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September 20, 2021

TLE 9 Cookery

A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding the knowledge, skills,

and attitudes required in maintaining kitchen tools, equipment, and work premises.
B. Performance Standard: The learners independently maintain clean kitchen tools,
equipment, and premises.

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to:
1. Recognize measuring tools and equipment;
2. Understand the function of measuring tools and equipment; and
3. Identify measuring tools and equipment.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : Measuring tools and Equipment
B. References : Learning Module Grade 9 Cookery
C. Materials : Laptop and Projector, and Visual Aids, Module
D. Code : TLE-HECK9-12KP-Ia-1 (Curriculum guide pg.12

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Good morning student! Good morning maam Jessa!

 Opening prayer
Fritz can you lead the prayer? Yes maam. (Leads the prayer)

 Classroom arrangement:
Everyone, kindly pick up the trashes
and clean your area before you take Okay maam (students clean their areas)
your seat.

 Checking of Attendance
Kindly say “Present” when your name (Students say present when the teacher calls
is called their name)

 Review
So for yesterday’s lesson, we tackled about
the cooking materials, so who among you Student 1: (Raised her hand and
can summarize about yesterday’s lessson? summarize the previous discussion )
Maam, yesterday you tackled about the
Very good! cooking material and its uses, you also
told us to search for the measuring tools
 Motivation and equipment.
Now, I want Erika to share with the class
one of the measuring tools. Liquid measuring cup maam

Very Good! Now, menilyn can yo also give

Measuring spoon maam.
That is right! How about Kaith? Can you
give another one? Yes maam, dry measuring cup

That’s it! How about the others? Can you

raise your hand and share one of the (One of the student raised a hand)
kitchen equipment?
Oven maam

Student 2: blenders maam

Student 3: refrigerator maam
Very good students! And because of that, I
will give you an additional 10 point for our
quiz later. Thank you, maam!

 Awareness
I have here some pictures. . . (The teacher will
show pictures to the students)

What can you say about the picture?

Ma’am the pictures are the measuring
tools and equipment that you can see in
the kitchen.
Very good! Any other answer?
Those tools are made up of different
kitchen materials.

Okay very good! Im going to show you

again some pictures and identify it.

(The teacher will show again some pictures

to the students)

Identify the pictures of the different

measuring tools and Equipment.
Measuring cup maam

Measuring Cup

How about this picture?

It’s oven maam

Weighing scale maam!

Refrigerator maam
Scoops maam!

Alright! Very good!

Blender maam!

 Activity

In your notebook, list down all the

measuring tools and equipment that you can
find in your kitchen and identify what
Material is it. Follow the format below.

Measuring tools Materials

and equipment
Measuring cup Stainless steel,
Measuring spoon Stainless steel,
Measuring tools and Materials plastic
equipment Blender Glass

Oven Stainless steel

Scoops Stainless steel

Maam it’s a kitchen tools and equipment
 Analysis
(The teacher will present a picture) Maam a Tool is a handheld device that
aids in completing a task while the
Equipment the implements used in an
operation or activity.

Yes maam very convenient to use.

Not really maam, we need to be extra

carefu.l in dealing with the equipment.

We need to place them in the proper

places and keep them out of reach for
children below 10 years old.

We need to wash them properly and

What can you see in the picture? cleanly, and for those electric machines,
we need to be extra careful with them,
Yes it is, so how would you categorize and clean them properly.
MAam, there will be a tendency that it
will cause trouble and worst is that
someone might get hurt.
Is this convenient to use?

Are they safe?

Yes, so how should we take care of these


Very good! So how would you clean these


What if you misplace them?

That’s it very good!

 Abstraction
So our topic for today is all about the
measuring tools and equipment and its

1.Measuring cup for liquid ingredients – are

Commonly made up of heat-proof glass and
Transparent so that liquid can be seen.

2.Household Scales – are used to weigh large

quantity of ingredients in kilos, commonly in rice,
flour, sugar, legumes or vegetables and meat up to
25 pounds.

3.Scoops or dippers – are used to measure serving

of soft Foods, such as fillings, ice cream, and
mashed potato. Spoons come in variety of sizes,
shapes, materials And colors. These are used to
measure smaller quantities Of ingredients called for
in the recipe like: 1 tablespoon of Butter or 1⁄4
teaspoon of salt.

Equipment may refer to a small electrical

appliance, such as a mixer, or a
large, expensive, power-operated appliance
such a range or a refrigerator.
Equipment like range, ovens, refrigerators
(conventional, convection and
microwave) are mandatory pieces in the
kitchen or in any food establishment.

1.Refrigerators/freezers are necessary in Preventing

bacterial infections from foods. Most Refrigerators
have special compartment for meat, Fruits and
vegetables to keep the moisture Content of each
type of food. Butter compartment Holds butter
separately to prevent food odors From spoiling its
flavor. Basically, refrigerator or Freezer is an
insulated box, equipped with Refrigeration unit and
a control to maintain the Proper inside temperature
for food storage.

2. Oven- a chamber or compartment used for

cooking, baking, heating, or drying.
None maam, all are clear.

3 Blenders are used to chop,

blend, mix, whip, puree, grate, and liquefy all
kinds of food. A blender is a very useful
appliance. They vary in the amount of power

Are still with me? Are we clear? Or do you have

any questions?
Very good!
 Generalization
Selecting the right items to equip your
kitchen can be a daunting task. In an
attempt to simplify this, you might ask what
the difference between a kitchen tool, and (The students will form a group and do
kitchen equipment . their task)

Some kitchen tools are used as multipurpose

items. This gives you the versatility to
purchase one type of tools and use it for
many tasks. Just like the measuring tools
where we need to have an exact
measurements of our products.

Talking about kitchen equipment typically

refers to the larger, either manual or
automatic, implements in your kitchen.
These are appliances that aid in processing,
cooking, baking, and freezing food.

 Application

The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each (Students will execute the task)
group will identify the tools and equipment
and prepare a short script and demonstrate
the proper use of kitchen tools and
equipment for 3 minutes.


Directions: On the third column draw a star

if the statement/s in column A match with
Column B and if not write the correct word/s
that best describe the statement/s.

1.Are used to chop,
blend, mix, whip, puree,
grate, and liquefy all kinds
of food. A blender is a very Chopping
useful appliance. They vary board
in the amount of power

2. Are used to weigh large

quantity of ingredients in
kilos, commonly in rice, Household
flour, sugar, legumes or scale
vegetables and meat up to
25 pounds.
3.May refer to a small
electrical appliance, such as
a mixer, or a
large, expensive, power- tools
operated appliance such a
range or a refrigerator.
Okay maam!
4.Used as multipurpose
items. This gives you the
versatility to purchase one
type of tools and use it for Equipmen
many tasks. Just like the t None maam!
measuring tools where we
need to have an exact Good bye maam Jessa!
measurements of our
5. A chamber or
compartment used for Oven
cooking, baking, heating,
or drying.

For assignment,
Search about cleaning and
sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment.
Cut out pictures and prepare to share it with
the class.

Do You have any questions

Okay, thank you for attending,class. That’s all

today, God bless and keep safe!
The lesson was carried out well with a 100% proficiency
I. No of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation_______________
II. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation_____________
III. Did the lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson______
IV. No. of learners who continue to require remediation___________
V. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
VI. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
VII. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I want to share with
other teachers? __________
No of students who MASTERED ______ ______ _______ _______ _______
NEEDS REMEDIATION _______ ______ ______ _______ _______

I will broaden my horizon and be more effective in teaching to serve as a blessing to my

Prepared by:

Bancale, Jessa Mae


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