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2.1 Relevant Theories

In this section, the researcher discussed about some theories which is relevant

with the research. This section also divided into four parts. They are cooperative

learning, jigsaw technique, teaching grammar, and simple present tense.

2.1.1 Cooperative Learning

The Definition of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is one of teaching method which is commonly used in

the process of teaching and learning. Cooperative learning offers that students‟

interaction and it is students-centered. In cooperative learning students must

exchange their knowledge and opinion. Cooperative is working together to

accomplish shared goals. Within cooperative activities individuals seek outcomes

that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all other group members.

Cooperative learning refers to instructional methods in which students work together

in a small group to help each other to learn (Oludipe and Awokoy, 2020).

The Characteristics of Cooperative Learning

The cooperative learning has the characteristics as follows (Zhang, 2010):

a. Using small groups. Each group consists of three, four, or five students.


b. Focusing on tasks to be accomplished. Together with the team-mate, they

should work hard to finish the tasks successfully.

c. Requiring group cooperation and interaction. The students work as team.

They should work cooperatively and interact with each other.

d. Mandating individual responsibility to learn. Besides as the team- mate,

each student is also asked to have the responsibility individually. It

supports division of labor, because in cooperative learning, sometimes

each student has each own job in team, and she/he must responsible with

his/her job.

2.1.2 Jigsaw Technique

The Definition of Jigsaw Technique

Jigsaw model is under the cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a

teaching learning process model which gives the opportunity for the students to

cooperate with other students in systematic tastes (Kilic, 2018). Cooperative

learning is a set of instructional models in which student work in mixes ability

groups to reach specific learning and social interaction objectives.

There are many kinds of model of cooperative learning. They are Students

Achievement Division (STAD), Jigsaw, Group Investigation, Structural Approach,

Team Game Tournament, Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI), and Cooperative

Integrated Writer Reading and Composition (CIRC) (Oludipe and Awokoy, 2020).

The Jigsaw classroom is originally developed by Elliot Aronson in 1971 in

Austin, Texas, and was considered effective in increasing positive educational

outcomes. In the original Jigsaw, each member of a group was assigned a different

part of material. Then all the students from different groups who had the same

learning material gathered together and formed an “expert group” to discuss and

communicate with each other until they all mastered the material. Later, the students

returned back to their home group to teach the material to other members of their

group (Kilic, 2018). Furthermore, Jigsaw technique places great emphasis on

cooperation and shared responsibility within groups. The success of each group

depends on the participation of each individual in completing their task. This means

the Jigsaw technique effectively increases the involvement of each student in the


Jigsaw is the model of teaching learning where the students are set up in

teams; each team member is responsible for mastering part of the learning material

and teaching that part to the other team members. Jigsaw makes the students learn

their friends by exchanging the information. Besides, jigsaw is model learning

technique of cooperative learning, with students learn in small group consist of four

or five person, diverse inter ability, cooperative in positive interdependence and

responsible to present the task for each member (Adams, 2013).

The Procedures of Jigsaw Technique


The procedures of Jigsaw Technique are as follows (Adams, 2013):

a. Students are divided into several group where the member of a group

consists of 4 – 5 students .The group should be diverse in terms of

gender, ability. It is called home group

b. Topic is given to the students in text form and each student has

accountability to study it

c. Each member from different group has responsibility to study the topic

and then the students read and discuss the text and find some information

in the text in their group. It called expert group.

d. After each student comprehended the text, then the students comes back

to the home group to explain other member about the material that has

been studied in expert group. At the end of the session, gives an

assessment to them.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that jigsaw is a technique in

which the students learn in group form, and each member has different member, then

she/ he shares the information to complete all information to others.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique

The following as the advantages and disadvantages of using jigsaw technique

as a cooperative learning as follows (Kazemi, 2012):

The Advantages of Jigsaw Technique:


a. Jigsaw creates positive learning environment and implies more individual

responsibility, encourages cooperation and peer teaching.

b. Jigsaw can be integrated into a number of classroom activities that are

structured so that everyone does not have to read an entire work or even

segments from the same work.

c. Jigsaw model is under cooperative learning method. CL is a model of

teaching and learning process where the activities and the classroom

focus on the students as the central of the teaching learning process.

d. One of the characteristics is that it fosters positive interdependence by

teaching students to work and learning together in a small group setting.

e. The student centered as the core of the teaching and learning process or

in other words jigsaw model makes the students as the central activities

in the classroom. It makes the teacher becomes a facilitator in the


f. Jigsaw is adaptable to a wide variety of curricular settings, and teachers

will find it useful in a number of respects.

g. Jigsaw involves discovering processes in applying findings and

contributes to the development of the higher order thinking skills, such as

analysis, synthesis, and evaluation as well as elements of argumentation

and critical thinking.

The Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique:


a. Jigsaw takes much time to organize the group. The teacher should make

groups that combine the students who have different intelligences.

