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Q1. A horizontal cylindrical tank was being used to store oil-based drilling fluid on the rig.

The length of the tanks was 24 ft and the diameter was 10 ft.
The tank was less than half-filled.

The recorded fluid-depth by the level sensor was 4 ft (from the tank-bottom).
Calculate the total volume capacity of the horizontal tank (unit: bbl).
Calculate the volume of drilling fluid present in the horizontal tank (unit: bbl)

Q2. Sketch a vertical wellbore (total depth, MD = 8,000 ft.) with below parameters.

Casing: OD – 14”, ID – 13.2”, set from surface to 6,000 ft. depth.

Openhole: 11.5” up to 8000 ft. depth (from 6,000 ft. to 8,000 ft.)
Drill-string: OD – 8”, ID – 7.25” up to 8,000 ft. depth in the wellbore.

Estimate the wellbore drill-string, annular and the total wellbore fluid volume (in bbl.).
The pump rate is 120 stk/min and the pump output is 0.1 bbl/stk.

Estimate Surf/Bit, Bit/Surf and Surf/Surf strokes.

Estimate Surf/Bit, Bit/Surf and Surf/Surf minutes.

Q3. Stating the standard stokes law in SI units, derive the following expression for the law in
the oil-field units:

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