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2. LEONARDO SIHALOHO (4202421023)






Praise and Gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, for the abundance of Mercy
and Blessings from Him, so that we can complete the Critical Book Review paper with the
material "Earth and Cosmic Sciences" properly and on time.

The purpose of writing this paper is one of the requirements to fulfill the assignment
of the course "Earth and Cosmic Sciences" at the State University of Medan. And we would
like to thank Ms. Yul Ifda Tanjung, S.Pd., MPd as our supporting lecturer who has supported
and provided a lot of knowledge in the Earth and Cosmic Science course.

We really hope that this CBR paper can be useful in increasing knowledge and
insight. Hopefully it can be useful for many people. We also realize that in this CBR paper
there are still many shortcomings and it is far from perfect. Therefore, we hope that there will
be criticism and suggestions for improving the tasks that we will make in the future.

Medan, September 1st , 2021

Group 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I..........................................................................................................................................3
1.1. Rationalization of the Importance of CBR..................................................................................3
1.2. Purpose of Writing CBR.............................................................................................................3
1.3. Benefits of CBR..........................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................................................4
SUMMARY AND IDENTITY OF THE BOOK...............................................................................................4
2.1 MAIN BOOK..............................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 IDENTITY MAIN BOOK....................................................................................................4
2.1.2 SUMMARY MAIN BOOK..................................................................................................4
2.2 FIRST COMPARISON BOOK...................................................................................................6
2.2.1 FIRST COMPARISON BOOK IDENTITY.........................................................................7
2.2.2 FIRST COMPARISON BOOK SUMMARY.......................................................................7
2.3 SECOND BOOK COMPARISON............................................................................................10
2.3.1 SECOND BOOK COMPARISON IDENTITY..................................................................10
2.3.2 SECOND BOOK COMPARISON SUMMARY................................................................11
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER IV......................................................................................................................................16
4.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................16
4.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................................................16


1.1. Rationalization of the Importance of CBR

Critical Book Review (CBR) is an activity to review or review the contents of a book that
aims to facilitate research. The research carried out such as student thesis final project, thesis or
activities such as student creativity program. The research that will be carried out is strongly
supported by the books that are owned. By knowing the reviews of a book, we can easily find the
basis for the research we are going to do.

There are several important things before we review a book, such as looking for books
that are relevant to the topic raised, reading the entire content and trying to rewrite it in its own
language from the understanding of the book. Things that need to be presented in reviewing
books are to reveal some of the theoretical foundations used as references in research and what
objectives are to be achieved; reveal the relationship between chapters and paragraphs and the
strength of the book content as a reference for research.

1.2. Purpose of Writing CBR

The purpose of writing Critical Book Reviews are:

1. To fulfill one of the CBR assignments in the "Earth and Cosmic Sciences" course
2. To increase knowledge about the course "Earth and Cosmic Sciences"
3. Improve students' ability to criticize a book
4. To improve the skills of reviewing a book and strengthening the content of the material
by summarizing the journal

1.3. Benefits of CBR

The benefits of writing Critical Book Reviews are:

1. Increase insight and understanding in Earth and Cosmic courses.

2. Helping everyone know the essence of the results of a book review
3. To be used as evaluation material for the next CBR paper.
4. Able to understand books critically in the "Earth and Cosmic Sciences" subject



1. Title : Origin and Evolution of Earth

2. Author : Donald J. DePaolo
3. Publisher : National Academic Press
4. City of publication : Washington DC
5. Year of publication : 2008
6. Page : 150 pages


