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The following statements are common reasons of people who do not regularly
engage in physical activity. Rank the statements according to how much you agree
with them, with “1” being the best statement that describes you, and “7” for the
statement that does not hold true for you.
__7__ 1. Exercise is hard and tiring.
__7__ 2. I would rather do something else than exercise.
__7__ 3. I think I do not look good when I exercise.
__1__ 4. I do not have the money to enroll in a fitness center or gy
__7__ 5. My parents do not encourage me to exercise.
__1__ 6. I have a very busy schedule.
__7__ 7. I do not know any sport or exercise.

Select activities requiring minimal
time, such as walking, jogging, or
I am having a very busy
stair climbing. Time management is
also important.
I will plan ahead. I'll Make physical
activity a regular part of my daily or
I lack self-motivation. weekly routine and write it on my
schedule, i will also motivate myself
to be the better version of me when it
comes to physical activities.
There’s nothing better to hold than
working out with a I'll Find someone
Boredom with who enjoys the same types of
workouts that i do, and fit time in my
schedule to work out together a
couple of times a week
Suarez, Lara Thea

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