Besides, the class situation become noisy, so the teacher needs to control

the students.

b. The problem of dominant learner. Learners quickly realize that the group

runs more effectively if each student is allowed to present her or his

material before question and comments are taken.

c. If the group setting is too big, it will make the group less effective in

working among the member.

d. If students don’t get into their group quickly enough or read their initial

texts quickly enough, it will run out of time.

2.1.3 Teaching Grammar

The Definition of Grammar

Grammar is the study of a language rules by which the words may change

their forms and or combined into sentences. Grammar is a theory of language that

describes how it put together and work. Grammar of a language is the description of

the ways about words that can change their forms and can be combined into

sentences in that language (Aqel, 2013). Based on these definitions, the researcher

concludes that grammar is the set of rules that describes how words or group of

words can be arranged to form sentences in a particular language. So the grammar of


English consists of all the rules that govern the formation of English sentences.

Obviously, when we utter some words without using a certain rule, our utterance

would be in vain. Then our listeners do not understand what we have said or what the

purpose of our utterances. Therefore, grammar guides people how to speak and write

in a correct way. In this way, the communication could occur fluently and

understandable (Aqel, 2013).

The Importance of Grammar in Language Teaching

English learning activities involve four skills consisting of listening, reading,

writing, and speaking. They have to be supported with language components, such as

grammar, vocabulary, phonology, etc. Furthermore, the grammar existing in the

language must be complex. They could be related, changed (forms and function) or

even combined each other into structure that are more complex. The real example is

that a single word in English may have some functions and various forms (noun,

verb, adjective, and adverb). For instance, the word ‘move’ as verb may change into

‘mover’ as noun. Penny Ur argued that knowledge of grammatical rules of a

language is very important for the mastery of that language (Ling, 2015). People who

want to understand English better should understand its grammar. Meanwhile, every

language has its own rules of grammar that makes its user understand each other.

Michael Swan stated that grammar is important to make comprehensible utterances

because by knowing the ways in building sentences, it is possible to communicate


meaningfully and successfully. Bad grammar can lead the miscommunication among

them because grammar is very essential. It makes the speakers of language

understand each other. It is understood that grammar is different over language. We

cannot use the Indonesian language grammar in English and vice versa.

Nevertheless, people still will be able to learn a language (Ling, 2015).

In short, the mastery of grammar can contribute to the learners’ language

acquisition, especially for the second or foreign language learners. In learning

foreign language, it is necessary to master certain structure items (grammar) to

support the mastery of four language skills better because the speakers utterances of

sentences would have different ideas or meaning to his hearers or readers (Ling,

2015). It also makes the language speakers understand each other so that they could

communicate effectively and accurately. In other words, grammar is still needed in

the learning a language.

2.1.4 Simple Present Tense

The Definition of Simple Present Tense

Tense represents any forms of a verb which refers to when the action

happens. Moreover, Simple Present Tense is the tense that is used to indicate the

events, actions and conditions that are happening all the time, or exist now. For

instance: I live in Madrid, she does not like cheese and I think you are wrong. Those

sentences are all in the Simple Present Tense (Abdullah, 2013).


Tense is a set of verb forms that represents a particular time or period in the

past, present or future. In addition, Simple Present Tense is used to talk about

thoughts and feelings in the present moment, or immediate reactions to something

(Abdullah, 2013).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that tense may

indicate whether an activity occurs at moment of speaking, has been completed, has

extended over a period time, or is still in progress. Then the simple present tense

indicates an activity that happens at moment of speaking or a state being in the

present, about things in general, something happening all the time or repeatedly, or

something that is true in general.

The Use of Simple Present Tense

The use of Simple Present Tense are to express daily events, habit or actions,

general truth, facts and used to express any conditions or non-action states that

represents a situation that happens right now at moment of speaking. The verbs

included are mental states (know, understand, believe, and think), emotional states

(like, love, hate, appreciate), sense perceptions (see, hear, taste, smell, and feel),

possession (have, own, belong, possess), other existing states (cost, weight, contain,

look, appear, include, exist, be) (Siswoyo, 2016).

The use of Simple Present Tense is used to express a habitual or daily

activity. For example, I study for two hours every night.


The usages of Simple Present Tense are as follows (Siswoyo, 2016)

a. To express a habitual action, e.g., they often play football together, we

usually study at night.

b. To state general action and truth, e.g.,:

- The earth revolves around the sun.

- A year has twelve months.

- The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

c. To express events, actions or conditions that are happening or exist at

moment, e.g.,:

- Mary sings beautifully.

- She seems to be very tired today.

- I work hard at home.

d. To express future action, especially with verbs of movement or travel

such as come, go, leave, stay, or arrive.

- The plane leaves tomorrow morning.

- We leave for Jakarta in Tuesday, our train arrives at 09.05.