Origin and Evolution of Earth Research Questions for a Changing Planet Questions about
the origins and nature of Earth have long preoccupied human thought and the scientific
endeavor. Deciphering the planet’s history and processes could improve the abil- ity to predict
catastrophes like earthquakes and volcanoes, to manage Earth’s resources, and to anticipate
changes in climate and geologic processes. This report captures, in a series of questions, the
essential scientific challenges that constitute the frontier of Earth science at the start of the 21st
century. Earth scientists have long been concerned with deciphering the history and predicting
the future of this active planet. Scientists have ever-improving tools to understand how Earth’s
internal processes shape the planet’s surface, how life can be sustained over billions of years,
and how geological, biological, atmospheric, and oceanic processes interact to produce climate
and climatic change. Centuries of studying Earth, its neighboring planets, and meteorites have
enabled the trasolar planets and objects, will further advance understanding of the origin of
Earth and t The first 500 million years of Earth’s existence, known as the Hadean Eon, is a
critical missing link in understanding how the planet’s atmosphere, oceans, and differentiated
layers of core, mantle, and outer crust developed. Scientists have almost no idea how fast the
surface environment evolved, how the transition took place, or when condi- tions became
hospitable enough to support life. The origin of life is one of the most intriguing, difficult, and
endur- ing questions in science. Developing an accurate picture of the physical environments
and the chemical building blocks avail- able to early life is a critical Earth science challenge.
Clues to shed light on these mysteries stem largely from investigations of Earth’s ancient rocks
and min- erals—the only remaining evidence of the time when Earth’s life first emerged. As
planets age and cool off, their internal and surface processes gradually change. Manifestations of
changes within Earth’s interior such as the develop- ment of mountains and volcanoes—have a
huge influ- ence on the nature of Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Despite continuing advances,
however, scientists are only beginning to explore the connec- tions between Earth’s core,
magnetic field, mantle, and surface and to investigate why Earth differs from other planets, or
how it may change in the future. A major focus of Earth science has been on deciphering the
nature of the continents the features that make Earth habitable for land-dwelling life. Plate
tectonics the description of Earth’s outermost layers in terms of a small number of large
Stromatolites, like this one from Siberia, provide clues about the emergence of life on Earth.
The motion of tectonic plates and interactions at their boundaries are now known to be a driving
force behind earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the formation of mountains, and the slow drift of
continents over Earth’s surface. Although plate tectonic theory explains many of Earth’s surface
features, it is not known why Earth has plates or what the relationships are between plate
tectonics and Earth’s abundant water, continents, and the existence of life. Answering such
questions will require improved models, studies of modern plate boundaries, and comparisons
with other planets. Scientists now recognize that large-scale processes on Earth, such as plate
tectonics, are driven by the nature of the materials that make up the planet—down to the
smallest details of their atomic structures. The high pressures and temperatures of Earth’s
interior, the enormous size of the planet and its structures, the long expanse of geological time,
and the vast diversity of materials present challenges to studying Earth materials. Break-
throughs in this area are now at hand, however; new analytical tools and advanced computing
capabilities are improving the study and simula- tion of Earth materials at the atomic level and
promise to improve predictions of how these ma- terial properties will affect planetary processes.
Earth science has an important role in answering both questions. How does Earth’s climate
remain relatively stable in the long term, even though it can change so abruptly? Understanding
periods in which the planet was extremely cold, extremely hot, or changed especially quickly
are leading to new insights about Earth’s climate. Observations of ancient rocks could
eventually improve prediction of the magnitude and consequences of climate changes. Scientists
know that the composition of Earth’s atmosphere, especially its high concentration of oxy- gen,
is a consequence of the presence of life. Manifestations of changes within Earth’s interior
inÀuence the nature of Earth’s surface. Committee on Grand Research Questions in the Solid-
Earth Sciences: Donald J. Knoll, Harvard University; Frank M. Trefil, George Mason University;
Anne M. This report brief was prepared by the National Research Council based on the
committee’s report, Origin and Evolution of Earth: Research Questions for a Changing Planet
(2008). © 2008 The National Academy of Sciences generate changes of global consequence.
Likewise, Earth’s geologic evolution, as well as catastrophic events like meteorite impacts, has
clearly affected the evolution of life. Exactly how geological events have affected evolution, and
how much control life has had on climate, are still topics of debate. Understanding the
interrelationships between life and the process- es that shape the land presents a critical
challenge. Some of the scientific questions associated with fluids also have application to
earthquake prediction, climate pre- diction, the evolution of continents, the behavior of
volcanoes, and the properties of Earth materials.


