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Physics Revision Assignment — 2021-22, Semester I

Class - VIII
Topic : Force & Pressure
Force and pressure
Section A

Q.1 A body can move with a constant speed and direction on a rough
surface which offers a frictional force ,F if we apply a force equal to
a) F
b) 2F
c) F/2
d) 4F

Q.2The SI unit of force is

a) newton
b) kg wt.
c) dyne
d) all of the above
Q.3 If force acts opposite to the direction of motion then
a) speed of body may increase
b) speed of body may decrease
c) speed of body may remain same
d) direction of body will change
Q.4 ___________ is an example of a contact force.
a) Frictional force
b) Muscular force
c) Both 'a' and 'b'
d) Neither 'a' nor 'b'
Q5. A person stands on a box having dimensions 100cm x
50cm x 20 cm. In which of the following cases, pressure
exerted by the box will be
a) maximum when length and breadth form the base.
b) maximum when length and height form the base.
c) maximum when height and breadth form the base.
d) equal in all the above cases as thrust is same.
Section B
Q.6 Define force. Also state the effects of force.
Ans. Force is a push or a pull.
The effects of force are:
a) Force can change shape and size of an object.
b) Force can change the direction of motion of an object.
c) Force can change the speed of a moving object.
d) Force can stop a moving body or bring a body at rest in motion.

Q.7 Name the two quantities required for the complete description of force?
Ans. The two quantities required for the complete description of force are its
magnitude and direction.
Q.8 What happens to the motion of an object, if the force acts
(i) perpendicular to direction of motion.
Ans. The direction of motion of the object will change.
(ii) in the same direction as the motion.
Ans. Speed of the object will increase.
Q.9 Define pressure and its S.I. unit.
Ans. Pressure is defined as the thrust acting per unit area. Its
S.I. unit is pascal(Pa).
One pascal is the pressure exerted by a thrust of 1 newton if it
acts on an area of 1m2.
Q.10 Give two differences between
Force of Friction and Magnetic Force
S.No. Force of Friction Magnetic Force
1. It is a contact force. It is a non-contact

2. It always opposes the It can be attractive as

motion. well as repulsive.
(ii)Force of Gravity and Force of Gravitation.
S.No. Force of gravity Force of
1. It is the force of It is the attractive
gravitation between a force between any
celestial body and any two bodies in the
other body in the universe.
2. Generally , it is Generally , it is
stronger. weaker.
Q.11 Give two examples each of force which is
(i)only a push,
Ans. Examples of push force
1. Feet pushing ground while walking.
2. Player kicking a ball in a football game
(ii) only a pull
Ans. Examples of pull force
1. Pulling a window curtain
2. Pulling the rope in a tug of war
(iii) both a push and a pull.
Ans. Examples of both push and pull forces are:
1. Moving the furniture.
2. Using a hand held fan
Q.12 What is electrostatic force? Is it a contact force or a non-contact force?
Ans. Electrostatic force : I t is a force exerted by stationary electric charges.
Two objects can attract as well as repel due to electrostatic force. It is a non-
contact force.
Q.13 Show with the help of a diagram that pressure exerted by liquids
increases with depth.
Ans. Take a plastic bottle . Fill the bottle with water . Now with any sharp
object make holes on the bottle at different depths .You will observe that
water flowing out from holes at the top cover smaller distance but the
water flowing out from bottom holes are covering larger distance. This
activity shows that the pressure in a fluid increases with increase in depth.
Q.14 i. Briefly explain the working of rubber sucker.
Ans. When the rubber sucker is pressed against a flat, smooth
surface, its concave rubber cup gets flattened to a large
extent, pushing out most of the air from beneath it. So the
air pressure inside the rubber sucker becomes very low and
the much greater atmospheric pressure acting on it from
outside fixes the sucker firmly on the flat surface.
ii. How does atmospheric pressure depend on altitude. Give
reasons for your answer.
Ans. The atmospheric pressure reduces with increase in altitude
as the density of air is lesser at higher altitudes.
Q15. If 10N and 5N forces act towards east and 20N towards west
on a body, then calculate the resultant force acting on the body.
Ans. Resultant force = 20 – (10+ 15) = 5N towards west
Q.16 Give reasons:
i. Walls of a dam are broader at the bottom than at the top.
Ans. Walls of a dam are broader at the bottom than at the top to
withstand the higher pressure at the bottom as pressure
increases with depth.
ii. A balloon rubbed on a coat sleeve sticks to a wall.
Ans. A balloon rubbed on a coat sleeve gets electrically charged so it
attracts the wall, a neutral object as charged objects attract
neutral bodies.
iii. A plastic bottle gets crushed inwards when it is filled with a hot
Ans. When hot water is poured in the plastic bottle, the air inside
gets heated up. The warm air rises up and reduces the pressure
inside the bottle, so the higher atmospheric pressure outside the
bottle crushes it inwards.
iv. A sharp knife cuts more easily as compared to a blunt knife.
Ans. A blunt knife has more area coming in contact than a sharp knife
so the pressure exerted by the blunt knife will be less as
compared to that of a sharp knife (as for a constant thrust,
pressure is inversely proportional to area of contact). Therefore
it is easier to cut with a sharp knife.
Q17. Explain the working of syringe.
Ans. The syringe works on the existence of atmospheric pressure. When the nozzle
of a syringe is dipped in a liquid and its piston is withdrawn, the pressure inside
the syringe is lower. The greater atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of
the liquid pushes the liquid up into the syringe.
Q18. What is the force required to produce a pressure of 25000 Pa on an area of
20 cm2?
Ans. Area of contact = 20 cm2 = 20/ 10000 = 0.002 m2
Pressure = 25000 Pa
Force = Pressure x Area of contact = 25000 x 0.002 = 50N

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