- I arrive in Hong Kong on Sunday.

e. To express the meaning of Present Continuous Tense by using certain

verbs in Simple Present Tense such as agree, consider, expect, like,

know, prefer, remember, wish, want, etc. e.g.,: Udin likes a radio (not

Udin is liking a radio), They agree with you (not they are agreeing with


Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that simple present tense

is used to express habitual or everyday activity, general action or something that is

true in general, and future action.

The Form of Simple Present Tense

The Form of Simple Present Tense as follows (Deviga and Diliyana, 2018):

a. The Simple Present Tense uses the simple (unchanged) form of a verb for

first person, second person, and third person plural subject, except for a

third person singular subject. For third person singular subject, the verb

ends in –s/-es (talk-talks/kiss-kisses).

b. In negative statement, yes/no questions and WH (what, who, when,

where and how) questions in the Simple Present Tense use do/does.

Except sentences with be. For example, I do not watch television in the

morning. Do you watch television in the morning?

The simple present tense has the same forms as the infinitive but added an –

s/es for the third person, e.g.: I/you/we/they work, and He/she/it works. Then form of

the negative and interrogative statement adds auxiliary do or does for third person

singular before the infinitive without to. For example: I do not work and He/she/it

does not work. In addition, the adverbial time, adverbial of place and adverbial of

frequency used in Simple Present Tense are always, sometimes, seldom, often, at

night, every week, on Sunday, twice a week, every day, here and there. For example:

She always studies hard every day.

Furthermore, the rules of form to make verbs one for the third person singular

subject (she, he, and it) is as follows (Putri et al, 2019):

a. Verb ending in ss, sh, ch, x, o, added es. For example:

- We watch television. - Betty watches television.

- You go to school. - Ani goes to school.

- I box these pencils. - He boxes these pencils.

- I kiss my baby. - She kisses her baby.

b. Verb ending with y that is preceded by consonant, so it’s changed to be i,

and then added with es. For example:

- I carry a bag - She carries a bag

- You hurry to go home - He hurries to go home

c. Verb ending in y but preceded by vowel just added with s

immediately. For example:

- I play the guitar - She plays the guitar

- You say get out! - He says come in!

Besides, if the predicate of the statement is not a verb but a noun, adjective,

or adverb of place called nominal sentence, it must use to be (is, am, are), e.g.: I am a

student, they are in class, he always busy.

It can be concluded that to form affirmative statement of Simple Present


Tense for third person singular is just by adding s/es in the end of verb except certain

verbs that end in ss, sh, ch, x, o, and y that follows a consonant. Besides, those verbs

just added with s in the end of verb to form the verb for the third person singular.

First person, second person, and third person plural subject use the simple or

unchanged form of a verb. Then to form negative and interrogative statement

do/does is used. However, to form nominal sentence of the Simple Present Tense to

be after the subject is used.

2.2 Previous Research

The researcher will describe some works that are relevant to this research in

order to make this research arrangement easier:

Research written by Siti Farida Ridwan (Student’s Number: 1110014000003)

entitle “The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Simple Past Tense” (An

Experimental Research at Grade VIII of MTs Al-Ikhwan). The main objective of this

research is to know whether or not jigsaw techniques is effective to improve

students’ ability in simple past tense based on their understanding of regular irregular

verbs. The population was students at grade VIII.A and VIII.B of MTs Al-Ikhwan,

which consists of 25 students in VIII.A class as experiment class, and 25 students of

class VIII.B as control class. In taking the sample, the writer used random sampling

technique. The research design used was experimental design. The instrument used

to collect the data was writing test or essay test. The technique to analyze the data

was t-test formula. The finding was there is an effect of using jigsaw technique in

teaching simple past tense at grade VIII of MTs Al-Ikhwan.

Research written by Megasari Nurul Inayati (Student’s Number:

204014003216) entitle “The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Improving

Students’ Reading Comprehension at The Eighth Grade of SMP Islam Parung” (An

Experimental Study at the Eighth Grade of SMP Islam Parung). The main objective

of this research is to find out whether there is any significant difference on students

reading comprehension achievement taught by using jigsaw technique and by using

grammar translation method in teaching reading comprehension. The population was

the eighth grade students of SMP Islam Parung which consist of two classes they are

grade 8.1 as controlled class and grade 8.2 as an experiment class. In taking the

sample, the writer used purposive cluster sampling technique. The research design

used was experimental design. The instrument used to collect the data was writing

test or essay test. The technique to analyze the data was t-test formula. The finding

was there is a significant difference between the students’ reading comprehension

achievement who taught by using Jigsaw Technique and who taught by using

Grammar Translation Method.

From two researches above, there are similarities among two researches and

this research they are the usage of jigsaw technique in teaching English, the method

of the research used in employing the research that used experimental method. Then,

the technique in collecting the data is used test by giving pre-test and post-test.

However, the differences are the setting of the research, the participants of the

research and the type of the media used. This research focuses in online learning by

using WhatsApp Video Call on teaching grammar of simple present tense.

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