1. Title : Bumi dan Tata Surya

2. Author : TIM MGMP Kota Surakarta
3. Publisher :-
4. City of publication : Surakarta
5. Year of publication : 2012
6. Page : 12 pages


History of the Formation of the Earth Understanding the Earth was formed 4,60 million
years ago and underwent several developments until it was formed as it is today. Massive
evaporation of gas from the earth together with hydrogen and helium formed a positive
atmosphere which then caused the process of cooling the parts to gradually form the earth's crust.
This period is also recorded as the beginning of the emergence of primitive life in the oceans in
the form of algae and bacteria as evidenced by the discovery of the Iyanobacteria and Stromatin
(3,500,000,000 years). The Cambrian Period (590 million - 500 million years ago) Earth was still
in the form of an ocean full of land called Ondwana which was the forerunner of the island /
country of India, Africa, parts of Asia, Australia, Antarctica and others. History Formation of the
Earth The land of Gonswana still covers the ocean crevices, the overflow of the oceans and the
occurrence of the ice age are events that occur at this time. The Cretaceous Age (440 million –
410 million years ago) The formation of a mountain train that crossed the area we know today as
Scandinavia, Scotland and the coast of North America. Devonian Period (410 million -360
million years ago). The receding of the oceans caused the giant continent of Gondwana in
Eastern Europe and Greenland to occur at this time. The Kwali Carboniferous Period (360
million – 260 million years ago) The unification of the continents and the formation of
landmasses whose regional climates depended on their respective geographical and astronomical
locations. Perme Age (260 million - 250 million years ago) The continents of Pangea joined
together to form land, the water began to recede due to formation in the Antarctic and African
regions which caused a dry desert climate in the north. The Tiras Period (250 million – 210
million years ago) The continent of Pangea moved to the north and the desert area formed a sheet
of ice in the southern area began to melt into the intercontinental rifts began to form in Pangea.
Jurassic Period (210 million – 140 million years ago). The continent of Pangea split, the land that
is now known as North America separated from mainland Africa. History of the Formation of the
Earth. Cretaceous Period (140 million – 65 million years ago) India separated from mainland
Africa to the Asian region and formed a temperate climate in India. During the Eocene (56.7
million – 35.5 million years ago) the African region crashed into the European region and the
Indian region was still moving towards the Asian region, lifting the Alps and the Himalayas.
During the Oligocene (35.5 million – 24 million years ago) The land was getting wider, the
oceans were narrowing, the movement of continental crust was widespread in the Americas and
the European area began to form during this Oligocene. The Pleistocene Period (1.8 million –
0.01 million years ago) This time is known as the ice age because during this time there were
several glaciations. At this time most of Europe, America, North, North Asia is covered by ice,
as well as the Alps, Himalayas and Cherpathia, the earth's climate is really warmer.
Formation of the Earth Knowledge of the earth provides an illustration that the earth has
passed through an incandescent liquid phase, in which the outermost part experiences
crystallization into the earth's crust and from time to time it cracks, so that magma can penetrate
to the surface. History of the Formation of the Earth He put forward a theory called the Floating
and Displacement of the Continents in 1912 before the association of geologists in Frankfurt,
Germany. The book caused great controversy among geologists, and only subsided in the sixties
after Wegener's theory of continental drift received more and more support. Wegener put
forward the theory with the following considerations: History of the Formation of the Earth
Understanding the Earth was formed 4,60 million years ago and underwent several developments
until it was formed as it is today. Massive evaporation of gas from the earth together with
hydrogen and helium formed a positive atmosphere which then caused the process of cooling the
parts to gradually form the earth's crust. This period is also recorded as the beginning of the
emergence of primitive life in the oceans in the form of algae and bacteria as evidenced by the
discovery of the Iyanobacteria and Stromatin (3,500,000,000 years). The Cambrian Period (590
million - 500 million years ago) Earth was still in the form of an ocean full of land called
Ondwana which was the forerunner of the island / country of India, Africa, parts of Asia,
Australia, Antarctica and others. History Formation of the Earth The land of Gonswana still
covers the ocean crevices, the overflow of the oceans and the occurrence of the ice age are events
that occur at this time. The Cretaceous Age (440 million – 410 million years ago) The formation
of a mountain train that crossed the area we know today as Scandinavia, Scotland and the coast
of North America. Devonian Period (410 million -360 million years ago). The receding of the
oceans caused the giant continent of Gondwana in Eastern Europe and Greenland to occur at this
