Aggressiveness
C. Alogia
D. Avolition
17. Good prognostic factor of bipolar include all EXPECT
A. Late onset
B. Absence of comorbidity
C. Race of the patient
D. Female gender
18. Fixed false beliefs are
A. Delusions
B. Hallucinations
C. Illusions
D. Overvalued ideas

19. What are the indications for taking a mentally ill person to the hospital for probable
admission in your community?
A. Imperative auditory hallucinations
B. Inadequate social support
C. Lack of employment
D. A and B
20. A medical illness characterized by extreme sadness /grief turned against self is known
A. Bipolar
B. Schizophrenia
C. Depression
D. Mania
21. The following is TRUE about sadness
A. Always caused by a multiple factors
B. Affects our functioning
C. All the above
D. None of the above

22. The following is true about prognosis of depression

A. Having an old age can lead to poor prognosis
B. Suicide rates is higher among depressed individuals than in the general population
C. Having reactive depression is a good prognostic factor
D. All the above
23. Which of the following will not be part of your talk to the community about prevention
of depression?
A. Late diagnosis
B. Identifying the triggers
C. Improvement of socio economic status
D. Good nutrition
24. Bipolar is characterized by
A. Extreme low moods only
B. Extreme high moods only
C. Alternating low and high moods
D. All the above
25. The physiological needs of humans include all EXPECT

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A. Sex
B. Food
C. Employment
D. Sleep
26. Functions of the mental health board in Kenya include all EXPECT
A. Organize community based programs
B. Assist in the administration of any mental hospital
C. All the above
D. Formulating of policies concerning mental health
27. The Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs are
A. Physiological, self-esteem, safety, love and belonging, self-actualization
B. Physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization
C. Physiological, love and belonging, safety, esteem and self-actualization
D. Physiological, safety, love and belonging esteem and self-actualization
28. Management of mental illness does NOT include
A. Asking the pastor for spiritual intervention
B. Discussing with the family about care
C. Taking of herbs
D. Joining of support groups
29. Normal anxiety is
A. A normal response to an abnormal situation
B. An abnormal response to a normal situation
C. Always characterized by mania
D. All the above

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