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Cam Could

may might
must should
shall would

Trabajo final de Ingles técnico

Curso: Ingles técnico

Especialidad: Electronica industrial

Alumno: Franco Joaquin Ortiz

Identificar y reconocer la importancia del uso del equipo de
protección personal utilizando vocabulario apropiado de
acuerdo al nivel de aprendizaje requerido en su carrera a través
de estructuras gramaticales
como The Simple Present Tense,
Modal Verbs, Technical
Vocabulary, etc. Podrá hacer uso
de PPT, videos u otro material
audiovisual que considere
conveniente como material de soporte.

1- The industrial safety helmet,

for the protection of blows to
the head.

2- Safety gloves protect hans and forearms from:

● Chemical products
● Abrasion
● Cuts and injuries
● Hot objects
● Sharp objects
● Electric tensión

3-Hearing protectors are endoaural or goblet.They should be used when:

● The noise level excedes 85 dB

● When people get irritated easily
● When there is the possibility of occasional or
frequent high intensity noises

4- The BODY protectors can be of

defferent types:

● Fall protection
● Special clothing for welders
● Protection against water
● Protection against chemicals
5- Airway protectors can be:

● Common disposable masks

● Respirators with re-chageable cartridges
● Full mask
6- Currently due to this situación of the Covid-19 pandemic social
distancing and a disinfected workplace.

GUIDE Strutures

1. The Simple Present Tense

This verb tense is used to describe actions that are habitual and routine activities that
you currently have.

2. Modal Verbs.

The modal verbs are:

We use modals to show if we believe something is certain, possible or impossible:

My keys must be in the car.

It migth rain tomorrow.
That can’t be Pete’s coat, It’s too small.
We also use them to do things like talk about ability, ask permission, and make
requests and offers:

I can’t swim.
May I ask a question?
Could I have some tea, please?
Would you like some help?

3- Technical Vocabulary

AMP : Amperio
Electriacal : Electrico
Mechatronic : Mecatrónico
Technical : Técnico
Temperature : Temperatura
Machine : Maquina
Instruments : Intrumentos
An Ammeter : Un amperímetro
Tope measure : Cinta métrica
A grinder : Una moledora
An electronic miltimeter : Un Multimetro eléctrico
A homer : Un martillo

A set of spanners : Un juego de llaves

A monkey wrench : Una llave inglesa

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