time. The Kwali Carboniferous Period (360 million – 260 million years ago) The unification of
the continents and the formation of landmasses whose regional climates depended on their
respective geographical and astronomical locations. Perme Age (260 million - 250 million years
ago) The continents of Pangea joined together to form land, the water began to recede due to
formation in the Antarctic and African regions which caused a dry desert climate in the north.
The Tiras Period (250 million – 210 million years ago) The continent of Pangea moved to the
north and the desert area formed a sheet of ice in the southern area began to melt into the
intercontinental rifts began to form in Pangea. Jurassic Period (210 million – 140 million years
ago). The continent of Pangea split, the land that is now known as North America separated from
mainland Africa. History of the Formation of the Earth. Cretaceous Period (140 million – 65
million years ago) India separated from mainland Africa to the Asian region and formed a
temperate climate in India. During the Eocene (56.7 million – 35.5 million years ago) the African
region crashed into the European region and the Indian region was still moving towards the
Asian region, lifting the Alps and the Himalayas. During the Oligocene (35.5 million – 24
million years ago) The land was getting wider, the oceans were narrowing, the movement of
continental crust was widespread in the Americas and the European area began to form during
this Oligocene. The Pleistocene Period (1.8 million – 0.01 million years ago) This time is known
as the ice age because during this time there were several glaciations. At this time most of
Europe, America, North, North Asia is covered by ice, as well as the Alps, Himalayas and
Cherpathia, the earth's climate is really warmer. Formation of the Earth Knowledge of the earth
provides an illustration that the earth has passed through an incandescent liquid phase, in which
the outermost part experiences crystallization into the earth's crust and from time to time it
cracks, so that magma can penetrate to the surface. History of the Formation of the Earth He put
forward a theory called the Floating and Displacement of the Continents in 1912 before the
association of geologists in Frankfurt, Germany. The book caused great controversy among
geologists, and only subsided in the sixties after Wegener's theory of continental drift received
more and more support. Wegener put forward the theory with the following considerations:
1) There are striking similarities between the contour lines of the east coast of North and
South America and the contour lines of the west coast of Europe and Africa. The
similarity in the pattern of coastal contour lines shows that in fact the continents of
North and South America and Europe and Africa were formerly adjacent landmasses.
2) The continents that exist today were once a single continent called the Pangea
The Atlantic Ocean is becoming wider because the American continent is still moving westward,
resulting in folds of the earth's crust that form the north-south mountain range, which is located
along the coasts of North and South America. History of the Formation of the Earth Both argue
that the earth is shrinking due to a cooling process in the interior of the earth which causes the
surface of the earth to shrink to form mountains and valleys. This theory states that initially the
earth consisted of two very large continents, namely Laurasia around the north pole and
Gondwana around the earth's south pole. The two continents then move slowly towards the
earth's equator so that it eventually breaks apart. History Formation of the Earth into smaller
continents. Laurasia split into Asia, Europe, and North America, while Gondwana split into
Africa, Australia, and South America. The Laurasia-Gondwana theory was first put forward by
Edward Zuess in 1884. History of the Formation of the Earth In 1969, fossilized jawbones of
aquatic amphibians were found. ancient freshwater, called lahyrintodont (salamander, flat head
and large body). This evidence supports the theory of continental drift, which assumes that 200
million years ago there was only one large continent on the planet Earth. The uppermost part of
the lithosphere is like the epidermis of the skin and is a thin layer of the earth's crust. Fossils
found by the American team. The history of the Earth's formation due to unequal shifting
directions, then there were 3 types of meeting boundaries between the plates, namely moving
away from each other, colliding with each other, and passing each other. In the area where the
two plates move away from each other there are several phenomena such as:
 The stretching of the plates accompanied by the collision of the two plates.
 Formation of ocean floor embankments along the plates stretching.
 Deep-sea volcanism activity that produces alkaline lava with a pillow structure and a
stretch of dilute lava discharge. In the area where the two plates meet, the following
phenomena occur.
 There is volcanic activity, intrusion and extrusion.
 It is a shallow and deep earthquake hypocenter area.
 The oceanic plate is subducting under the continental plate.
 A sea trench is formed at the impact site. As a result of the plates approaching each other.


