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Philippine Christian University Mary Johnson

College of Nursing and Health Science

415 Morga St. Tondo Manila

Name: SANTOS, AIRA E. Course Title: BS NURSING Class Sched: FRI 3:00PM-4:00PM


1. Video No. 1: Global Development

1.1. Learning No. 1:

The first time I watched the video, it gives me an idea how the world is in better health and
prosperity now than it has ever been. From hunting foods to shop everything in online now. Our
life now is easier, convenient and better than before. People's lifestyles have significantly
improved as a result of the presence and development of technology. People now have better
access to various resources than in the past, and they can communicate more easily than

I grew up in our province at Occidental Mindoro and I still remember how hard there life before.
My grandparents always tell us their stories, they used charcoal and dry woods for cooking but
now we using electrical stove. Going to another Barangay holding heavy fruits and vegetables to
sell but now, we have this tricycle service for transporting products. Lastly, wearing a traditional
dress in our Province (Baag) before but now they have their own fashion clothes. For me,
technology is improving and has a profound impact on several parts of life. In fact, modern
technology has made homes cozier and more pleasant.

1.2. Learning No. 2:

The second topic that caught my attention was the importance of 5 conditions that are required
for countries to grow and sustain healthy economics. We cannot hope for sustainable and long-
term process development without these 5 conditions. Some countries experience peace,
stability, and good education, others seem to be trapped in a never-ending cycle of conflict and
violence. This might not be unavoidable, and it has to be addressed. Otherwise, if we sustained
these 5 conditions the already expensive global and local effects become even more so. We are
seeing an increase in the frequency, duration, and spread of conflict, as well as the incidence and
severity of disasters, environmental degradation, volatility in previously stable nations, financial
crises, and other forms of inequality. These patterns are interconnected.

I remember this happened way back 2019, me and my friends go to our Municipality to apply
summer job. This announcement is given to us but when we go there, one member in the Mayor's
Office told us that we are not qualified to work because of our age and they chose/hired people
who are older than us. They did not give us the opportunity to work and show our skills, they
discriminate us because we are minors. Until now, our place is one of the poorest municipal in
Philippine Christian University Mary Johnson
College of Nursing and Health Science
415 Morga St. Tondo Manila

2. Video No. 2: Global Development Defined

1.1. Learning No. 1:

I would like to give more focus on one of the definitions of good institution which is “Property
Rights”. Based on the video it is define as constructions that are used to determine how a resource
or economic commodity is used and owned. Individuals, associations, collectives, and
governments can all own (and so be the owners of) resources. Property rights can be viewed of
as a feature of an economic good. For me, it is important for people to have property of rights
because it ensures freedom because production control is distributed among numerous actors;
no one has complete control of resources. Whether the means of production are controlled by
‘society' or the central government, both have complete control. When governments control
resources, a small group of individuals make decisions about what to create, how much to
produce, and for how much.

I have this example in our town, before there is lack of property rights that is why the business
there are less efficient. In addition, its causes war between the persons who involve. There is a
family there who said that they owned the properties but the government steal it to them because
they do not have papers or proof.

1.2. Learning No. 2:

The second topic that I learned from the video is the other definition of good institution “Honest
Government”. Having good and honest governance brings you peace of mind and encourages you
to form trusting relationships. This will create a healthy and positive working environment
between government and the people. Also, it is important for me because good governance is
constantly fighting corruption.

As example, based on what I noticed in our town last time I went there is the “Pautang para sa
mga mangingisda”. They created this program for those fishermen affected by typhoon. The aim
of this program by our government is to give chance all the fishermen to start again. This pautang
or loan have a lower interest rate.

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