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1 Collection of Briquette Making Materials

The materials used for briquettes in this work were agricultural residues (rice chaffs) while sawdust was
collected from the timber shed on Baga Road, Maiduguri. 3.2 Preparation of Briquettes 3.2.1
Preparation of briquettes from sawdust The sawdust used for briquettes were soaked in cold water
at room temperatures (20 – 26oC) for about three days until nearly decomposed. The sawdust requires
no pounding due to the particle size. The water was thereafter drained off leaving behind a pulpy
mixture. Starch was then added to the pulpy mixture to serve as binding material due to the coarse-
loose nature of the sawdust. A fixed quantity of the pulp was hand-fed into the cylindrical-shaped plastic
mould of a manually operated closed-end piston press (Plate 1) to press out water from the pulp and
compact the particles. Thereafter, the briquettes were ejected and placed on a drying rack and left to
dry. This comprises of 100% sawdust

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