2. Edition : Geological Society of India
3. Author : O.N.Bhargavan and B.P Sign
4. Publisher : Geological Society of India
5. City of publication : Bangalore
6. Year of publication : 2014
7.ISBN : 948-93-8099820-2


There is a very ancient prayer “Let not Mother Earth get Earth is my mother; I am the
made the sages (Rishis) bow down to the Mother Earth The Mother Earth is identified Shakti
associated with Vishnu. In fact Vishnu is associated Bhudevi (the Goddess of the Earth). Basins,
numerous rivers and huge islands, hot treeless of the astounding Universe. The Universe was
created, around 13-14 billion years time and space were born from this colossal detonation. In
less than a second the infant Universe had expanded trillion of times. another half a billion years
before these atoms combined are billions of galaxies in the Universe. The most distant galaxy
that can be Our own galaxy cluster, known as the Local Group or the Milky Way (Aakash
Ganga), is part 2000 members, is by far the biggest.400,000 million stars is twice the size of the
Milky Way, and at 2.9 million light years away, is the most distant its 200 billion distant stars
that form a distinct band The Milky Way is spiral in shape, with. The nebula condensed to form
the years) small amount of nebula began to collapse inwards. and, thus a star — our Sun was
formed. of the Solar System were formed from the remaining gas The Sun dominates its family
of planets, Earth and Mars were created in an environment that was atmosphere as they were
quite far away from the Sun. About 4.6 Ga, the Earth started its life as a ball of hot hot interior of
the planet was released in gaseous form to religion has its own estimate of the age of the Earth.
the age of Earth as 4004 BC. of the Earth as 4.2 Ga, which is quite close to the. The location of
continents and the oceans that we see Drift which envisaged that initially all continents were that
shaped the continents and oceans still continue to movement of earth plates. forming convection
currents that cause drifting of the The convection currents also lead to upwelling of magma in the
ocean bottoms resulting in the formation of mid-oceanic ridges. portion on either side of the mid-
oceanic ridge leading to drift of the plates. material that is added along the mid-oceanic ridges is
oceanic plates. The collision of two plates gives rise to oceanic and continental plates and the
Himalaya of Continents have changed their locations in remote magnetism in rocks of different
ages. continents and variation in the atmosphere also caused.

1 CONTENT The main book contains The comparison book 1 Comparison book 2 is the
complete material, the has material that is not book that contains the
history of the earth is inferior to the main book. least amount of related
explained in full in it, This comparison book 1 is material. The material is a
but the explanation of the book that explains little incomplete when
one material to material the material the most in compared to the main
requires a more detail, so that there is a book and comparison
understanding so that it good connection book 1.
is easy to understand between one sentence
when compared to and the next, as well as
comparison books. paragraphs and
paragraphs. For content
indicators, we find the 1st
comparison book which is
the most superior
2 LANGUANGE The language used in The language used in The language used in
the main book is an comparison book 1 is comparison book 2 is
easy language to easy to understand so easy to understand,
understand so that it that it makes it easy for concise and concise. use
makes it easy for readers to understand. English so it has a plus
readers to understand. This book also uses too
Uses English so will Indonesian so it is easier
make book have to understand but for
confident if comparison international classes it
to other internasional will be worth less
3 COVER For the cover of book 1, Comparison book 1 has a Comparison book 2 has
in our opinion, it is very cover that is enough to the most superior cover
lacking when compared attract the reader's in our opinion, because
to the comparison book attention to have it and the color combination is
bring very attractive and in
accordance with the title
of the book. The cover of
this book will attract the
attention of readers to
have it and read it
4 WRITING No problem with No problem with No problem with
writing(ordinary) writing(ordinary) writing(ordinary)

4.1 Conclusion

1) The main book, comparison book 1 and comparison book 2 are books that we highly
recommend to read to increase knowledge
2) If you are a person who likes language that is very easy to understand, we recommend
comparison book 1, but if you are a person who likes puzzles and likes scientific language,
what is recommended is the main book.
3) In terms of cover, we recommend comparison book 2
4) And in general, in our opinion, the most recommended are in order: Main book, Comparison
Book 1, Comparison Book 2

4.2 Suggestion

We advise readers to read the advantages and disadvantages that we made so that it is easier to
get a recommendation for the book to choose (this is just our opinion). In addition, there is
nothing wrong if the reader has the 3 books because it will increase their understanding of the
history of the earth even better.

DePaolo , D. (2008). Origin and Evolution of Earth : Research Questions for a Changing
Planet. Washington D.C: National Academy Press.
HambaAlloh. (2012). Bumi dan Tata Surya. Surakarta: TIM MGMP Kota Surakarta.

O.N.Bhargavan,B.P Sign. (2014). Story of the Earth. Bangalore: Geological Society of


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